Rosario Vampire Will There Be A Season 3?

nmc400 posted on Dec 27, 2008 at 12:12AM
i wanna know if theres a season 3, im gunna one sad panda bear if there isn't

Rosario Vampire 20307 Antworten

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Showing Replies 851-900 of 20307

Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
lol, then I guess your insults just suck. Then again I live in Jersey so I'm used to better.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
hey dont insult my insults
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Lelouch000 said…
holy crap this is intense
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
all you called me was a jackass, you dike. The only dikes I've seen in real life are ugly as fuck so i assume your the same. They were all butch
Vor mehr als einem Jahr 2Pain4 said…
lol Leloouch, lets back off for now and ps-You guys are-lol. nvm
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
do you know how much i just want to kill you right now?you cango die in a ditch for all i care you can go die in a ditch

Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
you gay self centered fuck
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
i always hated gay guys
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
lol. you wanna kill me. Good luck even making it to my house in fucking New Jersey. there was a gang shooting a block away from my school.

lol again your calling me gay? i got pussy a few days ago.
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Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
i pity your existence
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
ha i guess youve never been to cleveland before theres a murder everyday here
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Lelouch000 said…
Lets see I am going to make one more post and then thats all im going to say. Danman, Namarock, and Buddah can we calm down please. If you choose not to believe supervampire fine i dont care thats your personal choice. Now that said its no reason to attack someone over and over again. Its not like suprevampire was ever spamming the same thing 20,000 times. She said about season 3 few times and you guys decided to be assholes and bash her multiple times wtf is your problem. Just because there are people who dont have a clue on other fansites and say one thing doesnt automatically mean that everyone who talks about the same thing is a liar. And no one cares about you opinions about how suprevampire carried out her job and how she should be paid. So shut up and lets move on. I choose to believe her until I am given probable cause not too. So F off and quit bashing people Damn.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
stay out of this not done with DANMAN YET
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
i didnt start bashing her until supervampire started insulting me after she took what I said was an insult to her(I dont even know how she took them as insults). She broke the truce so dont call ME the asshole.


keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent

Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
thats funny because last time i checked,you were the idiot.i mean if you dont want to argue why dont you just go to another club or topic you dumbfuck.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
i have to get off now but i just want to say that there was drug search in my school the other day and awhile back i heard someone's conversation about how fun drive by's were and that you dont want to shoot them in the head because the brains would splatter all over the car and its fun to watch "them nigga's run".

also im not leaving this club and i already gave you a solution.
Supervamp made club called GONZO for people who ask questions, go there.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
why are you bragging about your school?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
i wouldnt call that bragging.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
are you racist or something?because that would be sad.also i dont care about R+V i just felt bad for her.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Lelouch000 said…
oh crap here we go again Danman your overcritical. thats probobly why it came across as insulting
Vor mehr als einem Jahr 2Pain4 said…
Lol-don't look at me- im just a bystander =D
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
lol your an idiot 2pain
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Lelouch000 said…
2pain your caught in the crossfire. duck!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr wargod11 said…
oh be quiet
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Buddha_2 said…
i decided to check this out one more time before i officially stop answering on here because as i said, your all stupid for insulting each other and because SuperV was baasicly adding it on earlier; ive officialy lost any respect for her and her job( if it is her job to tell people). if your job is to inform people, then you should be fired because no matter how rude they are you always need a cool head and dont over do it. if they dont want to believe you fine; thats your fault, but insulting someone when its your job to inform people(my summer job at the Niagara Falls ); you would get fired on the spot. So i officially think that Super Vampire is CRAP. i was nuetral till now and i have tried keeping the peace so dont call me an ass lelouch i didnt do shit just said i respected her for what she does but also explained why i was skeptical. so now i am completely done here except to laugh at how stupid you all are for continuing this shit for like 5 days or like 7 pages depending on how you want to time stamp it. And just for the information of all I am officially on Danman2327 side so now u can insult me lelouch, and i dont care anymore, because this whole forum has gone to shit; only part that is still worth keeping on it is the question air and the picture area might as well delete this thread and make a new one. "The Arguments of the BaBbling idiots". Now im done XP.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Synned_Ghoul said…
ok. im sorry if i hurt anyone's feelings with my earlier comments. i was merly sharing my view of things, so can we all just have peace? and talk about manga and anime to watch while we wait? thanks.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr 2Pain4 said…
Yep agreed - dussussion on manga.......Plz? y not rainbows and lolipops -peace
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Namorock said…
Okay are you guys serious listen, I'm pretty sure none of us of the originals have a vendetta against women it was never interpreted, yet you come here assuming we all do, it's nice to see that women though (and this is a women comment) can't see past their own tits when it comes to retaliations I.E. you only take in the parts you want to and then nut shell it into a completely wrong interpretation and meld it into to something that would best fit your next comment and then rage on us about it.

And please really about the "These guys are gay and never talk to the opposite sex" comment, what are you 10, i swear women (and yes this is another one for your references) have like 4 comments and guess what they pretty much all revolve around sexual orientation, and it's rather sad.

But like i said no ACTUAL employee would debate their position in their company, you would have to be so far lost in the lane of retardation to even think about it, you aren't paid to bitch your paid to apparently alert all us "Nerds" that Rosario is coming out, nothing more nothing less.

So like i have said countless times please leave your presence is obviously a disturbance because us guys don't how to talk to women /end sarcasm, and on top of that your just annoying little kids seriously hired to do a job and all you can do is spout out gay jokes congrats, you might as well be a cyber version of Paris Hilton.

The most i can do now is hand you a wet cloth for that sand that itches so far up your Vagina, if it is even a vagina we have yet to confirm weather you are an plausible female or not...

Well good day :D
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Vor mehr als einem Jahr iFanatic said…
"self centered fuck " lol. nice one wargod11, my comment too.

@namorock : "The most i can do now is hand you a wet cloth for that sand that itches so far up your Vagina, if it is even a vagina we have yet to confirm weather you are an plausible female or not..."
hmm, why are you talking about yourself. we dont care.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Synned_Ghoul said…
@namorock: we already called peace, so stop being a fuck and stop insulting everyone. it wont get you ANYWHERE.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr Namorock said…
reasons are obvious, I'm literally telling you to leave the website we don't need little kids asking the same questions over and over again, and fanatic, your just plain old stupid you might as well have said "I am rubber you are glue what ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" you inbred hick grow a brain.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jordanVAMPIRE said…
omg honestly everytime i check this, you are all arguing

@danman jesus shut up man knowone cares about your lies about getting pussy and jersey big wow rofl im from fucking scotland so shut your fucking mouth you stupid fucking moron give it up knowone cares about how much of an internet gangster you are

and moving on,when does season II chapter 30 get released?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Lelouch000 said…
why can't we move on? and @jordan its monthly so probobly in may. and 2pain4 said he will post when its out. hes active on the onemanga forum
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Vor mehr als einem Jahr 2Pain4 said…
VERY =D ps- on thr forum , least theres no stupid agurements =D
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
lol i looked back and wargod randomly called me racist.

jordan wtf did i do to you? also i never lie about something as serious as pussy lol.

they get released monthly(sometimes twice a month) so they never have a specific date. I expect it to be released soon though.

also if supervamp really did quite, it kinda proves im right. Just wanted to trhow that in there. Im actually considering going to a general anime club because of the assholes here.
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Vor mehr als einem Jahr 2Pain4 said…
big smile
well if any1 wants to join the onemanga R+V forum, your welcome to come, ill lead yah around =D
Vor mehr als einem Jahr silentassasin said…
you are all so funny i almost choked laughing.nut i must say that DANMAN,WARGOD,and NAMAROCK are the funniest.ands its obvious that SP is a fraud because she wouldnt have spent so much time trying to convince everyone.she would have just posted "theres going to be a season 3 for R+V and left not caring what we believed so for all idiots that believe her,please grow up and stop being desperate and feeling sorry for her.its just dumb.but seriously WARGOD has some of the funniest insults on earth and if you dont think so then you have no sense of humor.but please for gods sake!!would you people stop was all so funny at first.but you people dont know when to quit.give up already.YOU LOST SP.BUT just in case it does come out this december and you were right,you suck at your job.why the hell would they hire you.and just in case you were wondering im not prejudice against woman.i love them.but i think they can be retards out.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr silentassasin said…
OH and i know you probably dont care what i think,but i just want you all to know what i think about you.

DANMAN=smart,can be a jackass at times(and you know it)but good at insulting and comebacks

WARGOD=unspeakably funny,Even funnier and cruel insults,and a knack for pissing people of and saying random weird but funny things.

NAMAROCK=a only needs to say a few words to shut everyone up.thats the only but best of all quality.

SP=id rather not say anything about her.

ROBIS=he kinda confuses me but can e funny(sometimes).

2PAIN4=this guy is just as funny as wargod.what more is there to say?

LOUCH=this guy is a man wait i cant even call him a man,hes more like a one of those boys that none of the girls in your school like but feel sorry for him because the other boys thinks hes a pussy so they let them be around them so boys wont keep making fun of him.

buddha=i dont really no what to say.
thats what i think about you all.anyway just stop this arguing if someone trys to start an argument why dont youll all pretend that the starter of it never even fucking posted.i want to see words about anime before the next page starts or ill personally track all of your locations and put and end to your lives.DO YOU ALL UNDERSTAND?NOW GET TO IT!!!!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
I think wargod's insults are so funny because they suck. Also I doubt she was trying to be funny.

Your sense of humor is terrible. The only thing she pretty much called me was gay and a jackass. Their the most unoriginal insults their are. I dont see how they're random and funny.

by "SP" do you mean SuperVampire. Wouldn't it be "SV"?

Even though you agree supervampire was a fraud, I dont like you much because of your fondness of wargod. Also why did you insult louche? he didn't do anything to anyone

edit:wow, you also picked her icon.
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Vor mehr als einem Jahr silentassasin said…
whos icon?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Danman2327 said…
who do you think?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr silentassasin said…
aww come onnn just tell me
Vor mehr als einem Jahr silentassasin said…
wait oh no you dont!!!!your really trying to start a fucking argument arent you?you cant be serious.please tell me you arent serious.i admired your talent at making me laugh.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr silentassasin said…
i know he didnt DO anything.i said that thats just what I think.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Synned_Ghoul said…
everyone just quit arguing already! why cant this forum go back to when it was just anime we would talk about instead of everyone bitching about each other?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Synned_Ghoul said…
ill start. ive watched Omamori Himari, Kampfer, and a few others. Dan, thanks for telling us those, they were great.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Synned_Ghoul said…
any other suggestions? i made a list of the ones you told, and ive watched the ones i like. im working on school days now.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Buddha_2 said…
Well this is interesting, maybe i will come back but only to check out once a day. within 2 hours of me "leaving" to people said they wanted to stop fighting. but others still continue(whitch is really dumb now your basically arguing; about arguing -.-.). but also Silentassasin he means you choose Wargods pic as well, which i don't fully understand why this is a problem but OK. but i am curious as to what u mean by you don't understand me, i thought i made myself pretty clear, but OK. also as I've mentioned before if anyone wants to talk about anime outside of this forum let me know at or yahoo is preferable because for some reason i don't get some emails that go to my hotmail, and the service engineers don't know why. also you can message me here because i will be on here Once a day.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Buddha_2 said…

Synned to your list of animes add clannad, Frontier Macross and a new one that ive just started watching Seikon no Qwaser. if you have watched them before, cool tell me your thought and how is Omamori Himari, my friend says its good but hes a total perv, so i don't like to rely on him for all of my anime. also warning Seikon no Qwaser very ecchi( found out from my friend), so watch were your watching it if your watching the uncensored version.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr silentassasin said…
i meant that i didnt really have anything on my mind about you that i thought was one of your characteristics.