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tbowman1123 sagte …
Hi Superl....I just saw your message on the Godzilla
Fanpop page and was so glad to hear that someone else
has an aspie Godzilla fan.....our son is going to be 7 in
May and is completely obsessed with Godzilla!!....The
challenging thing is trying to find other kids his age who
appreciate Godzilla as much as he does. Would your son
be interested in being "pen pals", maybe through the
internet with our son (Jack)? We live in Virginia and would
Liebe to hear back from you.:) gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
SuperI sagte über Godzilla
Im glad i found this forum, my 6 Jahr old Aspie Son, is a huge Fan club of Godzilla and loves this page, he knows all about Godzilla, his origin, his Friends and foes... gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr