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posted by egyptprincess7
This is my main character. Like what the others have said, she's similar to me. She's Mehr of an online persona in a way. Because my character does things that I personally always wanted to do but can't do for certain reasons. Like dyeing her hair, going on adventures, using magic, being queen, etc.

Mina Light (Obvs not real real name but for the sake of the RP and for another name besides just 'Egypt' )

Egypt, Egiie (by Ana), Bae (by Haka), Little kirsche Blossom(by Unknown), Cursed Child (by many)



Queen (Captured/Kidnapped)
+ Student at Terra Unity Academy

Current location:
Adrisal (former)
New location currently unknown

Food, sleep, playing video games, singing, hanging w/ friends, exploring, going on adventures, saving the world -lol-, some fruits and veggies, going to cafes, Lesen books, swimming, looking up at the clouds, dresses

Annoying people, being peer pressured/guilt-tripped into doing things, math, chores, people attempting to kill her, people who can't get a clue, drugs, cheaters, dogs, certain fruits and veggies

Age & Birthday:
She's 20 years old (currently)
Born- Oct 3


Physical Appearance:
Hair- Long and black
Eye- Red
Skin Color- Pale-fair
Height- 5'3
Weight- 130
Tattoos- kirsche blossom baum (stomach), Dragon (Back), Rose (Shoulder)
Scars- One long one in her left lower leg(covered Von bandages) plus several scars on lower back that's now hidden Von the tattoo
Build- Slim
Piercings- On both ears; had some on nose, eyebrows but holes closed up.


Egypt is pretty funny. Dubbing herself as the "pun master" and sometimes cracking puns out of nowhere. She's also quite loyal to her Friends who she considers family as well. She is quite determined, especially in tough situations. But she can be stubborn too. Egypt is also pretty trustworthy, Du can always count on her for help on anything. (Except math xD). She's quite caring and protective of the people she loves and does treasure them. Though she has moments where she can be completely cold even to her Friends and can be selfish. When she's in her "cold state" she's completely cruel and barbaric towards anyone which includes friend and during her insanity phase, her personality shifts completely. She also has many secrets which can cause conflicts depending on which one it is that gets found out. She does have some self-esteem issues and she struggles with her own appearance and feeling inept when she couldn't do a french braid on her own. When she's frustrated she ends up tearing up and refusing help until she calms down enough. She's super emotional and that can be a hindrance. Even in her 'cold' state it can hinder her and harm her emotionally. She is also easily frightened oder intimidated especially Von Friends she sees as.. stronger.

Dere type:
Mix between Kuudere and Dandere

Hunde (especially hates it when friend's try to use it against her), Losing everyone

Favorit Color:

She can play some, musical instruments. Lately, she's learning how to play the violin. She can sing better than, playing musical instruments, though.
She also knows how to cook since she was 14 and was able to make pretty tasty treats. Though she is still improving she has gone a long way. Now at the age of 19, she is extremely better. Being able to make quality dishes for everyone.
She's also been taking dancing lessons and has been practicing Judo. Dancing lessons when she executes her attacks and Judo for melee attacking, self-defense, etc. She constantly goes to these classes to also improve her stamina and flexibility.

Ice element and telekinesis (along w/ her vampiric traits and witch traits-)

Weapon of choice:

Egypt v. Master Vampire - Egypt wins
Egypt (+Tasha) v. Necromancer - E/T win
Egypt v. Rogue Angel – Jäger der Finsternis 3 (I think lol) - Egypt wins
Egypt v. Water/Earth elemental student - Egypt Wins
Egypt v. Lightning elemental student - Egypt wins (by default LOL since he kinda gave up)
Egypt v. Tasha part 1 +2 - Draw
Egypt v. Mistory part 1 + 2 - Mistory wins first battle (I think the 2nd time was a draw)
Egypt v. Haka - Egypt wins
Egypt v. Ana - Incomplete (had to go before it could even happen lol)
Egypt v. End - Egypt wins (... >.> killed him that time too)
Egypt v. Sixth Plaque - Draw. Both died during the fight

Ana - Ana and Egypt are totally best friends. Egypt looks up to Ana as a big sister and a role model. Sometimes they have their disagreements and the biggest thing bad that happened to them was the incident of the document being stolen and Egypt being falsely accused and arrested. Thankfully that document was found, returned and the true culprit is imprisoned. Egypt is quite protective of Ana, now especially after Zeke's betrayal.

Emily - Emily and Egypt also are best friends. Egypt really enjoys being in Em's company and in fact learned many recipes of cooking and making tee from her. She admires her skill as a healer and cares deeply for her. Like she is a big sister. Egypt also goes to Emily when she needs assistance oder advice. Especially when it comes to superficial and Mehr serious and important things like issues w/ Friends and Liebe interests.

End - End and Egypt are also best friends. Though sometimes they have these moments where and especially in Egypt's case, they are angry/ hate one another for an issue that the other did. (Like End leaving her behind after "rescuing" her from these scavengers and Egypt inhaling his bracelets that were, gifts). But in Egypt's case, she does truly care for End though she doesn't Zeigen it as much. He's older than her but she thinks of him like a little brother that she picks on. Though lately, their relationship is a bit strained due to the whole Howie situation. Egypt GREATLY disapproves of how needy/desperate he's being towards Howie and quite frankly wants to KILL Howie.

Haka - Haka, and Egypt, are best friends. These two calls each other baes and honestly Egypt sees Haka as a little sister. They have had rough times where they argued with one another but they always made up and moved past that time. Egypt's trust in Haka is huge especially after the events with the document because Haka and her brother were the ones who caught the culprit and document and brought them to Kira. Egypt enjoys the closeness they have and loves that they have a nickname for each other.

Mistory - Mistory and Egypt are also best Friends like the others. She looks up to him and strives to be as strong as him. She sees him as a family, specifically a big brother and all. She was happy when he taught her how to smite (now she can't do it anymore LOL but still) and enjoys having practice fights with him. She hopes to defeat him in a fight one day. There was some issues that he was unaware of and still is but, also that was pushed to the back of Egypt's mind as well.

Tasha: Tasha and Egypt are best Friends as well. Egypt sees her as a big sister and sometimes as a mother too depending on the situation. She also sees her as a rival and strives to be able to beat her. Her last fight with her ended in a tie which Egypt wasn't happy about. But she truly cares for Tasha. They did have a moment in their friendship where Egypt wouldn't talk/look at Tasha for a bit after their fight that almost resulted in death. But, she eventually forgave her and pushed the incident away to the back of her mind.

Tim - Tim and Egypt are close friends. Though they have their disagreements most of the time. She truly cares for him like that time he died it caused her to lose control for the first time. She is also happy seeing his relationship with Yeti and wishes them both well.

Mother - Aida
Father - Faizel
Sister - Mariam, Meredith
Adopted Brother - Vincent
Biological Daughter - Sophia, Momo, the twins
Adopted Daughters - Mia, Emma, Lily
Adopted Son(s) - Joss, Nathan, Nicholas
Husband - Helios
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by CutiegirlXtreme
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7
added by egyptprincess7