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[Shot of Jack's eye opening, looking up at the bamboo. Overhead shot panning out to Zeigen Jack is lying injured on the ground. Jack sees a dog, slowly gets up, in pain. Finds a little liquor bottle in his pocket. Then he runs though the bamboo and ends up at the beach. People screaming. He sees the wreckage. People limping and calling for help. Shot of the engine still spinning. Charlie getting too close to it. Jin screaming.]

MICHAEL: Walt! Walt!

REDSHIRT: Stay away from the gas! Stay there!

[Shannon screaming. Jack looks up at the wing.]

REDSHIRT #2: [trapped under the piece with the still moving engine] Help! Help! Somebody help me! Help! Help! Ahh, my leg! Ah! Ah!

JACK: Hey you, just give me a hand! You, come on! Come over here, give me a hand! [A group of redshirts (and Locke) gather around to lift the metal piece that's trapping the man.] On the count of three: One, two, three.

[Jack pulls the man out from under. One leg is bloody. Jack starts ripping the man's pants to get to the wound. Jack uses his tie as a tourniquet.]

CLAIRE: Help! Please help me! Help me, please help me!

[We see Claire is pregnant and on her hands and knees. Jack sees her.]

JACK: [to a redshirt and Locke] All right, get him out of here! Get him away from the engine! Get him out of here!

[He runs over to Claire through a lot of wreckage.]

CLAIRE: Help me, please. I'm having, I'm having contractions.

JACK: How many months pregnant are you?

CLAIRE: I'm, I'm nearly eight months.

[Jack looks over and sees Boone doing CPR on Rose.]

JACK: [to Claire] How far apart are they coming?

CLAIRE: I don't know, a-a few just happened.

[Shot of Locke and Redshirt carrying bad-leg-guy away. Another guy starts walking in front of the engine and Locke sees him.]

LOCKE: Hey! Hey, hey, hey, get away from there!

[The guy gets sucked into the engine and the engine explodes. Shot of people running. Jack sort of falls on oben, nach oben of Claire to protect her.]

JACK: Listen to me! Look at me! You're going to be okay, do Du understand me? But Du have to sit absolutely still!

[Jack looking at Boone giving Rose mouth-to-mouth.]

JACK: [to Hurley] Hey, you! Come here! I need Du to get this woman away from these fumes! Take her over there. Stay with her. If her contractions occur any closer than three Minuten apart, call out for me.

HURLEY: Oh, Du got to be kidding me.

JACK: I'll be right back, okay?

CLAIRE: Thank you.

[Jack starts running off.]

HURLEY: Hey! What's your name?

JACK: Jack.

[Jack runs up to Boone and Rose.]

JACK: Stop! Her head's not tilted far back enough. You're blowing air into her stomach.

BOONE: Du sure?

[Jack starts giving her mouth-to-mouth. ]

BOONE: That's exactly what I was doing. I'm a lifeguard. I'm licensed.

JACK: Yeah, well, Du need to seriously think about giving that license back.

BOONE: Maybe we should do one of those hole things. Du know, stick the pen in the throat?

JACK: Yeah, good idea. Du go get me a pen.

[Boone runs off to get pens.]

JACK: [doing CPR] Come on. Come on! Come on! Come on!

[Rose breathes.]

JACK: Big deep breaths. Take breaths!

[Sound of metal. Jack looks up to see a big piece of metal high up (the wing) on some of the wreckage starting to wobble. Claire and Hurley are right under where it would fall. Jack runs over to them.]

JACK: [as he's running] Move! Move! Move! Get her up! Get her out of there! The wing!

[Jack, Hurley, and Claire run out of way as there is a huge explosion. A big piece of burning debris lands near Charlie.]

JACK: [to Claire] Du okay?


JACK: [to Hurley] You? [Hurley sort of nods lying on the ground]. Stay with her.

HURLEY: Dude, I'm not going anywhere.

[Jack sort of stumbling around the beach, looks into the fuselage. Takes a moment to steady himself, almost crying.]

BOONE: [walking up holding out a handful of pens] I didn't know which one would work best.

JACK: They're all good. Thanks.

[Shot of Jack going through a suitcase, and finding a sewing kit. Jack going to a deserted part of the strand and taking his jacke and hemd, shirt off. He has a big gash on his side. Kate comes walking by, doesn't know Jack is there. Kate rubbing her wrist.]

JACK: Excuse me. Did Du ever use a needle?

KATE: What?

JACK: Did Du ever … patch a pair of jeans?

KATE: I, uhm, I made the drapes in my apartment.

JACK: That's fantastic. Listen, do Du have a second? I could use a little help here.

[Kate walks over to him.]

KATE: And with what?

JACK: With this.

[Jack shows her the wound, and she grimaces.]

JACK: Look, I'd do it myself, I'm a doctor, but I just can't reach it.

KATE: Du want me to sew that up?

JACK: It's just like the drapes, same thing.

KATE: No, with the drapes I used a sewing machine.

JACK: No, Du can do this. I'm telling you. If Du wouldn't mind.

[Jack looks at her pleadingly.]

KATE: Of course I will.

JACK: Thank you. [handing her the little liquor bottle from his pocket] It's for your hands. Save me some for the, for the wound.

[Kate picks up a little sewing kit.]

KATE: Any color preference?

JACK: [laughing] No. Standard black.

[Jack dumps the wodka on his wound.]

[Shot of Sawyer lighting up a cigarette. Looking around. Then walking away, looks like he tosses his smoke down, disgusted-like; Claire standing Von the shore; Hurley stacking airline food; Locke sitting alone looking out toward the ocean; Boone getting a "no service" signal on his cell phone.]

BOONE: Come on.

[Shot of Sayid adding wood to a big fire.]

SAYID: [to Charlie] Hey you. What's your name?

CHARLIE: Me? Charlie.

SAYID: Charlie. We need help with the fire. No-one will see it if it isn't big.

CHARLIE: Okay, I'm on it. What's your name?

SAYID: Sayid.

CHARLIE: Sayid. I'm on it, Sayid.

[Shot of Rose Küssen the ring on her necklace; Kate sewing up Jack's wound.]

KATE: I might throw up on you.

JACK: [shaking his head] You're doing fine.

KATE: Du don't seem afraid at all. I don't understand that.

JACK: Well, fear's sort of an odd thing. When I was in residency, my first solo procedure was a spinal surgery on a 16 Jahr old kid, a girl. And at the end, after 13 hours, I was closing her up and I, I accidentally ripped her dural sac. Shredded the base of the spine where all the nerves come together, membrane as thin as tissue. And so it ripped open. And the nerves just spilled out of her like Angel – Jäger der Finsternis hair pasta, spinal fluid flowing out of her and I … And the terror was just so … crazy. So real. And I knew I had to deal with it. (He's crying). So I just made a choice. I'd let the fear in, let it take over, let it do its thing, but only for five seconds, that's all I was going to give it. So I started to count: One, two, three, four, five. Then it was gone. I went back to work, sewed her up and she was fine.

KATE: If that had been me, I think I would have run for the door.

JACK: No, I don't think that's true. You're not running now.

[Shot of stars in night sky; Charlie Schreiben F.A.T.E. on his taped fingers, sitting Weiter to Sayid.]

SAYID: Du think they would have come Von now.

CHARLIE: Huh? Who?

SAYID: Anyone.

[Shot of Shannon painting her toenails. Boone comes up, offers her a Süßigkeiten bar.]

SHANNON: As if I'm going to start eating chocolate.

BOONE: Shannon, we may be here for a while.

SHANNON: The plane had a black box, idiot. They know exactly where they are, they're coming. I'll eat on the rescue boat. [He offers the Schokolade again]. I'll. Eat. On. The. Rescue. Boat. [Boone eats the chocolate.]

[Shot of Claire sitting on a piece of wreckage. Hurley comes up with a tray of airplane food.]

HURLEY: Hungry?

CLAIRE: Yeah, thanks.

HURLEY: Anymore, uh … Du know, baby stuff?

CLAIRE: No. I'm-I'm okay.

HURLEY: Well, hang in there.

CLAIRE: Yeah, Du too.

[Hurley's arm comes back into the shot and gives her another meal.]

[Close up of Michael]

MICHAEL: Du sure you're warm enough?

[Shot of Walt lying on the strand under a blanket. He just nods, with a far-off look; shot of Jin and Sun.]

JIN: 내 옆에서 엎어지면 안 돼. 내가 어디로 가든지 꼭 따라와. 알겠지? [Sun nods.] 다른 사람 신경쓰지 말고 우린 같이 있어야 돼. [Subtitle: Du must not leave my sight. Du must follow me wherever I go. Do Du understand? Don't worry about the others. We need to stay together.]

[Shot of Kate standing over Jack while he's working on Marshal Mars, examining the Marshal's wound.]

KATE: Do Du think he's going to live?

JACK: Do Du know him?

KATE: He was sitting Weiter to me.

[Shot of a leaf torn into the shape of an airplane.]

JACK: [off camera at first] We must have been at about 40,000 feet when it happened. Hit an air pocket. Dropped, maybe, 200 feet. The turbulence was … I blacked out.

KATE: I didn't. I saw the whole thing. I knew that the tail was gone, but I couldn't bring myself to look back. And then the, the front of the plane broke off.

JACK: Well, it's not here on the beach. Neither is the tail. We need to figure out which way we came in.

KATE: Why?

JACK: Because there's a chance we could find the cockpit. If it's intact, we might be able to find a transceiver. Send out a signal, help the rescue party find us.

KATE: How do Du know all that?

JACK: Took a couple flying lessons. Wasn't for me.

KATE: I saw some smoke. Just through the valley. If you're thinking about going for the cockpit, I'm going with you.

JACK: I don't know your name.

KATE: I'm Kate.

JACK: Jack.

[Metal/weird sound coming from the jungle. Everyone on the strand is looking; Kate looks; Locke looks (the camera pans vorwärts-, nach vorn toward him for a close up); Walt looks; Shannon and Boone look.]

SHANNON: What was that?

[Kate looks back at Jack; Charlie and Sayid look.]

CHARLIE: That was weird, right?

WALT: Is that Vincent?

[Walt gets up and goes toward it.]

MICHAEL: [getting up to follow] It's not Vincent.

[Shot of trees moving/getting smashed down.]

CLAIRE: [coming into the frame] Did anybody see that?

HURLEY: [in disbelief] Yeah.

[Boone gets up, moves off.]


[Everyone moving toward the sound, except Michael who backs off. Everyone looking out at the trees moving/getting smashed.]

CHARLIE: Terrific.
Bearbeiten Act 2

[Shot out of airplane window over wing above clouds. Shot of Jack. Sound of karte, warenkorb rolling up.]

CINDY: So, how's the drink?

JACK: It's good.

CINDY: That wasn't a very strong reaction.

JACK: Well, it's not a very strong drink.

CINDY: [hands him two Mehr bottles] Shhh. Just don't tell anyone.

JACK: This of course breaks some critical FAA regulations.

[Jack puts one of the bottles in his mantel pocket and drinks the other. He stands up, then Charlie comes Von him in the aisle.]

CHARLIE: Excuse me.

CINDY: [in background, to Charlie] Sir, excuse me!

ROSE: [looking at Charlie, then at Jack] Guess he really had to go.

[Two Flight Attendants run by.]

CINDY: Sir, excuse me!

[Jack sits back down. Then there is turbulence. Jack puts on his seatbelt.]

CINDY: [on the intercom] Ladies and gentleman, the pilot has switched on the "fasten seatbelt" sign. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.

JACK: [to Rose] It's normal.

ROSE: Oh, I know. I've just never been a very good flier. My husband keeps reminding me that planes want to be in the air.

JACK: Well, he sounds like a very smart man.

ROSE: Be sure and tell him that when he gets back from the bathroom.

[The plane is really shaking now.]

JACK: Well, I'll keep Du company until he does. Don't worry it's going to be over …

[There's a sudden lurch and one passenger goes flying out of his sitz and hits the ceiling. Mehr shaking and screaming. The oxygen masks come down. Jack and Rose put their masks on. Shot of another guy putting his mask on. Shot of ocean, then Jack looking out at the ocean. Rose and a bunch of redshirts in the background.]

MICHAEL: It didn't sound like an animal. Not exactly, I mean.

ROSE: That sound that it made, I keep thinking that there was something really familiar about it.

SHANNON: Really? Where are Du from?

ROSE: The Bronx.

CHARLIE: Might be monkeys. It's monkeys, right?

SAWYER: Sure it's monkeys. It's Monkey Island.

HURLEY: Technically, Du know, we don't even know if we're on an island.

SAYID: We're on an island.

KATE: [coming up behind Jack] Du ready?

JACK: Kate, Du showed me where the smoke was. I can get there myself.

KATE: I'm coming.

JACK: [smiling] Well, you're going to need better shoes.

[Shot of a dead body's feet. Kate reaches down to take hiking boots, checks the size. She looks at Locke, who's looking at her. He gives her the "orange" smile. He keeps eating the orange and looks away. She looks slightly freaked out/disgusted.]

[Shot of a group: Michael, Walt, Charlie, Sayid, Boone and Shannon, with Hurley approaching.]

MICHAEL: Whatever it was … it wasn't natural.

CHARLIE: Does anyone have any sun block?

SHANNON: Yeah, I do.

CHARLIE: Ah. Cool.

HURLEY: So, I was just looking inside the fuselage … It's pretty grim in there. Du think we should do something about the, uh … [stopping and looking at Walt] b-o-d-y-s?

MICHAEL: What are Du spelling, man? "Bodies"?

WALT: B-o-d-i-e-s.

SAYID: That sounds like a good idea.

SHANNON: No! They'll deal with it when they get here.

JACK: [entering] We go out and look for the cockpit. See if we can find a transceiver, to send a distress signal, help the rescue team. (To Boone) You're going to need to keep an eye on the wounded. If the guy in the suit wakes up, try to keep him calm, but don't let him remove that piece of shrapnel. Du understand?

BOONE: Yeah, got it. What about the guy with the leg? The, the tourniquet.

JACK: I stopped the bleeding. I took it off last night. He … he should be all right.

BOONE: Yeah. Cool. Good job.

CHARLIE: I'll come with you. I want to help.

JACK: I don't need any Mehr help.

CHARLIE: No, it's cool, I don't really feel like standing still, so. [Jack nods.] Excellent.

[Shot of valley looking out toward sea. Du can see Jack, Charlie, and Kate in the distance coming toward camera.]

KATE: May I ask Du something?

CHARLIE: Me? I'd be thrilled. I've been waiting.

KATE: Have we ever met, anywhere?

CHARLIE: No, that would be unlikely.

KATE: Hum.

CHARLIE: I look familiar, though, right?

KATE: Yeah.

CHARLIE: [Sighs.] Can't quite place it?

KATE: No, I can't.

CHARLIE: Yeah. I think I know.

KATE: Du do?

CHARLIE: [singing] Du all everybody … Du all everybody! You've never heard that song?

KATE: I've heard it. I just don't know what the hell it is—

CHARLIE: That's us. Drive Shaft. Look, the ring—second tour of Finland. You've never heard of Drive Shaft?

KATE: [incredulous] The band?

CHARLIE: Yeah, the band.

KATE: Du were in Drive Shaft.

CHARLIE: I am in Drive Shaft. I play bass.

KATE: Seriously?

CHARLIE: Yeah, Charlie. Track 3, Du know, I do backing vocals.

KATE: My friend Beth would freak. She loved Du guys.

CHARLIE: Give me Beth's number, I'll call her, I'd, I'd Liebe to.

JACK: Hey—

CHARLIE: Does she live nearby?

KATE: Have Du ever heard of Drive Shaft?

CHARLIE: [singing] Du all everybody … Du all every...body.

JACK: [shakes his head] We've got to keep moving.

KATE: They were good.

CHARLIE: They are good. We're still together. In the middle of a comeback.

[Camera pans down to reveal Vincent; shot of Locke alone on the strand looking out to sea; we see clouds forming, sound of thunder. Shot of Kate, Charlie, Jack in the jungle in the rain.]

CHARLIE: Hey guys, is this normal? Kind of … Tag turning into night, Du know? End of the world type weather. Is this—guys?

[Shot of Locke sitting on the strand with people running around to get out of the rain. Locke just sits there. Jin kicks a guy out from Jin and Sun's little overhang of debris; Hurley runs past Boone and Shannon who are racing to get inside the fuselage.]

HURLEY: I don't know if Du want to go in there! There's too many bodies.

[Shot of Michael holding something up (some kind of tarp?) under some debris, puts his arm on Walt's shoulder. Shot of Locke alone on the strand in a sort of meditation pose (music is sort of bittersweet). Locke holds his arms out, turns his face up to the rain, seems happy; we see the Monster in the jungle Von the beach. Claire and Rose see it.]

CLAIRE: There it is again.

ROSE: Oh my god.

[Shot of Jack, Kate, Charlie coming upon the cockpit. They all look a bit scared.]

JACK: Well? Let's do this.
Bearbeiten Act 3

[Shot of Jack, Kate, and Charlie making their way to the cockpit wreckage.]

CHARLIE: Let's get this trans…

JACK: Transceiver.

CHARLIE: Transceiver thing and get out of here.

[We see them climbing up, through the front of the plane. There are dead bodies. Jack can't open the cockpit door, bangs on it with a feuer extinguisher.]

JACK: Come on! Come...

[The door opens and a body comes falling out.]

JACK: [to Kate] Du okay?

KATE: Yeah. You?

JACK: Yeah.

CHARLIE: I'm fine. Charlie's fine, Von the way. Okay?

JACK: [to Kate] Hey. Du don't have to come up here.

KATE: No, I'm good.

[Kate and Jack get inside the cockpit.]

KATE: So, what does a transceiver look like?

JACK: Complicated walkie-talkie.

[Kate climbs over the pilot looking for the transceiver when suddenly the pilot takes a breath. Jack and Kate are shocked.]

JACK: Hey! Can Du hear me? Hey! Can Du hear me? [to Kate] I need that water. [He gives the pilot some water] Hey. Here Du go. Hey.

PILOT: How many survived?

JACK: At least 48. Does anything feel broken?

PILOT: No, no. Just my head's a little dizzy, that's all.

JACK: Yeah. It's probably a concussion.

PILOT: How long has it been?

JACK: Sixteen hours.

PILOT: Sixteen? Has anybody come?

JACK: Not yet.

PILOT: Six hours in, our radio went out. No-one could see us. We turned back to land in Fiji. Von the time we hit turbulence, we … we were a thousand miles off course. They're looking for us in the wrong place.

PILOT: We have a transceiver.

[The pilot moves to go get it.]

JACK: Good. Good, that's what we were hoping. Listen, Du shouldn't try to move.

PILOT: No, no. I'm okay. It's okay. Transceiver's right there. It's right there.

[Kate gets it and hands it to the pilot.]

JACK: [to Kate] Where's Charlie?

[Kate goes to look for Charlie. The pilot is fiddling with the transceiver.]

PILOT: It's not working.

KATE: [going through cabin, seeing two dead bodies] Charlie?

[Charlie comes out of the bathroom.]

KATE: What were Du doing in the bathroom?


[The plane starts shaking. We hear the monster sounds. Shot of Kate and Charlie, Pilot and Jack reacting.]

PILOT: What the hell was that?

JACK: Kate.

[Shot of Kate going back into Cockpit with Charlie's help.]

KATE: It's right outside.

PILOT: What, what's right outside?

JACK: Shhhh.

[Kate looks terrified. We see the shadow of the monster going past window. Jack tries to look out the window to see it. The pilot goes up to try and see it. Briefly hesitating, he first puts the transceiver on the co-pilot's seat, then climbs part way out of an opening above. Charlie comes into the cockpit. The pilot gets snatched out of a broken window. There's blood all over the window.]

CHARLIE: What the hell just happened?

[Big crashing and shaking. Jack reaches for the transceiver just before it falls. The cockpit falls to the ground from it's inclined position. Jack is reaching for the transceiver.]

KATE: Jack, come on!

CHARLIE: Just leave it!

[Jack grabs it. They run. Monster sounds, running, anxious music. Charlie falls. His leg is trapped in some vines.]

CHARLIE: [shouts] Hey!

[Jack goes back to rescue him.]

JACK: Okay, let's run.

[Kate keeps running and ends up alone.]

KATE: [terrified] J-J-J … Jaaaack! [Big door slamming sound/big footstep sounds. Kate is trying to Schreiben herself] One! Two! Three! Four! Five!
Bearbeiten Act 4

[Shot of Kate, she hears something and looks off. Charlie comes up behind her, she turns to find him and knocks him down.]


KATE: Where the hell is Jack?

CHARLIE: I don't know!

KATE: Did Du see him?

CHARLIE: Yeah, he pulled me up!

KATE: Where is he?

CHARLIE: I don't know!

KATE: How can Du not know?

CHARLIE: We got separated! Look, I … I fell down, and he, he came back for me, that thing was just…

KATE: Did Du see it?

CHARLIE: No. No! But it was right there. We were dead! I was. An-And then Jack came back, and he, he pulled me up. I don't know where he is.

[Kate looks around.]

KATE: We have to go back for him.

CHARLIE: Go back? There? Kate, there's a certain gargantuan quality about this thing.

KATE: Then don't come.

[Kate walks off, Charlie gets up to follow (reluctantly).]


[Shot of jungle. Kate and Charlie walking around.]

CHARLIE: I heard Du shout. I heard Du shout "Jack". I'm Charlie, Von the way.

[Kate sees something.]

CHARLIE: What is that?

[Kate picks up pilot's wings from the muddy ground. Shot shifts focus from wings to the reflection in the water where they see the pilot's body in the baum above them.]

CHARLIE: What is…

JACK: [approaching] It's the pilot.

KATE: Did Du see it?

JACK: No. It was right behind me, but … I taube into the bushes.

CHARLIE: [pointing up to the pilot in the tree] Guys? How does something like that happen?

[Shot of bloody pilot in the treetop, bloody and with face-skin torn off, but not eaten.]
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Fan video

ABC’s megahit series, "LOST" is considered among the best Fernsehen series on the air during this past decade. The magazine, "Entertainment Weekly" considers it to be the fifth best series in Fernsehen history. I have to admit that it is one of the most original series I had ever seen. But after watching its Season Four finale – (4.12-4.13)"There’s No Place Like Home (Parts 2 and 3)" for the third time, I cannot help but wonder if the series’ reputation might be a little exaggerated.

To put it bluntly, ”"here’s No Place Like Home (Parts...
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