The Guardian Engel (my story) Club
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posted by Articuno224
The Guardian Engel Chapter 5

After encountering a new and useful Angel – Jäger der Finsternis Sophie and Jon was now finally on their way to save their mother, but of course they didn’t realize that she was already dead. Jon, Sophie and Brandon all three flew with an Unglaublich speed thanks to all their Engel but they were still not there yet.

After killing the king and Michel the guard patrol went outside of the schloss walls and met with someone there. The person they were meeting had put up a tent like he owned some of the land. And yet Mehr surprising it was the kings own commander who he gave an important task. It would seem that he ignored the agreement because he was now about to tell all these guards something… “Well met my friends, and thanks for taking care of Alfred, he was not only unfitting as a king but dangerous too… Now I can rule instead! Set your allegiance to me now and Du won’t be disappointed” “Wait, are Du saying that the reason we just killed our king was that Du could take his place?” one of the guards asked “Yes that is true, but also because he wasn’t fit as I told Du before” “I can’t believe this! Du tricked us, Du made us kill our king for nothing but jealousy!” another of the guards said. “I’ve already arranged my crowning so Du don’t have a choice” “Well Du are not king yet, so we don’t have to listen to Du at all and how could Du possibly have arranged all this already? It doesn’t make sense” the guard captain replied. “I can’t tell Du that because it would mean saying too much” “Uh? Well it doesn’t matter, we don’t really have anyone else to answer so we’ll do as Du say… at least for now” the guard captain replied. “Good then come along, let’s go to the thron room” the commander ordered. They all walked through the main gate and a few other rooms until they all arrived at the thron room! The used to be commander now sat on the thron chair. “Ahhh it feels good! I won’t have to listen to orders anymore. It will only be a few hours before my crowning begins” the guards all looked at each other like they thought he was crazy. “You know something? I’ve also sent someone else out to find those two siblings whom I was supposed to find myself” “But what about their mother?” one of the guards asked. “What about her?” “We had to kill her, she was in so much pain that we had no choice” “I see… well that won’t matter we just make sure that we will find her children”

Sophie, Jon and Brandon arrived and landed near a secret entrance to the dungeons, “Thank Du but we’ll take it from here” Jon and Sophie sagte to their angels. “Sure just call if Du need us” and they disappeared. Brandon was still not himself though it was still the guardian Angel – Jäger der Finsternis controlling him! “He is not ready yet” Jon and Sophie nodded and let the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis in Brandon’s body lead the way! Then they walked inside the secret entrance. It was a small tunnel with not very much Weltraum to walk but they got through after about five Minuten they were in a very dark and smelly room… It was of course the dungeons. “This must be the dungeons and it must be where they keep our mother” Sophie said. Jon nodded and sagte “Let’s find her” they searched through the whole room but found nothing! “Jon she’s not here” Sophie sagte confused and a little sad “I can’t believe it… just maybe” “Maybe what Jon?” There’s something on the floor over there” Jon said. “Where?” Sophie asked confused. “No it can’t be…” Jon sagte shocked “What is it Jon? Sophie asked as she came closer! When she turned her eyes on what Jon had found she saw her mother lying dead on the floor and she screamed and covered her eyes. Jon fell on his knees and stared down! He was getting tears in his eyes. Sophie went close to the body and touched it “Mom?” Sophie asked sadly while getting tears in her eyes! The Angel – Jäger der Finsternis went closer to Jon and Sophie still in Brandon’s body and sagte “I’m sorry. We didn’t know anything about this if we had we would have told you” Sophie looked at Brandon for a Sekunde but covered her mouth and closed her eyes with tears after. A Minute later Jon stood up again and turned to Brandon and asked the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis “How could Du not have known about this? Isn’t it your job to know everything and save everyone? Well you’re not doing a very good job!” Jon sagte angry and upset. “I am sorry… My boss is calling! It must be about this, I can feel it’s important! I have to go so I’m leaving this young boy in your hands, he will be weak!” The Angel – Jäger der Finsternis quickly disappeared in a Sekunde as yellow light was all around. Brandon fell to the ground and didn’t have enough strength to stand so he lay on the floor unconscious instead. A few moments later the guard patrol came down at the dungeons to check on things. They saw Jon, Sophie and Brandon and ran towards them and started threatening them with their weapons, most of them had halberds oder lances oder swords. Jon and Sophie looked up while they were being threatened; they were still in shock about their mother’s death so they didn’t care much. Then the guards noticed Brandon lying unconscious! “What’s with this kid?” they asked. Jon and Sophie didn’t answer so the guards took them all and put them in a room. Actually the same room as they put Michel when she was a guest of the king. Sophie and Jon were put on a bett together and Brandon was put on the other bett as there was only two. “Wait here” the guards sagte as they left.
The guard patrol went to the thron room where the crowning had begun. There were already a lot of people in the hall to see their new king, the guards stood at the door at the entrance and looked from afar. “Welcome everyone! My name is Killian and this is a very special Tag not only for me but for all of us! As Du all know our king is dead and it’s time for a new king, Alfred asked me personally to be his heir and I gladly accepted, so let us begin!” People started clapping for a few Sekunden but then the room was quiet again as the man with the crown came. “I crown Du king over this land and protector of the people” Killian looked happy and satisfied.

In a house not far from the sacred forest where George and Helena lived there lived a guy named Arthur. Arthur’s parents were both very sick and he was afraid they could die any second, but when his mother told him that she heard about guardian Engel Arthur became desperate and felt he had to find them and capture them if he had to.

George made a deal with the magical talking stags. The deal was that he needed to Zeigen Helena the magical sacred crystal that protects the whole forest! After they gave him permission George went to Helena. “Hey Helena, there is something I need to Zeigen you” Helena agreed to go with him. They passed through many trees before Helena asked “Where exactly are Du taking me George?” “You’ll see, it’s a beautiful sight I can promise Du that!” George real plan with all this was to tell Helena how he felt about her while they would be a perfect place.

Jon and Sophie noticed Brandon was still not conscious. They stopped feeling sad and broken about their mother and started taking responsibility. They both helped Brandon to feel better Von first lying him Mehr comfortable so he didn’t lie with the back upwards and after that they put the duvet over him as well, then they looked at each other and smiled for a Sekunde and then sat down on their own bett again. They started thinking a lot again until Jon sagte something “Hey Sophie, do Du think we could have been here in time to save her?” Sophie had her fingers on her libs before she answered “I don’t know Jon, I don’t know anything anymore” Jon looked at her and replied with a sigh.

Now George had brought Helena to the sacred crystal and when she saw it she said; “Is that? “Yes” George replied. “We shouldn’t be here, isn’t it a sacred place George?” “I made a deal with them and I was lucky they sagte yes so we should enjoy this while it lasts” George sagte a bit exited. Helena walked closer to the crystal as she looked curious and sagte “It looks almost alike the ones in my family! It’s just much bigger” George tried to listen and Zeigen interest but all he could think about at this time was Helena, he went closer to her and sagte “Helena?” “Yes?” “Do Du like me?” Helena sounded a bit surprised and made a short laugh not because she thought it was funny but because she didn’t expect something like that. “What do Du mean George of course I like you” “No I mean I like Du a lot” there was a short silence until she replied “I know I’ve known for some time, I don’t mean to be rude but you’re not good at hiding it” Helena sagte a bit shy. “So Du knew that I Liebe you? Well can Du tell me if Du feel the same?” George sagte nervous and shy. “I like Du George, but things are complicated I’m not what Du think I am” she sagte disappointed. “You are exactly what I think! Du are the only thing I want right now” While Helena was looking down George touched her chin and made her face look up at him. They looked at each other sometime until George slowly started Küssen her at first they were both a bit shy as it was the first time for both of them but then Helena also started Küssen him back.

Arthur was looking behind trees “So that’s the crystal” he also saw George and Helena kiss. But he was Mehr interested in the crystal. He approached from the trees and interrupted George and Helena even though he had no permission to be there “Excuse me, I’m sorry for interrupting your romantic moment but do Du know if I can borrow that crystal for a while?” George and Helena were both shocked since they thought they were alone. “Don’t ever do that again, Du can’t just sneak in like that” George said. “Sorry kid but he gets scared easily” Helena sagte for fun to provoke George. George looked at her and sagte “I what? No I don’t” “But the thing is boy that this crystal is very sacred and no one may borrow it. Actually Du can only be near it if Du got permission, did Du get permission?” Helena asked. Arthur was a bit overwhelmed Von her words “No but I don’t care I just need it! Du won’t understand but it’s really important” he sagte worried. “What is your name boy?” “Arthur” “Okay Arthur what is it Du think I won’t understand, Du can tell me I won’t get mad, but there is someone who would be furious if they found out Du were here. So tell me and I’ll help you” Helena sagte comforting. “Helena what are Du trying to do?” George asked her worried. Helena turned to George and sagte “Don’t worry I know what I’m doing”

Jon looked at Brandon and asked Sophie “Hey Sophie, where do Du think his father is?” “I haven’t really thought about that, maybe he is dead, I mean he never talked about his father” Sophie replied “Yeah but what if his father is searching for him right now? Then it’s our responsibility to get him back to his father” Jon said. “I guess” Sophie replied a bit sad. But while they were thinking someone smashed the door open! It was one of guards “You three come with me” the guard sagte exhausted Jon and Sophie were terrified “What’s going on, where are Du taking us?” Jon asked. “There is no time to waste. The new king would want Du to surfer. Du must get out of here quick and let me help Du with that kid” The guard took hold of Brandon and started carrying him while Jon and Sophie walked behind him. They needed to be silent and sneaky. If they were to get away they couldn’t be seen. They walk careful enough to get away from the schloss safely and when they were just outside the guard took his leave and went back to the schloss so he wouldn’t be suspected “I better go back before they suspect me of doing anything, good luck” now Sophie and Jon had to carry Brandon themselves without having any idea where to go!

In heaven at a platform where the Engel held all their council meetings they were all discussing a lot of things at the moment! Right now it was the blue Angel – Jäger der Finsternis speaking oder should I say the water elemental Angel – Jäger der Finsternis “The boy our siblings have befriended needs help, he doesn’t seem to recover anytime soon and it’s already been going on for a while. I know it’s against the rules but can’t we make an exception this time? He means something to them and I think that’s important” the green earth elemental Angel – Jäger der Finsternis replied “You always want to save everyone but that’s not how things works, we need to keep nature in balance, we can’t just interfere with such things” “I don’t see a problem if we only do it this once” the red feuer elemental Angel – Jäger der Finsternis said. “What do Du say boss?” the green earth elemental Angel – Jäger der Finsternis asked their leader. “A lot of things are coming and we will need the boy to get better, so we will do it, Du will do it” the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis of wisdom sagte to the blue angel.

The Blue Angel – Jäger der Finsternis went back to Sophie and Jon to heal Brandon of his suffering. It appeared right in front of them while they were out on the empty plains. The dramatic blue light blinded Jon and Sophie like always. “I’ve been sent to heal the boy of his pain and unconsciousness “the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis said. Jon and Sophie looked at the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis and Sophie smiled and replied “Great can Du really do it?” “I can try, I’ve healed many things but this is not an ordinary problem. Du will need to cover your eyes, I will need to use all of my power and there will be strong blinding light all around” Jon and Sophie nodded. The blue Angel – Jäger der Finsternis started off Von only using a small amount of power to see if it was enough… Nothing happened. Then it sounded like the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis started screaming. Now it used all of its power. Blue light was all around not just on Brandon. Jon and Sophie had to cover their ears also… but they couldn’t cover both eyes and ears so they were in trouble. The Angel – Jäger der Finsternis stopped screaming after a Minute oder two whereas it had also used much of its energy and power; it was actually a bit weak now. Brandon suddenly opened his eyes he sounded like he was in pain but he really wasn’t anymore thanks to the angel. Jon and Sophie saw him wake up and sagte in a happy manner “Welcome back”

Arthur told George and Helena everything about his sick parents and that he heard guardian Engel existed… Helena already knew oder at least she had believed since she was young. “I believe they exist, but no one knows how to contact them oder find them… so Du will be disappointed kid, give it up” “Not a chance! I will never give up hope, I will do everything I can to save my parents, and I WILL find a way” Arthur replied. “No offence kid but what else can Du try?” George asked him “The crystal have magical power… I will use it! “You can’t! No one can oder is allowed to EVER remove the crystal from its sacred place. Come with us, maybe I can make an elixir that can help your parents” Helena sagte comforting. Arthur went with George and Helena to their tent.

The blue Angel – Jäger der Finsternis now took its leave after saying “I have go, I will send the red one down to Du and he will teleport Du to a safer place” “Thanks for everything” Sophie sagte happy! “First Du saved our lives and now his. how can we ever thank Du enough” Jon said. “Your welcome, it’s just my job” then it disappeared. Jon and Sophie started looking at Brandon… “How are Du feeling?” Sophie asked. “I feel a bit weird, as if I’ve been swung around for hours” “Well that’s not exactly what happened” Jon sagte in a sarcastic manner. Brandon looked at him a bit annoyed but then asked “what exactly happened then?” “It’s a long story” Jon said. “What do Du remember?” Sophie asked. “I remember walking up all those stairs and practically being in heaven oder at least above many clouds… and then meeting one of the angels” “That Angel – Jäger der Finsternis possessed Du Brandon and that was actually our fault… Maybe it was a mistake” Jon replied. “Jon!” Sophie cried out! “What? He needs to know the truth doesn’t he? I don’t see why we should keep it from him” “Why did it possess me?” Brandon asked curious. “We decided that it couldn’t be any of us since having two powers at once could be dangerous AND we couldn’t agree which one of us should get possessed.” Jon sagte “But what matters is that Du turned out okay now at least” Sophie said. “Yeah thanks Du guys… for everything you’ve done for me… Ever since my Friends died Von my own hands I’ve been alone… but Du were there for me, my mother never was” Jon and Sophie looked at each other and then looked back at Brandon “I’m sure your mother loved Du Brandon! Every mother loves her child… She might just have been very bad at Wird angezeigt it” Sophie sagte comforting. “Bad at Wird angezeigt it? She treated me like a slave, like I always had to do everything she said… and she called me so many things… Yeah she was bad at Wird angezeigt it… I’m not even sure I remember the last time she was nice to me” “What about your father?” Jon asked. “My father? I barely even remember him! I haven’t seen him since I was very young, maybe two oder three years old. Actually my mother might have been different back then… I don’t remember exactly”

Back at the tent in the sacred forest Helena was preparing a potion that would help Arthur’s parents to suffer less pain before they would pass out! Arthur was not satisfied with this at all obviously! “I can make a potion that will take your parents pain away so they can die in peace and comfort” Helena said. Arthur looked shocked at Helena and then he cried out “That’s NOT good enough!” then he looked disappointed at both of them and then he ran in a hurry. “Wait! Where are Du going?” Helena cried out while she reached for him hoping to catch him, but he got away.

Arthur planned to steal the magical crystal. He believed that was the only way now! Arthur ran until he was with the crystal again. He reached out for it and when he touched it he was blinded Von a fierce light almost like the light of the angels. He tried very hard to pull it out of its platform but it was stuck. After a short while he pulled it out and smiled. “I did it! Now I can save them” right after he sagte this the whole forest turned dark… It was like the sun and all life had disappeared from the area, a Sekunde after that a storm came. Arthur was getting scared but he tried to hurry Home and hope to save his parents with the power of the crystal.
posted by Articuno224
The Guardian Engel Chapter 7

After the red Angel – Jäger der Finsternis had conjured the enormous feuer to save Helena, the creatures were killed and the place was burnt to the ground, but neither Helena nor Arthur was burnt! However, the red Angel – Jäger der Finsternis had close to no life force left after using all that power, it was badly hurt. Helena and Arthur were both lying on the ground, no one knew if they were alive oder not! The red Angel – Jäger der Finsternis touched Helena and turned her around "No, it can't be" it said. Nearby there was a strange light in many different colors, it was the other Engel who had come. The Engel approached, their...
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posted by Articuno224
The Guardian Engel Chapter 8

Flashback: “You see that Jon, that’s your sister, you’re gonna have a baby sister” Michel sagte to a near 2 Jahr old Jon while carrying a newborn baby in her arms. “What do Du think we should call your new sister?” Jon didn’t reply, but the father Tom suggested “How about Joana? They’ll both have similar names” “No, my daughter will not be named Joana” Michel insisted. “What about Josephine?” “I will name her Sophie, what do Du think of that Jon? Your new sister Sophie”

Few years later:
As Sophie hugged her brother, their mother looked...
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I thought this music-video was pretty fitting for this story :D
posted by Articuno224
The Guardian Engel Chapter 6

“The crystal have been stolen, I sense it. We have to do something. Some of Du will go and see what has happened, any volunteers?” The Angel – Jäger der Finsternis of Wisdom sagte serious. “I volunteer” The Angel – Jäger der Finsternis of feuer replied. “One Mehr of Du will need to go, it will be Du since your specialty is to handle darkness” The Angel – Jäger der Finsternis of Wisdom sagte to the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis of Light. The other Angel – Jäger der Finsternis agreed.

In the tent George and Helena were starting to panic and didn’t know what to do. “We should do something. He must have stolen the crystal… Isn’t that the only thing that could...
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