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(Just so Du know, when I say Americans, I mean the US, not North America.)

I used to be proud to be an American. I believed we were such a great country. But, as time went on, that pride began to fade. The reasons to be proud diminished one Von one. Recently, my eyes were completely opened and I realize just how far behind my country truly is.

All it took was one video. A commercial. It was for the Israel Gay Youth Group. I did research. I realized. South Africa is allowing gay marriage, as well as several other countries. Israel is very pro-LGBT rights. Most of their commercials Zeigen this sort of thing. I found out the US has been censoring and banning “gay” commercials.

One commercial was simply two gay men, in a committed relationship. They were talking about how they designed their Home with furniture from the store. The commercial aired only once, in Washington D.C. and New York. Why once? Because the store, Ikea, began receiving bomb threats. Apparently two committed adults of the same gender is too scary a concept for most Americans.

I look at these other countries. They embrace homosexuality, bisexuality, and the transgendered. And yet, here we are, lagging behind. Every time I hear about these things, it makes me angry and sad. But they also inspire me. I want to make a difference here. I want people like me to be able to live out our lives as freely as the heterosexuals.

I want America to live up to its name.