the Anubian's wolf pack Club
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posted by nikaitla
Wölfe once roamed over much of what we now know as Mexico until extirmination efforts successfully removed the wolf. No reliable sighting of a wild Mexican wolf has been reported since the last five individuals were captured and placed in a captive breeding program in Arizona in 1980. Today, the only known wild Mexican Wölfe are found in the United States in limited areas of Arizona and New Mexico, where they were reintroduced.

Common Names: gray wolf, lobo (Spanish)
Latin Name: Canis lupus

Common Name: Mexican wolf
Latin Name: Canis lupus baileyi

Current wolf Population, Trend, Status
Number of wolves: Unknown, most likely zero
Population trend: Unknown
Legal status: Full protection
added by anubis210
added by IronMaiden343
Anubis's Youtube vid about Wölfe