There Goes The Neighborhood Club
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A gigantic 20-foot Wand has been constructed in suburban Atlanta, surrounding an entire neighborhood. The eight families who are trapped inside are about to embark on the game of their lives competing for the grand prize of a quarter of a million dollars. The Wand is massive and snakes around the front and back of each family’s home, completely cutting them off from the outside world. They’ve known each other for years, but their closest bonds will be tested when each week they'll have to kick another family out of the game.

The Adventure Begins
Host Matt Rogers gathers the families together to tell them that the Wand they’ve discovered stands for something Mehr than a slab of concrete on their front lawn. They’ve been completely cut off from the outside world and won’t be able to visit Friends oder go to work. Inside the wall, families will have no choice but to spend quality time together, and will need to work together as a team in the upcoming game that pits them against their neighbors in a fight for the grand prize of $250,000. Matt shows them the only exit from the Wand that will only be opened to allow a losing family to exit. He asks the brains of the neighborhood, Dad Cameron Johnston, who will be the first family to go. Cameron calls out the Mullennixs and says that they are too “fragmented” and that Chris is “an emotional wing nut.” Mom Chris Mullennix defends her family saying that, though they have two teenage boys who have lives of their own; they are fully capable of pulling together as a team. The neighbors are then sent back to their homes to prepare for their first challenge.

A Different Way of Life
Tom Bussiere is an insurance agent, and this is the longest time he’ll ever have taken off of work. His wife, Susan, says that it’s hard being Home with just two kids, and since she pretty much considers Tom a third child, she’s expecting a challenge. Meanwhile, Chris Mullennix is expecting this experience to allow for quality bonding time with her son, Nathanael, and adopted nephew, Keith. Right off the bat she’s disappointed though, because the 17-year-old boys are bored and go straight to their room to play video games. She tells them that, if this is the way it’s going to be, they might as well leave the game right now. The Upshaws are developing a plan for life inside the Wand too, and Dad Rick Upshaw reveals that he plans to try and maintain some semblance of his normal routine.

Lights Out
Night has fallen and, just as the families are coming to terms with living their lives trapped behind a wall, their power is cut. The lights go dark and the electronics shut down. The concerns of the families deepen and Dad Jeff DeGirolamo frets, “We Lost the TV, you’re not gonna have AC. Du can’t cook. Du can’t do anything. No lights. I mean I gotta bring a flashlight into the bathroom. How long is this gonna go on for?” Tom Bussiere asks his wife, Susan, “We’re going to be in Atlanta in the summertime without air-conditioning?” She comforts him “You were a Webelo in Cub Scouts, Du can do this.”

As Tag breaks, Dad David Schindler reflects, “It’s a different life for me behind the wall; I’m normally spending 60 to 80 hours a week at work. Always texting away, E-mailing away. Now, it’s like we’re all going to be a family, bonding behind these walls. We’ll see how that goes.” Dad Jeff DeGirolamo feels trapped knowing that life continues outside the Wand and they are not a part of it. To ward off the heat in the absence of air conditioning, he enlists his son, Greg, to install window screens. Jeff gets a little frustrated and Greg admits that sometimes he pushes his Dad’s buttons because it’s funny when he gets angry. Without the distractions that electricity provides, it looks like the families will have Mehr time to focus on each other and their relationships.

Hose Down
Host Matt Rogers calls the families out of their homes for the first challenge. A feuer truck’s siren sounds as it arrives outside the wall. From inside the wall, the families look up to see a fireman’s head come up over the oben, nach oben as a feuer hose is tossed inside the wall. Matt explains the rules of the first Neighborhood Challenge, Hose Down. In it, each family will pick two members to participate. The first family member will put on a t-shirt covered in Georgia mud. The Sekunde family member will start at hydrants across the yard, and their task is to untangle 100 feet of knotted feuer hose. Once they have untangled the hose, they will use it to wash the mud off of their teammate’s shirt, revealing three numbers printed on their t-shirt. Then, both family members will run to the finish, where they will find their family trunk. Using the three numbers from the t-shirt, they will work to find to correct combination to unlock the kofferraum, stamm and retrieve their family flag. The first family to hold their family flag up becomes Kings of the Neighborhood. However, they will also win a huge responsibility. The winning family will pick two families they want to kick out of the game. Everyone in the neighborhood will then vote for which of the two families will stay and who will be kicked out of the game.

As the challenge gets underway, Dad Jeff DeGirolamo starts with a huge lead, stretching the hose out pretty far. However, Dad Tom Bussiere untangles his hose first, and begins spraying down his wife Susan’s muddy t-shirt to Suchen for the three numbers. Dad Chris Nelson and Dad Chris Upshaw are neck and neck as they continue to untangle the hose. Jeff DeGirolamo has Lost his early lead and is stuck with a Rapunzel – Neu verföhnt mess. Chris Nelson and Chris Upshaw begin hosing down their family members at the same time. Chris Nelson is spraying the mud off his son, Christian’s hemd, shirt fairly quickly and they find the numbers 2-5-9. Christian is trying combinations on the kofferraum, stamm as the Bussieres catch up. The Nelsons just barely edge out the Bussieres and hold their flag up as the Bussieres pop open their lock. As winners of the challenge, the Nelsons get a prize to make life a little easier for them behind the wall—a brand new refrigerator/freezer powered Von a generator, stocked with cold drinks and food. However, they also must choose two families to put in danger of being kicked out of the game. They complete their victory climb to the roof of the house to fly their family flag as Kings of the Neighborhood.

Share and Share Alike
As the Nelsons enjoy their cold Essen and drinks, the neighbors swing, schaukel Von to admire the new refrigerator, share in the bounty and, most importantly, to get in the Nelsons’ good graces for the upcoming vote. Dad Tom Bussiere sweet talks Mrs. Nelson, “Mickey Du are looking so beautiful. I walked over here and Du took my breath away.” Chris Mullennix congratulates Mickey, “I think everything happens for a reason and Du guys really needed a refrigerator so that’s cool.” Mickey smartly replies, “We really need the 250 too.”

The families talk strategy and Jeff DeGirolamo tells Tom Bussiere that his and Rick Upshaw’s families are probably in danger because they were such tough competitors in the challenge that they came close to winning. Tom suggests that Jeff is Mehr of a threat as far as game play is concerned, but Jeff is confident that the Nelsons won’t put his family in danger of being kicked out of the game because of their friendship, stating, “I won’t cut his throat, he won’t cut mine.” David Schindler feels that Jeff’s bravado could be his downfall and that the DeGirolamos are a sneaky family.

The Nelsons Deliberate
The Nelsons retreat to their Home to discuss what gives them the best chance at the game moving forward. 19-year-old Christian suggests that they pick DeGirolamos and the Mullennixs as the families who may have to leave the game. Dad Chris Nelson agrees that Jeff DeGirolamo is a seasoned poker player, which makes him a huge threat in the game. Christian explains that the Mullennixs are weak so, if they are put in danger of leaving, he thinks that the neighborhood will vote out the DeGirolamos. As the family considers this option, they also consider the ramifications. The Nelsons are very close family Friends with the Mullennixs, and they worry about the effect this will have on their relationship and Chris Mullennix’s emotions. 15-year-old Jackson presents the Bussieres as an alternative option, because of how close they came to winning the challenge. The Nelson family struggles to come to a decision as night falls in the neighborhood.

The First Neighborhood Meeting
Matt brings the neighbors together to discuss how this strange way of life is affecting their families. Chris Mullennix says that she expected to grow closer to her teenage sons with the loss of their electronics and video games, but having no electricity is hard on them all and they are still working through their family issues. David Schindler surprises Matt Von enthusiastically describing his experience as terrific. He explains that, due to his work commitments, he normally doesn’t get to spend as much time with his family as he would like to. David’s 10-year-old son, Emmett, talks about what it means to have his Dad home, “It feels really good. Usually, when I go to sleep at night, I don’t even get to see him and I don’t like it when that happens… [now] I get to see him every Sekunde of the day. Sometimes I just see him sleeping and I’m like, ‘He’s a good Dad.’” The meeting gets down to business when the Nelsons are asked to name two families who will be in danger of leaving the game. The Nelsons first name the DeGirolamos and say it’s because their strategy is to take out tough people. The Sekunde family they put in danger of being kicked out of the game is the Mullennix family. Chris Mullennix is hurt and brought to tears Von the decision. She is taken Von surprise because of their close relationship.

The families return to their homes to decide which family to support and keep in the game. They must decide if they are supporting the Mullennixs oder the DeGirolamos, and they need to bring a picture of the family that they have chosen to support back to Matt to Zeigen which family they want to keep in the game. The families deliberate between friendship and strategy and, in the end, the Mullennix family receives 4 Stimmen of support which is enough to keep them in the game and make the DeGirolamo family the first to be kicked out of the game. The DeGirolamo family exits through the opening gate in the wall, still shocked to be the first family to leave THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD.