TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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The Great Cake God has demanded Mehr chapter's thus I must write and eat cake, isn't she awsome? Enjoy!

Gwen's POV

The blaring siren of the bullhorn jolted me out of bett almost literally. I was hanging Von my hands on the side of the bed, the rest of my body dangling over LeShawna's bunk. I hopped off quickly and proceeded to dress. While doing so, I noticed that Courtney was on her bottom bunk across from mine again, doing the thing that Heather mentioned to me. She was leaned all the way against the wall, and was obviously on her PDA. But she still felt the need to hide it. Okay, I'm officially with Heather, there's something going on there, I just don't know what.

We all walked out to the usual spot where Chris and all the remaining guys were standing.

"Cowabunga competitors!" Chris greeted us. "Today's challenge is bringin' us back to Wawanakwa Beach!" He announced, looking eagerly at our faces for some sign that we really gave a cupcake about the challenge, which wasn't coming any time soon.

"So do we get our swimsuits oder what?" I asked rather blandly.

"We won't be needing them until round two of today's challenge." Chris answered me.

"Why don't we focus on round one first?" Courtney suggested.

"Fine." Chris sneered. I swear, sometimes that guy is a five-year-old. He silently led us down to the "beautiful" shores of the beach. Us, though, were still unimpressed. "So, we're pulling an altmodisch sandcastle building contest!" Chris announced.

"Isn't that so two seasons ago?" Heather asked the Frage as if we were talking about a pair of shoes oder a sweater.

"Well, I'd say this time it's a little different. This time, the castles can only be made out of sand...and shells, I guess. Whatever floats your loser boat." He sagte with a shrug. "Go!" He then announced with a drop of both of his hands. We all ran a bit before skidding into the sand. A wolke of dusty, dirty, air upturned from the ground and engulfed my lungs for a moment, causing me to start hacking furiously.


Gwen: ...And that's why I hate the beach.

End Confessional

"Ugh!" Heather growled, "We should've kept geek-boy longer! He's the one that built our last one!"

"Yeah, and it got pummeled Von seagulls! Come on, guys, we can build a better one this time!" LeShawna motivated us.

"With me as the leader, of course." Courtney cut in.

"Uh, Girl? I think we all know LeShawna's our leader." LeShawna sagte confidently.

"Um hello? If anyone's leading us on this, it should be me!" Heather called. I laughed, bringing attention upon myself from the arguing trio. The looks they gave me demanded me to explain myself.

"I nominate anyone but Courtney." I sagte simply. Heather and LeShawna smiled at me, although Heather's was sort of hidden, I could see the thankfulness seeping through. Sierra's hand that wasn't clenched around Cody's arm then shot up.

"I nominate Cody!" She sang, now lifting up her and Cody's nearly conjoined arms.

"Any objections?" Heather asked. LeShawna and Courtney huffed snobbishly and folded their arms over their chests. "Fine then. Cody's our team leader." Heather announced as she took one of the plastic buckets that Chris had so generously stuck in the sand for us and plopped it on oben, nach oben of Cody's head to signify his leader status.

"So, what do we do first?" I asked.

"Well, we need some water." Cody said. I picked a plastic bucket out of the sand and got on the job. I noticed the other team had sent Duncan and Geoff to fetch some water as well. As I was dipping my bucket into the shallow water, I waved slightly to Duncan. He did his little salute, and I giggled a bit. Then, he Lost his balance as he turned on his heel, courtesy of a certain blonde party boy "accidentally" sticking his leg out. Duncan landed in the water flat on his back. I put my bucket down Von my team before lifting him out of the water.

"Are Du okay?" I asked a little nervously.

"I'll live, it's party boy who just might not." He mumbled. He got up and shook his droopy mohawk out a bit before going back to work. I decided to do the same thing and returned to my team. Under the instruction of Cody, the girls were putting the dry sand on oben, nach oben of the clumpy wet sand. I kneeled down in the mushy sand and did the same thing absentmindedly, as I was eavesdropping on the Killer Cavemen.

"No, put the sand on your left!" Noah yelled. I could just barely see him pointing to something DJ was molding. "No, Geoff, I meant your other left. The one that's not your right!" Noah screamed the last sentence Mehr irritatedly than he had the others. I probably would to if I had his IQ and had to work with those guys.


Noah: I didn't know that someone could be that stupid.

Geoff: Don't look at me, man! The dude expects me to know, like, geometry and crap!

Noah: *From outside Geoff's confessional* Kill me.

End Confessional

"Okay, everybody, just a few Mehr seashells at the top, and I think we're finished!" Cody sagte excitedly. I admired our sandcastle from afar as Courtney lightly stuck the finishing touches into the sandcastle. We all stood up and stood on either side of the masterpiece. I have to admit, Cody did good. There were tiers and flags and beautiful seashell decorations all about. Chris finally got his lazy self back onto the beach.

"And...time!" He called, clicking a few buttons on the side of his watch. He walked over to our creation first and took a Minute to inspect the craftsmanship. "Nice." He sagte with an approving nod. We all silently cheered.

"All thanks to me, of course." Courtney sagte with her eyes closed and a smug smile on her face. I rolled my eyes at her.

"I think Du mean thanks to Cody." I corrected her. Cody's teal, knickente, blaugrün eyes suddenly lit up.

"Thanks, Gwen!" He exclaimed. I saw him inching closer to me, arching his arms like he was ready to hug. I stuck my arm out, and smacked him in the face with my palm. "Oh!" He cried. I smiled satisfactorily as he rubbed his chin.

"This isn't a sandcastle!" Chris exclaimed out of nowhere. We all looked over to see that the Cavemen hadn't really made a sandcastle; It was Mehr like a really high lump of sand.

"Well, we tried and that's all that matters, right guys?" Bridgette asked optimistically.

"Sorry, Bridge, but not when we lose." DJ sagte as politely as one could when contradicting another person. Bridgette smiled weakly, but still fakely up at him.

"Well, I think it's pretty needless to say that the Screaming Squids won this round, but what the hay? Screaming Squids win!" Chris announced. We all cheered. "You will receive your reward after Du guys go put your swimsuits on, so go!" He shooed us away. All of the girls retreated to our kabine and put our swimsuits on. I couldn't help but notice how quickly Courtney had put hers on. She was halfway out the door when I was just getting started! I finished getting dressed quickly and grabbed my towel before walking out the door. Something was going down now. I saw her immediately upon arriving outside. She was standing in between the boy's and girl's kabine with Geoff. She was Wird angezeigt him something on her PDA.

"I don't know, man." Geoff sagte just loud enough that I could hear him clearly.

"Be a man, Geoff! Don't Du want your team back on track?" Courtney hissed. I'm surprised the whole camp didn't hear that.

"'Course I do, but this, dude-" Geoff was saying.

"All Du need to do is-" I couldn't hear what Courtney sagte after that, as the door to my kabine creaked open nearby. I could tell Von the red wedges that it was Heather, along with Bridgette, LeShawna, and Sierra.

"Come on, girl." LeShawna urged me. I hesitantly stood up from my spot and walked with them back to the beach. I stayed back in the crowd a bit and grabbed Heather's arm.

"I think Courtney's planning something with Geoff." I whispered.

"Why would she want to align with an idiot like Geoff?" Was Heather's replying question.

"I don't know, but Geoff wants his team back on track, whatever that means." I explained quietly.

"Don't tell anyone about this." Heather ordered me. I nodded and the conversation stopped there for now, for we had arrived back at the beach. Chris looked at us awkwardly.

"Yeah, um, the Weiter challenge is kind of starting up there..." Chris said, pointing to the big cliff he was apparently in Liebe with this season. All of us groaned and began to make the trek up the hill. I was surprised; we had reached the oben, nach oben relatively fast.

"Don't tell me we're doing another cliff-diving challenge." Heather scoffed.

"Well...not exactly." He said.

"So, we are doing a cliff-diving challenge, but there's something else to it." Noah declared in a flat, bored tone of voice.

"Exactly. Teams will take turns sending as many members down into the water that can stomach it. Only people that land within the ring of water can compete in round two. So Squids, since Du won the last challenge, Du guys are up first."

"But we won! Shouldn't we get to choose when we go?" Courtney asked.

"What, do your lawyers run the Zeigen now?" Chris asked irately.

"They're working on it." Courtney sneered.


Heather: Something tells me that wasn't just sarcasm.

Courtney: That wasn't just sarcasm. *presses buttons on PDA*

End Confessional

"Just go!" Chris screamed.

"Alright, here goes LeShawna..." LeShawna said. She walked all the way to the edge of the cliff and turned around backwards. Then, she plugged her nose and shut her eyes tightly before stiffly dropping her body off the edge. I didn't want to look, nor did I need to. LeShawna's screams released all her horror for her until a splash was heard. It was only then that I peeked over the edge of the cliff. LeShawna was waving to us from inside the circle.

"Woohoo!" I screamed down to her. She waved wildly for one Mehr moment before swimming away for the Weiter person to go. Heather stepped up to the edge next. She was shaking noticeably.

"Um-um, Chris? Can we jump with other people on this?" She asked. Her eyes were the size of abendessen plates.

"Whatever Du want, dude." Chris sagte rather uninterested in Heather's fright.

"Really?" Sierra asked. Then, before anyone could do anything else, Sierra grabbed Cody, and sped right off the cliff. What a maniac! When we looked down, I'm pretty sure we were all gaping. There Sierra was, a tiny purple mass waving to us from within the circle. Cody was nowhere to be found...until one looked in the treetops, that is. All Du could see were his pale legs and tan swim trunks protruding from the oben, nach oben of a bright green oak tree. Sierra was already on retrieving duty though.

"Okay...Heather, you're up!" Chris said. Before I could do anything, Heather grabbed my pale arm and yanked me over to her.

"I'm going with Gwen." She said.

"Um, sure, I guess." I said. I didn't have a problem with it, after all, trust is going to keep this alliances together, right? And I think I'm actually starting to like Heather...did I really just say that? We looked at each other and took deep breaths.

"You've got this, Gwen! And Heather too...I guess..." Duncan called. I didn't acknowledge him at the moment, Heather's death-grip on my right hand was kind of preventing it. Okay, if we didn't do this now, we never would...

"Now!" I called. We hopped through the air at the same time. I kept my eyes shut during the speedy descent. It wasn't as fun as zip-lining from island to island but it was just as invigorating. Heather was screaming her head off until we hit the water with a large splash. I stayed under for a moment, soaking in the salt water. Heather and I emerged at the same time both taking heavy breaths.

"Yes!" We exclaimed, high fiving each other perfectly. We had made it in the ring.


Heather: That was strictly a victory high-five, and I didn't pick Gwen to go with me because I wanted to go with her exactly, She was just closest.

End Confessional

We reached ufer with the rest of our team and watched as Courtney, our final member, completed the jump. It looked like she was tripped, as she flew over the edge of the cliff head-first, eventually landing right in front of mine and Heather's feet. We couldn't help but giggle at her. What? She wasn't hurt, just sandy.

"You'll pay for that!" She promised Heather and I. We just continued laughing at her.

We then watched the other team make their jumps. Duncan went totally calmly, but just barely made it in the ring, same with Bridgette. Geoff freaked in mid-air and almost didn't land in the water, let alone the circle. DJ was screaming the whole time, and unfortunately ended up with the same landing arrangements as Cody, who was safe, sicher for now. Noah was last, and he screamed for his life for sure. But hey, he made it. Chris had just walked down to us to explain the Sekunde part of the challenge when Noah started screaming from the water.

"Shark!" He screamed frantically. "Shark!" He screamed. I saw a shiny silver fin emerge not too far from Noah's retreating back and made a run for it myself. We were all in a group feet away from the ufer when Noah scrambled up to us.

"Wow, that really puts a damper on the Sekunde part of the challenge, huh?" Chris asked.

"No, duh!" Duncan yelled. It was only then I noticed he was behind me, holding me.

"Alright then. What, four Squids made it and three Cavemen made Squids win!" Chris exclaimed.

"Yes!" Heather hissed.

"What do we win?" Courtney asked, still brushing dirt off her gray bikini.

"Um..." Chris said, digging through his pockets until he pulled out a computer maus with a retractable cord. "Here!" He exclaimed.

"A mouse?" Sierra asked.

"Yes. A stylish laptop accessory." He presented it to us.

"Whatever." Courtney said, snatching the maus from Chris.

After that, I just stayed in the cabin. After all, I had a lot to think about: Duncan and Geoff, Courtney and Geoff, Courtney and Her Lawyers, Courtney! I hadn't even gone through half of these things in my head when it was dark out and everyone was heading to bed! I did the same thing, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I heard it, and then it came:

"'Night, Pasty."
added by GXDLOVER123GXD
Source: Liebe
added by GwenTrentDude
Source: Me LOL
added by TwistedXmo
Source: Made by: TwistedXmo
(this ones short but it kinda get everything out of the way, and has DxGness! :D Soooo enjoy!)

The last part of the challenge was to make commercials for some kind of... er... I think it was candy. All I know is that we won, and Team Victory. From what Bridgette told me, it's either going to be Harold oder DJ. I can't say for sure though.

During dinner, I was looking for Duncan. He was sitting alone, mainly because Courtney was too busy arguing with Heather about who team leader was. Why didn't I see him before? I walked over to him and sat Weiter to him.

"Weren't Du going to tell me who Du were...
continue reading...
added by TaintedArtist
Source: Fukari
added by bakes2389
Source: Total Drama creators, Cartoon Network, Teletoon
posted by 0loneleepixie0
*3 am; Tokyo; Sui Hotel; Gwen Singen like nuts with headphones on :D*

Gwen: We weren't born to follow,
C'mon and get up of your knees!
When life is a bitter pill to swallow,
You gotta stand up for what Du believe..
Let me hear Du say yeah yeah yeah
Ohh Yeeah..

Duncan: *laughs* and gets out on the balcony* Baah!! *touches her shoulders*

Gwen: *Her headphones fall on the straße from 2000 feet and brake* Wha.. tah.. *turns around and slaps him* ..Duncan!!!

Duncan: Eeasy there!!.. So Du sing, huh?

Gwen: ..Do not!!

Duncan: Do too!!

Gwen: *sighs* I.. liked .. that song, that's all..

Duncan: *laughing* ..Please...
continue reading...
added by i_love_music
Source: Me
added by thegothchick
added by So425
added by Gwendolynx3
Source: I really don't know
added by bakes2389
Source: Total Drama creators, Cartoon Network, Teletoon
added by TaintedArtist
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Me
added by neonwalflower
Source: someone LOL
added by neonwalflower
Source: neonwalflower
added by tdifreak55
Source: Wikipedia and Fanpop
added by bakes2389
Source: TD Creators, CN, Teletoon
added by thegothchick