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Wow it's been months since I've written an article, and I have to say it's been out of sheer laziness and lack of time.

As I've sagte I had minor surgery to my foot, which makes me unable to walk. This is actually really great, because I've literally watched every single Victorious start to finish.

Re-watching everything has made me realize something about Cat. I've sagte earlier that I thought she was getting stupider, but now that I've watched it all over one after the other, I don't think that her intelligence has dropped TOO much.

Yes she's slightly worse now, but as I watch her, it isn't her mind that becomes annoying and obnoxious, it's her mannerisms. Now Ariana Fans don't murder me, I think Ari is a great actress (I think the people who say she's a bad actress don't know how to judge an actor's ability). She has a great voice, and despite what rumor says I think she's a really sweet person... but it's her Schauspielen that is making me dislike Cat.

Most likely, the writers have TOLD Ariana to act the way she is. What's changed is that she does that horrible man-ish overly excited voice with an almost growl in the tone oder her voice is SUPER high. Yes, her voice has always been high, but I watched the third episode and then the last one, then an interview with Ari's regular voice, and they all sounded different to me (I could be hearing things though).The expressions on her face have changed a LOT, her mouth is open a lot, her eye brows are constantly either high up oder dragged down, and her eyes either bug out oder are half lidded. I Liebe Ari's face, I think she's BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I hate what she's doing with it. When she speaks, she's constantly making an overly extravagant arm gesture oder swaying on her heels like a giddy child. When she giggles she looks like a four Jahr old and she is almost always fiddling with her freaking hair! (Which can be really cute when used in context). Her moods oder actions are constantly being announced as she does them. She's constantly running oder skipping as opposed to simply walking somewhere, and she is much less a part of the conversation than she used to be. She used to 'zone out' every now and then, now it's almost constant and when she does come back, it's usually to say something random.

What bothers me is Cat is becoming solely a comedy fixture and not a main character with different aspects. Hell, I think BECK has Mehr character development than Cat. Really, what do we know about her other than, she likes to flirt, Zufällig crap, her mother is strange, and her brother is a freak? Cat has been sad and cried a couple of times but we haven't seen her really react like a normal teenager in a serious situation since Cat's New Boyfriend. Seriously, her best episode. We saw her happy, we saw her random, we saw her sad and hurt, we saw her angry, but there was a limit, a range that she didn't go out of in that episode. When they make her constantly over react to things, oder they never just let her make a normal facial expression, they make her unrelatable. Used to be, for me, Cat represented the ditzyer moments in life. We all have them, but that doesn't make us four years old. I want to see Cat as a real person with substance. I think it's common knowledge that very few complex emotions go on inside of Cat, and I want that to change. I want to see Cat. I want her personality, her thoughts, to be laid out on the line and I want her to seem human again. I liked eccentric Cat, not extreme Cat.

Now, I should probably put this in another article, but I don't want spam the board, and I'm pretty lazy so it's going here.

Does anyone else find Tori/Jade and Jade/Cat relationships strange? We see in the first season that Jade is very tolerant of Cat, she seems to favor her out of her friends. Season two comes along and the screaming trödel, schrott, junk-e- starts (I've been over this I swear I'm not just recycling rants here) and now, season three they are very slowly mending that relationship. (I hope it reverts back to season one but it breaks my herz knowing that it won't.) She still shouts at Cat frequently.

Now TORI on the other hand has been shouted at once. Yup ONE time Jade has used her scream on Tori. The affection that Jade scarcely fed Cat in the first season now seems to be LAVISHED on Tori. Jade's snide Kommentare toward Tori have gotten less frequent, and Jade now tolerates almost everything she does. She'll go as far as to touch, oder let herself be touched Von Tori. We've had three Cade hugs, and just as many Jori hugs. But Cat has had to 'steal' hugs from Jade twice, Tori has only had to bribe Jade once and has NEVER been pushed away.

Jade openly insults and yells at Cat Mehr frequently than Tori and it's just freaking WEIRD. It's like the writers couldn't let Jade actually have multiple Friends so they had to give Cat the boot because they wanted to play with the 'antagonist comes around' plot. That really upsets me. I know it's just a kid's show, but I Liebe Cade, romantic oder friendly, I value that friendship. They've had it for years.

Tori has come into Hollywood Arts and taken, roles, Singen parts, and performance slots from Jade. I'm OK with that, she's the main character... but I draw a line at Tori taking freaking friendships. Yes, Jade is still technically Friends with Cat. Yes, Cat and Tori are Friends and Jade and Tori are 'friends' but I feel like Tori is now a wedge between Cat and Jade. They've both moved their attention to Tori and no one cares about Cade anymore, heck even the FANFICTION writers have done this! It's Jori Jori Jori and I Liebe Jori, but Cat's relationship with Jade DOES matter, they were Friends before Tori, and I think it's only fair that they're best Friends now.

It's strange, because Cat is still Jade's obvious go to. When she's bored, she's with Cat. When her house was being fumigated, instead of going to stay with her parent in a hotel oder at the house oder a family friend oder even with her other parent, Jade stayed at Cat's. I really don't feel like she was FORCED to be over there but it really annoyed me they tried to make it seem like she was. Jade's tough girl act used to not pertain to Cat, in Freak the Freak Out, Jade made no attempt nor felt any inclanation to explain why she was hanging out with Cat. Now in both Cat Crashes Jade's House and Bedtime Story, Jade denies her desire to be around Cat. Then, we see Jade over at Cat's for seemingly no reason. Then they seem to change their minds again, having Jade randomly choose to hang out at Cat's (that made me happy). Even then though, Jade was cruel to Cat a couple of times.

To be honest, I feel like Jade has been changed as well as Cat. The breakup was good for Jade, it's made her settle down a bit, but really they've destroyed a little of Jade's depth. Jade can no longer control her emotions, she is often violent (used to be she'd get Du back in a sneaky way, not a physical confrontation), she has no patience with anyone, and until Tori Goes Platinum Jade wasn't really displaying many different emotions at all. My Favorit side to Jade, (which other people disagree with me on/ don't think exists oder ever existed) was when Jade was matronly, and seemed to mother people in the group. Like Cat, oder Sinjin in that one video. It's one thing that made me Liebe her, because I thought it was interesting. I don't SEE that in a lot of other characters.

I thought it was really interesting that Cat and Jade could be friends, yet Jade maintained that mildly matronly role. Now that side of Jade has dissipated, and so has her relationship with Cat.

My POINT before that rant, was that it's like the writers cannot intelligently handle to intelligent friendships on the show. If they focus on Jori, Cade will never reach it's full potential. I don't think that's fair and I swear it's not just the pain meds that are making me emotional, it really, legitimately upsets me that they're doing that. It isn't fair. Cade was FIRST.

Alright, do your eyes hurt? my fingers do. I'll shut up. Later cupcakes.
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