Tony, Ziva, McGee and Abby Welcome!!! (New Comers Please Read)

choco_cookie posted on Oct 28, 2008 at 12:30AM

Thanks for becoming a fan. I really love NCIS so this is just amazing (lol)

Now, the same rules apply for any other fanpop site. Feel free to express you love for these 4 people but no negativity.

Yours Truly
choco_cookie (creater)

Tony, Ziva, McGee and Abby 7 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr ebathory said…
Thanks for creating this, great idea!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Anusha said…
:) Awesome Thanks.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zivaka said…
This is great fun. Gotta qu. What is on the bracelelt Gibbs wears? Is it his or Mark Harmon's?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr ebathory said…
I have no clue...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr _ele_ said…
thanks for creating this!
i'm avobe all, a Pauley (Abby) fan
if you wanna contact me, mi email is:
it'd be nice to meet other fans:)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr NCISLOVER said…
Yeah, it was a great idea to creat this. I love the The 4 Musketeers of NCIS, but Ziva is my fav. :)
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr choco_cookie said…
Thanks for all the great comments. Again feel free to ad all the videos and pictures that you like and just have fun!!!!:D