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Here is Some Supernatural Zitate Not Any Zitate Only the Funniest xD
hope Du like

1-Dean:“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.”
2-Andrea To Dean:“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
3-Dean:“Dude, stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap.”
4-Sam: "Why’d Du let me fall asleep?"
Dean: "Because I’m an awesome brother. So what did Du dream about?"
Sam: "Lollipops and Süßigkeiten canes."
5-Dean:"Your half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis."
6-Missouri to Dean:“Boy, Du put your...
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One week later.
Heather was sitting Von Meg’s bed. A week had gone Von and Meg hadn’t opened her eyes once. The doctor had told her she was not in a coma, but just fast asleep. She would live. It was just a matter of time before she woke up.
Cas was less lucky. Someone had tried to kill him again, but fortunately there was a camera in the room and so the doctors could interfere just in time. Heather couldn’t help but wonder if keeping Cas alive wasn’t just extension of execution.
She felt something soft and cold on her arm and she looked down to see Meg’s finger moving.
“Meg?” she said.
Meg’s eyelids moved and slowly, but surely she opened them.
“Welcome back” Heather sighed relieved.
Meg tried to sit up, but Heather gently pushed her down again.
“Careful” she said. “I’ll go get a doctor” She hurried to the door and walked outside to call a doctor.
Cas’ eyes flashed open and his chest went up and down. He was tied onto a chair and he felt a sharp pain in both his hands. He looked down at his shirt, which was soaked in blood. He moved his arms and the pain in his hands became worse. He looked over his shoulder and saw how an Angel – Jäger der Finsternis sword pinched his hands together. He heard footsteps and tried to free himself.
“You’re awake” Zoey sagte breathless. She was carrying a plate with food. “Good”
“You killed all those people” Cas sagte trembling. “Why?”
Zoey sighed. “Do we have to talk about that?” She lifted the plate. “Look,...
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posted by CSIYiota
This is a “Songs Per Episode” list, as seen in the Supernatural Wiki. Since this is the first article-list I ever made in Fanpop, I really, really hope you’ll like it…And that you’ll find it helpful. I’ll be updating the Liste every week :)

Songs Per Episode

Season 1

1.01 – Pilot
Classic - What Cha Gonna Do
Eagles of Death Metal - Speaking In Tongues
Allman Brothers Band - Ramblin' Man
AC/DC - Back in Black
AC/DC - Highway to Hell
The Living Daylights - Gasoline
Kid Gloves Musik - My Cheatin' Ways

1.02 – Wendigo
Dave Matthew's Band - Out of My Hands
Foreigner - Hot Blooded
Lynyrd Skynyrd...
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posted by gvldenyovth
Hey y'all! I don't know about Du but personally, I'm signing adoption forms anytime I see Jack, so Du can imagine how upset I was when I saw the end of 14x06. Like, giving Jack tuberculosis is NOT what we're gonna do here.

But seriously, why IS Jack sick? If Du missed the first few episodes of season 14 here's a recap. Jack has been coughing up blood for the past few episodes. In the most Kürzlich episode 14x06/Optimism (a fantastic episode, btw) he seems mostly fine up until the final scene. He has a pleasant conversation with Dean about Liebe and how its a crazy thing when he starts coughing...
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This isn't my article. I found it on a site and though it would be interesting to share.

When the Winchesters went into a psychiatric hospital on Supernatural, they weren't just facing a Wraith, they were facing their own psyches. They may have gone a little cuckoo, but "Sam, Interrupted" was one of the Mehr psychological episodes of Supernatural, exploring the root causes behind Sam and Dean's actions.

For Sam, the episode revealed that his rage and violent outbursts aren't connected to drinking demon blood, they're much deeper. This makes sense because, if you're looking for the cause of Sam's...
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I saw a few episodes but my truly first one i completely watched was All hell brook lose and i didn't know exactly what was going on but i watched it any way. At the end the cute guy walked away towards a handsome guy called Dean and another older guy called Bobby. and BAM some guy stabbed Sam in the back and i sighted in shock. as the Sam fell into Dean's arms in the right moment. as the light in Sam eyes went off i was gasping for air listening to Dean's comforting words which even made me die with every single word he says. As Sam's soul left his body with Dean holding into his brothers...
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5 years Vor if anyone had sagte Engel to me, i would have immediately pictured people in white dresses with halo's over their heads, and i'm sure most of Du would have to. But thanks to Supernatural that's all changed...

We now look at the newest versions of angels: we look at how they can kill with one touch, how they can blind and deafen people with their true forms. And how there are some who use there special 'powers' to help people. The Engel are like a family, God is obviously the father, and the rest refer to each other as Brothers (or maybe sisters). There are those who choose to rebel,...
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Meg walked through an alley when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at the screen.
“What?” she sagte hostile.
She recognized Dean’s voice, but there was something about the way he sagte her name. There was only one person who sagte her name like that.
“What do Du want?” she asked, determined not to let het guard down.
“Can we meet?” Cas asked. “At Butterfield Park?”
“Sure” Meg gave in. “See Du there in ten minutes”
Ten Minuten later Meg stood Von the swimming pool in Butterfield Park when Cas walked her way. Before she knew what happened...
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Zoey was walking down the Essen department in the supermarkt when she collided to someone.
“I’m sorry” the man apologized. He squeezed his eyes. “Zoey? Zoey Allen, is that you?”
Zoey rolled her eyes. “That has got to be the worst pick up line ever” she sagte disdainful.
“You don’t recognize me?” the man asked.
“Of course I recognize you” Zoey sagte contemptuously, while she threw some Essen cans in her cart. “I’d recognize your dumbass face even if it were covered in…well, I’m sure Du can think of something” She pushed her karte, warenkorb forward, hoping this would be the...
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As I pulled open the car door and lowered myself into it, I looked out at the bumpy gravel crossroads that had just decided my fate. I held my hands on the steering wheel of my Impala tightly as it began to dawn on me what I’d just done. I’d effectively just planned and arranged my death, and a now had a clock on me that was imminently ticking that would not go away, no matter what I did now. And I’d done it without blinking an eyelid; at least, it had felt easy at effortless to do at the time. Now, sitting in my car, I wandered what exactly I was feeling. Fear, for my definite death...
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posted by SarahtotheCore
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for the long absence.
My family has been going through personal problems...

ANYWAY! Marvelous Chapter Three is out:

My vision focused to see Dean and Mallory talking in the corner. I think arguing. Mallory was making loud gestures with her hands. Her all black outfit seemed to match her mood. Dean had his back to me, but I could tell his shoulder's were hunched from being angry.

My mouth felt so dry. Wrists bare from the ropes. My head pounded. I wiggled my fingers. I wiggled my fingers. Over excited about it, I watched them lift one Von one and thump against the wood...
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Jo and Dean were waiting for Cas to come back, so they could leave. Sam was in another room, on his laptop, Lesen the online news papers to find out if anything out of the ordinary had happened. Ellen was in yet another room, cleaning the weapons, while she was thinking of a reason to convince Jo to come Home with her, instead of putting her life on the line when she went with Dean and Sam.
Their bags were packed, all they could do was wait until Cas came back. Sam walked out his room and joined Dean and Jo.
“I think I have something” he started. “In Cornell, Wisconsin. Woman tells...
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One week later.

Dean, Sam and Meg were standing around a grave. Cas’ grave. After hours of interrogation the three of them had been released, but Cas’ corpse had been confiscated until now. There had been an autopsy and of course the police wanted to know where he’d get the burns. Sam, Dean and Meg had agreed on a story about self-defense and once the police had bought it they were free to go.
They heard loud voices and laughter. Sam turned around irritated and saw a gang of young people heading towards them. They had two bottles of booze with them. They stopped at the grave. One of them...
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 Watch Supernatural at MotionEmpire
Watch Supernatural at MotionEmpire
American horror and Fantasy series, Supernatural was first premiered on 13 September, 2005. After that small screen project has broadcast its eight seasons, which further have Mehr than 172 episodes. When the Zeigen was started, the directors have planned to make three seasons, but then they extended it for fourth and fifth seasons. The official of CW renewed the series for further seasons.

The story revolves around two brothers, who are following their father’s footsteps in order to fight with evils. Sam and Dean are the brothers, who can be seen travelling to various spots in order to deal...
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It was night and visiting hours were long over, but that didn’t stop Dean from checking on his best friend.
Cas was sitting on the cold floor, his head buried in his knees, trying to make himself as small as possible.
Dean, always armed with a lighter, made some light, because it was pitchdark.
“Hello, in there” he sagte a little nervous.
“Go away” Cas sagte hoarse.
“Sure, I’ll wait for Du outside” Dean sagte confident.
“Then Du can wait for a very long time” Cas said. “Because I’m not coming”
“Why not?” Dean asked a bit frustrated. “This isn’t about Meg, is it?”...
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posted by shomill
Dean and D sat at the tabelle of the girls' hotel room, looking through the Walker file. Samantha sat on her bett and Sam sat on D's bed, each of them typing on their laptops.

D took a moment to pause and rub her eyes. Dean looked up at Sam. "There's nothing here," he said, puzzled. "Nothing we don't already know."

"It's the same thing she told us," D confirmed. "She saw her daughter stab her husband in the living room at the same time she was taking a dusche upstairs, and then she disappeared."

"And the shrink told her it was emotional trauma and she was blocking some of it," Dean said.

"And all...
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posted by Bailey4eva
Hello my name is Jason Bailey and I am a huge Fan of supernatural. I even have the anti possession symbol tattoo on my chest just as Sam and Dean. I think Supernatural is one of the best tv series I have seen. The ideas behind it all are incredible, with not one season dissapointing me. I am simply Schreiben today to urge the creators of Supernatural to consider making a Supernatural video game. I think a game of this beliebt franchise is exactly what the Fans would like. I believe their are lots of different things Du could do in the game just as Sam and Dean do. Hunt monsters, Du could include in the game some detective work, with good combat features in the game and the ability to play as different characters. I really hope that Du take what I've sagte today into account and seriously consider my proposal. I believe it is the Weiter step in supernatural, aswell as making the series.
posted by Lucia322
"Anyone got a breath mint? Some guts splashed in my mouth while I was killing my way in here..."
I'm not talking about witches...witches are whores
Its called Witchcraft Shortbus!
Sam: But your a demon!
Ruby: Dont be such a racist!
Well.... they killed your precious little virgin to! Weiter time... we do MY plan
I'll be there with Du that little fallen Angel – Jäger der Finsternis on your shoulder
I'm sorry, I must have blood in my ears.I thought I just heard Du say that Du were stupid enough to let the fohlen, colt get grabbed out of your thick clumsy idiotic hands.
Ruby: I'm interested in you
Sam: Why?
Ruby: Because your tall I...
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This is following the week right after SPN final

The time between going to bett and falling asleep is the worst part in my day.. that is when all the things Du bury it deep comes to life, and Du are stuck there thinking about it till Du fall asleep.

Day 1.... Saturday

I wake up late .. with red puffy eyes from last night. i brush my teeth with a grumpy face and i don't forget to gargle my mouth like Dean. yesterday was.. i don't even know how to start to describe it . but it is over. and now i have to Bewegen on. Summer with friends..I nodded my head trying to keep that thought in my head.

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