Schreiben Club
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Jason: blonde spiky hair, green eyes, wearing his Favorit gitarre hemd, shirt for almost three days straight, and he’s a teenager, but a rather short one. He has orange braces that are spotted easily when he smiles. Jason has an arm that can oddly twist all the way around in a
perfect circle. One of the strangest things about him is a black thing in the shape of a flame on his left leg. People think it’s a poorly drawn drawing, but he was born with it, and as he got older it grew with him.

Jason was sitting Von the fireplace watching the flames blow from side to side. His eyes liked to find themselves, looking at every spark that jumped. Every spark that flue, reflected on Jason’s flame. Each time, the flame would turn multiple shades of red. Although the sight was rather interesting, Jason never noticed it. He was to busy watching the fire.

Every Tag he’d watch the feuer for about a half an hour. After, he’d go to his room and rest. And he’d think about what happened in his day. The sun would loose to the moon in a vicious battle for being the center of attention in the beautiful sky. Then Jason would fall into a deep sleep. He’d always envision the same dream: He would be walking through a deserted town, with quietness swarming his ears. Then he’d hear a loud and very large boom! He feels of no emotion and strides toward the sound. Robotic Jason sees it now. A FIRE! He jumps into the horrendous disaster, and sees death buried under the fire, standing completely still. But before he could experience death, he wakes up. He barely talks to his parents. He barely talks to anyone! (A quiet child)
    Jason slowly trembled out of his bed. He had gans bumps so thick, that it looked like had hundreds of skin colored bruises. He made himself breakfast. Alone. When he walked on the bus, he sat in the back seat. Alone. When Jason would get to school, he waited ten Minuten for the glocke to ring. Alone. Jason always liked watching the other kids scatter out on the playground one Von one, while watching them Mitmachen different games. He was too afraid to play the games that the other boys played. Football and their aggressive chasing games just seemed dangerous, and Jason couldn’t stand the thought of getting hurt and taking a risk.
    Math was Jason’s first subject. His class was finding the rule to the plotted graph. Jason thought he had the answer. Jason thought to himself; I think I have it, but what if I don’t? What if I get it wrong? What if the class laughs at me? His head was a spiral of questions. Negative questions. Nobody had the answer. Finally Terry raised his hand.
    “ The answer is Y= x36!”
    “ Very good Terry!” Mrs. Cook said. That of course was the answer Jason had. After math, Mrs. Cook handed everyone their homework. Everyone but Jason. He was about to say something about him not having his homework, but he didn’t. Instead he pretended to put a paper in his homework folder.
This was how the rest of the school Tag lasted. At Home he heated himself some Frozen pizza and ate Von the fire. He sagte hi to his mom, and finally went to sleep in his never cleaned bed.

The Weiter morning, Jason woke up, and sat shivering on his cold, cold bed. Jason didn’t bother getting out of bed. He didn’t have his homework, and most of the teachers in his school reputation oddly had something against him. He’d always find himself on the rear edge of his small bed. Jason has owned it for as long as he was four years old. He had once had a peculiar dream that was oddly different than his normal ones. It was experienced the first Tag he’d slept in that bed: Jason was having the normal Jason day, eating the normal Jason snack, and being hated Von his teachers in a normal Jason school day. Jason came home. He was about to do the normal Jason think about what happened in his day, but right when he opened his normal Jason door to his normal Jason room, his normal Jason bed, was on fire. That of course was not normal.
    He always wondered why he had such strange dreams.

In the morning, he finally was getting ready for school, when he felt a stab in his left leg.

“OW!” he yelled. The good thing was, he slept on the very oben, nach oben 3rd floor where nobody could possibly hear him. He felt another stab on his left leg. He screamed again. He felt another stab on his left leg.

“OW!” He felt so many stabs on his leg that it became numb. Von now, he couldn’t feel a thing on his left leg. Just then, he felt a stab on his right leg. The same thing happened ‘till he was numb again. His joints and all his Bones were dangling. It seemed as if he were being controlled Von something. He didn’t feel any pain extra pain before school.

During history, he felt a stretch in his stomach, as if he were pulling a muscle in slow motion.
“Ow” he tried to say softly so nobody could hear, but the rest of the class laughed.
“Why are Du distracting my class?” Mrs. Vena asked in disturbance.
“Oh, my stomach hurts,” he tried to answer, but the words couldn’t come out. He was speechless.
“Huh?” the Mrs. Vena asked.
“Ok, I’ll give Du one Mehr chance to start doing the right thing,” declared Mrs. Vena. Du could see Jason’s bulging, watery eyes, because of the pain in his stomach, and the unfair, accusing pain in the teacher’s evil depths of power from controlling every kid in her class. Jason took a big gulp of fear, and unfairness, and went straight back to work.

He managed to get through class, -by basically hiding his head under his schreibtisch –until recess.
He walked outside of his class. His body was Mehr functional that before. He still had felt the pain he had had in his stomach. His eyes were like a heavy and watery wolke about to rain. He walked through the hallway. Alone. He was watching the other kids play. He thought; I’d never be able to play those games. I’m not athletic, oder anything close. This was the routine he did every day, but not this day. He walked to somewhere quiet. Somewhere where nobody was.
He was in a room of school he’d never been in. Neither did he know it existed. All there was in the room, was a black ball attached to the center of the floor. Nothing reflected it, but the flame on his leg. The flame’s reflection was gold. Glowing gold.
“Wow,” he thought.

He walked outside to Zeigen some of his non-friends. He managed to get them to come without saying a single word. When he was at the exact location, nothing was there. (Not even a crack.)
“Ha Ha,” sagte one of his non-friends. “You almost got us!” The group of Friends laughed, and scattered along to recess.

Once they were gone, the room suddenly appeared again! He walked in the room again. His flame still glowed on the ball. “Wow this is really cool,” he thought again.
He went over to touch the ball to feel it. He touched the ball, still feeling pain. Suddenly, he heard a voice. Jason turned around.

Hey you!” it said. Jason jumped backwards in surprise.

“Who me?” asked Jason sounding a little frightened.

The creature crawled down to where Jason was. The creature had ears like an elf, pale green skin, and stood tall on his little legs. He was the size of a book!

“Yeah you,” sagte the thing.

“Wait I can talk!” sagte Jason in surprise.”

“Yeah I know it was part of our plan. We gave Du these symptoms so that you’d meet me here!” The little creature had a bit of a snarky and nasally voice.

“You mean Du gave me all of this pain?” Jason sagte very madly. Suddenly his pain went away.

“Nnnno. Listen kid, Du have a flame on your leg. That’s very special. We’ve been looking for a kid like Du for um,” The creature paused for a second, but then spoke: 1,920 years!” sagte the thing.

“Why am I so special.”

“Ok, Du have a flame on your leg. We
have an invention. Originally every person in our society was able to use it, but our builder was very smart and he knew a way this invention would work a million times better, so he sent out a signal. Once that signal was heard Von any human, a baby would be born, one with a flame on its leg. After that person is seen Von one of us, that person will be gegeben super powers later in its life. Du are that kid. We gave Du pain so that you’d finally find one of us!” sagte the thing.

“What’s your name?” asked Jason.

I’m not allowed to tell you,” sagte the creature.

“What am I, the Weiter Harry Potter? The one that shall not be named?” sagte Jason in a rather sarcastic way.

“I wish you’d listen to me!” demanded the creature. His face was turning dark red.

“Touch the glowing Gold flame on the black ball,” summoned the creature. Jason touched the flame. Out, slid a dark hole. Where there had just been a black ball, now was a black hole. Jason fell right through the hole, as the creature flew right behind him.

Chapter 2

The Society

Down he fell. He saw beautiful water falls and trees as he fell to the ground. He thought about that old movie he watched about a girl named Alice falling down a hole in his room with an old, out of date, tape player.

“Aaaaaa!” Jason screamed “Aaaaa!” He bit his gitarre shirt, thinking the deep depth of the hole would never end.

Before Jason landed headfirst, The creature grabbed him, and rotated Jason until he was in the perfect position for landing. Jason and the creature landed. Jason didn’t bother saying thanks, which is quite rude considering the creature is nearly five times smaller than he, and it must be really hard to flip somebody over when you’re that small. Then on the tile he landed on, out slid
another hole. They fell through that one as well.

When they landed, there they stood, right in an ordinary town. As they walked through it, some of the creatures he saw looked a lot like humans, and were most of which were larger than the creature he had just been with. The sky was all red, orange, and yellow. It looked like a flame. It was very warm, and there was scarcely enough oxygen. The houses were a metal like silver. Only one house looked human like. The most human like one was the one Jason liked the most because it was the only different house. One of the larger creatures walked right up to Jason.

“Hi,” Jason said.
“Hello,” the creature growled back. He had a large low voice. He bent down, with his eyes looking in the direction of the flame on Jason’s leg. His eyes lit up with excitement.

“You … have… a…flame… on…. your… leg! I better Zeigen Du around and then Zeigen Du the invention,” sagte the beast like figure. Where did that other creature go? That smaller one, Jason thought. He looked questioned for a moment, but kept on walking.

“See the houses?” asked the beast. “ They are all built with one of the most resent materials discovered. There all made with stone!”

Stone? Jason thought. I don’t think silver houses would be made of stone.

“Yes, I know it’s amazing,” sagte the beast. “We had another invention that teleports us to Earth! That’s how we found stone! Also very resent, VERY resent!” he exclaimed.

“Yeah, very um, cool,” stuttered Jason. Jason and the beast slowly strolled around the town whose sunset never ended, pausing after every step to gaze at the houses built with the amazing resource; stone.

“Here, the invention is inside that building,” sagte the beast.
“I can’t come with you, and I can’t tell Du my name either,” sagte the beast.

“Why?” asked Jason.

“They’ll explain it in the room of the invention,” sagte the beast. Jason walked into the building.

This must all be so confusing for some Zufällig kid like this. For instance, if Du were an average, not that well-known basketball player, and Du have just been chosen to work in the C.I.A. Imagine how hard and mind twisting that must be. For that was what Jason was feeling.

Jason asked to the front schreibtisch creature,”
“I have a flame on my leg, and Von any chance, would Du know where the invention room is?”

“Oh my god! The flame on yo”-
“Yes I know,” interrupted Jason.

“Go down that hall over there, it’s the 3rd door on the right,” sagte the creature running the front desk. He had an odd grin on his face. Jason thought why, and then he realized it was obvious: He was excruciatingly excited and happy that they were finally going to experiment with the invention.

Jason found the room, and stepped inside.

Chapter 3

The Invention

“Hello!” sagte the inventor of the invention. “Here we are, the flame boy is here! I must explain to Du the invention and how it shall work. Come take a look,” exclaimed the inventor. Jason walked towards the invention. It was just against the wall, exactly in the place of a fireplace.
And yet, it was a fireplace.

“A fireplace?” asked Jason in shock.

“Yes indeed. It’s from Earth, and we had to get the wood without letting anybody see us. Oh no, and if someone did see us, in a matter of Minuten are town would explode!” exclaimed the inventor.
“This is how it works. The flame on your leg has to “mach the flame in the fireplace. Once Du say one word, you’re gone on your mission. You’ve met two creatures, right? Both of which would not tell Du their names? Well, they and their names will help Du along the way of your mission. Your mission will be dangerous. Strange things might happen. Du must always be ready for something exciting, scary, oder life risking. Your mission is to find the blue flame. Once Du have had hold of it for at least one minute, Du will magically appear right here,” explained the inventor. “Oh, and one Mehr thing, take this,” sagte the inventor. He handed some Gold coins, each of which had flames indented in it and, each had a button on the oben, nach oben too.
“You may use each of your three coins once. When Du press the button, your coin will turn into a weapon. Each coin is a different weapon. All are useful though,” sagte the inventor.

“But, my parents and family and everything won’t know where I’ve been?!” exclaimed Jason.

“The time in your world is Frozen now. Nobody will have any idea. Match up!” exclaimed the inventor.
“ Wait! Mr. Inventor, I’m afraid I can’t do this. I couldn’t possibly complete this mission.” Jason said.
“ Du need to get some self confidence, and believe in yourself!”
“ Fine I’ll do the mission, but I bet I’ll fail,” Jason anxiously waited until the flames matched. The flames now matched.

“Say wectrilsion!” yelled the inventor.

“Wectrilsion!” yelled Jason.

“The magic fireplace sucked Jason into it. Jason was in the most odd situation. Waves and stars were viewable as he traveled through the fireplace. He felt an odd feeing: Darkness. Blackness. Nothingness. He swayed as if he were a puppet being thrown a long distance. There was scarcely enough air to inhale. His eyes and skin were almost dried out. Jason was sucked back out just in time, and there he was, standing in the beginning of his mission.
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The Werking Writer: Get In Flow With Your Schreiben - Charla Lauriston [FULL INTERVIEW] via
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Not long Vor people believed that in the future we would work less,have Mehr free time,and be Mehr relaxed.But sadly this has not happened.Today we work harder,work longer hours,and are Mehr stressed than 10 years ago.We walk faster,talk faster,and sleep less than Zurück generations.And although we are obsessed with machines which save us time,we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had.But what is this doing to our health?An American journalist James Gleick in a new book,Faster:the acceleration of just about everything,says that people who live in cities are suffering from...
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posted by ZekiYuro
In 1952,Audrey Hepburn was in Rome,making the film Roman Holiday with Gregory Peck.She was engaged to James Hanson,a London 'playboy',and she asked a famous Italian designer,Zoe Fontana,to make her a dress for the wedding.

Signora Fontana said,'Audrey was 23.She was so young and so beautiful then.She tried the dress on many times.It was in white lace,with a lot of tiny buttons down the back,and she wanted to wear Blumen on her head.'

But 2 weeks before the wedding,Audrey Hepburn decided not to get married.She phoned Zoe Fontana and said,'I've cancelled the wedding.But I want another girl to...
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I think that the most important lesson I learned from my mentor, Autor Arline Chase, concerned foreshadowing. Here is the Zufällig House Webster’s definition of foreshadow: to Zeigen oder indicate beforehand. In other words, to provide some hint, clue, oder indication of something that is going to happen.

Why is foreshadowing important? I learned this lesson the hard way. In many of my first short stories—which I recommend as a medium to anyone testing the waters to see if they want to write fiction—I thought that I was being so crafty with my endings. I wrapped up the crime (or whatever) with...
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Mick Jagger went back to his old school recently-for the first time since he left in 1961.He was invited to the school to open the 'Mick Jagger Performing Arts centre',a new Musik and drama department at Dartford Grammar School.

Jagger sagte that he was 'honoured' that the centre was name after him.But in a newspaper interview 2 days before he told the journalist that in fact he hated school and that he used to be a rebel.

He didn't use to do the homework-'there was far too much'-and he was continually at war with the teachers.He used to break the rules all the time,especially rules he thought...
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Write hard and clear about what hurts.
-Ernest Hemingway

There is nothing to writing. All Du do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
-Ernest Hemingway

Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five oder six of them. Most people don’t see any.
-Orson Scott Card

For me, Schreiben is exploration; and most of the time, I’m surprised where the journey takes me.
-Jack Dann

The hardest thing about Schreiben is writing.
-Nora Ephron

If a writer falls in Liebe with you, Du can never die.
-Mik Everett

Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from...
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Asia is a culture with unique taste not only for their arts, dancing, singing, theater and religion. Even each of their weddings holds different character and distinction in them. Westhill Consulting Travel and Tours brings Du Indonesian wedding culture which has been practiced through time in all wedding ceremonies in each island. Yes, even in the now industrialized capital, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Count yourself fortunate if you've had the opportunity to attend an Indonesian wedding. The fascinating wedding ceremonies and festivities give expatriates a unique opportunity to gain insight into...
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“Sabohime-sama, are Du really going to send Sayorihime-sama to THAT clan?” asked a woman who was wearing a light blue sleeveless kimono, has katana on her left side of the waist and the side and back of her kimono are long(goes down to ankles)and the front of the kimono is short and is wearing white shorts, has blue hair tied up in a bun and her eyes are closed, “We have no choice Tatsuta, in our current condition, if Seimei attacks us with his army, we would lose. And besides, that old bag and his men can be trusted, and I’m pretty sure they can protect my granddaughter!”...
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Happy New Year's everyone! I hope you've enjoyed the Artikel I've written so far

Courtney decides to go talk to Scott

Courtney: Hey, Scott I need to talk to you
Scott: Okay but first lets win this challenge babe, and if we lose I think we should vote off Alejandro.
Courtney confessional: I can't believe he called me, babe?
Courtney: yeah I'll talk to Du later now come on we have a challenge to win

Courtney runs away from Scott and he smirks at her

Scott confessional: It's my turn to play hard to get, and I'll make sure to lose so we can eliminate Alejandro. Hehe
Courtney: Hey, Gwen!
Gwen: Hi, where's...
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Okay, this is chapter 2... enjoy :)

Duncan and Gwen were taking a stroll through the forest

Duncan: So how's it going with Du and Courtney?
Gwen: Horrible, whatever I do I hurt her and she just hates me even more!
Duncan: Well, it's not so fun being in the hero's team either.
Gwen: Oh... I just don't get it I've done so many good things and... and Courtney and Du weren't dating at the time
Duncan: Cheer up, Gwen Du have me
Gwen: Yeah I guess so

Duncan and Gwen go back to their cabins

Gwen confessional: At least I can try to fix things with Courtney no matter how many times I... fail (Gwen starts...
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posted by zanhar1
It pulsed rhythmically like a beating herz across the horizon. I guess that makes sense considering it looked like the solitary line on a herz monitor, radiating orange as it zigzaged up and down. I've been here before; Level 1, Dark Space. I don't know how I knew, I don't even remember being here before...I just know I have. Despite the darkness, and there was plenty to go around, I knew from somewhere that it was my Favorit level. The candimals bought small and soft light, which was enough for me. I touched the flame as I always did, it never hurt nor left any burns. At the brush of my...
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posted by kbsruthy
"The memories of my childhood"....
Du are in my heart"...always"....

I walk alone in those all days".....
thinks about Du only"...
It's an only secreat between Du and me"...
times to grown up...still thinks about you"...

Iam busy in my studies"...
but i never forget you..from my heart"
the days passed Du and me grown up.."
but he doesn't look at me.."

I feel i ignored Von him"...
but my herz still beat for him"...

and still have hopes....

"He never heard my herz beat"...i feel mushy
i hope one Tag he will...
but it's never happend...!!!

" he is still a bachelor now.."

time to realize " am not in his "HEART"..and his feelings toward me a brittle"...

The sun is just Minuten from rising and the night is growing lighter. An alter made entirely of blue marble, jade, and amethyst is illuminated. Two tiny Babys lie on oben, nach oben writhing and screaming in discomfort. They are naked, only a few days old and the chill of the stone slowly seeping into their Bones will surely kill them. The larger of the two will not stop screaming while her twin just sobs quietly.
Their frail mother stands a few feet away determined to finish what she came here to do but her eyes are bloodshot and red raw from her constant tears. But she is not alone. Her husband...
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Slowly consciousness came back to me. My head was pounding, it felt like it was going to explode. Especially at the back of my head something was wrong. I knew it, I felt it, yet I couldn’t get my head around how I got it exactly. I tried to get my hand up to touch my head and make out what was going on exactly, but soon found out I couldn’t get it up. It was strapped onto something. Slowly I took a deep breath, held it and let it go. The pounding didn’t stop, but it did help me to be able to start make out some stuff around me. I couldn’t open my eyes yet, but my ears gave...
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*total drama theme song plays*
cris:Hello everyone were back in the studios.
cris:this is another exiting season of total drama.
cris:a chance to win 1 grand here comes the contestestants
max: *waves*
julie:im gonna win this thing
james:what up people im winning this thing
selena:hello losers Du guys have no chance against muwah
tim:selfish little dadys girl >:(
june:hello everyone im ju- *justin shoves june* justin:woahhhhh
tim:*helps up june* Hey im tim
june:hehe im june *shakes hand*
emma:oh hi peope im so happy to be here
tyler:hello *teeth shines*
Emma:wow ur hot :o
alex:hello *waves*
john: does...
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Chapter Five: "Vulnerability"

Kaname made his way swiftly to where Chairman kreuz and the doctor had moved Zero. It wasn't hard to find. Kiriyu must have been badly hurt indeed; the scent of his blood was strong and completely unmistakable. kreuz and the doctor were too busy working to answer the door, so Kaname let himself in, kreuz wouldn't mind, he never did.

Kaname frowned as he made his way to Zero's room and saw the damage. Kiriyu hadn't just been attacked… he'd been bloody butchered. His throat had been slashed, his wrists had been slashed, and he'd been stabbed multiple times in the...
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