Maria and Shadow Club
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posted by Shadmaria1
Finnaly got back! ^^ here it is
Two months later shadows "parents" malfunctioned. Proffeser Gerald did everything he could. "im sorry shadow" "its okay" An alarm went off. Shadow heard gunfire. "ALRIGHT WERES THE HEDGEHOG???" the door slamed open. A G.U.N. solder steped in. "DONT MOVE! ILL SHOT!" The proffessor went to grab a switch- and was shot. "AHHH" Shadow stood shocked. "Alright hedgehog! Your next!" Shadow raced past them to block C and opened marias door. He grabed her arm and took off.
"Shadow! Why are we running???" "JUST RUN" the G.U.N solders followed. Maria grew frightened. "Take a left!"
"Alright" Shadow opened a door. when they ran in it shut. Maria leaned back on the door "SHADOW GET IN THE CAPSULE" Shadow got in. a panel shut it. "MARIA AS SOON AS MINE GETS OUT I WANT YOURS OUT TOO!" Before maria could Bewegen a bullet came through the door into her back.
"....." "MARIA" She climed to the control panel. she pulled the lever after she sagte somthing. "MARIA" the pod shot to earth. Maria died on spot. Gerald saw this on a monitor. The G.U.N. solders sprang in. "Shes dead." They searched for Shadow but found nothing. To get rid of marias body they put her into a pod. it closed. In another room Gerald pulled a lever releasind a large black object was released into the pod. Gerald was then arrested. Marias pod shot off.
50 years later.
Throughout time the black object scaned and moved and did work. The pod opened. A mobian girl steped out. HEDGEHOG. She had blonde hair and a blue dress. acompanied Von the black object that floated around.
End of part 3