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After Lesen that George Miller is undertaking Fury Road I was delighted for sure, then that casting had begun, then the announcements from the man himself, Mr Miller, which can be seen on Utube..
like most I was and am ecstatic.
As for the casting of Tom Hardy I'm delighted. I've watched some of his other movies, and frankly he really has what it takes to Zeigen what Max Rockatansky is.
Personally, Mad Max died for me after MM2.
My herz dropped when the abfangjäger, interceptor blew up. I think this was a major blunder to kill it off. Thunderdome I thought was doomed without it and Max together still together.
Now, my point being, Mr Miller - if Du read this and I pray Du do, DO NOT destroy Max's V8 abfangjäger, interceptor untill you're going to destroy him too..
I think the car showed his personality.. It was battered and rusted in places for Road Warrior but was still able to beat the best of them, I'm hoping that a lot of MM Fans agree with me on this. abfangjäger, interceptor should personify Max, There is no Mad Max without his Interceptor, i.e, Roy Rogers without Trigger/Silver whatever... u know what i mean..