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Chapter 8 

I hadn't realized that I was crying, yet again when I was Schreiben my dreams down in my book.  I sat my book and pen down then wiped the tears off my face. When I looked up, Jake was standing in front of me. 
Why aren't Du at school? I asked. 
Didn't feel like it. Are Du okay? He asked. 
Yeah, I guess. I told him. Are Du okay? I asked. 
Yeah, I'm fine. Ive had to do rescue people like that before and so I knew what to expect. He told me. 
I just nodded my head to him. 
Look, about the other Tag when I sagte "you don't know what it's like", I'm sorry for that. He said. 
It's okay. I just don't know how to let it go. I told him. 
Do Du want to talk about it? I might be able to help. Jake said. 
It was last summer actually...I began with that. 
I told him the whole the story and pretty much started crying at the beginning of the story. 
[i] as soon as Cody put oxygen on my I took it off. 
Look guys, I'm fine okay. All I need is some water. I told them. 
Okay. Just drink all of that another glass full. Nathan directed me. 
I walked up to the lookout view from the tower. The sun was setting. It was so beautiful that day. 
Nathan lead our debrief session. All of the guys sagte some things but I just kind of kept quiet. I didn't know what to say. They just all talked about different things that we could do to improve our skills and all I could think was go and relearn CPR. I had let that guy die because I didn't switch when Nathan had told me to. I did give chest compression right because my body was physically tired. I acted strong in front of the guys. I knew if they saw a weak spot in me, they would say something to parents and then it would be a whole big deal and that was something I didn't want to happened. [\i] 
Wow, I didn't know Du had went/are going through that. Jake said. 
Yeah just Don't tell anyone. I asked. 
It's okay. Your secret is safe, sicher with me. Jake told me. 
Thanks, for talking with me. I haven't ever really told anyone but my best friend, Luke, back Home and he didn't really know how to help. I said. 
Yeah. So when are Du going to start surfing again? Jake asked. 
I hope soon! I'm gonna go insane if I don't get hack in the water soon. I said. 
Jake just laughed and smiled his pearly white teeth at me. 
My shoulder wasn't hurting as much as it was when I had woken up that morning and My ankle wasn't hurting as much. 
I think I'm gonna go surfing. I said. 
Du really shouldn't. Jake said. 
I know but it'll be okay. I told him. 
Loryn, Du could really hurt your shoulder and anole Mehr surfing this soon. He sagte trying to talk me out of my idea. 
Nah! I'll wickeln, wickeln sie my ankle again really tight and put the leash up on my calf. I sagte reassuring him. 
Alright, if I can't talk Du out of it at least let me help Du wickeln, wickeln sie Du ankle. Jake said.  
Jake wrapped my ankle for me, once I had my bathing suit on  and then i put my leash on leg.  Here I'll take your board and Du use your crutches so Du won't hurt it walking in the sand. Jake sagte tone. 
Thanks. I said. 
Jake ended up putting our boards on four wheeler, then we hopped on and rode to the beach. 
I like that better than walking. I told Jake. 
Yeah, it's pretty nice. He responded 
When we paddled out to the waves it was so pretty. There were dolphins jumping and it was just pretty outside. I started paddling for a wave, I felt it pick me up so I paddled a couple of Mehr times really quick and then I stood up but fell off shortly after I got to my feet. When I resurfaced Jake was paddling over to me. 
Are Du okay? He asked. 
Yeah, I'm fine. I told him. 
We paddled back into the line up. Jake caught a wave and was ripping it up. Weiter was my turn again. I was determined not to fall off of my board on this wave. I stood up and shredding the wave to my skill level which still wasn't very good but I was hopefully getting better. 
I saw Gary and Bec standing at the edge of the water waving me in but I just waved back to them like I didn't notice that they wanted me in. I just smiled and laughed. 
Loryn, they are calling Du in? Du do know that don'tcha? Jake asked as I paddled back into the lineup. 
Yeah. I'm just not ready to leave the water. I told him. 
They're going to get really mad if Du don't go in now. He said. 
Yeah, I can already tell. I said. 
Well this wave is mine! Jake proclaimed. 
No way! I told him. 
I started paddling as fast as I could but didn't quite make it. Jake had gotten the wave. 
Ha! Told Du it was my wave. He said. 
Whatever. This is mine though. I told him. I started paddling and caught the wave and I saw Bec and Gary standing on the strand with stern looks on their face. I looked Jake and waved to tell him that I was going to go in. So I made my way back onto the strand and hobbled up to where Bec and Gary were standing. 
What are Du doing out there? Gary yelled. 
I was surfing. I told him. 
Your gonna hurt yourself worse if Du don't let the injuries that Du already have heal. Completely! Gary informed me. 
He was really mad. Like way madder than I could have ever guessed he could get. If that even makes since. And as for Bec she was mad but wasn't as mad. 
Loryn, we have a rule: if Du don't go to school then Du can't go surfing. She told me. 
Sorry, this morning I was feeling really sore and really tired. I'm having a hard time getting use to the time difference. I told her. 
Gary just rolled his eyes as if I was making up excuses and Bec wasn't to happy that I had went surfing. 
Don't go back out. Go up to the house. Gary sagte raising his voice. 
Gary walked away and Bec quickly followed him. 
Thanks for helping me back up to the house. I was thinking to Gary. Sure just leave me to carry my board up to the house while trying to walk in the sand. He was very smart, not! I started making my way up to the house but luckily everyone was Home from school and was heading out to surf. I sagte Hey to the girls, to Cam and to Rivers. 
Do Du need help getting back up to the house Rivers asked. 
That would be great! I said. If Du don't mind. 
No problem. He said. 
Why don't Du go back out surfing with all of us? He asked. 
Gary told me to go back up to the house and Bec sagte that if we don't go to school then we can't go surfing. I told him. 
Oh gotcha. He said. 
Yep. Gary didn't even offer to help me back to the house. I said. 
I guess he figures if Du can surf then Du can walk to the house. Rivers told me. No offense. 
Non taken. Don't worry. I said.  
So does Du ankle hurt much? He asked. 
Yeah a little bit. It wasn't hurting before I started surfing though. I said.
That stinks. He said. 
Yeah. Thanks so much for helping. I told him. 
No problem. He said. 
Have fun surfing with everyone. I told him. 
Rivers took off running back down the stairs and towards the waves. I don't know why Gary was so mad. It wasn't like the doctors had told me not to put weight on my foot oder at least I don't remember. 
Once I got in the house I went and took a dusche and wrapped my ankle back up in a dry bandage.