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When I started the fifth grade, I was dreading it. I heard that the fifth grade teacher was really mean. I thought, Is it possible that she could be worse than my fourth grade teacher? I told my aunt about my fears. She said, "Autumn, don't worry, dear. Maybe she's nice. Just give her a chance, okay?" I said, "Okay." On the first Tag of school, the teacher noticed my Beatles t-shirt. She said, "Darling, I Liebe Du already!" I said, "Okay, then." I had recently gotten glasses, because I had trouble seeing without them, especially from a distance. Some of the kids called me "glasses". She said, "She has a name, guys! Her name is NOT 'glasses'! It's Autumn!" I was glad to have someone take up for me for once. I would've had her for the sixth grade, too, but that didn't happen. My uncle got a job offer in Tennessee, and he gladly accepted it. We would be closer to family members, but it was going to be a big adjustment for me. I had lived in Illinois for the first twelve years of my life. On the last Tag of school, I sagte goodbye to the best teacher. I said, "I'm really going to miss you." She said, "I'm going to miss you, too, Autumn." We both cried. We agreed to keep in touch. On the way to our new home, I asked my aunt and uncle, "What if all the kids at school hate me?" My aunt said, "Autumn, it's going to be okay. Maybe this school Jahr will be different." My uncle said, "That's right. Du might be the cool kid from another state. Du never know." I said, "I don't think I'm that lucky." My aunt said, "I know that bullies exist everywhere, but there's also a potential for friends." This gave me some confidence, and I was eager to start school in a different state. Perhaps I shouldn't have been too eager....
posted by Peaceandlove67
Lying on the snow-covered ground, injured, I was sure I was going to die. I then saw the owner of the house approaching me. I had seen him in his yard on many occasions, but I never saw him up close until that day. He knelt down beside me. He asked, "What are Du doing out here Von yourself?" I faintly said, "I got Lost in the blizzard." He noticed the blood-stained pants leg. He said, "You don't look so good. You're pale." He then pulled up my pants leg and saw my leg was badly wounded. He said, "You're badly hurt, too. I better get Du to a hospital." He picked me up to carry me to his truck....
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posted by Peaceandlove67
I continued walking through the forest. It was so cold. I could hear the snow crunching under my feet. Suddenly, it began to snow. I couldn't really see where I was going. I made another step, and I heard a snapping sound. Immediately after the snapping sound, I felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my leg. I thought, I must've broken my leg. I'll try to get up to see the damage. When I tried to get up, it felt like something was keeping me from getting off the ground. It was almost as if I was chained. I uncovered a hunter's trap in the snow. Grandpa had shown me how to disassemble a hunter's trap...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was a Saturday morning. I had spent Friday night with my grandparents. Grandpa took me Home Saturday afternoon. Father was waiting at the door. He said, "Ellie, Du have homework this weekend." I said, "I already did it last night, Father. I did it before going to Grandma and Grandpa's. Don't Du remember?" Father glared at me and said, "Don't get smart with me, Ellie." I said, "I'm not being smart with you. I'm telling the truth." He said, "Let me give Du what my father gave me." He slapped me across the face. The forced knocked me to the ground. Grandpa put himself between me and Father...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Shortly after coming Home that evening, Father got some alcohol to drink. One drink led to another, and the Weiter thing I knew, he was shouting at me. He said, "Grandpa told Du about his hellish lifestyle, didn't he?!" I said, "I don't think it's hellish. He didn't hurt anybody." Father said, "I suppose now Du want to live that lifestyle." I said, "Father, it doesn't matter how one lives, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. It's fine to be a Christian, but it's not okay to beat the hell out of people in the name of it." I guess he knew I was referring to him. He beat on me a while and...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Every Sunday, my parents and I would go to my grandparents' house. Grandma always fixed a nice lunch. After helping Grandma wash the dishes, I would go outside, weather permitting. Usually, I'd find Grandpa sitting under the big White Oak in his garden area. Often, his Alaskan Malamute, which he named Wolf, would sit Weiter to him. One Sunday, he said, "Hi, Ellie. Why don't Du Mitmachen me?" I did. Grandpa actually introduced Mother to the Beatles. I asked him about John Lennon's statement about the Beatles being "more beliebt than Jesus." Grandpa said, "That John. He was always very opinionated...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was my twelfth birthday. After the celebration, I was in the study room, browsing the Internet on my computer. As I was browsing the Internet, I saw something that caught my attention. It was a heading that said, "Today is the 50th anniversary of when John Lennon sagte that the Beatles are Mehr beliebt than Jesus." I was curious. I thought, Is that why Father doesn't like the fact that Mother and I are Beatles fans? Now, I knew a bit about the Beatles. I knew that they were extremely beliebt in the 60's. I knew that they were synonymous with the British Invasion. I knew about the Paul is...
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The Devil Wants Peace
After high school, Allen, Peter, and I met Stan, and he became our drummer. After we became famous, I had a kabine built in the mountains. Despite the fact I no longer lived with him, Uncle Bob continued to support our band until he was tragically killed in a car crash. I blamed myself at first, because I had a bad argument with him before he died, but in a dream, he told me he forgave me. I later dated an incredible woman named Violet. It didn't work out, unfortunately. Thankfully, it ended on good terms, and we're still good friends, but we just don't function as lovers....
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posted by Peaceandlove67
High School
In high school, I got beat up a lot. I got beat up before high school, but I got beat up Mehr in high school. I only dated once during high school, but it took a bad turn when she got her Friends to tie me to a pole and beat me up. My mother thought they had killed me, not that she would have cared if they did. Later in high school, I had a dream encounter with John Lennon. I couldn't believe it was him, because he had died nearly seven years earlier. He told me it was his spirit. I was encouraged to try and change the attitude of my hometown, but I failed. After Randall and I got...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
No Stable Place
Aside from Uncle Bob, the only other family members who paid me any mind were my grandparents. My grandfather passed away about a Jahr and a half after my father's untimely death. My grandmother lived until I started high school. When she was alive, I could always go to her with a problem. Every time I would have a bad Tag at school, I would go to her. She would say, "Tell me what's wrong, John." I would tell her what was wrong, and she would make everything better. When she passed away when I started high school, I was devastated. Now I had no one to go to when I had a bad day. That's when my record listening became Mehr frequent. Other than my dog, Beatle, it was my only Quelle of comfort. I really missed having a person to talk to. I missed having someone who listened to me. When he wasn't working, I could call Uncle Bob and talk to him, but it wasn't the same. Grandma seemed to have an answer for everything. Nobody else seemed to have that gift.
posted by Peaceandlove67
Uncle Bob
When my father was alive, Uncle Bob didn't come to Devil's Garden often. After my father died, he came as often as he could. Uncle Bob was my father's older brother. He never married and never had children. Still, he was to be my legal guardian if something happened to both of my parents. Of course, I would later end up living with him anyway, but that's another story. It was close to Thanksgiving, and Uncle Bob came in. It was the last Tag of school before Thanksgiving Break, but I wasn't feeling well. My mother tried to force me to go to school, but I didn't want to move. My muscles...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Farewell, My Childhood
It was July 22, 1983. I will never forget that datum as long as I live. It was perhaps the worst Tag of my life, the Tag I had to KISS my childhood goodbye. I visited with my grandparents that day. I really enjoyed hanging out with them. My mother took my sisters on a shopping spree. My father had to work. I was twelve, and my father didn't trust me at Home Von myself. I asked to stay with my grandparents until after dinner. My father picked me up to take me home. Along the way, a truck ran a red light and hit the car. It happened so quickly, but I remember it so vividly....
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posted by Peaceandlove67
A gitarre and the Two Beatles
December 8, 1980 was a datum that I will never forget. I had been to an event with the school band. My father and I were heading home. It was late at night, and we were listening to the radio. I will never forget the news. John Lennon had been shot and killed. My father tried to hide it, but he couldn't help it. He just had to cry. I asked, "Father, was he your friend?" My father dried his tears and said, "No, son, I never met him. I only knew of him. He was a member of the British band, the Beatles." I was curious and asked him to tell me more. He told me about how...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
Gaining Friends
As time passed, I still hadn't made any friends. Even in church, other kids bullied me. One day, some of the other kids in church were physically bullying me. I then heard a big, booming voice say, "Stop that right now! Would Jesus do such a thing?" The other kids ran away, and I got up. There was a man standing there. He was not particularly skinny oder stout. He was clean shaven and had short hair, even shorter than my father's. He wasn't particularly short oder tall. He appeared to be around sixty-two oder sixty-three. He had dark, brown eyes and pepper gray hair. He had a deep...
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posted by Peaceandlove67
It was John Wilde's forty-fifth birthday. He wanted a small celebration with his band mates and with Grace and her aunt and uncle, whom he considered his family. John said, "I can't believe I'm forty-five." Allen said, "I know. What's nice is your life is so different now than what it was in the beginning." John said, "Yeah." Grace said, "I know Du went through some rough times, but how different was it?" John was hesitant to tell her. He never shared things like that with his fans. Peter said, "John, Grace is part of your family now. I think you're safe, sicher with her, mate." Allen...
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It was summer. Erin, Paul, Carl, and Lola went back Home for the summer. One day, the four Friends had a gig, konzert in a neighboring town. The Weiter morning, they ate breakfast at a local restaurant. Two men walked up to them. One of them said, "You're New Religion. We saw your konzert last night. We were quite impressed." Erin said, "We're glad Du enjoyed it." Paul asked, "What was your Favorit song?" The man said, "I have to say 'Fresh Fritz Beats'. Fritz playing the drums with his tail was quite adorable." The other man spoke up and said, "Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Mark, and this is...
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During the Sekunde semester of their first Jahr of college, the members of New Religion moved to a pet friendly apartment that all four of them could share. It just seemed better that way, because for one thing, they were all very close, and for another thing, Erin and Lola would no longer have that horrible roommate with her awful boyfriends. One afternoon, Erin was strumming on her guitar. Fritz started barking, and Erin went to see what was wrong. Paul had returned from his afternoon class. He did not look like himself at all. Erin said, "Paul, Du look terrible." He said, "Define terrible."...
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After high school was over, the members of New Religion went to college and majored in music. Even though it was cheaper to live in the college dorms, pets were NOT allowed on campus, so Erin chose to live in an apartment, so that she could bring Fritz along. After all, Fritz was important to the entire band. Lola agreed to share the apartment with Erin. Paul and Carl got one, too. Luckily for the boys, they ended up with a really polite roommate. Erin and Lola, however, ended up with a roommate who wasn't very polite. She had numerous boyfriends, and it seemed every time Erin blinked, that...
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Sometime after the incident, Erin learned that Phil was put in jail. She was glad that justice was served. Her injuries healed up, and she started her last Jahr of high school. One day, Paul asked, "Can Du believe this is our last Jahr of high school?" Carl said, "No, I can't." Lola said, "Me neither." Erin said, "I'm actually kinda glad for that. I'm certainly not going to miss it." Paul said, "Me neither." The foursome had grown closer since Erin got shot. Paul was already close to Erin, but he became closer than ever to her after she had taken a bullet for him. When winter came, there was...
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One night, Erin was walking downtown with her band mates and her new dog, Fritz. Suddenly, a boy of a similar age stepped out of the shadows. Erin instantly recognized him. She said, "Hello, Phil." Phil said, "Erin, I never thought I'd see Du again. You're too busy hanging with this Paul guy." She said, "For your information, we happen to be best Friends and band mates." Phil sneered, "Yeah. He's the one who got Du into this devil music." She said, "Paul didn't get me into it. I got into it on my own, and I highly doubt it's devil music, because it brought me and my Friends together, and...
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Months had passed, and it was summer once again. One day, Erin and Paul went for a walk in the forest with Paul's dogs. As they were walking, they heard whimpering sounds. Erin asked, "Paul, is that one of your dogs?" Paul checked his Hunde and said, "No, I don't think so." Just then, they saw a welpe limping toward them. The welpe had medium-length, honey-colored pelz and big, brown eyes. The welpe sat down at Erin's feet and looked up at her. Paul said, "I think he likes you." Erin asked, "How do Du know it's a boy?" Paul smiled and said, "There are ways." Erin got down to the puppy's level...
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