Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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With breakfast ready, the wizards carry their trays into the living room, and through the door Elsbet created. Once outside, they find themselves in a masterpiece in progress. She's creating a little park, a park just for them, complete with shady trees, fragrant flowers, soft gras, grass and even a little pond. Snape's herz skips a beat. A pond...she must know, somehow, that her pond, with all her beloved fish, is gone. He will make it up to her, he will make it right...

There's even a picnic table, and they lay out the trays on it, then look around the little park. "Ellie," Therion smiles, "did Du make this?" She tells them, "no...there were seeds in the soil that wanted to live, and I told them that if they grew we would Liebe them and take care of them." Snape offers her his hand and she takes it, then he hugs her tightly to him. "It's beautiful, Ellie!" Malfoy takes it all in and asks Snape if his peacocks could live here, and Snape tells him, "I believe they would be quite happy, Lucius. But we can not bring them just yet. It would seem...suspicious." Malfoy nods, undaunted. "It would be so perfect. With fisch in the pond, too..."

Snape leads Elsbet to the tabelle as Therion and Malfoy sit down. "This all looks and smells so good!" She's pleased and each wizard feels a stirring of pride. They know they don't have to prove they can provide for her, oder for each other, for that matter, but they have, and they're happy, and as they share their lovely morning meal, that feeling of being a family that was already deep, feels even deeper now. "It's too bad we can't just stay Home today and enjoy this, and help our little park grow," Therion says, and Elsbet looks at each of them. "Why can't we? Oh, we should! I want to!" She smiles a radiant smile and Snape tells her, "I must meet with Brother Perdurabo, Therion is going to Zeigen Lucius Mehr of the City, and you," he raises an eyebrow at her, "should be going to your dojo. Master Han has been very patient, and we both know how important your training is. Besides," he shrugs, "you can spend time with Lupin and Tonks."

There's something implied there that Therion and Elsbet don't catch, but Malfoy does. You're hoping he will teach her Defense Against- Snape's barely perceptable flick of his head is the answer Malfoy expected. Someone has to. I can't, and neither can you. Lupin is Mehr than qualified, and...and I trust him implicitly with her safety. Malfoy looks out at the small pond, at the sunlight glinting on its surface. Severus, he thinks, why can't I teach her? Snape rises and gathers up the empty plates, and kisses Elsbet's cheek as he goes back into the house. Malfoy follows him in with the empty saft pitcher.

Snape doesn't hesitate once they're inside. You are a Healer now, Lucius. That is where your energy and magic needs to be channelled. Malfoy doesn't get Mehr juice, but corners Snape in the küche as he cleans and dries the dishes. He looks deeply into those black eyes and smiles slightly. You're afraid I might...'suffer a relapse', as Dumbledore would say? Snape slides his hands up to Malfoy's hips and lets them rest there as he leans against the counter. No, Lucius, I am not. I simply feel that anything other than the Healing Arts is a waste of your gifts. Malfoy presses himself against Snape and nuzzles his neck, then kisses his satiny skin just below his ear.

My gifts? Malfoy thinks, and his thoughts are as seductive as his caresses. Have no doubt of them, Lucius. oder your skill...Snape's hard against Malfoy's body, a body now seemingly filled with a sudden urgency and need. But even though he knows he has Snape in a temporarily vulnerable position, he dosen't push him. He wants what's just beneath those clothes, what's swollen and stiff, he wants the scent of him, the taste of him, before he's gone for Merlin-only-knows how long. Snape could just as easily have him vulnerable; he could just as easily Bewegen his graceful hands to his stiffening cock, and then do those incredible, extraordinary things with that remarkable mouth of his. But instead...

The two wizards kiss. It is a soft kiss, a tender one, that could ignight into a passionately rough one. It conveys love, need, respect, desire, and a simple plea...please, don't leave me...don't leave us...the KISS ends and Snape holds Malfoy tightly. "I don't want to leave, Lucius, Du know that. But I don't have a choice. If we are to have the life we desire, I have to see this through." Malfoy rests against him and even after Therion follows Elsbet into the house with the rest of the dishes, the two wizards hold each other. Elsbet stops Therion from going into the kitchen, and they set the dishes on the dining room table. She wants them to have their moment alone.

She fidgets for a moment, then turns toward the front door, but Snape thinks to Therion, don't let her leave. We walk out togther. Therion takes her into his arms and kisses her softly as Snape releases Malfoy, then levitates the remaining dishes to them. In just a Minute oder two, everything is clean and put away, and the four Liebhaber are on their way out. As they head out toward the park, they find Cambion and Loki perched on the dry brunnen awaiting them. It's a beautiful morning, perfect for lounging (or leisurely sex) beside a pond, and as they start off in the direction of the dojo, they see Remus and Tonks heading toward them.

"This is just perfect," Therion says, "we could have had an orgy." Elsbet laughs and both Malfoy and Snape give him looks of complete surprise, as if neither of them had thought of something like that. Well, Snape hadn't, but Malfoy had, and as he turns slightly to Snape, the Dark wizard gives him a look that freezes his impish grin in place. "Ah, perhaps not," Malfoy chuckles and follows Elsbet and Therion as they walk out to meet their approaching friends. Are Du that uncomfortable with him, that Du can not explore the possibilities? Malfoy thinks to Snape, and the Potions Master tells him he's not sure how to feel around Remus yet. oder Tonks, for that matter...

As the woman he loves bounds happily toward the people who have become two of his closest allies, he wonders vaguely what he would do if she decided to 'explore possibilities' with them. Well, Snape knows she wouldn't be alone in the exploration, as evidenced Von the way Therion and the werewolf look at each other. Remus seems almost shy under Therion's gaze, and it is a bit charming, really; it adds a softness to Remus' features he'd never noticed berfore. Snape imagines Remus looking that way under Black's intense gaze...

"Wotcher, Ellie!" Tonks' exhuberant greeting disrupts Snape's train of thought, and as Elsbet hugs Tonks tightly, with just as much exhuberance, he begins to wonder if Malfoy might have a point. He wonders who would be the dominant lover between Tonks and his Oddbit, if Tonks were of a mind...Malfoy certainly wouldn't want to miss out on the experience...Snape dosen't blame him, and wouldn't begrudge him for fact, the willingness to embrace them makes the fledgling Healer all the Mehr beautiful to him. And he knows Therion wouldn't miss a thing. Snape appraises himself with a critical eye as the five of them wait for him. He has come so very far, he knows he still has a distance to go in his own growth, but hasn't he come far enough to at least dabble a bit?

Well, he might not be willing to 'dabble' with Remus right now, but he certainly wouldn't object to watching Elsbet and Tonks enjoying each other's company. As he watches the little group, he knows he'd be missing out on something special if he opted out, so to speak. Remus' slightly nervous, almost boyish half-grin as Therion puts his arm around the werewolf's shoulder in welcome, and Tonks' hand sliding down to rest in the small of Elsbet's back make him wonder if she and Remus have actually thought about a closer, deeper relationship with them.

Snape thinks he might not be so willing to dismiss such a joining after all, but only Time will tell...

"So," Remus says, "what are Du all up to this fine day? No good, I suspect," he says jokingly, and Therion nods agreeably. "Of course. Care to Mitmachen us?" Malfoy gives Snape a sly look and Snape tries to look stony, only barely pulling it off. Snape says, "why don't the five of Du keep each other company while I pay a visit to Brother Perdurabo? We can always meet up for a late lunch." Malfoy nods. "I think that is an acceptable idea," he says with a glance at Therion. "Ellie needs to head straight to her dojo, if the lovely Miss Tonks wouldn't mind escorting her there?" Therion says and Remus gives a soft laugh. "Meanwhile," Therion continues, "the three of us can rove the City, doing..." he looks mischieviously up at the cloudless blue sky, "deeds of questionable benefit."

Remus brings his arm up to Therion's shoulder and meets Malfoy's bright gaze for a second, then tells his wife, "Tonks, Du may be getting your husband back slightly debauched," and she Antworten with a wry smile, "I'll live with that as long as you're still in one piece." The werewolf's warm brown eyes flick to Snape's, then the three wizards depart. Tonks tells Snape she'll keep Elsbet out of trouble, then the ladies depart themselves. As Snape turns and heads to his own destination, he thinks he is extraordinarily lucky. He knows he'll do whatever it takes to hold on to that luck...
posted by BlackHound
When Malfoy emerges he catches Snape's eye, but before he can communicate anything to his Dark lover, Elsbet happily wraps her arms around him and asks if they had a nice chat. He forces the best smile he can muster and tells her that they did, and he knows what he, Snape, Therion and Layne are doing. Keeping Ellie, Remus and Tonks ignorant of the Old Man's fate. In a way, they are his Secret Keepers, and it hurts. Being open-hearted hurts...he remembers how it was when he felt nothing for anyone but his wife and child. It was so much easier then...he kisses the oben, nach oben of Elsbet's head and hugs...
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lucius malfoy
Severus Snape
Harry Potter
posted by BlackHound
Remus and Tonks find the Teller's Court full of music, with Dance and Sing in the center, entertaining those gathered. They are graceful, their movements reflecting both the appreciation of the musicians' skills, and their Liebe for each other. As the werewolf and his Auror wife take the Weltraum Snape and Malfoy made for them, the performance ends, and Dance and Sing bow to one another. For some reason, there seems to be a strange air of discomfort, and the four companions look at each other questioningly. As Snape is about to speak, they hear shouting from behind them and the Dark wizard is the...
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added by Danea
lucius malfoy
Severus Snape
Harry Potter
jason isaacs
Alan Rickman
posted by BlackHound
Remus and Tonks follow Cilantro hand in hand into a lovely gated area. It's lit Von shimmering little bugs, casually going about their business sipping nectar from the asphodel blossoms.

"This is a very special place," she says, pausing to push open the gate. "Enter with care," she looks at them both meaningfully, "for Du will see only what Du take in with you." She steps away and with a nod from her, Remus and Tonks venture forth side Von side. It is peaceful here, it feels mystical, just as in the rest of the Garden of Dreams, but here, there something... more. This feeling grows as they near...
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posted by BlackHound
Snape is aware that he is not alone, but he does not allow it to disturb his meditation. He has no idea how much time passes before the visitor speaks, nor does he care. His only concern is that it does not cause him to Frage his resolve.

"It happens to us all, Du know, death."

Snape's brow rises, but he doesn't bother to open his eyes. "Perhaps," says he, "but that need not happen to them now. Nor to me."

There is no sound from the visitor, no indication that they have moved, yet Snape senses that they have. "And Du believe, do you, that Du have control over their fates? That Du can keep...
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posted by BlackHound
Therion moves silently, carefully, through the Petra, listening to the soft voices of the stones. They call to him as he passes them, wishing to impart to him their secrets, for they know he appreciates such things. Though he would dearly Liebe to do so he does not stop; no...he is searching for something so near his herz that he dare not even think of it, and he will not be delayed. Elsbet spoke of a 'before-time', when this was but a tiny haven...he hopes to find Bücher set to stone from that time... He is so deep in thought that he arrives at his fondest wish, his heart's one desire at this...
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posted by BlackHound
Malfoy sits with his feathered friend, both of them enjoying the Harper's skill. He asks her if she would sing the song that she had sung earlier and she grins widely. "Of course, Lucius, I would be happy to. Now," Chanteuse says, nodding to her Piper companion, "it will be even better." As they begin, another musician, this one with a bodhrán, asks if he may Mitmachen them and they welcome him warmly. With harp, pipes, Irish drum, and the lady Harper's beautiful voice, the experience could not be Mehr magical.

"Ride it on out like a bird in the sky ways
Ride it on out like if Du were a bird
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posted by BlackHound
"So," the Old Man says as Bea helps him sit up in his chair, "how did it go?" He's grinning impishly at them, and Remus chuckles. "You already know, don't you?" Perdurabo shakes his head. "No," he grins widely, "I was napping actually." They tell him what transpired in the Dragon's Chamber and he is quite pleased. "Well then, the last working stone in our world is safe. What will Du do next?" He looks questioningly at them and Snape accepts the case that now holds the Orthanc-stone. "I believe we shall be taking these gifts home, and--" Perdurabo smiles. "Severus, Du know what I mean." Snape...
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posted by BlackHound
Perdurabo suggested that Snape and his family go down into the Dragon's Chamber on their own, because the experience would be far Mehr profound that way. Capadocius and Thelonius escorted them to the stairway that leads down into the chamber and told them that if they needed anything, they need only to think it, and it would be done. So the family passed through the simple doorway and made their way down the stairs, some of them marking the change in temperature as they went. The birds either hopped down the steps oder were carried, as Loki, Johnny Rook and Whiskey Jack were, none of them making...
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posted by BlackHound
Laughter in the Wiltshire countryside.

Not something that is heard very often anymore. Well, not sane laughter, anyway.

Narcissa covers her mouth, but can't stop laughing at the tingle in her toes. Now, Cissy, the Grey Lady admonishes her, you mustn't eat those berries, they are for the potion! The raven drops three Mehr leaves into the small cauldron and smells the aroma of a potion reaching the peak of its first stage. I am sorry, Lady, Narcissa thinks, wiping her mouth, but I like them, I've never eaten them before. Narcissa's mentor nods and she drops the rest of the berries into the cauldron....
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posted by BlackHound
Perdurabo explains that when the entrance to the chamber was finally found and breached, Escellion was long-dead, but the Master Stone and the Stone of Amon Sûl were hidden safely in her bones. "So much time had passed," he says, "and the stones had been a part of her for so long, that they had absorbed some--well, a great deal, actually--of her magic and added it to their own. But what was truly astounding was that they upheld her vow." The Elder wizard tells them that a great altar was made in the very center of the chamber, and upon it was placed the Master Stone. At that time it became...
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posted by BlackHound
"Until we were ready..." Therion echoes, then stretches and rubs his neck. "This is a lot to have to be ready for. And there's something I don't understand." He looks around at the gathered Silhouettes. "You've sagte that Du came here a thousand years ago, but--" there is soft laughter and guilty glances around the study, and the answer comes from behind them. "That is because we still count the passage of time in our years. In yours," Bea chuckles softly as she takes Malfoy into her arms in a loving embrace, and Therion shakes his head. "I don't think I want to know what the conversion is...I...
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posted by BlackHound
Thirty years?" Layne and Therion ask, almost in unison. Perdurabo nods, his grin far less disturbing now, and sighs. "It...I think of the stone as he, for certainly the stone possesses a sense of identity, Du can't exit as long as he has without developing a kind of awareness, and even the One Ring--" the elder wizard realizes he's rambling and stops. Elsbet giggles and kisses his forehead, and he laughs at himself. "Sorry, it's just few understand. He was alone for so long. He knows this place, Perethil. This city was founded Von Elves and Half-Elves, and was already thriving when...
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posted by BlackHound
Laughing almost like small children caught sneaking cookies, Snape and his family go up the stairs quickly. The birds play a game with each other as they follow them back up, squawking and cawing loudly as they go, with no clear winner decided once they're up. "They've got the sillies," one of the younger Silhouettes says as she picks up Anubis and gives him a gentle snuggle. Thelonius, Capadocius' first mate, asks them where 'The Rook' has gone off to and Layne opens his jacket. The krähe has managed to settle himself into the breast pocket of the hemd, shirt quite comfortably, and he peers up at...
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posted by BlackHound
The Heir of Aragorn.

All eyes are on Snape, and Tonks moves closer to her husband. "Then..." she begins to speak but can't finish, and Elsbet, bright eyes filled with tears of joy, smiles at him radiantly. "I told Du that Du are King." He takes her into his arms, his own eyes filling with tears, and he holds her tightly to him. He shakes his head once, and the Chronicler smiles softly. "Good sir," he says in a gentle tone, "the living, indesputable proof is there, warm in your embrace." Malfoy lays his hand gently on the Dark wizard's shoulder as Layne and Therion Usher the birds over to the...
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posted by BlackHound
Snape steels himself as the Chronicler pulls down a fresh parchment, and silently he glances at his loved ones. These people have come to mean everything to him; now, it is clear to him that they truly are meant to be together, and he wonders how much darker his life would have been if he had never met Elsbet, oder if he had turned away from her...

There is strength in unity, he knows. He feels stronger now than he has ever felt before in his life. How much stronger will he become?

He steps up to the parchment and takes a deep breath; Malfoy comes to his side and takes his hand, pricks it gently,...
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posted by BlackHound
Layne holds Johnny Rook closely to him, and the krähe tugs at the lapel of his jacket. Me knew wen me saw you, he thinks as Layne tucks him inside that jacket, you be my Da. Therion puts his arm around Layne's waist as the fair wizard asks the crow, "when Du first saw me, how did Du see me? I mean, how did I look to you?" Johnny Rook pulls the jacke closed and snuggles close to Layne's heart. You furry. Layne looks down at the lump on his chest. "I looked furry to you?" There's a muffled caw from inside Layne's jacket, and Johnny Rook thinks, you furry wen me first see! Me know Du long time!...
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posted by BlackHound
The Chronicler pulls down a fresh parchment as Layne prepares himself. "This is so exciting," Tonks says, "I want to go after him." Remus smiles softly at her and sits down on the bench between Malfoy and Snape. Are Du sure you're safe, sicher here, Lupin? Snape thinks to him, and the werewolf glances at them almost shyly. What? Between the two of you? He grins, thinking, well, there's not much either of Du can do to me here in the Hall of Chronicles, now, is there? Malfoy sighs, grey eyes twinkling, and leans vorwärts-, nach vorn slightly. He's right, Severus...I don't suppose there's many places here we could,...
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posted by BlackHound
They are greeted Von darkness, but that darkness is quickly banished as flames on candles set into empty spaces on the walls flicker to life. The air is suddenly tinged with a fragrance that none of them can identify, though on some level, they each recognize it, and are put at ease. There is a slight chill to the air, but the chill gives way as their warmth fills the enormous chamber they've entered. Everywhere they look there are books, books, scrolls, skeletons of various creatures in protective cases, weapons and shields, and all manner of incredible things. Things, Snape notes, that feel...
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