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The Frage could be: WHAT OF ROB oder EDWARD DO WE ‘LOVE’?

I don’t think the feeling from a Fan of Robert and/or Edward can be described as 'love'. What is called 'love' Von most of the Fans is the seducing naivety of the extreme magnetism of both of them, which fill most of their voids and sexual fantasies. 'Love' as a feeling is when Du become a soul mate to that person who knows Du deeply, whatever he/she looks. Frankly, if Rob would have had 'ordinary' looks, would have all the Fans fallen in 'love' with him? I don't think so, simply because he would not have been chosen at the first place, as Edward HAD TO HAVE the ‘so-cold-it-burns’ looks to sell the story.

But don't get me wrong: it’s O.K. to be attracted to beautiful people oder things if it makes Du feel good and even daydream, but this attraction is only about his wild good looks. For my part, since what I don’t see is a lot Mehr interesting, I qualify Robert as an ‘intriguing creature’, my interest for him breathing a lot Mehr on a sensually intellectual level. His fascinating astrological combination of elements makes him very enticing in many ways. His good looks are a bonus. He did not do anything for that. He was just lucky his destiny took care of it. And he knows it. And he anguishes over it.

For those interested, he is a Taurus (I know, his birthday is no longer a secret…), with a Scorpio ascendant, a Tiger and a 33/6. Actually, the most sexual and equally shy and self-righteous combination of all! So righteous that he humorously nicknamed himself ‘Spunk Ransom’ with all the connotations Du would think of (witty…), implying that he wants Du to know that he is very sexual but actually embarrassed to Zeigen it. His instant blushing, when Taylor candidly sagte to Jimmy Kimmel ‘he had to have something in his mouth all the time’ during his training for New Moon, is indisputably revealing…

The reason is that, sexually, his kind feel a distance oder inhibition rather than wild abandon because of their concern with technique oder performance – with ‘how well they’re doing’ – rather than with the pure emotional content of lovemaking. In some cases, if they haven’t yet understood their perfectionistic tendencies, their sexual feelings may diminish due to repress anger resulting from judgments about their lover.

I would even go further in this thought. I don’t think I’m wrong if I say his dad knew his only son so well that he convinced him that, being aware of his natural talent, the Schauspielen profession could be an attractive avenue to him as a way to foil his chronic throwing-up-when-I-see-myself shyness. And Von the same token, it could help him meet girls to learn how to deal with his fear, Von playing characters that would not involve Wird angezeigt them who he is really was, and gradually break the glass Von so doing. I hope Rob thanked his dad for this turning point in his life. Without the intervention of Richard The Great, we would have been deprived of Art, Cedric, Daniel, Edward, Rawdy, Richard, Salvador, Toby, Tyler and even Georges… and I wouldn’t be here Schreiben about it. It would have been such a waste of talent. ‘Life is what happens to Du while you’re busy making other plans’, sagte John. I couldn’t agree more.

He is very ego-centered (you don’t become an actor if you’re not!), proud but not arrogant oder selfish. No wonder why he never had many Friends when he was young, alone as a rock on his island and enjoying it, privileged Von natural musical talents, still is a bit conflicted, a bit paranoid, maybe a bit hypochondriac as well. He thought he was such a boring person because he did not know who the hell he was (and probably still searching his karma) so that for a long while, he wanted to ‘be’ Jack Nicholson because he had balls (does his famous wool hat remind Du of a certain movie in a cuckoo’s nest?) Also that he embraced head over heels transporter, van Morrison’s great music, gitarre playing and Singen style (a little like ‘eating’ his words, which is a bit frustrating to hear sometimes, I must confess as a word lover).

He is curious and forever reaching intellectually. He found romantic inspiration in Virgil’s writings, anonymously put a blume in a girl’s locker at school, but would never have the balls to serenade anybody (I think a confirmation of this statement would be needed Von the girl-who-we-should-not-say-the-name-here). Some of his Favorit Filme are ‘The Last Tango In Paris’, ‘The Exorcist’ and ‘The Beat My herz Skipped’. One of his Favorit readings is ‘Ticket To Ride’ (no secret for anybody anymore) – I mean, we aren’t talking Walt Disney here! He also finds ‘fucking brilliant’ the story about a tiny fisch Lost in your balls that swims up your urethra and into your urinary tract and lodges in your cock with backward-facing umbrella spikes shooting from its spine … like ‘Finding Nemo’! --- What about ‘Innerspace’ Rob?

He laments the passing of ’80s porn, because today, ‘it’s everything everywhere all the time’. He dreams of being groped Von a lady elephant. He worries maybe he’s a nonhumanist-separatist-weirdo because his most profound moments have been with his dog and about whether he can be an actor who can reach the masses and still ask for anything. Most of the time, he Antwort Fragen with questions, opening doors onto Mehr doors, worrying his head would explode. A bit conflicted, Du said?

At one time in his life, his most serious aspirations involved political speech Schreiben just to make sure people would listen to what he has to say in his 15 Minuten of glory. He could eat snacks covered with chilli powder that would clear up all our sinuses, but he’s allergic to vaginas… and outrageously untidy.

Von the way, did Du know that the Taurus sign is known as being the ‘Samson’ sign because 99% of Taurus creatures have lots of beautiful curly hair and since those are their natural unconscious offer of expression of the will to please, he/she makes sure their hair are always as they want them… Von hand-combing them continuously, in particular when they talk. It is not narcissism but insecurity.

The powerful combination of Tiger’s hotheadedness and Taurus’s stubbornness reveals: he is a redoubtably savvy passionate to the bone character who, although he may seem slightly eccentric and just a smidgen too easy-going, is really keeping score while you’re watching the gras, grass grow; he is all oder nothing; an earnest person, wily and wary, but rarely haughty; he possesses a natural nobility; loves to be mobile; he is far from perfect as he tends to excessive individuality; he likes things his way and see no reason why this cannot be; his needs can be simplified down to the barest essentials; he wants to be expansive without being expensive; he is as courageous as he has the grit of a foot soldier and the mind of a Roman general: some people can have the ocean in front of them and just put their big toe in. Rob wants to swim until he drowns, and he’s going to try to drink it all up before he goes under.

His face is constantly busy, especially his eyes, which are continually rolling and dilating, because he is always thinking. He could not turn his brain off if he wanted to. As a control freak ‘to ridiculousness sometimes” in his own words, extremely sensitive to criticism (ego-centered, remember?), Lost in petty details, lovable perfectionist and OCD subject, he is not the easiest creature to live with.

Putting his own standards way too high, he has often been prone to disillusion, disappointment and general frustration when life didn’t meet his expectations (he almost quit Schauspielen after his Potter part as nothing he was offered afterwards was interesting enough, remember?) He is very competitive and constantly judges and compares himself to others to see how he’s doing. Sending himself on a never-ending quest for self-improvement, he loves to improve himself and everything else. His self-doubt sends him swinging from manic over-confidence to depressive doubt. He feels a strong need for emotional support and love.

His perfectionistic nature tends to fixate on the ‘best’, most ideal way to feel, to be, and to act; he can lose touch with the real, not always ‘nice’, feelings that make up the entire complex of his personality.

He is serious about his duties through remarkable sagacity and fervor and doesn’t like to think according to someone else’s plan (that is why he doesn’t have a publicist anymore). Like 33/6 actors Meryl Streep and Robert DeNiro, he studies his craft deeply and is a consummate professional. He excels at anything having to do with communication, feelings and expression. He tends to offer that extra touch and to work conscientiously toward high standards.

Unless he allows self-doubt to stop him, his high standards make him naturally prone to success, because he does very good work (even though he doesn’t always feel that way). He has a deep emotional sensitivity, whether oder not he shows it and a mind that focuses and directs a profound intuitive intelligence. Even though many people Liebe and admire him, he may not feel it until he comes to Liebe and accept himself and to see his own beauty and light.

He favors simple pleasures: the Taurus/Tiger creature is not fussy about variety oder gourmet preparations. He sagte once in an interview for Twilight that: “After 2½ months in the gym, the first cheeseburger tasted like ambrosia…” – One must eat to live and not live to eat – is his motto. But he claims to be a compulsive eater.

Mind you, he doesn’t really intrinsically care about the damned money. But if it comes along, so much the better. And when he has it, he shares it. And when he has no more, he gets Mehr and gives more. This does not mean that he is always industrious. But it does mean he is very, very lucky.

To my opinion, though he genuinely never realized it at all, here are the main reasons Rob was and is still so ‘attractive’ as being himself and Edward and why so many on Planet Earth became ‘Robsessed’:

“LOVE: The brand of burning passion with which Taurus/Tigers are gifted from birth makes Liebe look like a word to describe apathy. Tiger born in Taurus really F A L L in love. They find someone to whom they give everything, follow everywhere, involve themselves with selflessly and with an uncommon ardor, defending that person down to the very last bullet in their gun belts. Trouble is, if anything should happen to sagte person oder a wolke settle on the relationship, Taurus/Tigers can slip into a yellow-and-black-striped despair out of which it is mighty tough to dislodge them. When the Liebe is gone, part of the Taurus/Tigers leaves with it. (an Guter Rat to the girl-who-we-should-not-say-the-name-here)

In order to Liebe one of these singular souls, Du need not really do any Mehr than B E. The Taurean Tiger figures it’s up to him oder her to do the adoring. ‘You just sit there while I go get us some drinks’. Taurean Tiger like to care for others in a metaphysical oder mental way. (…) And don’t worry about whether your Taurus/Tiger is comfy oder happy oder worried – he’ll let Du know of his own accord. These subjects do not mince their sentiments.’

Was I talking about Robert oder Edward here? Weird? No, astrologically logical and true. So true that … “Rob IS Edward, SO complicated, SO poetic, SO sensual, such a lovely guy!” (Kellan on Rob)

Our dear kaleidoscopic Robert is a very deep well, there is a lot to say and still, much of this multi-faceted creature would remain well-hidden… Maybe I’ll be back on that another time. I kinda know a lot on his kind because I'm one of the Taurus-Scorpio kind, and a 32/5 Horse, his most compatible friend – and so is the girl-who-we-should-not-say-the-name-here – and stuck like glue to one of his kind since … a while.

Did Du know 2010 is the Jahr of the lucky Tiger (the Weiter one in 2022). Knowing what 2007, 2008 and 2009 brought to him (and us!), take a few Sekunden to imagine what this Jahr will be. Heaven of hell? If Du considered Robert/Edward ‘sexy and gorgeous’ as a cold one, Du ain’t seen nothin’ yet, as what he has allowed us to know of him until now is only a tiny tip of the so-cold-it-burns iceberg... Knowing that Tyler’s conflicted personality is much much closer to his than Edward’s, what will Du answer to Rob when he’ll soon ask you: ‘Will Du Remember Me?’

So to answer your question, I am not ‘in love’ with Robert nor Edward. But he must know that he will have all my admiration as an imperfect sensitive human being, for as long as he will remain himself with all his ups and downs and so-called eccentricities, in the shallow world he is now being swallowed into, understanding that ‘PERFECTION’ IS NOT FOR HIM TO BE THE BEST IN EVERYTHING, BUT TO DO HIS BEST OUT OF EVERYTHING that is offered to him and ultimately feel good about it. As everything happens for a reason, I knew the Aries Taurus 32/5 Horse girl-who-we-should-not-say-the-name-here friend of his would help him a lot in this area of his life (he confirmed after the premiere of New Moon it was the first movie involving himself he was able to watch without the urge of throwing up!) – Good show! – LuvAlwaiz♥Jj9

Thanks to Jenny Lumet, DETAILS magazine © March 2010, THE NEW Astrologie © 1986 Suzanne White, THE LIFE Du WERE BORN TO LIVE – A GUIDE TO FIND YOUR LIFE PURPOSE, © 1993 Dan Millman.
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