One week later.
Heather was sitting Von Meg’s bed. A week had gone Von and Meg hadn’t opened her eyes once. The doctor had told her she was not in a coma, but just fast asleep. She would live. It was just a matter of time before she woke up.
Cas was less lucky. Someone had tried to kill him again, but fortunately there was a camera in the room and so the doctors could interfere just in time. Heather couldn’t help but wonder if keeping Cas alive wasn’t just extension of execution.
She felt something soft and cold on her arm and she looked down to see Meg’s finger moving.
“Meg?” she said.
Meg’s eyelids moved and slowly, but surely she opened them.
“Welcome back” Heather sighed relieved.
Meg tried to sit up, but Heather gently pushed her down again.
“Careful” she said. “I’ll go get a doctor” She hurried to the door and walked outside to call a doctor.
Heather was sitting Von Meg’s bed. A week had gone Von and Meg hadn’t opened her eyes once. The doctor had told her she was not in a coma, but just fast asleep. She would live. It was just a matter of time before she woke up.
Cas was less lucky. Someone had tried to kill him again, but fortunately there was a camera in the room and so the doctors could interfere just in time. Heather couldn’t help but wonder if keeping Cas alive wasn’t just extension of execution.
She felt something soft and cold on her arm and she looked down to see Meg’s finger moving.
“Meg?” she said.
Meg’s eyelids moved and slowly, but surely she opened them.
“Welcome back” Heather sighed relieved.
Meg tried to sit up, but Heather gently pushed her down again.
“Careful” she said. “I’ll go get a doctor” She hurried to the door and walked outside to call a doctor.

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Hello my name is Jason Bailey and I am a huge Fan of supernatural. I even have the anti possession symbol tattoo on my chest just as Sam and Dean. I think Supernatural is one of the best tv series I have seen. The ideas behind it all are incredible, with not one season dissapointing me. I am simply Schreiben today to urge the creators of Supernatural to consider making a Supernatural video game. I think a game of this beliebt franchise is exactly what the Fans would like. I believe their are lots of different things Du could do in the game just as Sam and Dean do. Hunt monsters, Du could include in the game some detective work, with good combat features in the game and the ability to play as different characters. I really hope that Du take what I've sagte today into account and seriously consider my proposal. I believe it is the Weiter step in supernatural, aswell as making the series.