Severus & Lucius: Beneath the Masks Club
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posted by BlackHound
Elsbet hugs Snape tightly, and Malfoy embraces them both. Therion takes up his companion and slips silently out of the little room, leaving them to have some privacy. But they don't stay. Snape leads them out and glances at Malfoy as they pass Von Therion, who's attempting to pull the great Encyclopedia from behind his counter where he'd stashed it in a rush. He tries to open the cabinet to put it back in its place, but he can't; he can't manage to rub the lock and speak the spell. He wants to ask them to stay, but the Shop is barely comfortable for him to sleep in. He doesn't want to be left alone. He's so tired of being lonely.

As Snape and Malfoy reach the door, Elsbet stops and looks back at him. Snape wanted the decision to ultimately be hers; he was counting on her tender herz to sense his suffering, and he's not disappointed. "Therion," she says softly, extending her hand to him, "bring the book, then Du don't have to come back for it in the morning." He looks at her as though he can't believe what he's heard, then turns his gaze to the two wizards behind her. "We've not had abendessen yet, and neither has Severus, and there's plenty to eat from last night." Malfoy nods back to the door, and Therion waits long enough for Cambion to climb up on his shoulder. He joins them, holding the book closely to him, the feeling of belonging filling and soothing him. It's a balm for his wounded soul.

He spells the Shop door locked and the Shop secure, and Elsbet asks him why that's necessary. "Nodus has been out and about all day, since we heard about Loki and everyone began gathering. I don't trust him, not as far as I could kick him." Elsbet looks at Therion for a moment then says, "you know, he was out before then, he was out when I came to the Shop this morning, and Roycroft was out too." The mention of Roycroft sours Snape's mood, but only for a moment; the rest of this night is going to be good, damnit. As they pass through the other shops on their approach to the row of Rowan trees that separate the businesses from the Districts, they see Roycroft sitting under one of the oldest of the trees.

He looks very tired. Tired and careworn...He rises as they draw near, but doesn't approach them. He waits patiently for them to get closer to him before he speaks. "Is he alright? I couldn't get in, so I stayed over at The Schokolade Cat. They did quite a lot of business tonight." Snape looks down at his little Familiar, who is watching everything with great interest. "He is fine, Sa'Bat," Snape says coolly, "your concern is...appreciated." Roycroft sighs and glances at Elsbet, Malfoy and Therion, then asks Snape if they can speak. Snape shrugs slightly and tells him, "of course." No one moves from where they stand, and Roycroft is clearly Mehr than a touch irritated.

"Anything Du have to say Sa'Bat, can be sagte safely before them," Snape says, but Roycroft glances uncomfortably at Elsbet, then back at Snape. She touches Snape's arm lightly and takes Loki from him, then leads Malfoy and Therion over to a pair of benches beneath a huge Hazel baum a fair distance away. The two wizards glare at each other, separated Von a distance greater than the Divide between their Worlds. "You hate me," Roycroft says quietly, "and yet I am neither your enemy, nor your rival." Snape appraises him coldly. "So Du say, but I know what Du would do if Du believed Du could get away with it, and Du would not hesitate." Roycroft frowns. "I have helped protect her--" Snape's eyes narrow, "yes, but not for me, and not out of the 'goodness of your heart', Sa'Bat. You've done it because you've hoped she'd Zeigen Du a little gratitude. And that disgusts me."

Roycroft struggles very hard to keep his emotions in check; he has no desire to commit suicide Von wand. But he can't hide the fact that he's deeply insulted. "I disgust you? What about this?" He gestures toward the three people patiently waiting for Snape. "You just assume she'll--" Snape's hand is at his sleeve and his wand is drawn before Roycroft is even aware he's moved, his voice is low and unwavering, and while there's no emotion in it, Roycroft can imagine how hot is his anger. "I make no such assumptions, Sa'Bat. Therion Bonecastle is five times the wizard Du are, and ten times the man; if Elsbet reaches out to him that is her choice, not my direction and would be done out of compassion, not out of lust."

Snape takes a step forward, his black eyes locked on Roycroft's. "You assume Du know what's going on, when Du know absolutely nothing." Roycroft drops his gaze and chuckles. "It's ironic, really, that Du begrudge me my feelings when I knew her first." A smile flickers across Snape's hard features, a cruel smile that gives Roycroft an odd, sinking feeling. "Really? Then where were you, Sa'Bat, when Wynter DeCrace was abusing her? Why didn't she turn to you for comfort when her best friend was murdered?" Roycroft says nothing in his own defense, he knows he's gone way out of line, if he says anything now he'll look even Mehr foolish. Snape sleeves his wand and turns then, walking swiftly toward his people.

But Elsbet rises and meets him, places her hand on his chest as he comes to a stop, and asks in a soft voice, "what was that all about?" Snape tells her it was all nothing, his voice just as soft, but she gives him a knowing look that melts his heart. "You drew your never draw for nothing." He kisses her forehead and she nudges him gently, then looks passed him at Roycroft. "Did Du have a real reason for stopping us, oder did Du just want to test the boundaries?" Elsbet's angry, rightfully so, and her anger is much different from Snape's, and much Mehr difficult for him to deal with. "I'm...I'm sorry," he says flatly, then sighs and tells her that he wanted to warn them about Brother Nodus. "Something's not right," Roycroft says, "he's always been an arse, but we now have reason to believe he needs to be watched."

Elsbet frowns and shakes her head just a little. "I think that was much Mehr important than your posturing, Roycroft, and Du should know better." She looks at him a moment longer and sighs, her disappointment in him obvious. She turns and he tries to apologize again, but she turns back sharply. "Another thing," she says, "for the record, Roycroft, I met Sirius Black long before I met you, and Severus came into my life just shortly after Sirius did. So, Du see, Du haven't known me nearly as long as Du think Du have, and you'll never know me quite as well as Du think Du do." He nods silently, knowing he deserves her displeasure. "If Du want to be my friend, Roycroft, respect me and my family."

Loki makes a soft, grating sound, as if to punctuate her words. She takes Snape's hand and leads him back to the wizards and raven so patiently waiting for them. "I need some tea," she says as they resume their walk, "and a lot of Tiramisu." The wizards laugh and she adds, "I need a couple of other things too, but they're best...discussed in private." She giggles impishly, turns to Malfoy and kisses him, then kisses Snape, gives Therion a playful nudge, and breaks into a run, holding Loki closely to her and laughing as she goes.
THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT LUCIUS ONLY! This is one of the many Videos I made for the Harry Potter Characters. Lucius is such a Lucious man..... (Licks Lips) ENjoy and Please Comment!
lucius malfoy
Severus Snape
Harry Potter
jason isaacs
posted by BlackHound
As Remus has his experience, Tonks has hers...

Tonks smiles up at the figure at the oben, nach oben of her fountain. It's a dancer, slender, elegant, and graceful; Tonks laughs because the dancer's face and hair resemble hers, and she is none of those things. She watches a butterfly, ghostly white and fragile, alight on a dry patch on the rim of the fountain. "Wotcher, flutterby," she says softly, then laughs when the tiny thing flits up and lands on her shoulder. It's there for only a Sekunde oder two, just long enough to uncoil its tongue, then coil it up again. She barely has time to smile at it and then...
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added by Danea
lucius malfoy
Severus Snape
Harry Potter
Therion wipes his eyes as the images, thoughts and feelings flow to him. He's never experienced Legilimency in such a deep, profound way, and he doesn't know how to repay Snape for the kindness and trust he's Wird angezeigt him Von sharing this.

'Dey mind Du of love...' Loki looks back down at the pretty objects, then gently nips Snape's chin. 'Love is good,' he thinks, and Snape enfolds the little raven in his embrace, his body trembling. "Yes," he whispers, "love is good."

Once he has calmed himself, which takes some time, he places Loki back on his bett and then places the beads and the ring back...
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posted by BlackHound
I've been doing some re-reading and I've realized a couple of adjustments are in line. When I first mentioned the White City, I had no idea it was going to become what it has, and now that is know... :p There's a deatil oder two that don't make any sense now, so I've fixed them.

They be:


Where it read:

"The Sensei says that there is an increase in activity of Dark creatures in and around the city. So far there have been no direct attacks on anyone, though there are reports of people's pets going missing. That's not surprising, considering three Werwölfe were sighted...
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posted by BlackHound
As Snape passes through the little window into the guestroom, he begins his shiftback, and when he lands, he realizes that Therion is gone. Malfoy and Elsbet are still wrapped up together, but now they're covered securely with the blanket. It's a very touching sight, but...he's disappointed. Was it too much for Therion? Was it not what he expected? Did he feel he was somehow being disloyal to his Lost lover? Group sex and open relationships aren't for everyone, Snape is well aware of that; he never imagined it would be for himself, but now that it's happened for him, he wouldn't have it any...
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Just for us...

Malfoy pulls Snape to him and slides his free hand down to the Dark wizard's pants. He plays with the oben, nach oben button and Snape smiles wickedly, saying, "so eager, Lucius...shall I make Du work for it? Or, shall I be merciful and give it to you?" Malfoy's eyes flick downwards, then back up to Snape's, and an impish grin speads across his lips. "Well, it seems to me my King, that you're just as eager as I," he says, and Snape turns his head slightly away from his lover. He tells him, "that may be, my gentle healer, but Du know I can restrain myself," and Malfoy lets his fingers graze...
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posted by BlackHound
Malfoy's blood strikes the parchment and there is a very loud hiss, like icy water on a red-hot hotplate, and the crimson fluid seems to boil. They are alarmed, of course, but the Chronicler laughs. "Ah, I nearly forgot! Du are part of the Silhouettes, Lucius, yes?" Malfoy nods, not taking his eyes away from the sight, and tells the Chronicler that The Great Mother gave him part of her heart. Everyone relaxes once the parchment sorts out the differences in Malfoy's blood, and like a flash-fire, his family baum spreads out over the parchment. He watches as the name of Brutus Malfoy appears...
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Elsbet feels her wizards' mental call, and the giggle she gives as she leaves Layne's new room tells him and Therion all they need to know. She hurries up the stairs and into the luxurious bathroom, and finds her beloved wizards waiting patiently for her. She can feel the zing of anticipation in the air and she knows they have something special planned. "Such a lovely sight," she says, gazing at their naked bodies slick with water, and she smiles at the slight blush that rises in their faces. They turn their backs to her almost boyishly, glance at each other, back at her, then at each other...
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posted by BlackHound
He's so relaxed that he doesn't even feel Malfoy prick his finger, and his blood has hit the parchment Von the time the tiny wound is healed. That drop of blood flattens out and soaks into the parchment, then suddenly, tiny avian shapes spread up and out, and everywhere they flit appears information. The birds gather around Therion's feet to watch, and chatter excitedly to each other. "Hmmm..." he says, "so it is true." The little tribe gathers closer to him as he reaches up and taps the parchment. "It wasn't always Bonecastle. See here? Eoward Castlemount wed Egrane Bonesteel. They had no children,...
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posted by BlackHound
Narcissa hears Bellatrix cackling downstairs, and doesn't want to know what has brought her sister such amusement. Quickly, quietly, she packs an emergency bag, then stuffs it into a safe, sicher hiding place. She wants to delay her departure for as long as she can; she fears that if she leaves too soon, Snape will be exposed, and her son will be in even greater danger. She wonders where Lucius is right now and what he's doing, and if he thinks of her. She wonders too if they truly are lovers, Snape and Lucius, and if they are, what would she have done if she had caught them together...the idea does...
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After Snape had shut the door, Malfoy seemed as if he was going to go and bring her back. Snape took his sitz and Malfoy reluctantly finally sat down, and they began their breakfast.

They eat in silence, until Malfoy can't take it anymore. "She's hurting, Severus, why did Du let her go?" Snape sighs and tells him as gently as he can, "because she needs healing that only the Pferde can give." Malfoy closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then takes a bite of bacon. Remus smiles to himself and muses about how extraordinary it is that someone who had caused so much pain for so many now can not...
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posted by BlackHound
When Malfoy emerges he catches Snape's eye, but before he can communicate anything to his Dark lover, Elsbet happily wraps her arms around him and asks if they had a nice chat. He forces the best smile he can muster and tells her that they did, and he knows what he, Snape, Therion and Layne are doing. Keeping Ellie, Remus and Tonks ignorant of the Old Man's fate. In a way, they are his Secret Keepers, and it hurts. Being open-hearted hurts...he remembers how it was when he felt nothing for anyone but his wife and child. It was so much easier then...he kisses the oben, nach oben of Elsbet's head and hugs...
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posted by BlackHound
Remus and Tonks find the Teller's Court full of music, with Dance and Sing in the center, entertaining those gathered. They are graceful, their movements reflecting both the appreciation of the musicians' skills, and their Liebe for each other. As the werewolf and his Auror wife take the Weltraum Snape and Malfoy made for them, the performance ends, and Dance and Sing bow to one another. For some reason, there seems to be a strange air of discomfort, and the four companions look at each other questioningly. As Snape is about to speak, they hear shouting from behind them and the Dark wizard is the...
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added by Danea
lucius malfoy
Severus Snape
Harry Potter
jason isaacs
Alan Rickman
posted by BlackHound
Remus and Tonks follow Cilantro hand in hand into a lovely gated area. It's lit Von shimmering little bugs, casually going about their business sipping nectar from the asphodel blossoms.

"This is a very special place," she says, pausing to push open the gate. "Enter with care," she looks at them both meaningfully, "for Du will see only what Du take in with you." She steps away and with a nod from her, Remus and Tonks venture forth side Von side. It is peaceful here, it feels mystical, just as in the rest of the Garden of Dreams, but here, there something... more. This feeling grows as they near...
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posted by BlackHound
Snape is aware that he is not alone, but he does not allow it to disturb his meditation. He has no idea how much time passes before the visitor speaks, nor does he care. His only concern is that it does not cause him to Frage his resolve.

"It happens to us all, Du know, death."

Snape's brow rises, but he doesn't bother to open his eyes. "Perhaps," says he, "but that need not happen to them now. Nor to me."

There is no sound from the visitor, no indication that they have moved, yet Snape senses that they have. "And Du believe, do you, that Du have control over their fates? That Du can keep...
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posted by BlackHound
Therion moves silently, carefully, through the Petra, listening to the soft voices of the stones. They call to him as he passes them, wishing to impart to him their secrets, for they know he appreciates such things. Though he would dearly Liebe to do so he does not stop; no...he is searching for something so near his herz that he dare not even think of it, and he will not be delayed. Elsbet spoke of a 'before-time', when this was but a tiny haven...he hopes to find Bücher set to stone from that time... He is so deep in thought that he arrives at his fondest wish, his heart's one desire at this...
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posted by BlackHound
Malfoy sits with his feathered friend, both of them enjoying the Harper's skill. He asks her if she would sing the song that she had sung earlier and she grins widely. "Of course, Lucius, I would be happy to. Now," Chanteuse says, nodding to her Piper companion, "it will be even better." As they begin, another musician, this one with a bodhrán, asks if he may Mitmachen them and they welcome him warmly. With harp, pipes, Irish drum, and the lady Harper's beautiful voice, the experience could not be Mehr magical.

"Ride it on out like a bird in the sky ways
Ride it on out like if Du were a bird
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posted by BlackHound
"So," the Old Man says as Bea helps him sit up in his chair, "how did it go?" He's grinning impishly at them, and Remus chuckles. "You already know, don't you?" Perdurabo shakes his head. "No," he grins widely, "I was napping actually." They tell him what transpired in the Dragon's Chamber and he is quite pleased. "Well then, the last working stone in our world is safe. What will Du do next?" He looks questioningly at them and Snape accepts the case that now holds the Orthanc-stone. "I believe we shall be taking these gifts home, and--" Perdurabo smiles. "Severus, Du know what I mean." Snape...
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