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posted by pumpkinqueen
I went to my first Anime Con last night and it was amazing! So awesome!

Right when we pulled up I was already seeing awesome cosplays. Shizuo from Durarara, Ash from Pokemon, Alois from Black Butler, Grell from Black Butler, Maka from Soul Eater, Vash from Trigun, Death the Kid from Soul Eater, and a bunch of Hetalia.

As we were waiting in line to get in, they were playing populer MMD music. It was hilarious seeing people going out and dancing to it. They were all to it perfectly.

We got are Tags to were as we went in, there was a stage were Johnny's band 'Eyeshine' was going to play later. Different rooms to go into. One were Du can get the autographs, one were Du could buy things, and another for Artist Ally.

Du had to go threw Artist Ally to get to the Panel room. So as we waited, we looked at the stuff people made and were selling. I....freaked...out, there was a Pirate!France and England cosplayers selling Hetalia buttons!! Their cosplays were awesome! Turns out the France cosplayer had made them! I bought the France button and my sister got a England button.

So, finally we got into the first Panel. Which was with Johnny Yong Bosch's. He was very funny, he sang all of his answers. Haha, even sang a song 'I'm the Background Power Ranger' Which my mom and sister sagte was true. XD He also told his Homeless Person story, so funny. But, he wasn't very intoractive during the autograph signing. It was pretty much, sign and go. Which, was very disappointing. The only thing he really reponded to, was my little sister's Wolf's Rain picture she handed him. She asked her if she got it here. We told him we printed it off line. He looked impressed Von it. I kinda blame his band Mehr for that for him not being very intoractive. Because they were making him sign one thing, unless people buy something. I think he would have signed anything people gave him. But thankfully, they didn't start really inforcing in untill after us. So, we all got are pictures signed.

Then after his panel, we stayed for Robert Axelrods panel. Which my mom and older sister wanted to see. Sadly I didn't know who he was, I only knew him a little for playing Lord Zed in Power Rangers. He has very bad arthritis, that makes his bad hunch over. I felt so bad for him. Bless that mans heart. Only 10 people were at his panel and hardly anyone asked him questions. I should have just ask 'What's your Favorit color' oder something. Just to give him a question. He was such a sweet man. He was so proud of all of his characters. Even his little Digimon characters. I think the people there treated him horrible. They didn't have his video set up and they never brought him his Black Power Ranger hemd, shirt they sagte they would bring him. At they just threw Donuts at him, without a napkin. So he just had to sit them on his autograph table. My mom and older sister said, when they walked passed him later, he was asleep at his booth. Bless his heart. My mom wishes she would have just printed off a Lord Zed picture for me and my little sister to sign. But, atleast we got our picture taken with him.

After all the panels, we went into the store room. I bought a France doll, a France figure, and I had my France button from ealier. Yes, a lot of France. XDD
My little sister got FMA cards, the FMA pocket watch, a Allen Walker necklace, a Sebastain pin, and a Ciel pin.

Then we left and had abendessen with my grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousin. Because it was also my Grandpa's birthday.

Then after we partyed with them and everything. We went back for Johnny's band 'Eyeshine' concert. We actually thought it was at 9, but turns out it was at 8. But, thankfully we only missed 5 Minuten of it. OMG, it was so loud. I can't understand how people were so close to the stage. So, we all just stayed in the back and listened to them. And guess what? Robert Axelrod was back there to sitting in a chair! We hung out with Lord Zedd and watched the concert. XD After a while, I got used to the loud music. I couldn't really understand what he was saying, maybe for it being so loud oder because he was so close to the mic. But, the Musik was very good and he had a good voice.
After the concert, we went and got pictures with them and autographs. Thankfully, my older sister ran a head of us and got first in line. So, we didn't wait long.

After that we went back Home and I passed out in bed, I was so tired out.
Only thing I wish I did was complement Mehr people on their costumes. Don't know why I didn't. Also, not getting Robert Axelrod's autograph.

So, my first Anime con was so much fun. I had a blast. My mom even sagte it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, and she wouldn't mind going back Weiter year!
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posted by CorporalSununu
Today, i shall we talking about a term any fanatic should know: shipping.
For starters, shipping is the main purpose of fanfictions. Without that, we wouldn't get to see how great a writer some people are, even if they didnt make up the characters.
There are many types of shipping. There is crack-pairing, ships that the actual Zeigen ships, ships made that make no sense at all, OC ships, and of course the ships everyone ships because they can.
Shipping can go from straight to homosexual, chaotic to heroic, and even weird to weirder.
For those of Du who want to start shipping, I have this advice:...
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Source: Google Bilder
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Source: Google
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