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Who is the most beautiful Disney heroine ever drawn according to Fanpop princess fans? Let's find out, shall we? This Liste does not necessarily reflect my own personal opinion but instead shows the results according to approximately forty voters per round. We'll work our way to the oben, nach oben starting at number fifteen...

 Kida is about eighty eight hundred years old but doesn't look a Tag over 22.
Kida is about eighty eight hundred years old but doesn't look a Tag over 22.

15. Poor Kida. Her film was considered second-rate Disney Von most and her looks don't get much appreciation either. To her credit, Kida is one of the most unique princesses in appearance and personality. She has tan skin, enchanting blue eyes, and long, layered white hair. Unfortunately for Atlantis lovers, Princess Kida is in fifteenth place on Disney Princess Fanpop's beauty-o-meter as most people find her to be Mehr stange looking than beautiful.

 She's small, sassy and can occasionally be sweet. But if Du go after Peter Pan, she will try to kill you.
She's small, sassy and can occasionally be sweet. But if Du go after Peter Pan, she will try to kill you.

14. For someone so small, Tinker glocke seems to have made quite a big impression on the world...however, according to the Princess lovers, her looks are much Mehr on the cute level while the other heroines are in a completely different ball game. Tinker Bell's a curvy little diva with slightly exotic looking blue eyes and a cute, messy bun in her blonde hair, all very nice but not nearly enough to earn her a oben, nach oben spot on our list.

 The first ever animated heroine in any film, most beautiful oder not, Snow White is the one that started it all.
The first ever animated heroine in any film, most beautiful oder not, Snow White is the one that started it all.

13. Fairest one of all? Not according to our voters. Snow White is generally the most unpopular princess on Fanpop, so for her to have made it in thirteenth place and not fifteenth is an improvement compared to her usual ranking. She is a young, perky and sweet little princess, envied Von the evil Queen for her beauty. But most of our voters found Snow White plain with an altmodisch hairstyle and some even Kommentiert that she was not pretty at all. I guess the idea of beauty fades and changes over time.

 Some may see her as a plain jane...but this Jane is Queen of the jungle.
Some may see her as a plain jane...but this Jane is Queen of the jungle.

12. In twelfth place, we have Jane Porter from the film that is commonly considered Disney's last animated classic until The Princess and the Frog. Although Jane is decent-looking, it pretty much ends there. Many found her to be plain looking and not as unique as the other heroines. Her facial proportions have even been compared to the gelflings from The Dark Crystal. Still, her bright blue eyes, rosy cheeks and quirky smile were enough to get her farther than some. When it comes down to it, though, she's just a plain jane.

 Blue Fairy grants Pinocchio the gift of life...but becoming a real boy is up to him.
Blue Fairy grants Pinocchio the gift of life...but becoming a real boy is up to him.

11. Weiter to go was Blue Fairy, the Sekunde ever animated heroine in a Disney classic. Like some other voters, I find her sort of to look like a blonde Snow White, which would make sense considering the films had less variety in styling their characters during earlier Disney animation. Although she didn't quite make it to the oben, nach oben ten, Blue Fairy has an elegance about her that is shown during her limited screen time. Still, many users found her to be too old looking which is why she was gegeben the boot.

 Meg is a sassy diva with a hidden vulnerable side...but she will NOT say she's in Liebe (at least out loud).
Meg is a sassy diva with a hidden vulnerable side...but she will NOT say she's in Liebe (at least out loud).

10. Just making it into our oben, nach oben ten Liste is Megara from Disney's Hercules. To be fair, a lot of her Stimmen were mainly due to the extreme style of Animation that was used in Hercules. Although other princesses, such as Aurora, Ariel, and Jasmine, have unrealistic waistlines, none of them are quite as thin and sharp looking as this brunette beauty. Her facial features are severe and her hair is outrageous...then again, these things could be why some voters adore her. But even with her loyal fans, she is still generally considered less beautiful than the other nine on the Liste including...

 Mulan proved that girls can do anything boys can do and became a legend doing so. In the sequel, a king even refers to her as Mehr valuable than three princesses.
Mulan proved that girls can do anything boys can do and became a legend doing so. In the sequel, a king even refers to her as Mehr valuable than three princesses.

9. Our ninth spot goes to China's saviour Mulan. She has lucious black locks for the first little bit of the film until she chops it off for the greater good. Although her feminine side is hidden for the majority of the film while she parades as a male soldier, a lot of Fans did find Mulan beautiful...unfortunately, many claimed her to be just a tad plain looking in comparison to our oben, nach oben eight beauties. This may have been the animators' doing because they did have to Design a girl who would believably pass as a man Von just tying her hair in a bun. When Aschenputtel puts her hair in a bun, she looks like a beautiful princess. But when Mulan puts her hair in a bun, she can trick people into thinking she's a dude.

 This beautiful gypsy girl sees past Quasimodo's ugly exterior and teaches him to see Mehr in himself and others.
This beautiful gypsy girl sees past Quasimodo's ugly exterior and teaches him to see Mehr in himself and others.

8. Eliminated Weiter was our final non-princess, Esmeralda, the beautiful gypsy girl who wins the herz of the hunchback of Notre Dame. Esmeralda has big, black wavy hair, a milch chocolatey complexion and piercing blue-green eyes. Unfortunately, some voters thought her to be a bit manly looking and one person compared her hair to a lion's mane. Esmeralda's looks must be appreciated somewhat though considering the three main male characters are all Verzaubert Von her beauty, including the villain who is actually racist against her people. However gorgeous she may be, the majority of our voters didn't find her not quite as visually pleasing as our oben, nach oben contenders.

 Her story is the most beloved of all fairy tales, Aschenputtel may not be the most beautiful of them all but she is easily the most iconic princess.
Her story is the most beloved of all fairy tales, Aschenputtel may not be the most beautiful of them all but she is easily the most iconic princess.

7. In seventh place, the Fans voted the lovely Cinderella. Most Fans agreed that while Aschenputtel is very pretty, she isn't quite as beautiful as the others above her. Her hairdo is pretty simple unlike Aurora's and Jasmine's, after all, she is a servant girl living with a stepfamily that is bitterly jealous of her. But Aschenputtel is one of Disney's most iconic characters and easily their most iconic princess in general. So at least all the little girls who have her face on their knapsacks and t-shirts think she's gorgeous. Unfortunately for her though, on Fanpop, she just doesn't make the cut.

 Tiana doesn't depend on anyone but herself when it comes to making her dreams come true.
Tiana doesn't depend on anyone but herself when it comes to making her dreams come true.

6. The Weiter leading lady to hit the road was Disney's newest princess...Miss Tiana. Anyone can see that the girl is gorgeous with her rosy cheeks, full, dark rosa lips, and big brown eyes. Yet, even with these beautiful attributes, Tiana wasn't quite as beliebt in the beauty department as some of the pretty princesses that came before her. And it doesn't help her that the majority of the film she has slimy green skin and webbed feet. Now, onto our oben, nach oben five most beautiful heroines as voted Von the Princess fans.

 Disney received some criticism for turning the young, unconventional looking historic figure into what looks like a runway, start-und landebahn model.
Disney received some criticism for turning the young, unconventional looking historic figure into what looks like a runway, start-und landebahn model.

5. Making it into the bottom of our oben, nach oben five was Disney's first ever princess based on an American legend...Pocahontas. There's no denying this girl is exquisite looking - with her tall, athletic figure, thick red lips, and flowing black hair. Pocahontas has a certain maturity in her looks and is drawn in a unique, realistic way in comparison to our doe-eyed beauties like Ariel and Belle. But it just wasn't quite enough to get her the oben, nach oben spot in our countdown. Mehr than one person has also sagte that her face resembled that of a fisch which I don't personally see. Pocahontas is a stunning beauty but not quite as beautiful as number 4...

 Although Belle is beautiful, the makers of the film made her unaware of it. She spends her days Lesen and dreaming of adventure.
Although Belle is beautiful, the makers of the film made her unaware of it. She spends her days Lesen and dreaming of adventure.

4. Well, it's no wonder that her name means beauty. Her looks have got no parallel. Yes, number four goes to to the maiden who found inner beauty in an Verzaubert prince: Belle. She's the most beloved Disney princess on Fanpop, but not just for her amazing olive eyes, shoulder-length brown hair, rosy cheeks and plump rosa lips. Belle is a beauty both on the outside and the inside which is why people Liebe her so much. She is an unusual young woman who loves to read, something that was socially frowned upon during her time. Unfortunately, some users actually found her to be plain throughout most of the film, saying her beauty only appears evident in certain scenes. Still, she's one of a kind, a beauty but a funny girl that Belle.

 Ariel's that spunky mermaid princess Du just can't help but love. She's a combination of adventurous and hopelessly romantic.
Ariel's that spunky mermaid princess Du just can't help but love. She's a combination of adventurous and hopelessly romantic.

3.In third place we have the strikingly beautiful mermaid who dreamed of life on land. Her signature red, flowing hair is unmatched Von any other heroine. Her expressive, sea-blue eyes captured our spirits when we first saw her. And her wonderful voice compliments her beauty perfectly. Ariel was Disney's first non-traditional princess and made quite an impression on everyone. She's adventurous, daring, headstrong...but of course, like most princesses, can't resist a handsome prince when she sees one. Ariel is a unique beauty and a favourite princess to many Fanpop users. Sadly, not everyone found her to be as gorgeous as our oben, nach oben two and sagte that she was Mehr cute than stunning.

 jasmin is smart, independent, and thinks on her feet. And if she starts to seduce you, watch out! It's a trap!
Jasmine is smart, independent, and thinks on her feet. And if she starts to seduce you, watch out! It's a trap!

2.Our runner-up is an exotic beauty unlike any other...Princess jasmin is practically a goddess. Her thick, long, black hair and her signature oval-shaped brown eyes are all part what makes her irreplaceable. Although jasmin is only sixteen, she carries a mature sex appeal and is the epitome of feistiness. Aladin falls hardcore for her almost instantly after seeing her smile and spends the rest of the film going as far as to deceive her in the hopes of winning her heart. But her herz is no prize to be won and neither is she. jasmin may be one of Disney's most beautiful heroines but she is also one of the most empowering ones. Although some people claim she is bitchy, she is actually very kind and is only sassy to those who have done her wrong oder are being cruel oder insensitive. Her only occasional drawback was people complaining that her eyes were abnormally large and overpowering her tiny face. jasmin is just an amazing looking girl and she's the only Disney Princess who isn't even the star, sterne of her film. I guess when you're that gorgeous, people Liebe Du whether you're on screen for a hundred Minuten oder twenty. This statement couldn't be truer for Disney's most beautiful heroine to ever grace the silver screen...

The #1 Most Beautiful Disney Heroines Of All Time is...
 Disney Princess Fanpop proudly presents its most beautiful heroine...Princess Aurora.
Disney Princess Fanpop proudly presents its most beautiful heroine...Princess Aurora.

Gold of sunshine in her hair, lips that shame the red, red rose...Princess Aurora is the most beautiful Disney heroine of all time. The sleeping beauty is a princess but has the elegance of a queen. As she frolicks through the woods, adults and children alike can't help but be Verzaubert Von her mysterious beauty. Her blonde curls bounce around her as she dances and her figure was based on that of Audrey Hepburn. Her eyes are blue but can be mistaken for a purple tone in certain scenes. She is one of a kind. Although some people complain she looks like a Barbie, that statement can be sagte of any Disney heroines really as they all have unrealistic body proportions. Aurora actually is anything but generic with her curly, sun-kissed hair and magnificent eyes. She is a stunning character that makes an everlasting impression in her short 18 Minuten of screentime. The animators worked meticulously to make sure she lived up to her gift of beauty and it is a known fact that she is one of the most sought after characters at Disney World. What little girl doesn't want to meet the exquisite Aurora oder Briar Rose as she was called while growing up in the forest? Aurora may not have the most memorable personality and in fact contributes little to the film but damn, there's no denying she is gorgeous. And according to the majority of us Princess Fans on Fanpop, she is the ultimate beauty. The unparalleled goddess in animation.
Welcome to the results of the countdown for Which Disney Princess Has the Best Speaking Voice. This Umfrage was so much fun to work on! Thanks to all the people who participated in it. I'm so sorry, but I decided to only chose three Kommentare from every Umfrage and try to fit any further opinions into my paragraphs. Also, I've shortened a few comments, because for some reason my mind really isn't comfortable with the longer comments. Now, without any further ado, let's look at the outcomes.

11. Snow White

Snow White went out very quickly, with users claiming that her voice is much too high to be likable....
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
posted by MaidofOrleans
Wow, this has been quite the countdown. We've finally made it to the end where all the winning dresses are pitted against one another to determine the best of the best! Most of the Umfrage were close, but it was lots of fun. Enjoy!

Previous Articles

8. Pocahontas's brown dress

Aw, I'm so sad this dress was the first to leave since it's one of my Favoriten out of the winning dresses. I Liebe its unique style. Sadly, Fans didn't agree and this dress was deemed to be the worst of the best.

It's not even a dress. ~truth76
I like the shape but the others are far prettier....
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 1. Normal dress
1. Normal dress
We are now on the final renaissance princess Mulan. However she is not a royal princess. She is not born one and she maries Li Shang a soldier not a prince, but she is still really cool and has princess outfits so don't be saying negative thing she rocks.

1.Normal dress
When we first see Mulan she is wearing a green Cardigan, blue strap all on oben, nach oben of a yellow dress. This all looks lovely, I Liebe the colours on it. A lightly coloured outfit thats Pretty and simple all in all I like it. 8/10

2. Brides maid dress
When Singen reflections, Mulan is wearing a rosa top, a high ponytail, dark blue strap...
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 We'll be excluding Frozen in this countdown.
We'll be excluding Frozen in this countdown.
Greetings! I'm ApplesauceDoctr, here with an evaluation of the theatrical posters for the 11 Disney Princess films. To determine which posters are the greatest, I've considered three factors:

1) The Design (including layout and color scheme)
2) Intrigue (the strategy involved in "selling" the film, oder influencing moviegoers to see it; includes the design, tagline, and impression)
3) Reflection of the film (how accurate of a representation the poster is of the movie it's advertising)

I'm attempting to look at each category objectively, but that may be difficult for the third one. My perception of...
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I just wanted to share a quick read on my oben, nach oben Favorit sidekicks from DP movies. I enjoy sidekicks a lot in DP Filme and they have such a heartfelt roles in most Filme and beautiful relationships with the leads. They usually are gegeben a good sense of humor oder are such awesome friends. I mostly do Liebe them all, but then ranking is always fun and here's my oben, nach oben 10.

10. Angus:
I totally adore him! he's innately bonded with Merida and as much as she enjoys being in wild and free, he does so too. I Liebe how he plays on the mountain top, having fun all Von himself Von rolling. I Liebe their chemistry...
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I started this Artikel "series" almost a Jahr ago, but abandoned my fandoms for a while (very sorry to the people who were looking vorwärts-, nach vorn to it), but now I'm back and want to continue the Artikel (hopefully consistently), please enjoy!

If any of Du are familiar with character stylization oder really art in general Du might like this article. I'm talking about character stylization in the sense that when the artist is also the Autor of the character's personality and has written out their every thought in simply the way they are designed. This can also be called "interpreted art" as anyone...
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Here are the results of Countdown for The SCARIEST DP Villain. The Liste is a result of the countdown done Von fans. I tried to include at least one Kommentar from everyone, to let the Fans Zeigen their opinions and I do apologize if I didn't include your's. I also added my own opinion to the descriptions, but it's just my opinion so feel free to disagree.


11. Gov. Ratcliffe
I wasn't surprised to see Ratcliffe leave first. Personally I've never cared for him, he just seems like spoiled brat to me. But even his Fans don't find him all that threatening.

He's Mehr like Hans. They both are...
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Alright guys, this article's going to be one of the longer ones in this series, if not the longest. There are so many blue outfits among the DPs! I'm also really regretting not including the blue-green outfits in the green countdown instead of this one, because it ended up being so long, but oh well. I hope Du enjoyed it anyway!

Previous Articles

10. Mulan's blue sleepwear

I didn't think this outfit deserved to be the first one eliminated. I like the style of the top, and it looks very comfy to sleep in. I can see why people wouldn't like it though.

Anyways, this one is the most...
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 Belle and Beast - 'Beauty and the Beast'
Belle and Beast - 'Beauty and the Beast'
1 Belle and Beast - 'Beauty and the Beast'

Sometimes it's the little details, like lady Lumiere in the background and dude!Belle's glasses in his pocket.

2 Cruella de Vil - '101 Dalmatians'

And sometimes it's just being uncomfortably attracted to one of the most evil people in the Disney lexicon.

3 Elsa - 'Frozen'

There would be no eternal winter with this smoking hot King on the Thorne.

4 Esmeralda - 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'

Did God help the outcasts get ripped? Because dayum.

5. Hades - 'Hercules'

This makeover makes her derisive 'He's a man!' line even better.

6 Sophie and Howl - 'Howl's Moving...
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added by dragonguy
 Brotherly Liebe
Brotherly love
Hi guys, since I had compare both Titanic and Frozen. There is another movie that I notice that is similar to the latter, and that movie is Brother Bear.

Brother Bear

Apart from the sibling love, Kenai actually reminds me of Elsa, because like Elsa, he needs to have brotherly Liebe with Koda. He was also mistakenly thought to be the same bär in his brother, Denahi's eyes that killed his 2 brothers and became vengeful until the ending scene when Kenai gets turn back into a human.
Koda is very much like Anna, because they're both optimistic. It wasn't until that he found out the truth that Kenai...
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posted by deedragongirl
 A Blonde Haired Elvis?
A Blonde Haired Elvis?
Hi guys, since Beauty and the Beast will be coming Weiter Jahr in March. Here is my opinion and reason on why Gerard Butler should be the perfect beast, comparing him to Dan Stevens.

Gerard Butler

I watched the Phantom of the Opera a few weeks Vor after not seeing it for many years, I always thought that it was Antonio Banderas playing the Titel character. But it did not sound like him at all!
So here is my reason why I think Gerard is the perfect beast, he nailed the character of the Phantom perfectly and he has a rock & roll quality in his voice! He also managed to play a very a sympathetic...
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added by KataraLover
Source: ME
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Me Photoshop CS4
Hi everyone, I'm ApplesauceDoctr here today with a short Artikel that's purely for fun. A while back I gepostet a Umfrage where I associated some of the mushrooms in the game Plants vs. Zombies with the DPs, and now I wanted to expand on that while also providing some brief reasoning for my choices. Note that I'll be generalizing these characters quite a bit here, mostly looking at just one quality. This is all in good fun though, so let's begin! I'm actually going to start off with an unofficial princess:

Puff Shroom: Sofia (Sofia the First)
Sofia is the youngest and consequently smallest of...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: https://www.trendtoys.ch/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=vaiana