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Name: Kim Jonghyun

Height: 5’8

Birthday: April 8th, 1990 in Seoul, South Korea

Biography: Jonghyun has been active in music since he was in junior high school. He was in a band and participated in many festivals in his area. In his band, he was not a vocalist but a bassist. The band’s name was “Zion” and during one of its shows, he was scouted by SM. Jonghyun was discovered at the 2005 S.M. Casting System.

Random facts/Q&As from Seek Magazine in September of 2014.

1. What is your favorite color?

A: Black and red.

2. What is the ideal age for you to get married?

A: Around 35 years old? I haven’t really thought about it.

3. What is your favorite number?

A: 7! Of course, it’s lucky seven.

4. What do you wear when going to bed?

A: I only wear the minimum required. (LOL)

5. What is a movie that you’d want to see many times?

A: The anime “Ghost in the Shell”. That anime is my “dream”.

6. What is your current interest/hobby?

A: Watching movies in my room.

7. What hairstyle do you prefer in a girl? Short, bob, semi-long, or long?

A: I think instead of style, it’s more important that the person herself thinks that a certain hairstyle suits her.

8. What if you invited a girl you like to a date, how will you approach her?

A: I think I will invite her straight and outright.

9. What was your dream when you were young?

A: To be a composer.

10. What kind of things are in your room?

A: I have a projector screen in my room for watching movies and anime. However, the screen is so big that it covers my entire window. That’s why my room doesn’t have a window anymore (LOL).

11. What present would you give your girlfriend if you’re celebrating your first anniversary?

A: A diary. In there we would both write our thoughts and experiences and memories. Then sometime later, we’ll look at it together and reminisce.

12. What is your favorite sport?

A: I don’t know much about sports but I like muscle training.

13. When you go out, what item should definitely be in your bag?

A: I don’t carry a bag but I definitely bring my wallet and cellphone.

14. (SWJ Question) Please fill this in: “Even when you see me like this, I’m actually ____.”

A: I’m often told that I’m stylish, but I’m not like that at all. The only stylish things I have are probably the projector and candles. Although I’m happy to be seen as stylish, I’m actually someone with a simple feel (LOL).

15. What is something you want to do before you die?

A: When Taemin tried it out in a show it seemed really fun, so skydiving!

16. What Korean sweets would you recommend to your Japanese fans?

A: Milk tea bingsu. It’s not very sweet so it’s just right! I think girls will like it.

17. If your girlfriend cooks for you, what dish would you like her to cook?

A: I’d want her to make cookies or bread.

18. If a girl could give you a message, what words would make you happy?

A: Instead of a message, it would make me happy if she laughs like she’s having fun when we are talking.

19. What is your favorite animal?

A: Dog! I love dogs.

20. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

A: Listen to music. When I listen to music the first thing in the morning, I’m able to start my day with a good feeling.

21. If you’re taking a walk with your girlfriend, what is better? holding hands or linking arms?

A: I’ll walk with her on piggyback! (LOL)

22. What thing you have recently bought have caught your interest?

A: Lemon-scented candles. Since I cannot use bright lighting in my room, I watch movies by the light of the candle.

23. What is your treasure?

A: The songs we (SHINee) sing, the songs I wrote, the songs I love. All of them are my treasures.

24. What is your type of girl?

A: Someone who can face me honestly.

25. What is your favorite film?

A: American Psycho.

26. What is a movie you’re recently interested in?

A: I bought it but I haven’t watched it yet, it’s called “Her”. I want to watch it soon!

27. How do you spend time in your room?

A: I spend a lot of time listening to music, but I also watch movies a lot.

28. Please tell us your weak point?

A: Singing is my strong point but sometimes it also becomes my weak point.

29. What is a food you dislike?

A: Nothing in particular.

30. What is your favorite scent?

A: Musk scent.

31. What is your charm point?

A: My singing voice!

32. What is your favorite book?

A: Kafka on the Shore (by Haruki Murakami)

33. What do you usually buy in a convenience store?

A: Razors? I don’t usually go to convenience stores…

34. What is your favorite season?

A: Winter. I don’t like warmth, so I love the cold winter.

35. Please tell us about a movie you’ve seen lately.

A: Actually, lately I’ve gone to the movies alone for the first time. It was more fun than I thought. The movie was “Captain America: Winter Soldier.”

36. What is your special skill?

A: Singing songs!

37. What is your favorite food?

A: I don’t have any food that I treat as my favorite. I eat anything!

38. When you were studying, what is the subject you’re good at?

A: Society! (Social studies)

39. What is it that you are actually secretly proud of?

A: Singing… For me, I really think my singing is the best.

40. Which do you prefer, haunted house or roller coaster?

A: I’ve tried both of them so I’m okay with either~.

41. Are you the type of person who eats his favorite food first or last? (In Korea, there are different types of food during a meal^^)

A: It depends on what I feel when I’m already eating.

42. When you were studying, what subject were you weak at?

A: Math and English.

43. What SHINee song would you recommend to lift someone’s spirit when they’re feeling down?

A: Fire

44. What did you eat last night for dinner?

A: Roasted quail.

45. What is your favorite word?

A: Respect for individuality.
