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Well... This is one hell of a way to make a positive impression for the new year. I want to start doing remakes of some old lists, because hey, some lists have gotten old oder my opinions on a few of them have changed completely, so I think now would be a good time to change up my opinions on a few of them and give them a new light. So, with that out of the way, aren't some video game characters the worst ever? Weather these characters are just annoying, crude, oder just straight piss Du off, they are always there. Even in the best video games out there, there's always gotta be that one douchebag that shows up and makes everything worse just Von seeing their face. So, today, I want to share with Du all the video game characters that I find to be the most hated. And while a few entries from my Zurück Liste may be making a few returns, I will also be adding a few new faces onto the article. Rules as always, only one game per franchise and only from video games that I have played. With all that out of the way, let us start the list.



Dead Rising was a pretty fun franchise, with the final boss being... not the best guy in the world. But hey, at least his boss fight was fun. Some may find it annoying that Du have to fight on such a tiny platform, but I think it's okay. At least he fights with his fists and not with guns, bullshit uppercuts, and firebombing from his plane assist.... What I'm trying to say is Raymond Sullivan is the worst boss in a Dead Rising game.

#10: Raymond Sullivan from Dead Rising 2

Sullivan already starts out as your typical roadblock, preventing Chuck from doing much of anything when he finds out even the slightest thing about Chuck, but never in the way of causing serious issues... That is until Du near the end of the main game. After finding out that the pharmaceutical company, Phenotrans, a company that makes the zombie-sustaining virus Zombrex, is responsible for the Fortune City Outbreak due to a need for rise in demand for Zombrex. And this is where Sullivan shows his true intentions. After killing off one character and stealing the proof of Phenotrans' involvement with the outbreak, Sullivan makes a run for the roof to make an escape, but not before revealing that this was not the first outbreak that Phenotrans caused and it wouldn't be the last, as well as causing the Las Vegas Outbreak, an outbreak in the games lore that happened before the Fortune City outbreak which caused the death of Chuck's wife and caused his daughter to become infected. And if that wasn't enough to make Du hate Sullivan, don't worry, Du also have to fight him. Nothing about this fight is good. Nothing! Not a single thing! Du can get shot, blown up, attacked Von zombies, sent down a floor, can't hit him with any close up weapons, can't hit him with any range weapons, has an uppercut that knocks all your health down- Oh, what the fuck!? Yeah, and as far as my knowledge goes, he's the only boss who can do that. And no, it isn't fair. Not even in the slightest. The only thing that keeps him from being any higher than this is the fact that Du only get to hate him for so long before he is killed in a rather violent fashion. So, I guess that's something in Sullivan's favor?


If there is one group that I always enjoy in the Elder Scrolls games, it's The Blades. These guys are so cool, always being the most loyal guards to both the king and the Dragonborn, as they know that he is the one that is needed to aid them in order to defeat the dragons. Dragonborns are treated with such respect and honor. So how the hell did Delphine destroy that tradition just in a single swoop?

#9: Delphine from Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Delphine doesn't even appear on screen and already, I'm not too happy to meet her, as she steals a quest item and holds onto it until Du see her, forcing Du to go out of your way just to get it, but of course, she won't just hand it to Du for free. No, Du gotta do something for her first. After that, she has become a companion for Du to be forced to follow for a good remainder of the game, ordering Du around like an errand boy and making Du do all of her tasks for her. But, don't worry, it gets worse. After finding Sky Haven Temple and building a Home for the new Blades members, Delphine tells Du that Du have one Mehr mission before Du can even be seen as the Dragonborn in the Blades eyes. Before I discuss that, let's talk about Paarthurnax. This amazing dragon, with so much guilt and mercy for the humans, who stands Von your side to defeat the main villain of the game (Also voiced Von Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario). So, naturally, Delphine says Du have to kill him, saying that his actions are not justified and pretty much just throwing a hissy fit because Du don't want to kill someone who did Mehr help in the fight against Alduin than Delphine did. So, naturally, Du can tell Delphine no, but what this results in is not only her telling Du off, but ordering The Blades to not only ignore you, but insult Du simply for saying no, despite having already defeated Alduin, the greatest threat to mankind. And if Du want to further the story, Du have to kill Paarthurnax and betray the Greybeards, who have been nothing but kind and respectful towards Du while Delphine and the Blades constantly insult and belittle you, despite the entire point of The Blades in Skyrim being to support the Dragonborn. And all Du get in the Blades storyline is a couple of escort missions and a blessing that is worthless if Du level up enough. Perfect!


Oh my god! Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. What can be said? What can possibly be said? Bad writing, bad gameplay, bad dialogue, bad pacing, and just a wide variety of game-breaking bugs and glitches. And the characters, don't even get me started! From the hideous realistic Eggman to Silver "It's no use" the Hedgehog. But, despite Gold nippeled Eggman and broken Silver, no one can oben, nach oben the bad characterization of Elise.

#8: Princess Elise the Third from Sonic the Hedgehog 2006

In the same game world as characters like Shadow and Bigs the Cat, there is no character I can stand Mehr than Elise. Oh, and reminder, even Bigs got Mehr roles in Sonic games, even after Sonic Adventures. When Du are in less games than Bigs, Du know Du screwed up. And being a screw up is all Elise seems to be. First off, just look at her. If Du looked at her picture out of context, would Du believe she was from a Sonic game? She looks like she was in some Japanese RPG. Secondly, she gets kidnaped several times, sometimes in the span of a couple hours. There are points where she just gives herself up to be saved Von Sonic that it made saving her the Zurück time, having Sonic risk her life to do so, a waste of time for him and especially the player. And then we get to everyone's Favorit scene, the Küssen scene. I'm not even gonna lie, every time I watch this, I feel dirty, like I shouldn't be watching this. It makes me feel unclean. What reason would they ever have Sonic KISS a human girl? Why? But wait, it somehow manages to get even worse than this! I could brush off the out of character design, I could let the constant kidnappings slide, and yes, I could even ignore the KISS scene. What I can't ignore is demanding that Sonic not change the world to stop it from ending because Elise doesn't want to forget Sonic. She would rather let the entire world end just so she could remember Sonic. That alone, combined with everything else, just made me disgusted and have nothing but hate for her character. Sega may not have learned to stop making serious Sonic games (Sonic Forces is proof enough), but at least they knew when Elise was too much. And I am glad she hasn't made a return since.



Well... This one is an oldy, but boy, does he still piss me off. If Du read my old article, then when the Titel Grand Theft Auto IV comes up, than Du already know who it's gonna be, so let's not even waste anymore time.

#7: Dimitri Rascalov from Grand Theft Auto IV

Du know a character is good when all they do is betray everyone they know. Some times numerous times. Dimitri started as just your average guy in the criminal underworld, plenty of those in GTA. Dimitri started out being worried about Mikhail, obviously due to his extreme anger and the fact that he got the son of a mob boss killed, and the only way Dimitri and Niko could live is if Mikhail was killed. To be fair, it could be understandable to kill your best friend for the sake of one's lively haube and, well, life. But that's just the thing, Mikhail wasn't the only one Dimitri stabbed in the back. After Niko did the job, Dimitri turned on him too and got strahl, ray Bulgarin, a notorious crime boss who Niko has history with, to go after him, as well as burn down both his and Roman's apartment and Roman's taxi business, forcing the two into hiding. Even from then on, Dimitri did everything he could just to spite Niko oder get money for himself, from trying to get the mayor of Liberty City caught in a Scandal with Bernie, Niko's friend, to having Roman get kidnapped Von the Lost MC, who were also being tricked Von Dimitri. And in the end, if Du choose to make a deal with Dimitri in the end, he will not only trick Niko then and there and nearly have him killed, but will have hired assassins come to kill Niko and lead to Roman's death, putting Niko into even Mehr grief and self-loathing, all because Dimitri wanted a little Mehr money.


Oh, Rockstar, Du know just how to make the words kinds of characters in humanity, don't you. And nowhere is humanity at its worst than in your game, Manhunt... but everyone is kind of terrible, so your runner up to humanity at its worst in your games, Red Dead Redemption.

#6: Edgar Ross from Red Dead Redemption

Before I played Red Dead Redemption, I thought that Rockstar characters couldn't get worse than Dimitri. I thought he was as low as they could get. And than Red Dead Redemption showed me Edgar Ross. Dimitri will, at least, never be seen as a good person, oder even a human being for what he did. And while Grand Theft Auto IV was bittersweet no matter which route Du took, it was good to just see Dimitri go down. But Edgar Ross manages to even suck that out. First off, Edgar sees John Marston as nothing but a criminal, a filthy waste of life that shouldn't even be allowed to live. Even when John wants to do what he can to better himself, Edgar isn't having any of it. Sure, his intentions may seem good, wanting to bring law to the crime-filled west, but even that is crooked just how he does it, using ex-criminals to do the work for him while he takes the credit for it, and every time something bad happens during a mission, he is quick to blame John for it, even when he did nothing wrong. And despite all of that, despite all of the trials that John had to go through to see his family again, what does he get. He gets gunned down like a wild animal Von Edgar Ross and his men just so he can clean up the last of Dutch's old gang. Even when playing as Jack, and Du get to kill Edgar Ross, it's not satisfying. GTA IV's ending was bittersweet, but it at least turned out okay for Niko in a sense, for this, it's tragic because this is what John was avoiding. He didn't want Jack to be a killer like him, but because of this, that's what he became. And Edgar Ross, in this world, will be forever seen as a hero who took out the ruthless Dutch's Gang and John will go down as a criminal, who died in vein because a crooked government official wanted Mehr respect from the people.


Have Du ever had that feeling where you're just playing a game and Du think to yourself, "Boy, this game sure is fun, but man, do I hate the main character!"? Well, take that fun and replace it with utter mind-numbing tedium and boredom... But keep the hatred for the main character. That would be Final Fantasy XIII

#5: Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII

I will never, ever, understand what people see in Lightning that makes them say, "She's a good character". I can understand people saying Final Fantasy XIII is a good game. I can live with that. Hell, I'll even say that XIII-2 is an improvement, but I will never defend Lightning. I will always say that she is one of the worst Final Fantasy characters. Worse than Squall, worse than Tidus, even worse than Vaan (I'll talk about him in a later article). Every other character, even if they had some of the worst personality traits, at least had a personality. What's worse than having a bad personality? Having no personality at all. And no, being cruel to everyone is not a personality. The only sign of human personality she had was giving Hope motivation. After that, she was just a doormat for the rest of the game. And the fact that she is on the cover of XIII-2 without even being a major character is actually sickening to me. But then, we get to Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns. Oh, if Du thought she had no personality before, than get ready for this shit! Lightning is ordered Von God (Yes, THE God), to judge people to see if they can be brought to another reality. But, in order for her to do this, God strips her of her emotions... Don't Du kind of need emotions to judge a person? Now her entire personality is to just have a blank expression while she pole dances and fights monsters. Oh, wow, thank god for that! I don't hate Lightning because she did horrible human atrocities oder because she is annoying (Well, not on her own, but her marketing is pretty obnoxious). It's how I stand as a writer. She is a poorly written character that managed to make it to the oben, nach oben because of creators obsessions with such a character. There was demand to stop focusing on Lightning and just Bewegen on to the Weiter Final Fantasy game already, but they kept pushing her for Mehr games, and eventually, people got tired. Thank god Final Fantasy XV came and saved it. Thank you, Backstreet Boys!



The Last Story was a pretty interesting surprise for me. I didn't expect this game to be as good as it was. It had a neat world, a nice cast of simple but enjoyable characters, great graphics on the Wii (Just ignore the frame issues from the NPCs who are not close to you), and an incredible score Von Nobuo Uematsu... So what's the catch?

#4: Jirall from The Last Story

I know some people oder going to say, "Well, Du see, he did all this because of his past". Yes, that is sad, I will admit, but that doesn't give him the right to do all this to one person, as well as numerous other people, and even act out violently in the end. But, let me explain what he did. So, first off, just being a pretty shit fiance to Calista, he already had beef with Zael when he saw him talking with her. During an attack from the rivaling race, the Gurak, Jirall, instead of standing his ground, retreated from the fight and took cover behind other fighters to save himself. And when he was afraid word would get out about this, he ordered all those who fought alongside him to be thrown into the dungeon for acts of treason Von retreating the battlefield just so word wouldn't get out. He also accused Zael and his Friends of using the Gurak invasion as a chance to kidnap Calista. After Zael was found innocent and General Ashtar was murdered during another Gurak invasion, Jirall accused Zael of murdering Ashtar, despite having no evidence and just passing it off as "he doesn't know what mercenaries are capable of", and had him thrown in the dungeon again! After Jirall was (Granted) accused Von Ashtar's real killer for the murder, and after, yet another, Gurak invasion, Jirall escaped the dungeon and used this as a chance to get revenge on Zael, succumbing to his madness just to murder him, and in the end, we were supposed to feel sorry for him? Not a chance! I know that his backstory is pretty depressing and his jealousy lead to his madness, but that doesn't excuse him for constantly antagonizing Zael and his comrades the entire way through and just being a general coward.


When it comes to making fighting game protagonists, it's a very simple task. Just make them someone who can beat people up and just be a likable guy, like Ryu, like Jin, like Scorpion. How can Du mess that up... Patroklos messed that up.

#3: Patroklos Alexander from Soul Calibur V

Now this is a protagonist that I can fucking hate! Patroklos does so much wrong in just his first appearance alone, that I honestly think his wimpy sister Pyrrha, what with her trying to fight her bloodthirsty nature, is a much better protagonist than Patroklos could ever be. Patroklos may just seem like your typical cocky douchebag, and hey, Dante's a cocky douchebag, but trust me, just comparing this guy to Dante makes me disgusted. He starts out the game Von going around, killing innocence who he believes are Malfested, monsters in the world of Soul Calibur. There is no trial, no proof, anyone he deems as Malfested are cut down. Without warning oder without even so much as a chance to let them explain themselves. And in the end, it is proven that all of those people that Patroklos killed were not Malfested and were really innocent people. He only gets upset for one cutscene and then brushes it off as it it were nothing. As if it was nothing at all. But hey, innocent people can lose their lives, families can be destroyed because of a few accusations, but when his sister is proven to be a Malfested and she actually does become a monster, well suddenly, there has to be a way to fix it, because Everybody Fucking Loves Patroklos! No, everybody hates Patroklos and Patroklos is the most Mary Sue protagonist I've seen. And he's a guy for crying out loud! And even as a playable character, I never liked his fighting style. Granted, I suck at fighting games, but his style just feels sloppy and weak to me. I'm better with heavier characters. I'm so glad that Soul Calibur 6 is going to be going back into the past of the Soul Calibur timeline. The less we talk about Patroklos, the better.


Oh man, if Du thought Dimitri was a classic, this guy is practically the original king of shit mountain when it comes to my most hated video game characters.

#2: Eric Sparrow from Tony Hawk: Underground

Here he is, ladies and gentlemen, the bane of mine and many others gaming childhood. And to think that he was as bad as video game characters would get. Oh, we were so young. He's not as bad as Patroklos oder Edgar Ross, but just the history I have with this bastard is enough to jump him to the oben, nach oben two. But let's talk about him, shall we? Eric Sparrow starts out as your typical cocky knucklehead, looking to get famous through skating. But things get pretty shaky after he causes some trouble for the New Jersey drug dealers, and despite Du saving his life, he still acts like a jerk, as he "forgets" to sign Du up for the Tampa contest and gets upset when Du win. After Du risk your life jumping over a helicopter in Hawaii for a the winning footage tape in Slam City Jam, Eric steals the footage and edits to make it look as though he made that jump and won the contest. But it gets even worse than that. When Du and Eric arrive in Jersey, he steals a military tank, crashes it into a wall, and forces Du to pay for damages, getting Du kicked off the skating team and leaving Du stranded in Russia. And even when Du make it back, he still has the nerve to insult you, leading to one last schlittschuh, skate contest for the Hawaii footage. And after beating the game a Sekunde time, Du get the satisfying bonus ending of straight punching Eric in his jaw and just taking the tape for yourself. Hey, it's better than having a crappy boss duel with him.



I'm gonna be honest, deciding who was worthy for the number one spot was not the easiest thing in the world. It kept switching between this character oder that character oder another person. But I knew who truly deserved it was someone who drove me right to the boiling point of anger and just made me utterly disgusted whenever I see them. And that character deserves the oben, nach oben spot.

#1: Yukari Takeba from Persona 3: The Answer

I have never gotten so mad at a character oder even felt as betrayed as I did with Yukari in Persona 3: The Answer. In the original Persona 3, she was okay. She was fine. She never did anything terrible. Sure, her personality was pretty simple, but she was still okay to hang around. And then, the Answer came along. And this is after the sacrifice of a character who will go unnamed, because even I will not want to mention that spoiler! Yukari, after knowing that this character sacrificed themselves for the sake of friendship, she takes that friendship... and completely ignores it, not wanting to be around any of her friends, just feeling bad for herself. Okay, I can see how this can be a normal problem. This can be forgiven. What can't be forgiven is how her insults towards her Friends have become much harsher than the original game. She always called Junpei Stupei, a dumb but obviously harmless name to give him. So what does she start calling him a spineless coward now in this game? In fact, Yukari calls anyone who doesn't agree with her a coward. And then, we get to the moment that drove me to the rage and hate I have for Yukari. After they found out that they can either leave the time loop they are in oder go back in time and save the character from their fate, everyone believes that it may not be safe, sicher to do so, but Yukari believes that it is the best possible action. This leads to her calling Junpei a coward for not wanting to go back in time for fear of failing to defeat Nyx, calling Akihiko and Ken selfish for even wanting to Bewegen forward, and Aigis... Oh my god. Aigis doesn't even make a choice, but as soon as Yukari notices, she hits her with the worst of anyone, deeming her a coward, and how she is running away, despite not having sagte she was, and even going so far as to say that she didn't deserve to hear the characters last words, and decided that the best course of action to open the door to the past was to beat everyone and claim the right to open the door. Her character was horrid. Her actions were unrealistic and unrelatable, her reasoning was childish, and her expecting everyone to agree with her was the most selfish thing I had seen a protagonist do in a game. And after seeing this, I noticed that, even in the main game, she was like this, holding grudges on everyone like Mitsuru and having nothing but high expectations on everyone and treated them less because they didn't meet her expectations. I know I can make mistakes. I made the oben, nach oben 5 with Sonic and Mario after all, but I am not mistaken when I say Yukari is my most hated character to ever appear in video games
added by Canada24
added by Canada24
added by Windwakerguy430