Once Upon a Time - Es war einmal... OUAT NEWS!!!!

zylice posted on Sep 30, 2012 at 07:27AM
Lets keep up-to-date with what we know about OUAT episodes, info in general, characters etc...

Post pictures, spoilers, videos, info, news, episode info, opinions, links etc!

Once Upon a Time - Es war einmal... 355 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
Script Teaser S3-"Hook About The Crocodile"
 Script Teaser S3-"Hook About The Crocodile"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Neverland Will Strip The Jolly Roger Crew Down To Their Cores!•**

"An old-fashioned Charmings Vs EQ?! In a Flashback perhaps? Or in real-time Neverland?!"


 **•Neverland Will Strip The Jolly Roger Crew Down To Their Cores!•** "An altmodisch Charmi
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Is Peter Pan Dangerous As Well As Being Regina's "New Love" Interest?!•**

According to the latest TVLine spoilers, "Once Upon a Time" will introduce Regina's love interest right off the bat. Co-executive producer Adam Horowitz explains that this love interest "becomes a part of the show very quickly...but in a way that you don't expect." Hm...given that new casting news has been limited as of late, just who is this mysterious person? Well, "Once Upon a Time" fans will find out fairly quickly once season 3 premieres, as the love interest for Regina will be introduced within the first five episodes. Moreover, some more quotes are coming in regarding Peter Pan from Horowitz. Evidently, Rumplestiltskin aka Mr. Gold has quite a history with Peter Pan, and he is legitimately scared of the Neverland King. "There is a big reason why he said if you're going to be scared of someone, this is the guy to be scared of," continues Horowitz. "When you meet Pan, you're going to see a very, very, very clever person," says Eddy Kitsis. "And if there's one thing Rumplestiltskin admires, it's somebody who has game." Hm...a man who "has game," and comes into the fold as soon as "Once Upon a Time" season 3 begins. Could Peter Pan and Regina's love interest be one and the same?

intrigued1 commented…
I think Regina is going to absolutely despise anyone who kidnaps Henry, so I dont think it is Peter Pan. I see Hook trying to get in good with Regina maybe. He is abig flirt so its possible. Robin haube would a good one, but I read in an interview with Kitsis that Robin haube makes an appearance in a couple of episodes. That makes me think that he is passing through. :( sadly... What about Prince Eric from the little Mermaid? A prince would be a twist to Reginas Liebe life. I did like the Huntsman though. Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**OUAT Season 3 D23 Expo LIVE Coverage: S3 Premiere Sneak Peek Preview, Spoilers, Reveals, More About Neverland, Wonderland & The Jolly Roger Crew!•**

Season three preview:

The scene opens in the forests of Neverland. Mr. Gold comes out from behind a tree wearing Rumple's classic outfit. He calls out to someone to reveal themselves; it's the blonde Lost Boy from the season two finale (who carries the name Felix). Felix tells Rumple that Pan will allow him to remain in Neverland as long as he likes, but if he has come for "the boy" then Rumple and Pan shall remain enemies, to which Rumple replies, "So then nothing has changed" between clenched teeth.

The two of them discuss a possible confrontation between Rumple and Pan, wherein Rumple acknowledges that he would die if it should happen. He then says that death isn't the real issue; the real issue is how many Lost Boys he (Rumple) takes with him. Rumple says this as he grabs Felix and pulls him right up to his own face, it's very heated and tense.

The two of them separate and (I think) Felix tells Rumple that Pan has a message for him. Felix throws a rather voodoo-looking doll down, it is white with a blue jacket that has white trim. Felix says "Isn't it amazing how the things we haven't thought about in years...can make us cry?" Rumple falls to his knees and breaks down crying as this occurs. STRONG implications that Rumple was a lost boy. It ended there.

Theme for season three of Once Upon A Time is belief!

"Neverland is the heart of darkness" - Eddy Kitsis

The Jolly Roger crew will face who they really are!

"One of the things Snow has to do is restore hope to everyone, including her daughter".

Eddy just teased a Emma/Hook pairing.

Belle will be seen frequently in Storybrooke.

We will see how Hook became a pirate in first five episodes.

Adam confirmed Ariel does live in Neverland.

"A good chance of seeing Ursula and a guy named Eric. You might see Ursula but you never know, in our story, people could be anybody".

Adam just mentioned Rapunzel and Tiana as characters they want to bring to the show.

Cinderella and Grumpy are in the Wonderland pilot - Eddy Kitsis

Would love to go to Oz at some point during the series.

We will definitely see more of Aurora during the season three premiere.

Maleficent could show up again on either Once Upon A Time or Wonderland.

Despite rumors, definitely no plans to recast Jefferson.

We will see Sidney as the mirror in a Snow/Charming/Mirror episode and also Regina's reaction to Snow waking up.

We will see Emma's bail bonds skills in play and more of her past.

Greg and Tamara stand for everything Adam and Eddy hate about cynicism.

Will is the Knave of Hearts' name on OUAT In Wonderland.

Adam and Eddy will be 'disappointed' if Cora doesn't appear on OUAT In Wonderland.

Alice lives in an alternate world from our own.

Agrabah will likely appear on OUAT In Wonderland.

Wonderland happens after the animated Disney version on the timeline.

Wonderland has flashbacks like there are in Once.

 **OUAT Season 3 D23 Expo LIVE Coverage: S3 Premiere Sneak Peek Preview, Spoilers, Reveals, Mehr About
princecatcher93 commented…
They want to bring Tiana and Rapunzel?! THEIR MY FAVORITE!!!! Vor mehr als einem Jahr
intrigued1 commented…
I know. They should be great additions. Im kind of curious about bringing in Oz. Dorthy's red slippers are a great way to travel in portals. Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Rumple Rumoured As To Being A "Lost Boy" Himself!•**

D23 Expo-
"Felix throws a rather voodoo-looking doll down, it is white with a blue jacket that has white trim. Felix says "Isn't it amazing how the things we haven't thought about in years...can make us cry?" Rumple falls to his knees and breaks down crying as this occurs. STRONG implications that Rumple was a lost boy."
 **•Rumple Rumoured As To Being A "Lost Boy" Himself!•** D23 Expo- "Felix throws a rather voo
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Siren-Like Mermaids And Robin Hood As Regina's New Love?!•**

Before Ariel's highly anticipated arrival next season on Once Upon a Time, other mermaids will make a splash on the ABC hit's Season 3 premiere. But unlike Ariel, these are nasty little fishies. According to Lana Parrilla, her Evil Queen and the rest of the Storybrooke gang traveling to Neverland will encounter a pod of finned creatures who are "beautiful, full-bodied and not the nicest mermaids. They're more like sirens."

Trying to be on her very best behavior, Regina/Evil Queen will find a surprising love connection in the third episode — perhaps with Robin Hood (Sean Maguire), who will appear on both Once and its Wonderland spinoff. "Regina's love has to be very manly, and Robin Hood is that," Parrilla says. "I'm getting very excited." (Alas, she shouldn't get too excited, since producers tell me this romance will take a tragic turn.)

Also expect to learn the origins of Tinkerbell, the Blue Fairy and fairy Nova. And while Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) and Belle (Emilie de Ravin) are separated in different lands, "Rumbelle" shippers will be treated to what de Ravin calls "a dreamlike reunion/interaction between Mr. Gold and Belle," with the possibility of Belle soon joining her lost love in Neverland. But will they live happily ever after?

 **•Siren-Like Meerjungfrauen And Robin haube As Regina's New Love?!•** Before Ariel's highly anticipa
intrigued1 commented…
This makes me wonder if King Tritan, Ariels father, makes an appearance as well. It is almost certain that Ursella will be there, perhaps these evil mermaid/sirens are her minons. Vor mehr als einem Jahr
zylice commented…
They may be....;) Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•OUAT 3x04- "NastyHabits!"•**
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
 **•OUAT 3x04- "NastyHabits!"•**
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•OUAT 3x05- "Good Form"•**
 **•OUAT 3x05- "Good Form"•**
Vor mehr als einem Jahr intrigued1 said…
Ok so im super excited and have million ideas tumbling around... wouldnt it be great if the voodoo dolls are just that, and they bring back the dead? One of the most famous scenes in every peter pan is that of Peter bringing Tinkerbell back to life by believing. Every play and story he would look to the children who Believe to prove it by bringing Tinkerbelle back. The first 11 episodes are about just that, believing. Who believes more than Henry? The whole curse was broken because he believed. That's why Peter needs him he believes the most. Zombies! Lol hope it doesn't go that far. However bringing back loved ones has been sprinkled throughout several characters stories. maybe that's how Rumple ending up there as a kid?
zylice commented…
Yeah! GREAT theory! XD ( Im not really familiar with the "Peter Pan Story.") Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr intrigued1 said…
Ok so i have a question and maybe I missed it some where. Why is Tamara so set on getting rid of magic? what happened to her that brought her in as a secret agent/magic spy assassin?
zylice commented…
Adam & Eddy sagte that her backstory would be revealed to tell us why she hates magic so much! *^_^* Vor mehr als einem Jahr
intrigued1 commented…
Great, because I was begining to think maybe I missed in somewhere after the Dragon episode. Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr intrigued1 said…
According to a new spoiler from TVLine, the recently-recast Robin Hood is in trouble. After using magic to heal pregnant lover Marian, “there’s a price — and a debt,” co-creator Adam Horowitz teases. This will come to fruition in an Enchanted Forest arc, which will last at least four episodes.
intrigued1 commented…
That makes me think that he wont be Reginas new Liebe interest. Vor mehr als einem Jahr
zylice commented…
That might be a flashback; however, his wife might've died whilst giving birth and he wants a "new woman?" Vor mehr als einem Jahr
intrigued1 commented…
That is a very good point. Regina has always been attracted to those kind of rugged, strong, kind hearted man. Except for that weird stint with the genie in the mirror. Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr intrigued1 said…
The Henry Prophecy. We will learn more about the prophecy surrounding Henry and Rumple, and according to the showrunners, "The future, it’s never what you think. That doesn’t mean it’s not going to be terrible, but it’s never quite exactly what you think. What that prophecy actually means and how it’s going to play out is something [Rumple]'s going to find out the hard way."

-it did say it will be the undoing of him. Maybe it means the undoing of the dark one. Maybe it means its not henry at all. It did say that a young boy would be his undoing, maybe its peter pan who will be the young boy. I think Rumplestiltskin will live and Henry will be there in support.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
The first official description of Once Upon a Time season 3 was released Wednesday by ABC,

"Emma, Mary Margaret, Regina, David, Mr. Gold and Hook will discover that Neverland is a very dark place as they try to rescue Henry. The synopsis for the season explained that Peter Pan will be a major villain as the group learns what he wants with Henry.
Back in the Enchanted Forest, Aurora, Prince Phillip and Mulan try to save Neal who is barely breathing. Viewers will find out if Aurora, Prince Phillip and Mulan are able to revive Neal and reunite him with his family.
The synopsis also confirmed that new fairytale characters will be introduced while "old aquaintances" will be revisited. Some of the new fairytale characters announced this season are Tinker Bell, Ariel and the various Lost Boys. It has also been announced previously that Giancarlo Espositio would be returning in season 3 as the Magic Mirror/Sidney Glass."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
Eddy & Adam-"There will still be flashbacks in season 3, but not in the season premiere. In episode 2, it's a Snow-Charming-Evil Queen flashback similar to from season 1. Then the flashbacks are: episode 3 is Regina, episode 4 is Rumple, and episode 5 is Hook."
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
intrigued1 commented…
ooooooo..... so the first episode is all drama, fighting, and adventure.... Vor mehr als einem Jahr
zylice commented…
Yes, I suppose it is! *^_^* Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
This new promo includes new footage such as:
1. Emma training to FIGHT!
2.David shooting at "nasty, siren-like mermaids."
3. Emma commanding Regina to either help get "her" son back or to get out of the way. {A bit harsh I think. Did they perhaps fight once again? Hopefully not, but We'll soon find out soon enough!} XD

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Season 3 Promo Pics! {Continually Updated}•**
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Regina & Tinkabell In ACTION!•**

 **•Regina & Tinkabell In ACTION!•** http://www.wetpaint.com/once-upon-a-time/articles/2013-09-
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Emma As Leader Of The Jolly Roger Group!•**

For “Once Upon a Time” season 3, you better be prepared to see Emma Swan in two different roles: Leader, and negotiator. She is someone who knows what it takes in order to get the job done at this point, and has also proven that she is someone who can be counted on during some pretty tough circumstances. Therefore, who better to handle all of the drama in the high seas? You can let Captain Hook captain the ship, and then let a certain Miss Swan take care of the people.
This delicate situation with Regina and Mary Margaret is something that Emma is going to be very keen about, which is why Jennifer Morrison shared the following comment to TV Guide recently about how we can expect her to handle this situation:

“She’s surrounded by people who have been at each other’s throats for different reasons and are continuing to be. But we are not going to be able to save Henry unless we all come together, so she has to be the voice of reason to overcome those differences. It’s going to leave room for new alliances that we don’t expect and also new conflicts.”
What else could Emma be up to this year? It’s really a combination of a number of different things, whether it be possible romances (given that there is Captain Hook and the possibility of Neal Cassidy coming back into her life eventually. (Do you really think he is going to stay in the fairy-tale world that is forever?)


 **•Emma As Leader Of The Jolly Roger Group!•** For “Once Upon a Time” season 3, Du better
Vor mehr als einem Jahr intrigued1 said…
Back in Storybrooke, there won’t be much romance — Ruby is gone, so no more love with Dr. Whale, and half of Rumbelle has set sail — but that doesn’t mean it won’t be a focal point. Co-creator Adam Horowitz notes that Belle’s role “becomes clear early on and is something we’re really excited to reveal.” Perhaps the new mayor? We hope so.

Meanwhile, Neal still has a “big problem” trying to get back from Fairytale Land post-injury, and in flashbacks, we’ll see The Magic Mirror (aka returning star Giancarlo Esposito) reveal that Snow White’s sleeping curse was broken to the Evil Queen! In turn, we wouldn’t be surprised if something else was broken, though that does bring seven years of bad luck...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Emma Takes The Lead In Neverland!•**

When we last left our favorite characters in the Once Upon a Time Season 2 finale, things weren’t looking good. Henry was kidnapped by the “Home Office,” with Tamara and Greg delivering him to Neverland (and in turn, evil Peter Pan), and The Charmings & Co. set sail with their enemies, uniting to save him.

The Season 3 premiere is only a few weeks away, and though we’ve gathered a handful of spoilers about what happens aboard the Jolly Roger, it wasn’t until now that we found out who is really leading the team.

Surprisingly, it’s not Regina, Rumple, or even Hook (it’s his ship, after all) — according to TV Guide, Emma will be the “voice of reason” and rise above to lead them.

"She's surrounded by people who have been at each other's throats for different reasons and are continuing to be," portrayer Jennifer Morrison tells the site. "But we are not going to be able to save Henry unless we all come together, so she has to be the voice of reason to overcome those differences. It's going to leave room for new alliances that we don't expect and also new conflicts."

Jennifer previously told Wetpaint Entertainment that she is the “lone ranger” and that they would work to “overcome those conflicts,” but we didn’t know she’s be the sole leader. That could change, however, given that co-creator Adam Horowitz said that if the “Queen’s got a better way to get Henry that may break the law, so be it,” Emma may go along with it. Plus, in the new promo, she’s preparing for a fight with Hook. We’ll just have to wait and see!

Do you think Emma will be the leader, or will she end up listening to Regina? Sound off below!

 **•Emma Takes The Lead In Neverland!•** When we last left our Favorit characters in the Onc
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Emma Falls Overboard! {Pictures}•**

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•3x01-"Heart If The Truest Believer Official Synopsis!•*

"Heart of the Truest Believer" - As Emma, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Mr. Gold and Hook enter Neverland to search for a kidnapped Henry, they're greeted by a school of not-to-friendly mermaids who threaten to end their search before it begins; Henry finds himself on the run from the Lost Boys with another escapee from Peter Pan's encampment; and Neal, recovering from his wounds, travels through the Enchanted Forest with Mulan in an attempt to learn the fates of Emma and Henry

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
Episode 3x07 is called "Dark Hollow"
{No, not "Deathly Hallow!"} ;P
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•What We Learn About Neverland In New Promo!•**

 **•What We Learn About Neverland In New Promo!•** http://www.wetpaint.com/once-upon-a-time/art
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•We'll Find Out How & Why Regina Adopted Henry In S3!•**

Since Once Upon a Time premiered, fans have wondered how and why Regina adopted Emma’s biological son, Henry, and we’ll finally have an answer in Season 3.

Co-creator Adam Horowitz confirms that we’ll learn about the adoption in full in the first half of the season. “Before our Christmas break, we plan to show the why and the how of how baby Henry came to his new mother,” he promises to TVLine, and we sincerely hope there’s no catch.

We have learned bits and pieces throughout OUAT’s first two seasons, including that Rumplestiltskin plays a huge role in how Henry came to Storybrooke. Mr. Gold revealed in Season 1, Episode 2 that he was the one who procured Henry for Regina, and for a while, we thought August played a role, but it’s not like he can tell us now! He’s in child form without any memories of adulthood.

Until we find out, we’ll be speculating wildly. We have a feeling that magic plays a huge role, and now that Henry is kidnapped by Peter Pan, emotions are running wild for his family — both Emma and Regina. If there’s any time to get nostalgic and reveal details about a secret adoption, it’s now.

 **•We'll Find Out How & Why Regina Adopted Henry In S3!•** Since Once Upon a Time premiered, f
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•OUAT Season 3 Spoiler Scoop!•**

• The season premiere opens with a flashback to 11 years ago, during which Emma faces an emotionally conflicting moment that showcases some of Jennifer Morrison’s best work on the series.
• As we told you, Greg and Tamara really should have asked the Home Office more questions about their mission.
• Believing that Neal is dead, Emma and Hook — who notes that he spent quite some time with Baelfire — drink to their fallen friend/loved one. While this scene is touching, there’s plenty of flirty ones between them, too, thanks to Hook, who seems to be winning over more than one member of the Charming family.
• Mermaids are mean! And liars! So basically, they’re fishy mean girls.
• Even meaner than the creatures from the ocean? Peter Pan! Hook sums it up perfectly when he says, “He’s a bloody demon.” And yes, viewers will meet Pan rather soon into the return. All we’ll say is the actor behind the villainous new character nailed it.
• Regina is forced to work with Emma, Snow, Charming and Hook to get back Henry, which provides for some fantastic one-liners.

• While Storybrooke isn’t seen in the first two episodes, you’ll still get a glimpse of that world through Rumple’s personal crisis.
• There are five people on the Jolly Roger: Emma, Snow, Charming, Regina and Hook. Four out of those five throw punches at one another in the season opener.
• The Oct. 6 hour will feature flashbacks to the Enchanted Forest shortly after Charming woke up Snow from her sleeping curse. The Evil Queen — sporting some spectacular couture — presents them with an offer that forces Snow to accept who she really is, while Emma is facing the same challenge in the present. Be warned: There will be tears.
• For those puzzled by Rumple’s (or is it Mr. Gold’s?) appearance in this clip, his “half-and-half” look will be explained.
• Another realm gets name-checked in the second episode, and no, it’s not Wonderland.
• Some real-life fairytale films get hilariously referenced, prompting one person to ask, “What’s a movie?”
• Henry + pixie dust = weeee!
• It’s all about belief. And in Neverland, not having an imagination may be your greatest downfall.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Season 3 Spoiler Scoop #2!•**

10. While the Season 3 premiere starts off right where the Season 2 finale ended -- Emma, Hook, Gold, Regina, Charming, and Snow sailing on the Jolly Roger to Neverland to save Henry who was kidnapped by Greg and Tamara, while Neal (presumed dead by everyone) fell through a portal to Fairytale Land -- there is first a flashback to 11 years ago to kick off the new season. Hey, isn't someone on the show 11 years old? I wonder what this flashback will be ...
9. Greg and Tamara are so trusting in their mission from the "Home Office" -- kidnap Henry, bring him to Neverland, in the interest of destroying all magic -- that they never question their orders, not even once. They just do as they're told ... and they will learn pretty quickly that maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to do.
8. As Henry's family sails toward Neverland for the most uncomfortable family vacation in the history of ever, don't expect everyone to all of a sudden be best friends. This is a ship full of heroes, villains, and a pirate, after all. Punches will be thrown.
7. Speaking of our favorite pirate, Hook is doing his best to win over more than one member of the motley crew, though his efforts are mostly focused on Emma. And since Emma believes that Neal is dead, you can't blame a girl for finally starting to fall for Hook's charms, can you?
6. Though we won't be meeting Ariel until episode 6, we get our first glimpse at "Once Upon a Time's" version of mermaids in the premiere ... and the Charming crew won't be too happy to meet them. These are some nasty creatures.
5. However, nothing holds a candle to the nasty, evil, big bad of the season: Peter Pan. He is nothing like what we've seen before on "Once," and he's nothing like the Peter Pan we know. You will meet him sooner than you think, and trust us when we say Gold wasn't exaggerating when he said everyone should fear Pan. Hook even goes so far as to call him a "demon."
4. The entirety of the first two episodes take place in Neverland and Fairytale Land, but viewers will get a glimpse of Belle (who stayed behind in Storybrooke) thanks to Gold.
3. Emma becomes the de facto leader of the group in Neverland, and thanks to the manipulative Peter Pan, she will have to accept who she truly is in order to find Henry. Warning: there is an incredibly heartbreaking scene between Snow and Emma. Have kleenex at the ready ... you'll need it.
2. Episode 2 features flashbacks to Fairytale Land, after Charming woke up Snow from her sleeping curse. While we watch Snow struggle with what to do next -- battle Regina for control over the kingdom that's rightfully Snow's or live a quiet life with Charming and the dwarves -- the dwarves take on a big brother-type role for Snow. Watching Grumpy call Charming a potential gold digger is hilarious, and adds some fun to an otherwise heavy story line.
1. The setting of Neverland will force all the characters to confront their past and issues that have been plaguing them for the entire series. That is sped along by Peter Pan, who finds out everyone's vulnerabilities and insecurities, and exploits them. Be prepared: people will die in Neverland, and pretty early on.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Spoilers About The First Two Episodes Of Season 3!•**

1) The episode begins with a flashback to a character’s birth.

2) We discover who Greg and Tamara are working for.

3) An action-packed, death-filled ten minute segment. Uh-oh…

4) Mulan is confused about what a movie is and why she’s in one.

5) Mermaids galore! And boy, are they fierce.

6) Why did Neal end up in the Enchanted Forest? He tells us.

7) There’s a brawl and it’s hysterically amazing.

8) “Your belief of love wasn’t strong enough to overcome your fear of rejection.”

9) There’s pixie dust! Only…does it work?

10) Peter, oh Peter, where art thou? Oh. Hey there, good looking!

10 things about Once Upon a Time season 3, episode 2:

1) Peter Pan is not the little boy we know and love from the Disney movie.

2) Flashbacks throughout the episode explore more of Snow and Charming’s back story.

3) Surprise character comeback! You’ll never see this coming.

4) Emma goes on a journey of self-discovery.

5) There’s a surprising dynamic between Henry and a certain Lost Boy.

6) A reference to Merlin and Excalibur?!

7) Someone gets fatally injured.

8) Family drama and tears a-plenty.

9) There’s a budding romance between a couple of characters that will absolutely send an uproar through the fandom.

10) Captain Hook and David getting along. …no, really.

What stood out to you most from our notes?

Both episodes bring up new plots and mysteries, and we look forward to seeing our questions answered throughout the season.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Season 3 SPOILERS! Fighting, Old Habbits, Revealations & More!•**

-Hook & Charmng have a big fight!
-Regina back to her old habbits in "using magic and thinking later."
-Tinkerbell has pixie dust!
- Rumple is as evil as ever; but his past is even more wicked.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Season 3 Premiere Spoilers!•**

- Someone asks for forgiveness.
- "Actually, I quite fancy you time to time, when you're not yelling at me."
- Can villains get a happy ending?
- "Now, may I resume killing her?"

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•OUAT Bosses Tease The "Dark Trip Ton Neverland!"•**

Neverland is a place where anything you imagine can come true — which is both good and bad news for Once Upon a Time's ragtag group of fairy tale characters.

When Once kicks off its third season on Sunday (8/7c, ABC), Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin), Prince Charming (Josh Dallas), Emma (Jennifer Morrison), Regina (Lana Parrilla), Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) head to Peter Pan's homeland to rescue Henry (Jared Gilmore). But having heroes and villains teaming up won't be as easy as it sounds. In fact, it's quite the opposite, as the Charmings have to deal with their foes and internal family issues all while trying to save Henry.

Below, Once bosses Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis tease the third season, including the dastardly new villain Pan, Regina's love interest and the fates of Neal (Michael Raymond-James) and Storybrooke:

Why the decision to send the group to Neverland?
Adam Hororwitz: Neverland is something we laid into the show from an early point. To finally get to go there and to get to explore it and unfurl all the things we've been waiting to unfurl has been really exciting.
Edward Kitsis: We want to make sure this season that we take the time to really get those character moments; to really have people question the things that have happened after two years. Greg Mendell (Ethan Embry) said to Regina, "You're a villain. Villains don't have happy endings." You're going to see that's ringing in her ear. For Emma: "Am I just the savior? Is my job just to make everyone else happy? Why do I have this magic?" What is it like for Snow and Charming to actually take a moment and say, "She knows she's our daughter, but I'm not sure she looks at us like parents." We want to dive deeper into their character and their experiences and also have a kicka-- plot and intensity that we always bring... Because Neverland is a place where you don't grow up, then you have to confront your past. Our inspiration was the idea that these characters would have to return to who they were before the curse in order to achieve this.

What can you tell us about Peter Pan?
Horowitz: There's a darkness to Pan. Neverland is a place filled with magic and imagination and really, really scary stuff.
Kitsis: You're going to start realizing what he wants Henry for, but like any good mystery, you won't know the whole picture until you watch the whole 11 episodes.
Horowitz: We feel like we've really stripped our characters down to their core needs, wants and desires with a very clear mission of getting Henry back.

How soon will we find out who the Home Office is?
Horowitz: As we stated in the finale, Greg and Tamara (Sonequa Martin-Green) don't know who they are working for and who they're working for is Peter Pan. The Home Office, one might assume, is related to Pan. That's cleared up pretty quickly.
Kitsis: Who the Home Office is gets revealed in the premiere rather quickly.

How will the Charmings and their enemies fare working together?
Kitsis: Adam likes to call them the fairy tale Avengers. The first test will come when you face your first obstacle. At the end of last year, Henry was taken, there's a ship going and we're all on the bus. But when the bus hits its first speed bump, what happens? You have five leaders on the ship who all want to be leaders.
Horowitz: You have a common goal, but what happens if you get to it and when you get to it.
Kitsis: Stormy waters ahead, I would say.

What's the Charming family dynamic like?
Kitsis: We're going to get deeper into it. For the last year, Emma realized that her parents were Snow and Charming, but they haven't really had a breath or a second to really wonder what that means. We're going to explore a lot of that family and a lot about how they feel about being parents or a child. To us, Neverland is a place where, because you don't grow up, you're forced to confront your past.

Will you address Snow White fixing her darkened heart?
Kitsis: At the end of last year, she realized she made a mistake. This year, it's about finding the hope. It's the hope that Snow White always brought to us. She is the light. She's going to see a lot of darkness and realize that the best thing she can do is return the light to not just her, but to her daughter and her husband. Charming realizes right now that he needs to be Prince Charming, he needs to be noble and be an example for his daughter and show her how you go about a mission with honor. Right now, Emma did not grow up with the benefit of those two, so if the Queen has a better way to get Henry and that might break the law, so be it. It's prison rules.

Will you explore the Emma and Regina dynamic, since they are very magical when combined?
Kitsis: We absolutely are. They go back and forth between hating each other and having mutual respect for one another. In a lot of ways, they're similar. But when you're similar with someone, you tend to fight with them. Right now, they're unified in getting Henry, but you've got two women who both want to be leaders.

How soon will we find out about Regina's new love interest?
Horowitz: Very early in the season we are going to address Regina's love interest. What that will be, how that will happen, that's a surprise we want to keep for now, but it's something we're really excited about. It's a side of the character of Regina we've only touched upon in the first few seasons. We're excited to see more of that and more importantly, exploring her capacity for love.
Kitsis: There may be somebody out there for Regina. The question is: Will she open her heart to that?
Horowitz: What we want to do with Regina with respect to a love interest is not just put a love interest just to have one. We want to make this part of the larger journey for the character over the course of the show. This is hopefully different from what we've done thus far. We've see Daniel (Noah Bean) in the past with her and what she went through. We saw her when she was young, innocent and uncorrupted falling in love and how that affected her and made her into the person she is today.
Kitsis: And in a lot of ways, that's all she's wanted to go back to.
Horowitz: Right. Now we want to say, "Well, what happens when the opportunity for love enters her life now when she's grappling with all these things and she's become the woman she is, flaws and all? How can she handle this? Can she open her heart to it? Can she accept it? Will it make her better or worse?" That's what we're really interested in exploring this season.

Speaking of villains, Hook returned with the Jolly Roger to help the good guys. Has he really changed?
Kitsis: He Han Solo'd back.
Horowitz: He's a pirate. He's been a pirate for a long time. You don't change on a dime.
Kitsis: You can change your motivation, but you can't change who you are.
Horowitz: We have good instincts and bad instincts, but they're all dictated by who we are at our core and that's something he will wrestle with.
Kitsis: What he realizes is this pursuit of revenge has left him an empty life. So now if he gets a second chance, he's going to live that life. Maybe it's time to love again.

What can you tease for Tinker Bell's (Rose McIver) introduction?
Kitsis: Tinker Bell is one of our favorite stories this year. We tell you a story about Tinker Bell. She has a very surprising connection to one of our cast, and it's not Hook because that's a given. They spent time on Neverland.
Horowitz: Like all of our characters, there's an origin story for Tinker Bell. It pays some homage to what we all know of Tinker Bell, it's got a Once twist to it.
Kitsis: I do know you have to clap your hands and believe.
Horowitz: With Tinker Bell, we're going to be seeing her very soon. In fact, in Episode 3.

Will we see the Darlings again?
Horowitz: They're so integral to the Peter Pan story. We have not forgotten about them. There is a connection and tie-in to what we're doing with them as well.

When will we find out what happened to Storybrooke?
Horowitz: It's going to be a little while before we're actually in Storybrooke.
Kitsis: We're going to see Belle (Emilie de Ravin) in a very different form in the beginning.
Horowitz: She's going to be hopefully the Belle we all know and love. We have a surprising way she's coming into the story this year.
Kitsis: The first batch of episodes is really going to focus on Neverland and flashbacks.
Horowitz: But that's not to say there's no Belle.

What about Neal, who ended up in the Enchanted Forest?
Kitsis: He's back home, but he didn't want to go. We'll find out why he ended up there. We're going to find out his adventures because Emma thinks he's dead. Neal knows the last thing he said was, "I love you," and now he realizes more than anything that he wants to get back to her and to Henry, but he thinks they're in Storybrooke. Luckily, he's found Mulan (Jamie Chung) and Aurora (Sarah Bolger) to help him out.
Horowitz: Assuming he's alive.
Kitsis: He's alive!

How will Robin Hood (Sean Maguire) fit into the Once world this season?
Horowitz: Robin Hood also comes back in a way that we're not willing to spoil, but we will say that--
Kitsis: He will repay a debt that he owes.
Horowitz: We've seen some connections he's had in the past and those will continue on in the future.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•OUAT 3x01-"Heart Of The Truest Believer" Recap•**

Eleven years ago:

Emma labors with Henry. As he is born, the lights go out. The doctor tells her it is a boy, but she refuses to look at him. The doctor reminds her he can change her mind, but she insists she cannot be a mother, weeping.

Present day:

Emma and the rest of the crew hold tight as the ship swirls through the votex, finally righting itself. Hook spots land: Neverland.

Tamara, Greg and Henry have arrived. Henry insists that his family will come for him; they've been to the Enchanted Forest before. Tamara tells him they're not in the Forest, they're in Neverland: the motherload of magic. Henry tries to find out who they work for, but they refuse to tell him. Tamara tries to contact someone with her walkie talkie, but finds that it's just a toy, with sand where there ought to have been batteries.

Regina demands to know why Hook is slowing down. He tells her his plan to sneak into the land and catch them by surprise. He notes the irony of how he spent his life trying to get away from Neverland to kill Gold, and now, here is he, returning... with Gold as a partner. Not the happy ending he had in mind.

Regina tells him that Greg told her she's a villain, and they don't get happy endings. She asks Hook if he believes that, and he hopes not, or his life has been wasted.

Snow and Charming remind Emma that she can't blame herself for what happened to Neal and Henry. She doesn't blame herself: she blames them. She was a fool to listen to them. They remain insistent that they'll find Henry.

Gold interrupts... they won't get Henry, he will. Snow and Charming can't do it, and Emma has no faith in what she sees. That won't work in Neverland.

He spins his cane, and vanishes.

Greg builds a fire, hoping to signal their group. Tamara is becoming skeptical after finding the empty communicator, but a group of boys come from the woods and introduce themselves as the Home Office. Henry asks why the Lost Boys want to destroy magic, and the leader says they don't... it's just what they told Greg and Tamara. They demand Henry, but Tamara says they want the plan on how to get home first. The Lost Boy leader tells them they're not.

When Greg resists, the creepy shadow figure swoops down and rips a similar shadow from Greg, who drops. Henry and Tamara run. Tamara is quickly felled by an arrow.

As Henry runs through the forest, a cloaked boy grabs him and hides him. He tells him he used to be a Lost Boy, but he escaped, and now they're after him as well.

Emma does pull-ups, telling Hook she's preparing for a fight. Hook presents her with Baelfire's sword.

"I didn't realize you were sentimental."

Neal wakes up, Mulan sitting beside him. Aurora and her prince bring him a drink, and they realize that he is Henry's father. Aurora tells him he may be able to contact Henry in her dreams. Neal tells her to tell them he's alive, and to tell Emma that he loves her.

The ship begins to rock out of control. Hook shouts at them to prepare for battle... they are being attacked by mermaids. They begin a counter-attact as the mermaids threaten the boat. Emma catches one in a net, but Regina gets annoyed, and uses her magic to blast them away.

They bring the captured mermaid aboard.

Henry and his hero stop to rest. The boy tells him if Pan has sent for him, Pan will take him. He reveals fairy dust that he stole, hoping to use it to get home - the reason Pan is on his trail. They make for the Echo Caves, where they cannot be tracked.

Aurora tries to sleep as Mulan questions Neal. He says as he fell through the portal, he thought of the Enchanted Forest. Aurora sits up. She couldn't make contact, and she fears no one can. Neal says that his father can... he just has to get to his castle and find the thing his father left behind for such a need.

Tamara crawls toward the fallen Greg. Gold stands over her. He magics the arrow out of her so she can speak. She tells him that Henry ran into the jungle. She apologizes for all she has done, and asks for forgiveness.

It won't be granted. Gold rips out her heart and crushes it to dust, killing her.

As the crew debates over the mermaid, she grabs a shell and sounds a warning. The crew argues over what to do, as a storm rolls in, apparently conjured by the mermaid, who says they will destroy themselves. Charming threatens her with a sword, but relents. Snow wants to let her go, but Regina reminds Snow that they're not in the Enchanted Forest anymore. Regina turns the mermaid into a statue. Not the right choice, apparently. A giant wave crashes in on them.

Mulan and Neal walk. She asks him about Emma, who never mentioned him. He says it's because he broke her heart.

Neal and Mulan arrive at her father's castle. Mulan says it appears to be abandoned, but Neal checks a cup and notes that it is occupied. An arrow neatly misses him. It's Robin Hood. Neal tells Robin Hood he is Gold's son, and Robin admits that Gold spared him once, and he owes him a debt.

Neal searches, and finds an old cane. He waves it around, and a door appears.

As they struggle in the storm, Regina and Snow argue over what she did to the mermaid. They fight. Charming ties to go to her, but he and Hook end up fighting, while Emma struggles to guide the ship. She screams at them to stop fighting, but they won't quit. The storm gets worse.

She jumps overboard. The fighting stops as they rush to the side of the ship. A piece of equipment breaks and falls, striking Emma.

Henry and his new friend run, pursued. They stop at the edge of a cliff. Henry grabs the pixie dust, but his friend reminds him it doesn't work. Henry tells him it's because he doesn't believe... but Henry does. They run off the cliff, flying.

Snow screams at Regina to get Emma, but Regina is unable. Charming ties a rope around himself and goes in, looking for her. He sees her and pulls her up. Emma coughs up water on the deck, and the storm begins to clear.

Gold sits, and invites someone to come out of the woods. A Lost Boy comes forward. He tells Gold Pan says he is welcome to stay in Neverland... but if he's here for the boy, then he is Pan's enemy. He won't survive.

Gold says the question isn't whether or not he will survive... they both know he won't. It is a matter of how many of the Lost Boys he takes with him.

The boy throws one last thing at him... a little doll Pan wanted him to have. Gold picks it up, emotional.

Neal opens the magically hidden door. He puts his hands around a glass globe, but nothing happens. Mulan instructs him to think about Emma and how he feels about her. Neal sees Emma in the glass, and realizes she is in Neverland.

The crew hits land. Emma insists it's time to stop running, and time to stop being at each others' throats. Pan knows they're there, she says. They need to all work together, and believe, and cooperate. They have to be who they are and use their skills to their advantage.

Henry and his friend land. The boy reveals he is actually Peter Pan himself.

Henry asks why he has brought him there. Pan tells him he's seeking something important... the heart of the truest believer. Henry just proved himself. Pan calls forth his boys and draws his dagger. They close in.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Could Emma & Regina Become "friends" This Season?!•**

Here is what I got from the tweets to do with future episodes.

Jennifer Morrison:
• Regina will help Emma with her magic later.
• When asked if Regina and Emma may become friends, Jennifer replied that anything can happen in Neverland!
• They are currently starting to film episode 8.
• Emma has yet to change her clothes.
• Defeating Peter Pan's shadow is complicated and maybe impossible!
• Nothing on the show is an accident.

Lana Parrilla:
• We will see Ariel and Regina/The Evil Queen together soon!
• It won't be long before Regina/The Evil Queen rips a heart out.
• The Evil Queen will be frequent this season

Adam (Writer and creator):
• Belle's arc starts next week

last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
 **•Could Emma & Regina Become "friends" This Season?!•** Here is what I got from the tweets to
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•JMO Tweets-"Emma & Regina Will Kick *ss Together!"•**
 **•JMO Tweets-"Emma & Regina Will Kick *ss Together!"•**
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
Friends In S3? JMO- "You never know! Anything Can happen in Neverland."
 Friends In S3? JMO- "You never know! Anything Can happen in Neverland."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•JMO Tweets-"Regina Will Teach Emma Magic!"•**
 **•JMO Tweets-"Regina Will Teach Emma Magic!"•**
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
Once Upon a Time 3×02 ‘Lost Girl’ – Peter Pan presents Emma with a map of Henry’s location, but there’s a catch: Emma must come to terms with her true identity. Meanwhile, Mr. Gold gets some surprising advice; and back in fairy-tale land, the Evil Queen has a tempting offer for Snow White.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•OUAT 3x02 Teasers!•**

Last week, Emma, Hook, Snow, Charming, Rumple and Regina journeyed to Neverland on Once Upon a Time to try and rescue Henry. Unfortunately, he’s already fallen right into Peter Pan’s trap, leaving the group facing an uphill battle.

We’ve already seen the next episode, “Lost Girl,” and we can tell viewers that it’s another fantastic episode. While the season premiere focused on enemies banding together for a common cause, this installment takes several characters on personal, inner quests and reveals a lot of buried emotions.

But there’s no need to worry that the entire hour will have fans reaching for the tissues. The episode is sprinkled with lighter moments and Regina remains as sassy as ever while she makes it clear to everyone that she feels they are constantly wasting time. Even though Emma declared herself leader last week, don’t expect everyone else to just fall in line.

Check out our 10 spoiler-y teasers and then hit the comments and share why you’re looking forward to the episode.

1. Rumple takes an interesting step to ensure his survival on the island. As for that doll the Lost Boy gave him last week, we get the answer as to why it’s important to him (bring the tissues for this one).

2. Belle makes an appearance in Neverland, but what brought her there and how it affects Rumple is the real story. Look for more insight into Rumple’s motives.

3. Prepare for another Disney reference; this time it’s Emma and Hook discussing storybook alter egos and this is one of those scenes that we predict will be made into gifs quite quickly and we can’t wait.

4. Speaking of Emma and Hook, there is a moment (or several moments) that will definitely have shippers smiling. (And before the Neal/Emma shippers cry foul, we’re sorry, but there’s nothing to report on that front in this episode. Don’t blame the messenger!).

5. While we’re on the subject of shippers, ‘Snowing’ fans are going to love seeing their couple in action; both in the present as parents and in the flashback where Charming has to help Snow get her confidence back after an ugly showdown with Regina.

6. Also in the flashback, Charming faces an uphill battle winning over some very protective people.

7. Things aren’t so great for Snow in the present. She desperately wants to be a mother to Emma, but we know from the premiere that Emma is nowhere near ready for that. Don’t expect that to stop Snow from trying her best anyway and that leads to a very bittersweet conversation that had us in tears.

8. Peter Pan likes to play games and he’s got a special one for Emma: he gives her a way to find Henry, but first, she has to do something to prove herself worthy. It seems like a simple task, but nothing is as it seems in Neverland.

9. The group gets into a battle with Pan and the Lost Boys and one person hesitates to do what needs to be done.

10. One of the would-be rescuers ends up with what could be a deadly injury.

 **•OUAT 3x02 Teasers!•** Last week, Emma, Hook, Snow, Charming, Rumple and Regina journeyed to
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•10 Teasers From 3x01-"Lost Girl"•**

Once Upon a Time Season 3 follows up its strong premiere with an even stronger Episode 2. Here at Wetpaint Entertainment we were lucky enough to get our hands on an advance screener of Season 3, Episode 2: "Lost Girl," and we loved the episode, which is a pitch-perfect combo of thrills, chills, and funny banter.

While we can't spill any major plot points about the episode, we can give you some hints and quotes to whet your appetite. So read on for 10 clues about the episode.

Read spoilers at your own risk! For more on Wetpaint Entertainment's philosophy on spoilers, click here.

1. One character wants a second character to call him/her by a new name, but the second character isn't feeling it.

2. "Your father's a distrustful fellow."

3. The flashback portion puts a really good spin on a classic tale, incorporating it into the current cast of characters in an unexpected way.

4. "I take it from your tone perms are bad."

5. Magic can't make one believe.

6. This episode features what might be Jennifer Morrison's best acting on the show to date.

7. We think Captain Swan shippers are going to have a lot to be happy about.

8. Rumple fans should also enjoy themselves.

9. There is a heartbreaking, albeit long-time coming, Charming family moment.

10. "Yes, blame me — again."

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Lana Tweets-"Regina Will Cure Her Dark Heart In S3!"•**
 **•Lana Tweets-"Regina Will Cure Her Dark herz In S3!"•**
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
Once Upon A Time Interview: Lana Parrilla On Regina’s Season 3 Journey
Posted by: Craig Byrne in Interviews, KSiteTV News, Once Upon A Time October 5, 2013 0

Everyone who has seen the Season 3 premiere of Once Upon A Time, which aired September 30 on ABC, saw that Lana Parilla's "Evil Queen" Regina walked away with many of the episode's best moments and lines, a trend that will continue in through this Sunday's new episode, "Lost Girl." Whether it's talking about rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers or other snarking, often in the Charmings' direction, everything that came from Regina seemed to be a hit.
We spoke with Lana Parrilla about the start of Season 3 while at the Vancouver studio that houses Once Upon A Time earlier this week. Before she talked about those famous lines, though, she enthused about doing the "cat fight" sequences in the premiere, which were also amusing.
"It was hilarious. Ginny [Goodwin] and I could not stop laughing," Parrilla admits. "She's super careful and very professional, so she would not even grab my hair... she would just make a fist and pretend she was grabbing my hair, and I would do the same, and we would just kind of move our heads side to side, and then we would start laughing, because it was just hilarious. I'm sure it was fun to watch."
As for the dialogue in "The Heart Of The Truest Believer," Parrilla acknowledges that it was "so fun" to say some of those lines. The most popular, of course, was Regina's declaration to "fillet the bitch" -- a line that had a reaction that even exceeded the actress's expectations. "I didn't realize how successful that one line would be! It's a huge hit. Everyone Tweeted that night that that was their favorite line in the whole show. I have many of those this season," she teases.
Regina will get plenty of chances for more snark in coming episodes, as the journey into Neverland keeps Regina and the Charmings in close quarters for a while. Despite the snark, Parrilla admits that they have to work together. "I think it's about compartmentalizing. They just have to put it aside for now. The main objective is Henry, and getting Henry back. We just have no choice but to work together. I think, also when we see that Emma and Regina have gotten to a place where they're calling themselves 'the Moms,' it's a little more cordial, I find," she explains, pointing out that it's not Emma who has been the real problem for Regina in this "war." "The real war has always been between the Evil Queen and Snow White. Emma was always a threat, because she came to Storybrooke and she's trying to take Henry back, but I find that this season, we're working together, and they're getting along. There's an episode coming up where Regina has to help her with magic, so she's teaching her magic," she reveals. "I'm slightly impatient, as Regina is, but I think she's enjoying the camaraderie, at least with Emma."
"For Lana it's been fun; for Regina it's ben frustrating," she says while laughing, explaining how the alliance has been going. "She's kind of at her wits' end. By episode 6, she's pretty much had it," she teases. "She just doesn't do things the way the Charmings do them. She doesn't go about things in a kind, loving way," she laughs. Does the Charmings' positivity rub off on her? "Not really," she admits. "It's almost like she has to choice but to stick with them."
Ultimately, the Charmings and Regina will surely end up in battle with Peter Pan -- a character that hasn't seem to have fazed the "Evil Queen" just yet. "I don't think she really understands this 'Pan' character," Lana admits. "He's a teenager, and I think that's how she looks at it. She's never interacted with him, so I don't think she fears him the way others fear him. He's kind of a mystery to her. Someone's like 'he's a big scary monster!' and you're like 'yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.' It's that kind of thing. I don't think she really buys how powerful he is just yet."

 Once Upon A Time Interview: Lana Parrilla On Regina’s Season 3 Journey gepostet by: Craig Byrne in
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Enstarz Confirms That Lana will NOT be playing Ursula after all•**
 **•Enstarz Confirms That Lana will NOT be playing Ursula after all•**
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•3x02-"Lost Girl" & More S3 Spoilers!•**

Hook is somewhere in the middle of good and bad for the time being... but look for some interesting relationships to form, according to Colin O'Donaghue. "You've got the three bad guys and the three good guys and they're all sort of thrown in and they have to work together, so there's bound to be conflict and then sort of unlikely friendships. They'll be a couple of surprises in there, which I think people will be surprised with." Will his character back off from flirting with Emma? "I guess you'll just have to see, won't you?" he said with a Hook-like grin.
Speaking of Emma, where is her heart since she's grieving Neal, who we know is very much alive? "She's extremely vulnerable this season," Morrison explained. "She IS human. She's definitely been through a lot." Does that mean she may say yes if Hook persists? Morrison didn't necessarily agree with that but did add: "I just know that she does not have her guard up the same way, partially because of Neverland and partially because of how much she's been through at this point. And also because she's desperately in love with her son and will do anything to get him back and to take care of him and protect him.
We'll see that magic is not what we're used to now that we're in Neverland. "It's different than in Storybrooke in the second season," said Lana Parrilla. "It was just a little bit wonky and nothing quite worked the way she had hoped. In Neverland, it's more like she's being contained. Like her magic's being contained and she's been forbidden to use it. That's because when we use magic, it alerts Pan and the Lost Boys where we are."
But good news for those wanting Regina to get a little love in her life. Parrilla teased there is romance coming and while she wouldn't give up too many details, she did reveal "there is something coming up...I will say, Regina has not met him. But maybe the audience has." (Who do you think this mystery love could be?!?)
Watch for Henry to be even more independent as he's separated from his family while held captive by the Lost Boys. Will his usual undying belief hold up? "His belief will change," Jared Gilmore teased. "He believed in Emma and her being the savior. And then the second season, he believed about Fairytales and in his family and friends. Now, he doesn't have anyone to believe in." Perhaps he'll find some unlikely alliances in Neverland?
A Neal/Mulan coupling? Don't count on it, but James does get why the two might get along. "I think they're similar," he said. "They're a bit of kindred spirits in terms of being on the outside a little bit, you know? So yeah, I certainly think there's a bond." And while Neal has some skills of his own in defending himself, he may get some help. "[Mulan's] got impressive skills as a warrior that can come in handy," he added with a smile.
Snow may be getting shut down by Emma in terms of being a mom, but Ginnifer Goodwin said Snow isn't about to give up gaining her grown daughter's affection. "She's having to learn to compromise in that way this season," the actress told us. "And not give Emma her space necessarily and let it be but reconfigure in Snow's mind what it is that she needs to do to earn Emma's love because it's not going to be nearly as easy as apologizing profusely."
Neverland is going to messy with everyone, says Josh Dallas. The actor said the island is "about belief and it's about believing in who you are and who you are at the core." While Pan is an obstacle, he said, so is each of our Storyland characters. "It's about believing in who you are and then keeping who you are and compromising as a group in order to get this done. I guess you can say Pan does prey on that, but in Neverland, Neverland is Pan." Also watch for Snow and Charming to go through some challenges that are too spoilery to talk about at the moment. (Check here Monday for a post-episode interview with Dallas.)
Parrilla explained that the Regina/Emma dynamic is definitely different this season and [gasp] there may be signs of a truce in one major regard. "They start to talk about themselves as the mothers of Henry," Parrilla said. "I found that to be quite refreshing. Especially for the first two seasons, all I kept saying was, 'He's my son. He's my son. He's my son.' And this year, 'he's our son and we have to save our son.' I like that. I like that they're coming together."
Nobody is happier about the Rumpbelle pairing than Emilie de Ravin. When asked why she thinks it works, the actress said: "I think the dynamic just clicked. It’s not about age or looks or the situation being so weird. Basically, he’s awful to her at times and she’s such a strong person that she can see through that, as well." And while it may be awhile before we're back in Storybrooke, [SPOILER ALERT] don't be surprised if you get a little dose of Rumpbelle sooner rather than later.
Back to the Future?! Not exactly but Goodwin shared her excitement in getting dynamics with the core characters that harken back to the Once pilot. "We're back to that story, really," she gushed. "Having all these characters stuck in a place together where they have to check their egos...they're all realizing they have to check their egos." She said the common goal of saving Henry drives much of this as "they're going to have to put all the conflict between them on the backburner, and it's really exciting to explore their new relationships that involve team work."


Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
“Quite a Common Fairy” – In their continuing quest to find Peter Pan’s hideout and save Henry, Hook suggests tracking down Tinker Bell in the hope that she will lead them straight to his camp. Pan reveals to Henry why he has brought him to Neverland and in the Enchanted Forest, Neal has a plan that could transport him to Emma, but it would involve using one of Robin Hood’s most precious possessions. Meanwhile, in the Fairy Tale Land that was, Tinker Bell offers to help Regina improve her life.
 “Quite a Common Fairy” – In their continuing quest to find Peter Pan’s hideout and save Henry
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•3x03-"Quite A Common Fairy" Promo Analysis•**

Henry gets threatened. The promo opens with Henry threatened by what looks like Peter Pan. Let us guess: Henry gets too cheeky, Peter put him in his place? That sounds about right for what we know about these characters. Though we gotta say, the meaner Peter is to Henry, the less likely we are to believe that Henry will ever want to stay in Neverland, like Peter threatened.

The gang wants to find Tinker Bell? Next we see Hook telling the rest of the Save Henry party about a fairy who used to live on the island and might still be there. That's gotta be Tinker Bell, right? Because as the rest of the promo shows, this ep is all about the iconic Peter Pan character.

Also, we love the moment right after that where Emma says "Wait...a fairy...Tinker Bell?!" One day, she'll get used to meeting the figures of legend. Maybe.

So, Tink has a bit of a history with Regina. Regina fans, get ready: This episode is going to have a lot of backstory for everyone's favorite reforming Evil Queen. As she says at :14, she and Tink have a "complicated history."

And that history is...? As we see at :08, Tink originally came to Regina when Regina was younger — based on her styling, it's the pre-Evil Queen days, and as we see at :12, they apparently went flying together. Whoa! Fun! According to the official promo, the flashbacks involve "Tinker Bell offer[ing] to help Regina improve her life." Somehow, we think that doesn't end well.

What's up with Tink's size? There's some confusing stuff going on with Tink's size that's interesting. In some shots she's normal human sized, but at :10 she's a tiny flying fairy. Is that linked to the fact that the scene at :10 is shot in a washed out style? Is it a dream?

Why does Tink need Regina to believe in her? At :10, a full sized Tink tells Regina, "I'm a fairy, you might want to try believing in me." What's that about?

A dark side. The voice over in the preview teases, "But in this Neverland, what first seems like magic, always reveals a dark side." Who's dark side, though? Tinker Bell's or Regina's? The rest of the promo tries to suggest Tink might be the one with the "dark side," but it's also not hard to imagine that Regina wronged the fairy in the past...

Tink and Regina in the present. At :15 we see Tink, with present-day Regina behind her, look distraught while walking into a cave, followed by a shot of the rest of the gang holding weapons up to her. At :17 there's Tink looking out a window. Regina is behind her, and we think it's still present-day Regina, but it's harder to tell. (Where are they inside, if it is?)

And finally, at the end of the promo we see Regina, sounding more annoyed or impatient than anything, say "come get me Tinker Bell." Tink responds by blowing some dust in Regina's face, and Regina passes out. Is that an attack, or is something else going on?

 **•3x03-"Quite A Common Fairy" Promo Analysis•** Henry gets threatened. The promo opens with H
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
Regina and Snow's daughter, however, have become downright friendly. "Emma and Regina have kind of gotten to a place where they're calling themselves 'the moms.' It's a little more cordial," Parrilla said. "I think she's enjoying the camaraderie — at least with Emma."

In Neverland, "a lot of (Emma and Regina's) baggage falls away, and they are just two women who want to save their child," Morrison told TODAY. "And there are moments of friendship, there are moments of very powerful foresight into how to be powerful together, and there are definitely things for them to learn from each other."
 Regina and Snow's daughter, however, have become downright friendly. "Emma and Regina have kind of go
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
The "Once Upon a Time" gang journeyed to Neverland with one goal this season: to find Henry (Jared Gilmore). But that won't be easy because Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) has captured "the heart of the truest believer" — and Henry might stop believing that his family will save him.

Unlike the mischievous adventurer in J. M. Barrie's original stories, "Once's" Peter Pan is "quite a nasty character," Colin O'Donoghue, who plays Captain Hook, told TODAY during a press junket at the fairy-tale show's enchanting new Vancouver set. "Traditionally, Hook is the bad guy, but their relationship is complicated. It's not as straightforward as 'Hook wants to kill Pan.' "

"Even Rumpelstiltskin is scared of him," added the dashing Irish actor, "and he's the Dark One!"

"Pan is terrifying because he (seems) omnipresent on this island," Jennifer Morrison (who plays Emma, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming) told TODAY. "We're not sure what he might do with all of that knowledge, and how he might play us against ourselves and against each other."

"At some stage you'll get to see some of what's gone on in the past (with Pan), because remember he's been in Neverland for hundreds of years," revealed O'Donoghue.

Henry's group of rescues are forced to play Pan's "mindgame," Morrison added, drawing on their combined resources " to save Henry instead of lose him to this game, with Pan."

Emma and Hook team up to find Henry in Neverland.
Henry's family has reason to worry, Jared S. Gilmore, the boy behind Henry, told TODAY. "(Henry) will slowly start to trust Pan — and begin to like him," the young actor confirmed. "Eventually, (Henry will) come to the point where he doesn't know if his family's coming to save him (and) this could be his new home. He starts making friends with the Lost Boys and Pan. In a way, (Henry) is a Lost Boy. He's lost, he's away from home, he doesn't know if his family's coming to find him."

So don't expect a return to Storybrooke anytime soon. It's a fact that thrills star Ginnifer Goodwin, who plays Snow White.

"I've really preferred being in this world," she told reporters on set. "I honestly teared up in the premiere watching Henry and Pan fly through the air because that's the Disney magic. I wouldn't be able to say how long it lasts, but I hope it lasts a long time."

Unlike season two, Goodwin added, "We are truly sharing story lines now. There's something that happens when a family is together on a road trip. And that something's going to happen a lot this season on 'Once.'"

That includes some delicious — but not deadly — skirmishes between Snow and Regina, The Evil Queen (Lana Parrilla). "We're sassing each other a whole lot more this season," Goodwin enthused. "Things are going further in some ways, because we've at least temporarily removed the threat of murder and are now able to have it out."

Regina and Snow's daughter, however, have become downright friendly. "Emma and Regina have kind of gotten to a place where they're calling themselves 'the moms.' It's a little more cordial," Parrilla said. "I think she's enjoying the camaraderie — at least with Emma."

In Neverland, "a lot of (Emma and Regina's) baggage falls away, and they are just two women who want to save their child," Morrison told TODAY. "And there are moments of friendship, there are moments of very powerful foresight into how to be powerful together, and there are definitely things for them to learn from each other."

As for the group's unlikely unity, "I don't think it will last for long," warned Parrilla. "Regina is kind of at her wits' end by episode six, she's pretty much had it. She just doesn't do things the way the Charmings do them. She doesn't go about things in a kind, loving way."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Tinkerbell Saves Regina's Life & Helps Her Find Love•**

Regina has had her ups and downs and been unlucky in love almost all of her life, but someone sets out to change her fate in Once Upon a Time Season 3, Episode 3: “Quite a Common Fairy.” In a sneak peek for the October 13 episode, the newly-introduced Tinker Bell sits down with the not-so-evil queen for drinks in a flashback scene, hoping to use her pixie dust to find her True Love.

After explaining that Snow White is a “monster” who had her fiance killed (if only Regina knew the truth), she explains that she feels like the “queen of nothing” since she’s alone and her marriage is just a farce.

“No wonder you jumped!” Tink exclaims, to which Regina quickly gets defensive. “I didn't jump, I fell,” she says, which hints that she perhaps tried to fall to her death and the green-loving fairy saved her life. And from what she says next, she’s ready to save her life again — in a different way.

“I can help you find what you need,” Tink says, and Regina doesn’t get it. “You don’t even know?” the fairy questions. “That’s so sad. Regina — love. You need love,” she insists.

While Regina is wary that she can find another soulmate, Tink insists that she’s “never seen pixie dust fail” and it will find her perfect match. “If you let it, you will find your happy ending,” she says, but again, the queen isn’t listening. “My happy ending looks like Snow’s head on a plate,” she snarks back. Classic Regina.

 **•Tinkerbell Saves Regina's Life & Helps Her Find Love•** Regina has had her ups and downs an
Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•OUAT Bosses Disect Peter Pan's Motivations•**

Vor mehr als einem Jahr zylice said…
**•Will Pan Turn Henry Against Emma?•**

On the last Once Upon a Time episode, "Lost Girl," we looked deeper into Peter Pan's plan for Henry. In the season 3's premiere we found out Pan's reason for kidnapping Henry and bringing him to Neverland was for his pure heart. Pan wants to turn Henry against his mother, Emma. He plans to destroy the love Henry feels for her. To do this, Peter Pan will play on Henry being abandoned as a child, rejected by his mother, and put up for adoption.

Normally, this would make the perfect plan. However, Pan has forgotten that it is Henry who searched for Emma. Henry knew that things were not as they appeared. Pan's oversight could destroy not only his plan, but his powerful position in Neverland. Let's take a look at the 3 qualities Henry possesses that will ultimately ruin Peter Pan's plan.

Adoption Doesn't Equal Abandonment

Henry knows that he was adopted. He knows that Emma wouldn't have given him up without a reason. To Henry, adoption doesn't mean abandonment. He doesn't ask the whys or the hows. He knows that there was a purpose that Emma let him go. With his adopted mother, Regina, Henry has a loving relationship built of years together. Both Emma and Regina offer Henry what Pan doesn't understand: unconditional love. Pan's plan to use this against Henry makes sense to Pan but it won't work. Pan doesn't understand the concept of love because he wants power. By Emma's and Regina's support and love, Henry can endure the mind games that Pan and the Lost Boys will use against him.

He Knows His Mother Believes

The first episode gave Henry the opportunity to get his mom back in his life. Through his story book, he knew that Emma had to come to Storybrooke with him. He knew that she had to believe to break the curse. Emma did not believe at first, but that changed when Henry was in danger. Emma's worry for a son she has just begun to know made her see the magic. She had to find a cure and that meant she had to slay a dragon. Her belief in magic made her able to defeat the dragon and find the cure Henry needed.

Later, when Neal arrived, Henry did not like the fact that Emma lied to him about his father. But Henry forgave her. He understood she hid the truth for a reason. Henry's ability to forgive is something Pan cannot understand. Pan will have a very hard time convincing Henry that he was unloved and unwanted. The fact is that Henry is surrounded by love will sustain him against any odds.

He's Stood Alone Before

Henry is a believer with a pure heart. When everyone else denied their identity, he didn't accept what they saw. Henry knew that he had to find Emma and bring her back to Storybrooke. He knew that only Emma could break the curse. Henry was willing to give his life so she would see. By eating the pie intended to send Emma into a deep sleep, Henry took a step that proved he knew Emma would do anything for him. She allowed herself to believe and saved his life. The bond that has been established cannot be broken - not by a power hungry boy who doesn't believe in love.

Peter Pan Still Has a Chance

Peter Pan does have a few things working in his favor. He has managed to get Henry away from Storybrooke and away from those who have been protecting him. Henry has never traveled outside of present day. He has no knowledge of a magical land that is controlled by a boy his age.

While these things will work for Pan, they will not affect Henry and convince him to hate Emma. Henry is smart. He's faked feelings before with Regina and will do so again if needed against Pan.

The Pan Plan to destroy the true believer is already doomed. Henry is the searcher who found Emma. Henry is the catalyst that caused memory and magic to return to the town. Henry has to have some magic in his soul because we know Emma is the savior. No matter what Pan does, Henry still has one tool that even Pan cannot overcome - he is the true believer in people around him.

By trying to manipulate Henry, Pan's plan will fail. This season will see Henry grow stronger and find where he belongs. Like his mother, the savior, Henry has a purpose we do not know yet. He may be the one to find the way to the Enchanted Forest. Pan has built his world in darkness, despair and fear. When Henry breaks that spell, Pan loses everything.
