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After my oben, nach oben Ten Hated Video Game Characters list, I really wanted to make a oben, nach oben Hated Animated Characters List. However, the problem with that is that I don’t hate that many animated characters. Not that I don’t, it’s just that when Du play video games, Du get a different perspective of characters than Du do watching animated shows. With video games, Du look through the protagonists eyes, and Du have the same opinion of other characters that the protagonist has, making the player (That’s you) the protagonist. With animated shows, you’re just the spectator, watching events unfold and doing nothing about it. Unlike the difficulties I faced with my Hated Video Game Characters list, where I had a lot of characters to put in a oben, nach oben ten, the difficulties of this Liste were that there weren’t that many characters I could think of. But, thankfully, I was finally able to find some characters. But, before I start, first the rules. These are going to be from shows that only I have seen. So as much as I want to put Ren from Adult Party Cartoon on this list, I won’t because I never saw that one. Also, only one character per series, so as hard as it was for me to put one character from both My Little pony and Family Guy, I could only go with one. Now, with all that out of the way, let’s get on with the list

#10: Bubsy from Bubsy the Bobcat

Before Du all get upset, please listen. I am aware that Bubsy is a video game character, and not a cartoon character. But, the thing is, Bubsy did have a cartoon. It was terrible, let me tell you. So bad, in fact, that it only had one episode and never aired ever again. It was made to get people interested in Bubsy, but really, all this cartoon did was make us hate Bubsy even more. Now, why am I putting a cartoon character based on a video game character on this list? Because in the video games, Bubsy was just annoying. But in the cartoons, he is even worse. Yes, he is still annoying, because he is always saying his obnoxious catchphrase, “What could possibly go wrong”, and he also rarely, if ever, shuts up. But not only does he do that, Bubsy also uses his sidekick, an gürteltier whose name I can’t remember, to do all sorts of dangerous things just so Bubsy can come out on top. Bubsy also has a huge ego, thinking that he is the greatest character in the history of ever. However, he’s lower on the Liste because no one remember’s Bubsy, other than the fact that he starred in Bubsy 3D, a game so bad, that it was deemed one of the worst games of all time, and that is why Bubsy is only number ten on this list. Everything goes downhill from here.

#9: Rei Miyamoto from Highschool of the Dead

When I watched Highschool of the Dead, an Anime filled with big breasted women and zombie killing action, I wasn’t expecting much character development. I also expected the Liebe interest to be very bland… I was sorta right. Rei is indeed bland, but I didn’t expect her character to be so bad that she would make it on this list, but, man, she did it. I apologize to women for this Kommentar I am about to make, but Rei changes emotions so quickly, that I think she is badly PMSing. One minute, she’ll be crying all over Takashi’s shoulder, and the next, he’ll be saying how his friend was a better person than he ever was. And when she isn’t in the middle of menstruating, she’s complaining, oder being a damsel in distress because she’s so useless. Now, I would have forgiven her, if it was for the fact that the Anime focused on the action rather than character development… And then Saeko came along. Saeko is a badass sword wielding highschool girl who believes she shouldn’t have someone Liebe her after she killed someone. That there is a great character, so, tell me this. If they could make an awesome character like Saeko, why couldn’t they make Rei any good. She’s just so annoying. Some of Du may think that I should have put Shidou on this list, but, since he is trying to sleep with a group of high school girls and is a major creep, but at least he is only in minor scenes of the show. With Rei, she’s in it ALL THE TIME!

#8: Diamond Tiara from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Like I said, there are a lot of characters I could have put on this list. I could have put Angel – Jäger der Finsternis for being an abusive prick. I could have put Trixie for being an annoying loud mouth. I could have put Queen Chrysalis for being a cliched and overrated villain… But Angel – Jäger der Finsternis is only shown in short bursts, Trixie isn’t as annoying as I use to believe, and Queen Chrysalis was only in one episode, not giving me enough time to hate her. So, that is why Diamond Tiara makes the list. I think every MLP Fan hates, and for good reason. People are mixed with Trixie and Chrysalis, but EVERY Fan hates Diamond Tiara. She’s like Princess from the Powerpuff Girls, except Princess was an antagonist because she wanted to be a Powerpuff Girl, but never got to be one. Diamond Tiara is an antagonist… because she’s a spoiled brat. All she does is segregate the cutie mark crusaders because they don’t have a cutie mark, and we are talking about the CMC. A group of characters that the writers hate almost as much as Spike… Almost, I should add. But I’m getting off topic. Diamond also thinks she’s better than them all because she has a cutie mark and makes fun of ponies without a cutie mark, yet she will gladly accept a cutie markless pony as long as they torment the CMC, as shown in One Bad Apple, one of the worst episodes in my eyes. However, the reason Diamond is lower on the Liste is because, thankfully, she gets hers in the end of each episode, so thank goodness for that.

#7: Bendy from Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends

I have to say, Bendy really is an impressive kind of character. He only appeared in one episode in the entire series, and yet, he managed to be hated Von everyone instantly. The reason everyone hated Bendy so much is because he is a jerk. Every time he see’s Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, and Coco, he will instantly do something bad just to get them in trouble, and when they try to say it’s him, he will then start crying, just to get them in trouble. And he has no reason to do it. He just does it for the sake of being a total jerk. And he does so many bad things, like breaking a window, using the intercom, and scrubbing a toilet with Bloo’s toothbrush. And the worst part about Bendy is that in the end, Bendy was never punished for what he did. If he was punished in the end, this episode would have been forgiven, but no, he still got away with all of his actions, and Bloo got in trouble for it. Bendy was such an awful character, that Lauren Faust herself, the writer of the show, had to apologize for making this episode. Thankfully, after this, Bendy was never seen again, and for very good reason. No one wants to see a Zeigen with a character THIS bad.

#6: Dokuro from Bludgeoning Angel, Dokuro-Chan

For those of Du who read my reviews, Du will all know that I do not like this anime. The Animation is ugly, it makes no sense, characters are so mean to the protagonist, that they will gladly bring death on him for minor problems, and the Dokuro is such an awful character. Dokuro was sent from heaven to protect Sakura from Angel – Jäger der Finsternis assassins, as in the future, he creates a device that allows all girls to stay twelve… stupid plot aside, even though Dokuro is trying to protect him, she constantly kills Sakura with her giant bludgeoning bat constantly, just to revive him afterwards. In the first episode alone, she killed him five times just because he minorly annoyed her. And I am not kidding, Dokuro will kill him for ANYTHING! Not joining a club she started, accidentally walking in on her when she is changing, trying to convince her that killing people is a bad thing, ANYTHING! Not to mention, she is treated like a goddess Von everyone around her, and everyone loves her just because she’s an angel, even though her actions towards Sakura make her the goddamn Devil. So, if I hate her this much, why does she barely miss the oben, nach oben ten? This is because this Anime was so bad, that I refused to watch another episode only after three, so I don’t know if she gets better oder worse. But, I don’t care, because I don’t want to watch anymore of this crappy anime.

#5: Yuka from Elfen Lied (SPOILERS FOR ELFEN LIED)

With an Anime like Elfen Lied, what with mass murder, child abuse, child rape, animal abuse, mutilation, and nude scenes that are, for once, a turn off for perverts, incest is probably not the first thing that freaks Du out in this anime. But, wow, Yuka was the one thing that stood out in this Anime for that reason. And when I say she stood out, I mean it in a negative way. Yuka is the cousin of Kouta, and ever since she was a child, she always wanted to datum her cousin… Eeeww. Incest aside, whenever she see’s Kouta with Lucy, a completely different girl, she gets so jealous, she feels the need to slap Kouta because reasons. I could handle the fact that she is jealous, but does she really need to hit Khouta EVERY SINGLE TIME he is with Nyu. He’s a human being, goddammit. He’s not a dog trying to pee on the carpet and Du keep telling him no. But the worst part, and I mean the WORST PART, is that after all this annoying crap, and after Kouta and Lucy kiss, Lucy leaves and Yuka finally gets to datum Kouta….. So, Yuka wants to commit incest with her cousin, hits him whenever he even talks to Lucy, and after Lucy is forced to leave, Yuka finally gets to commit sagte incest…… If it wasn’t for literally everything else about Elfen Lied, I would hate this anime, and it’s all thanks to Yuka and her creepy incest fetish.

#4: Louise from The Familiar of Zero

Du all saw her coming. If Du saw my Antwort on Fragen on the Anime Club, Du would see that I have a strong hatred for Louise, and I still do. However, I have cooled down enough to compare her to other characters. But she was still awful enough to make the oben, nach oben ten. Louise is just a bratty, egotistical brat who will always blame her mistakes on everyone else when she makes a mistake. She will also yell loudly like a spoiled brat whenever she doesn’t get her way. But worst of all is how she treats Saito. She brings him to her world and then instantly begins to treat him like a dog, Von making him eat on the floor and sleep in a small bed, and then she makes him do her laundry constantly. Oh, but that’s not all. The worst part is how she is portrayed as a tsundere. Whenever Saito does something that Louise doesn’t like, no matter what it may be, even if it isn’t his fault, she won’t just beat him up. She will whip him with a horse whip. And she does it EVERY EPISODE! She does it twice in the opening alone. Du thought Naru from Liebe Hina was bad? At least she didn’t use a damn horse whip.

#3: Brian Giffin from Family Guy

Just like My Little Pony, I could have picked any character. I could have picked Peter for being a racist sexist jerk who hates his kids. I could have chosen Lois for being a sex freak who will jump at the chance to cheat on her husband. I could have chosen ANYONE! But I with Brian because he’s still the worst of them all. Now, I once sagte that he was the worst character in the show, but, for this list, I looked for Mehr info, and wouldn’t Du know it? I hate him even Mehr than I did before. Brian was once a sarcastic character who was the voice of reason in a household of idiots. But after the newer episodes came along, he got BAD! REALLY BAD! Now, he is just an alcoholic douchebag that is unbearable to watch every time he comes on screen. He has done hundreds of awful things. From being an atheist who says that if your ugly, than god hates you, to saying that all those who are being abused need to stay with their abusers just so the abuser can benefit from it, to giving Stewie, a baby, herpes, a dangerous STD that has no cure. Not to mention his Zufällig sexcapedes with women and disrespects them Mehr than Quagmire. Freaking Quagmire. How can Du make someone a bigger douche to women than the shows biggest pervert? And the worst past is that Seth MacFarlane wrote Brian so that we could sympathize with him. Yeah, lets sympathize with some douchebag who disrespects religion, woman, abuse victims, and will give an infant STDs without feeling anything. I mean, give Peter and Lois some credit. They’re beyond awful, but at least they weren’t made specifically to have our pity, and I assure you, Brian is getting NONE of my pity.

#2: Sugou Nobuyuki from Sword Art Online (SPOILERS FOR SWORD ART ONLINE)

Okay, here is the last Anime character on the list. And let me tell you, I saved the worst Anime character for last. Sugou starts off as a normal person, who is the man Asuna’s father forces her to marry. However, he then hacks into the SOA server and collects the minds of three hundred players, including Asuna. Here, he begins to research manipulation on the players, and makes his persona the Fairy King, which is the most stupidest and most unthreatening villain I have ever seen. Just looking at his Design choice hurts my eyes. But trust me, it gets even worse. Suguo would also frame people for crimes that he committed whenever he saw them as a threat. He also has an ego the size of the universe, treating himself as a god and better than anyone else. But what is even worse is that in the world of SOA, Sugou would keep Asuna in a bird cage, where he would harass her constantly with each visit. He also stabbed Kirito with his own sword, and while he was in incredible pain, Sugou made him watch as he began to sexually harass Asuna right in front of him. I was tempted to put this guy at number one, but unlike number one, Sugou actually loses in the end and gets what he deserves. Number one however does not.

#1: Mr. Krabs from Spongebob Squarepants

HOLY CRAP! And I thought Family Guy and My Little pony had a whole lot of hated characters, but Spongebob has almost every character hatable. Spongebob with his annoying personality and constant stalking of Squidward, Patrick with his god awful stupidity and cruelty to others, but Mr. Krabs easily beats them all with how awful he is. First off, he is so greedy, that he makes Scrooge McDuck and Tingle from the Legend of Zelda look like a charity benefit. He will rip off all of his customers with insane prices, and he will underpay his workers to the point where he doesn’t pay them at all, which is, Du know, slavery… which is illegal. But that’s not the only illegal thing he does. He steals money from whoever he can just so he can make a quick buck, dumps a bunch of disgusting garbage into his rivals restaurant because he didn’t want to take it anywhere else, and he will trade his own employees life just for the sake of money. But what’s worst of all are just two episodes. Krabby Kronicles and the dreaded episode, One Coarse Meal. In Krabby Kronicles, he forced Spongebob to write fake stories about residents of Bikini Bottom, which ended up ruining their lives, and when everyone goes and gets their money back, Mr. Krabs just prints money just so he can make all of his money back. So, he doesn’t get punished and the Zeigen teaches kids that printing your own money is okay, and totally not illegal in the slightest. But One Coarse Meal was his worst. In this episode, Mr. Krabs finds out that Plankton has a fear of whales, as they eat Plankton (Common fact: Whales don’t eat plankton, they eat krill). So, Mr. Krabs dresses up as Pearl and starts scaring Plankton to the point where Plankton tries to commit suicide… This actually happened. They actually allowed this to happen. And in the end, Mr. Krabs just doesn’t get punished, but he gets rewarded. He drives a character that Fans of the Zeigen have grown up to for years to kill himself, and he gets rewarded for it. If that doesn’t Zeigen Du how terrible of a character Mr. Krabs is, than I just don’t know how to convince you. He’s greedy, selfish, and will do anything, even commit murder, just so he can win, and he always wins. That is also why he wins the number one spot of my oben, nach oben ten hated animated characters of all time.

So, there Du have it. Did Du guys enjoy the list? Tell me what Du thought about it. With that, I will see Du all Weiter time
posted by Windwakerguy430
*Hannah remained back, as she looked at Diana, allowing her to do the deed. She didn’t know what this creature was, but she allowed her to do what she had to do. Diana picked up the bat and swung down hard on the monsters head. The creature gave a loud shriek at being struck, only to stop once it was hit again. Diana continued to hit the creature, it’s black, thick blood spraying onto her and onto the floor with each time it was struck. Diana only hit the creature harder and harder each time. She started to scream, cursing at the creature, hitting it harder and harder, before Hannah finally...
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Well, I just can’t believe it. Over a hundred full Artikel of Corner of Horror. I never thought that this Tag would come, but here it is. And boy am I glad that this Tag has finally come, and on a Halloween no less. It’s almost like it was meant to be. For over a Jahr now, I have been talking about the many different kinds of horror and in different media from films to games to literature, and I still plan on doing Mehr reviews in the future. But, today, I have had something very special planned, since the beginning. Something I have been waiting to talk about since the Tag I started Corner...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Teacher: Okay, students. Listen up. Today, a speaker from Canada, Von the name of Marcus King will be coming to tell us about the politics in America
Wind: Oh, that should go over well
Teacher: So, when he comes in, I want Du all to treat this man with nothing but the utmost respect. Seriously, if he hates on this school, our reputation will be tarnished, the school will go out of business, and I will lose the only job that supports my drinking habits.
Cody: (Raises hand)
Teacher: Yes, Cody?
Cody: Canadians are from another planet, right?
Teacher: Oh, I am so fucked.

Marcus: Hello, students. I’m...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: (Walking with James and Cody) I’m telling Du guys right now, those Transmorphers Filme are terrible
James: I don’t know, the box office says otherwise
Wind: That’s because it has some pretty effects. That’s literally all that movie has. It’s just shit Schauspielen and even shittier writing.
Cody: I have no idea what that is. I just like the pretty effects
Wind: Of course Du would, Cody (As they walk, they see a large group of people around a poster)
James: What’s this (They all Bewegen to the front of the crowd)
Wind: (Reads poster) The amazing singer, Katherine Lisun as she performs...
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Hey… Remember these…. I hündin and complain about stuff like an asshole for you’re people's entertainment because… I guess you’re Favorit Youtuber wasn’t on right now and I was the best Du could get. So, with that all sagte and done, let us start talking about Mehr stuff that I hate because I really don’t enjoy anything

Horror Movies

Now, don’t get me wrong. There are hundreds of amazing horror films. I’m talking about the ones that suck so goddamn bad, that it’s basically caused me to not give a shit anymore. The trailers alone suck, as they always consist of Zufällig moments...
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Right now, I am in my junior Jahr of high school, oder as I like to call it, my “No-More-Fucking-Around Year”. The classes are a lot Mehr harder, and they have a lot Mehr work. I am actually surprised I still manage to have plenty of free time once I get home. One of the hardest classes I have taken this Jahr is Psychology. All Du do is take notes, but since no one is waiting for you, it’s not that easy to take notes. Du need to have the wrist speed of The Flash if Du want to get everything that is necessary for a test. However, the teacher in the class is one of the funniest I have...
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Luis Lopez:
Despite being a possible sex addict.
Luis is a very calm person, rarely Wird angezeigt his emotions. And is the voice of reason for every other character of BOGT game.
Luis also dosen't fully enjoy his criminal lifestyle.
On some occasions Luis expresses the choice of getting REAL jobs..

Johnny Klobitz:
Johnny is a realist.
He knows he is a bad person, and won't deny that he kills and steals on a daily routine.
But he also has Mehr limits then Billy Grey, the traitor of the game.
Billy, within 15 Minuten of his release from prison brings back the war against the Engel of death, when Johnny tried so hard to make them finally have a trouce.

Niko Bellic:
An angry war veteran.
Who besides his soft side.
Is someone Du shouldn't even LOOK at the wrong way.
He kills without remorse.
His anger is a loose cannon, that won't take much to be lite.
And he knows how to use a weapon, and can kick arsch with it..
There are a lot of achievements that can be earned on Xbox. Now, these can range from being easy, hard, fun, or… stupid. So stupid, it’s funny. So, I want to talk about the ten Xbox achievements that are so stupid, their funny. Now, first things first. Only one game per franchise. However, I am dropping my play before put rule for this Liste only. Why? I have no clue, but it’s there. Now, with that said, lets start the list.

#10 - Dastardly from Red Dead Redemption - Ever seen those old western Filme where the bad guy has this girl tied up on the train tracks and then watches as...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block, where a group of ponies that are Friends live on the same block in Ponyville. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering*
Master Sword & Tom: *Standing in front of a house*
Master Sword: Hello, I am Master Sword.
Tom: And I'm Tom Foolery. *Looking at Master Sword* I was just wondering. Why are Du called Master Sword?
Master Sword: Because I'm good with a sword.
Tom: At least you're not good with fishing.
Master Sword: Why is that?
Tom: Because, then Du would be called Master Bait.
Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: I don't get it....
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posted by Canada24
Again I'll skip ahead a bit.

I'm excited about using Merle..

Merle, high on cocaine, was wasting all the ammo, shooting a hunting gewehr at walkers.

Everyone ran in, mad at him for wasting ammo.

"Hey! Outta be Mehr polite to man with a gun. Only common curtsy!" Merle cried arrogantly.

"Your wasting all the ammo! Just chill!" T Dog.

"I'm chill as cucumber, T, to the, Dog.. I found some 'awesome' stuff in the trash.. Du can pull out ever single one of my teeth, I won't even notice" Merle replied.

"Besides.. Last time I check. I wasn't taking orders from no nigger!" Merle sagte to T Dog's face.

T Dog got...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: GM
added by AquaMarine6663
Source: Like hell if I know
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by Windwakerguy430
added by Dudespie
Source: Meh, Windwakerguy430 (aka the best person on the planet)
added by SkyheartPegasus
Source: MLP