"Mizore Shirayuki" Fan Club Club
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On a whim,I decided to investigate what had become of this fanpage. Fanpop itself seems pretty dead now, and I doubt anybody will even see this. Still, I'd like to post one last article, and see if any other Fans were still here.

To this day, I still Liebe Mizore. Perhaps not in the same angsty, teen obsession sort of way, but there's no denying she had a major impact on my life, to what may seem to some to be an embarrassing degree. Here and now, I'd like to relay how much this character actually changed my life.

As I sagte in my Liebe contest entry(A notion I chuckle at now) I was a very lonely individual throughout my early teenage years. I became obsessed with Mizore, so much so that I felt the need to PROVE my love, with things such as the aforementioned contest. My infatuation was so strong that when I inevitably looked at a woman beside Mizore with thoughts of affection, I beat myself down for it, and questioned the very nature of Liebe itself.

Eventually, that questioning lead me to spirituality. It was a passing curiosity at first, but became a quest for truth that shaped almost every major decision I made in the past several years. I found my answer to what Liebe is, but now I'm exploring the other mysteries of life.

Liebe is the knowledge, that all things have a right to exist, and that everything that exists contains beauty. Liebe is understanding

I've traveled, helped people in need, sought wisdom from shaman's, medicine men, and drifters just looking for happiness, but up until now, those have only been done a couple times a year.

Thanks to the support of people I've met, I'll be able to devote most of my time to my life's journey, starting in April. When I think back, I can say for certain though, that none of this would have happened, if I hadn't found out about a certain manga/anime character. It's funny how life works, and beautiful too.

I Liebe Du Mizore, for everything that has come to my life because of you. I hope that, where and whenever Du exist, Du find true contentment. I firmly believe in the eternal soul, so who knows, maybe I'll be able to thank Du in person one day.