Stop Sexual Abuse against Children, Women, & Men Club
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My whole life, (I'm 17), I've had to live with the abuse expressed in this poem. And for a very long time, I believed I was everything she sagte I was. Until I met God. I learnt a lot Mehr about myself and who I could be and deserved to be and finally left. It's been almost a Jahr now, and life couldn't be any happier for me!

Couldn't Be Mehr Wrong

© May Winter

Du told me that Liebe wasn't meant for me
That I was the burden that everyone didn't need.
Du let me be violated, stripped of all my pride
Took no acknowledgment of the hurt I tried to hide.
Du looked at me in disgust whenever I passed your eyes
Told me how disgraced Du were that I was a part of your life.
Du battered and bruised me until I bled
Told me Du hated me as Du swung your walking stick across my head.
Du told me I was a slut, just like my mother
Who slept with your husband and then gave birth to my brother.
Du told me I was worthless and couldn't do anything right
Du were the reason I stayed up crying all night.
Du forced that messer across my wrists
With the hate Du could only fully express with your fists.
Du made me think that the only life for me
Was the life where I stressed myself fulfilling your needs.
Du took your insecurities and made them my own
Its your voice that still haunts me especially when I'm alone.
Your face I still see in my happiest times
It's like this new life I own, still isn't mine.
Why won't Du leave me and accept that I've gone?
Accept that I've found the courage to be strong.
I've found that me Du sagte didn't belong
Because all that Du taught about me, all that Du said,
Grandma, God says you're wrong!