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Farm Tiere very well cared for

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Farm Tiere very well cared for | Windsor News - Breaking News & Latest Headlines | Windsor star, sterne
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Cattle flee from a barn fire on the Jobin Farms property just outside Windsor on Monday, April 18, 2016. Firefighters battled the blaze, which completely destroyed the barn and other buildings, well into the night. Several cows had to be put down on the scene. (Windsor Star - Tyler Brownbridge)
There have been some letters in the Windsor Star recently suggesting that farm animals are not well cared for on our farms.
I am a farmer and I know that farmers do care for their animals. They work with animal dietitians to provide the best diet based upon the animal’s needs.
They work with veterinarians to make sure the animals have good care when they are sick, just as you would care for your pet when it is sick. They do not indiscriminately give their animals hormones or antibiotics.
Animals are not only more productive when they are healthy and happy (farmers have an economic interest in providing safe and comfortable living conditions), but it is the right and moral thing to do.
To be a farmer is to truly enjoy your chosen lifestyle and to enjoy caring for the animals you work with. When the tragic barn fire happened in Tecumseh last month, every dairy farmer from across the county came to help the cows.
They continue to provide housing and care for them on their own farms. Dairy farmers know all the characteristics and traits of each of their animals.
They are with them morning and night, every day of the year. When tragedy strikes, farmers and first-responders have a very tough job, and caring for the animals is central to their decision-making.
As this barn fire raged, they worked together to save the cows. The surviving cattle are now doing well in their temporary farms. The agricultural community cares deeply about all farm animals and appreciates your support.
Farmers depend upon their animals for their livelihoods and they provide the best care for them as possible.
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