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Yoo Seung Ho Writes a Heartfelt Message for His Fans after Discharge from Military Service

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It was called Yoo Seung Ho Writes a Heartfelt Message for His Fans after Discharge from Military Service | Soompi
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Actor Yoo Seung Ho, who was discharged from his mandatory military service yesterday, left a heartfelt message for his fans at his fan cafe.
“I want to thank everyone who came out to the ceremony today despite the cold weather,” he started.
He honestly admitted, “Truthfully, I don’t know what to say at the moment. I’ve been discharged, but it feels like I should be going back soon. I’m repeatedly writing and erasing what I’m trying to say.”
He also commented on how he shed tears at the discharge ceremony that took place on December 4. “I remember thinking, before I enlisted, ‘why do celebrities cry when they are discharged?’ But now I understand why they shed those tears. I couldn’t hold them in back then. It’s impossible to express those feelings into words.”
He continued, saying, “I served my 21 months but it pains me to see my juniors still there. And thankful. I’m grateful for my commander. And I’m sorry that I’m leaving. We went through so much, and when all those priceless memories that only those of us in Unit 10 will share flew past my eyes, tears started falling.”
He brought up his fans as well. “And the fans. The second wave of tears burst when I saw so many cameras. I’ve looked through the articles, and there are only pictures of me crying.”
“Apparently women hate it the most when guys talk about the military, but this is the only thing I can talk about at the moment. Just think of me as your own little brother complaining about how difficult everything was.”
He concluded his post by saying, “While serving, my dreams changed. Now I want to become an actor that gives people happiness. I want someone to watch my work and really enjoy those moments they spend watching it. That’s my dream. I’m going to begin again with the dream of becoming an ‘actor that gives people happiness.’ I want to thank all the fans who have waited until now.”
Yoo Seung Ho will be holding fan meetings in Seoul, Tokyo, and Shanghai, staring on December 21.
Yoo Seung Ho Moved to Tears by Fans at Military Discharge Ceremony
Military does change you some, it changed me. Gives you a different outlook on life, after you come out. he is so sweet, and I am sure he was so happy and surprised by the fans. The loveand support, they have given him. I wish him all the best in his acting and what ever he decides to do. He is an amazing actor, and to improve on perfection, I don\'t think it can be done! He is perfect as it is!!
Congratulations to you, Yoo Seung Ho, looking forward to your acting, with a happy heart!!
I can honestly say that every time I have seen hyung, he has given me happiness! He doesn\'t need to change anything.
We all knew and read about his determination before and during his military service. He was already that kind of an actor for me...loved him. But now knowing he is more determined than ever to become "the happiness actor", I can\'t wait to see his work. Welcome back and it\'s nice to know you serve your country well. 
Welcome back, Yoo Seung Ho! and Welcome, your new dream! To give happiness to people, that\'s such a nice dream :")
@Ming Banger Hi MIng, how are you? time passed by so quickly, one moment YSH is enlisted and next he is discharged. Wow, look forward to seeing him on screen. Do you know if he can sing too?
Hi Ms Liu! We figured you were busy preparing for Holiday. I am well and content. Wish there were more females around...only me and my aunt.
I honestly don\'t know if hyung can sing....I\'m usually too busy being rude and staring at him. He used to pinch my cheek and ruffle my hair like a little kid and smile when I turned crimson. I will ask when we see him again.
@Ming Banger You can skype me. I will show you my kitchen online!!! 
@Ming Banger @vallerygirl You know him too. Wow, he must be such a darling. He must be not popular with your boyfriend!!
I am very busy, work from 7am till 2am everyday. No time to go online. Today I gave myself a small break and missed you guys. Great to see you online. I will try to send something over to you. But will wait till the person I know flies to US. She can help me post it from US. Need vallerygirls\'s address and yours to post it. Will email you later.
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