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I personally wanted to do this Liste but I didn't have time.Now that I have,let's start.
First of all,I will only include 5 because I couldn't find enough information to be sagte about most of them,so I will only include the 5 Filme that I like the most.
Second,I will only include Filme that I know it's bad but I enjoy it anyway,movies that I think don't get enough appreciation and Filme that I think are over-hated.
And third,this is all opinion based.
So without any further ado,let's get started:

5.Man of Steel (2013).
I personally really like this movie.Now I can understand why many people would call this movie terrible.For instance,I agree that the product placements in this movie are beyond horrendous.But I think the people who hate on it don't really see how good it is.The people say that the characters are boring,but I have to disagree,those characters seem boring to them because they're not as over the oben, nach oben and single noted as the comic book ones and Christopher Reid ones.It's a new kind of Super-man that needs a less cliched character,it needs a tougher and darker out look because we've seen the other Super-man stories already,those are still there.And Von putting in these morally confusing lessons that they call illogical,I see them as challenging.And there's no way to save every single person like in Zurück Filme and always get your way.It's just a man struggling between what it means to be human and Mehr than human,and trying to do the right thing and yet he still manages to rise above it and save us all.
Also,the controversial neck breaking scene,I actually think it's okay.This didn't bother me that much,keep in mind that we've seen Superman kill Zod in the Sekunde movie and nobody got mad over that,and on oben, nach oben of that,even though it could've been illustrated better,I like the idea that they were going for.That Du won't always have Antwort to Fragen that ethically pleasing.It's actually a very hard and very difficult thing to come to grips with.
Though I will admit,those people that Zod wanted to kill with his heat-vision were kind of idiots,I mean they could've ran away from that beam.Though Du could argue that they were too insecure to run away because Zod might try to kill them even if they ran,but I digress.
Plus,the people they got to play these roles are good,the fighting is awesome,and even though I like the Mehr upbeat Superman,I'm open to a darker version.So personally,I really liked this move.

4.Spider-man 3 (2007).
Okay,I like this movie just as much as I like the first two movies,which face facts,are stupid,stupid movies.Don't get me wrong,I do really enjoy them,even if they are goofy.I personally don't think the movie is actually fairly decent,it still had the things that I enjoyed from the Zurück ones,like Maguire's performance as Spider-man,J.K.Simmon's as Jameson,and I also think that this movie probably has the villain that I enjoyed the most out of all the villains from the originals,not Venom,but the Sandman.It's actually my Favorit incarnation Von far.He was actually the only villain that I took seriously because he was the most sympathetic,in the comics,he wasn't that much.For instance,when he becomes Sandman,there's no line of dialog in that scene but Du completely feel every bit of emotion because it let it play out.It's one of the best super-villain births I've ever seen in a movie.It even made me cry.
Plus one of the problems I have with the older Filme that Mary Jane was just damsel in distress,someone to look pretty in Spider-man's arms,the only time she started to form her own character was in 3,when we see for once she needs support gegeben to her instead of the other way around.
Plus,even though Venom was only in for less than ten Minuten and even when he appeared his face was piled back.I never got that.But I was a bit happy to see him on screen,even if he was barely in it.And when he was on screen he looked great,the sharp teeth,the black skin,he was a little scrawny,but he still looked great.I admit Toffer Grace was a weird choice,but I don't think he did that bad,nothing great,but nothing terrible either,I think he's tolerable at best.I did some research I've found the reason for Venom's limited screen-time.He wasn't suppose to be in the movie.Director Sam Raimi hated the character and didn't want him in the film,but executive meddling forced him to put Venom in.Venom's ten Minuten on screen,his ridiculous behavior,and casting a wimpy looking(but still talented)actor to portray him were Raimi's way of Wird angezeigt us the middle finger to Venom fans.Though I personally preffer the Green Goblin more.
Also I think the fighting is really good because fight sequences incorporated the C.G.I with the actors much better.This way when Harry and Peter are fighting each other,you don't see computer generated puppets,you see Harry and Peter actually fighting each other.
I agree that there are some big problems with the movie,like how(for a lack of a better word)geeky Emo Peter was and of course the dance scene.So yes,Spider-man 3 has the worst problems of all the movie,but does that mean that it needs to be shunned away from the others.I don't get it,why was this movie deemed to terrible when the first two had silly moments too?Like how over the oben, nach oben the The Green Goblin,Doctor Octopus and Venom were,the fact that Mary Jane was just a tool for Spider-man,the dialog in the first movie was really corny,almost like a the dialog was taken from 60's comic book,and that the fighting half the time just felt like a Power Rangers episode.
My guess is that,one:either audiences were sick of all the silliness and wanted a Mehr grown up comic book movie;or two:maybe Sam Raimi pushed the boundaries of what he could get away with and simply went to far.I know Sam Raimi could direct serious movies,heck,damn good ones(A Simple Plan).But I'd be lying if I say that these Filme weren't fun,just like Commando oder Rocky 4 were silly Filme yet I Liebe watching them.They're stupid and silly,but that's I Liebe them.

3.The Amazing Spider-man series (2012-....).
I've seen many people say that the new Spider-man series is awful but I have to disagree.I still enjoy the original series because how fun they are,but I still stand Von that the newer films blow the original series out of the water.I think that the action works better because the locations are kept so simple it allows Du to feel the urgency of every move,despite how fast their going.When Spider-man is holding that car in the first film,you don't really get the feeling how heavy it is they never really showed how his powers could really be.At least not to that extent.With the newer ones,you feel how heavy everything is.The slow-motion is also used much better.In the original I never got why they slowed certain scenes down,is watching him getting hit just to hold on to the car again like we saw before really deserving a watching one Mehr time so closely.With the newer films,it's like watching a ninja Sherlock Holmes,you see a car flying towards him,one web-shooter goes out,and people are going to die if they touch the reel.This needs to be slowed down because we need to see in a teilt, split Sekunde not only what the problem is,but how he's going to get out of it,making his recovery from it all the Mehr impressive.
I guess I just Mehr of the technique with the new Spider-man movies,not that there was non with the originals,but it's kind of like Indiana Jones.You constantly feel every swett and tear going into all his moves.
And if your still not convinced,need I remind Du of Stan Lee's cameo in The Amazing Spider-man.
I also like I sagte before Mary Jane is just a tool.In the newer films we got Gwen Stacy,who face facts is ten million times Mehr interesting.She's a science genius,she has a good sense of humor,she's constantly helping Peter in every way possible.And I mean,actually help,not just cheer on saying "You have my support".But actually coming up with scientific reasoning's to defeat the villain.
Plus,I'm just gonna say it,she and Peter Parker,they just look adorable.I mean I have no problem believing that these two are in love,their chemistry is beyond precious.I swear if they liked off the girl friend in the first movie,I wouldn't have gegeben a crap(sorry about that).But because of how likeable their relationship is in the newer movies,it's legitimately sad departure.In TAS2,not only they got the tragedy of losing someone deer to you,but also being so close to saving them yet ultimately resulting in their destruction,and to me,that's a much Mehr herz breaking angle.I even cried at that scene,I'm not lying here.
And finally,even though I like Maguire's performance as Spider-man,I think Andrew Garfield is a superior Spider-man.Why?Because Garfield is evolving into Mehr of a man,Maguire isn't.Every time he's taking one step forward,it seems like Maguire is taking two steps back,from being Spider-man,not Spider-man,being with Mary Jane,not being with Mary Jane,being emotionally in control,letting his emotions make all his choices and of course need I remind Du of the dance scene again.I never thought he came that far Von the end of the series.Garfield,though making similar mistakes,seems to learn Mehr and Mehr the responsibilities of being a hero,and tries constantly to put them into practice,from talking a guy out of a bad situation,from being their for his supportive aunt,he does it all without whining and without complaining.At least,after he's Spider-man,both are whiners before hand.But yeah,how many times have we heared Maguire hündin about something.There's a sense that Garfield is always going to face a problem,while Maguire seems constantly Lost and doesn't known which direction to turn.Garfield would just take any direction and tries to put them into moving forward,making the best out of any situation,if he sees an opportunity to help someone,he'll take's always not the best choice but at least it's committing to something.On oben, nach oben of that Maguire is so quiet and so awkward that it's kind of hard to imagine him running around in a silly outfit like that.This guy is so energized,so eccentric and just a Zeigen off that Du would completely see him running around in a silly get up like this.It's like is Steve Jobs was a super-hero oder something.
So that's I think the newer ones are better,again this is just my opinion.I still enjoy watching both of them,but to me,Garfield is Mehr interesting,more entertaining and Mehr thought provoking.It's also kind of funny that the actor who plays Spider-man in the amazing series shares the name with a fat,lazy,orange cat who loves Italian food.

2.Jim Carrey's How The Grinch stahl, stola Christmass (2000).
I Liebe this movie.I really do,when I was a little boy,this was one of the Filme that I watched the most,even when it wasn't Christmass.I'm surprised that many people hate this movie because how much I loved this movie,and I still Liebe it.I always watch this movie when it's Christmass time.When people say that the movie is bad,it feels like they're kicking my childhood in the balls(sorry for that).I agree,it has it problems.Like I do hate the adult jokes they put in it,and it is kind of greyed out,but the jokes don't really kill the movie but they are insulting to watch,and the grey look I think it gives the movie a bit of an identity.Plus,I think Jim Carrey's performance as the Grinch is just great.He had an eccentric grump which allowed him to work with it Zeigen what he can do.He became one with the costume and showed of just how fully animated his body could be.Plus he has a lot of energy which the character requires.Carrey at least created a 3-dimensional Grinch character.If anything the animated one lacked a 3-dimensional Grinch.He was just a villain,and suddenly he turned good for a moment.Also,I actually find the animated on to be boring and this one to be a lot of fun.Yes,I do see that the Who's are bit mean,especially during Chritsmass,but weren't we all.We all had the a mean side to us,even during Christmass,trust me,I'm a bit of a jerk around that time too.But I think the moral works better with this movie because shouldn't they learn their lesson instead of just knowing it right away?But I digress.
I always get upset when I see people hating on this movie because it feels like their hating a part of my childhood,sure it has some bad adult jokes and weird Popkultur references,but to me,this was my fist introduction to Dr. Seuss.How would Du guy feel if I say that I dislike a movie that watched a lot as a kid and still Liebe when you're older?How would Du feel is I say(and I'm being honest here) that I dislike The Lion King.I'm sure you'd be upset too.
I don't want everyone to Liebe this movie,but good God leave the people who Liebe this movie alone.

1.Frozen (2013).
I can't even describe how much I Liebe this movie.This is basically the Disney movie I've been waiting for all my life yet I didn't even notice it.
Back in March 2014,when I got to see this movie,I didn't thought much of it,heck,I barely liked it.But in October I re-watched the movie because I got bored,and I've just realized how good it is.
The people who hate on this movie usually say the same thing "Frozen sucks"or"Everybody must hate Frozen because it's the worst movie ever".Just like with the Grinch,when they hate on this movie,I feel a part of myself dying inside.I'll explain why I Liebe this movie so much.Because this is the Disney movie that I related the most to.The story,while having some flaws,it was loved Von many people because of how relatable it is.I related to this movie a lot because I have anxiety and depression,as well as a bit of an avoidant personality disorder.I related to the characters of Elsa and Anna A LOT in the movie,especially to Elsa,as well as to the moral they we're trying to teach.I've explained why I Liebe this movie better in one of my Zurück articles,check out that one if Du want Mehr information,but a few opinions have changed.I personally think this is a great movie,most of the characters like Elsa,Anna,Olaf,Kristoff,Sven and Oaken are interesting as well as relatable;the songs I think are fantastic(most of them),especially Let It Go,which is my Favorit Disney songs because of how relatable it is and how much it means to me.I even wrote an analysis of it,check it out;the Animation if gorgeous;the morals are unique and like I sagte before relatable and the humor is good.
Many people complain that in The Snow Queen,the character of Gerda(the character that Anna was based on) comes across many interesting female characters on her way,while Anna only comes across males.I personally think that this is just nitpicking because they story was completely different and because they couldn't relate to it.
The also say that Olaf serves no purpose in the story,but I disagree.Olaf represents the part that was never nurtured,her deepest desires,that he likes warm hugs and wants to experience summer are things that reflect Elsa's desires to be able to control her powers.The fact that he's a snowman is her parents teaching her that he powers are destructive and must be concealed(Olaf must stay in summer).The name Olaf means "ancestors descendent" oder "hire".Elsa was the hire to her kingdom.This could've been represented Von any snowman,but she chose Olaf because he's the character she's created in her last moment of innocence with her sister,her last thing they shared together.
I personally think this is a great way to bring your comic relief in.
I agree that the movie has it's problems,like characters like Hans,the Duke and the Trolls aren't that interesting,there are like a dozen plot-holes,and the pacing is really bad.For instance,when Elsa ran away when her secret was revealed,Anna went after her,and after that we cut to Elsa on to of the North Mountain,while for Anna it took her like 1 and a half day.What did Sonic meet up with Elsa and decided to give her a ride?But I don't think the movie deserves to be hate-worthy.
But Du read the Artikel I made before about what I like and dislike about the film,then you'll understand that the stuff that's good,I can't even say how good it is.
Right now,Frozen is my movie obsession and became a loyal Frozen fan,and I'm proud of it.So I can't even say how much I Liebe this movie.
And again,if Du don't like the movie,that's fine,but that doesn't mean Du have to be completely disrespectful to it and to its fans.

There Du have it,the 5 Filme that others hate but I love.Again,this is all opinion based and feel free to disagree.But all I want from Du guys is to respect my opinion,and understand where I'm coming from.I'm not asking this as a fellow Fanpoper,I'm asking this as a fellow person.
As always,Smell ya' later!
 Awesome poster.
Awesome poster.
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