Leyton Club
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Thanks to Mary for prodding my slacker bum into Schreiben tonight. I actually had it in me. Liebe Du Mary! Reader’s discretion could be advised**

Chapter 27

Peyton didn’t know how she felt about leaving. She wanted to stay as close to the twins as possible, but Dr. Sturgis had cleared her to leave the ICU and go home. As she stared out the window onto the park, she wondered how she was going to handle being all the way across town from her children.

“You ready, babe?” Luke briskly walked in holding Peyton’s mantel and bags.
“I guess” she sagte reluctantly.
“What is it Peyton?”
“Nothing, I just don’t want to go Luke.” Peyton pouted, “I think I am still feeling sick” she sat down softly on the bett trying to extend as much time as possible.

“Peyton,” Luke sagte sternly walking to her side, “They will be fine, they have the best doctors on staff here, and we will only be a few Minuten away.”
“I know, I just…Luke I—“
“Listen I know what will make Du feel better, come with me.” Luke led her quietly to the door.
“What are we doing?” Peyton protested.
“You’ll see.”


Peyton and Luke walked up onto the nursery window; there they could see their twins being cared for Von the nurses on staff. Peyton looked to Luke with a tearful grin.

“How is this supposed to make me miss them less?” she asked half-heartedly.
“Just be patient…look” Luke pointed over to the corner, Peyton walked up slowly to get a better look, squinting her eyes. There she could see two little name plates, inscribed were Ella Penelope Scott and Andrew Keith Scott.

“I had them put them up for you, Peyton.” Luke came up behind Peyton and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I knew how much it would mean for Du to see them up there”

“Luke, it’s—wonderful,” Peyton leaned back on Luke’s chest as she looked at her children. She was amazed that it had only been a few weeks since she had first laid eyes on them, and they both had grown so big. She watched as one of the nurses held Andrew in her arms, wistfully lolling him back to sleep.

“You know, I only told Du those names once Luke.”
“I know---but I wanted to make sure it was perfect before we left today, Du do like them right? I mean…” Luke turned to face Peyton as she reached up and brushed his face with her hands. “It’s wonderful, thank you. I Liebe you, Du know that?”
Luke smiled, “Yes, yes I do.” Leaning into her waiting lips, bringing his hand behind her head. “Mhmmm, Hey, we need to get going, ok?” he sagte reluctantly.
Peyton turned back to look at the twins once more, “I know, I just want five Mehr minutes.” Luke pulled Peyton into an embrace as they both gazed at their children before making the long trip home.


“Harp! Du have a visitor” a female guard announced as she left Lauren’s cell door. Lauren turned slowly to see who had come to visit her; it had been weeks since her arrest and her arraignment was coming up. Lauren sat anxiously hoping it was Peyton, and she was ok. Lauren turned to the window and looked out, to her surprise it was someone she least expected. Someone she hadn’t seen in years.

“Hello Lauren”
“Uhum, Victoria what are Du doing here?” Lauren looked puzzled at Victoria the last time she saw her was the Tag she came back for Anna’s funeral, where Victoria was accompanying Brooke to Peyton’s house.

“I know, it’s been years.” Victoria lowly muttered giving a cold look in Lauren’s direction. “I just wanted to see if it was true, I always knew Du would end up here.”
Lauren recoiled remembering whom she was speaking to, she put up her guard once more, “Is there a reason Du are here Victoria,” Lauren sagte coldly, “or are Du just getting back from your conjugal visit?”

Victoria sneered at Lauren, “No, I just had to see with my own eyes that Du were here, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised knowing your history, but I heard Du killed Dan Scott and I…” Lauren could see Victoria’s iced over demeanor suddenly shift at the mention on Dan’s name, her eyes darting elsewhere.
“I just wanted to say, thank you.”

Lauren raised both eyebrows taking a large step forward, wondering if she heard right, “Excuse me?”
“Thank you, for well, just thank Du for getting it done.”

Lauren shook her head in astonishment she had known of Victoria and had numerous encounters with the ice queen, but never dreamed she would be thanking her for anything. She slowly spoke up, “For what exactly, I am confused Victoria, what are Du thanking me for?”

“For getting rid of,” Victoria leaned into the glass whispering, “Dan Scott”
“Whoa whoa whoa, ok I must have finally just Lost it---why would Du thanking me for that?” Lauren looked peculiarly at Victoria. Victoria returned an expression of shock, “You do remember what happened in your room the night of Championship game, right?”

“Oh yeah, how could I forget that!” Lauren eyed Victoria with complete disgust, remembering she had to burn her bett the Weiter day.

Victoria furrowed her brow not understanding what Lauren meant, “Don’t Du remember what happened after? I mean with the rumors---?”
“No, why?”
“I thought Du knew that’s why Du came in the room that night” Victoria stepped back from the glass.

“Knew what Victoria?” Lauren thought back to the night she walked in on Victoria and Dan trying to dissect what Victoria was saying, all of a sudden she remembered a flash of red. “Oh my god!”

Lauren stepped back recalling the one thing she never thought of in all the years she had blamed Victoria for sleeping with Dan. Lauren slowly made her way back to the window, eyeing a very uncomfortable Victoria.

“You didn’t---I mean he,” Lauren could hardly keep her emotions down, her eyes wide with the fear of this revelation.

“Yes, Lauren. He, uh… raped me, and if Du hadn’t have walked in…who knows” Victoria hung her head lowly staring towards the ground.

Lauren knew she was entirely too intoxicated that night to have remembered too many details, but she couldn’t understand why after that night Victoria stopped harassing Anna. Lauren finally remembered seeing a slashed bruise across Victoria’s face that night. Victoria’s dress was torn as she put it on, making her way to the door. Lauren sat down on her cot, looking reluctantly back at Victoria, feeling a well of remorse wash over her.
“I—I didn’t know Victoria, I had no idea. I am sorry.”

“Well, now—well it’s over,” Victoria’s voice cracked under her own stress, “Just don’t speak of it again.” Victoria glazed over her icy demeanor once Mehr as she casually walked away from Lauren’s cell, leaving Lauren in a state of shock, finally coming to terms with what had happened all those years ago.


“Is it one o’clock yet,” Peyton buzzed around the house trying to find her purse.
“No hun, it is only 11am,” Brooke responded giggling at Peyton’s excitement. “You have to calm down, here just sit,” Brooke led Peyton over to the couch sitting Weiter to her.

“I know I am being silly, I just really want to see them and visiting hours don’t start until one, and I just want to be there first,” Peyton blurted out nervously as she eyed the Minuten ticking Von on the clock.
“I know, but Peyton Du have to be patient. They will let Du bring the twins Home soon, and then they are all yours,” Brooke smirked at Peyton as she could plainly see her words falling hollow in the air.

“What time is it, now?” Peyton sprung up trying to make her way to her room.
“30 Sekunden later than the last time Du asked!” Brooke shouted shaking her head to herself.


Luke looked around the prison walls, he didn’t feel much like staying there for long considering today was the Tag Peyton could finally hold the twins, and he did not want to miss that. But he had to get this done. He looked around aimlessly until his eyes met a figure walking towards him in the visiting area.

“Hey Luke,” Lauren bowed her head trying not to make eye contact. She didn’t know how he felt about her now that he had a chance to absorb the news of his father’s death.
“Hey Lauren,” Luke smiled sitting down to greet her, “How are you?”

“Oh Du know,” Lauren sagte lowly, “How is Peyton? Is she ok?”
“Yes, yes she is good. She wanted me to tell Du she will be in later to see you, ok?”

“Did Du get my message about your hearing?” Luke inquired.
“Yes, but Luke Du don’t have to do that I mean…”
“I want to Lauren, no matter what I thought, Du are still a hero. I am going to make sure they know that, ok? Try not to worry so much,” Luke placed his hand on Lauren’s fore arm, trying to comfort her. She looked up slowly, “You don’t have to…”

“I want to, ok? We’re family. Now Listen, I have to go. But I will keep Du up to datum on your hearing, in the mean time just try to stay out of trouble, huh?”
Lauren laughed, “Ok if I must!”


“Luke, Luke where have Du been?” Peyton rushed up to meet Luke in the waiting room of the hospital.
“I am sorry Peyton; I had to go see Lauren. They are moving up her hearing and I just wanted to make sure she was ok.”
“Did Du tell her--?”

“Yes, honey I told her,” Luke smiled as he could see Peyton was a bundle of nerves.
“I didn’t want to go in without Du so I have been waiting her for what? About…”
“30 Minuten Peyton!” Brooke shouted from behind a magazine in the far end corner of the waiting room.
“Yeah, Du want to go in now or…” Peyton anxiously fiddled with Luke’s shirt. Luke lifted her chin for her to look into his eyes, “Peyton, it’s going to be ok. Let’s go and see them, come on.”


Luke and Peyton quietly made their way into the nursery; Peyton took a sitz in one of the rocking chairs near Von as a nurse brought up Andrew to her waiting arms. Luke took a sitz Weiter to Peyton in the other chair, as another nurse brought Ella to him.

He carefully cradled his baby girl in his arms, turning to see Peyton slowly rock Andrew back and forth as he was carefully nestled near her bosom. He watched as Peyton’s eyes turned from anxiety to serenity as she finally got to hold her son, a sweet smile pressed firmly on her lips.

Luke looked down at Ella; she was quiet lifting up her hand to his face. Her little arm outstretched to him, her fingers gripping in the air. He couldn’t help but notice how curly her hair got in those few weeks, blond as summer wheat, a Rapunzel – Neu verföhnt mess. He looked over carefully at Peyton, her eyes still fixated on Andrew as his little fist gripped her finger.

Peyton looked up into Luke’s waiting eyes, “I Liebe Du too Luke” she whispered.
Luke smiled as he leaned down to KISS her, and then carefully placed a KISS on Andrew’s forehead, and Ella’s. He cradled his little girl to his chest never taking his eyes off his entire family.

“It doesn’t get much better than this” he whispered.

*Hey give me a treat, just something sweet. Hit me rhyme if Du got the time**

Chapter 28

The nurse slowly came over to Peyton to take Andrew back to the incubator, Peyton looked up from the rocking chair with deep regret in her eyes that her time with him, and Ella was so short.

Luke placed Ella in the other nurse’s hands, as he walked over to Peyton, gently placing his hand on the small of her back. He looked down at her distracted woeful face, “Hey, Peyton we can see them tomorrow too.”

“I know, it’s just wasn’t long enough.”
“Would it ever be long enough?” he playfully jabbed, as Peyton smiled.
“No, I guess not. We better go.”

Luke followed Peyton out of the nursery as they were met in the hall Von Dr. Sturgis.

“Well hello Ms Sawyer, wonderful twins Du have there,” Sturgis grinned at Peyton.
“Yes, thank you. Um Doctor I kind of wanted to talk to Du about Andrew. He seemed a little lighter today than usual, is he eating well?”

Sturgis reluctantly looked down, as Lucas looked nervously around. Peyton could feel they both weren’t telling her something.

“What is it?”
“Honey, we wanted to tell Du later but…”
Peyton looked at Luke then the doctor in shock, “What is wrong with my son?” she forcefully asked.
“Ms Sawyer, maybe we should go to my office and …”
“No, I want to hear it now. What are Du two not telling me!” Peyton could feel herself getting enraged the Mehr they avoided the subject. She turned to Luke determined to find out what he was hiding. “What is it Lucas?” she gripped onto his arm.

“Ms Sawyer, your son suffers from an acute condition called bronchopulmonary dysplasia, oder Chronic Lung Disease. It is caused Von the infant having to use a respirator right after birth sometimes if it persists it may require surgery. But I want Du to know, Andrew is a very strong candidate for steroid treatment.”

Peyton looked at Dr Sturgis in disbelief; she could not believe what she was hearing. That her perfect little boy may need surgery, oder have to be medicated. She slowly looked back at Lucas, “Did Du know about this?”

“No. I knew he was sick, but this is the first time I am…is he going to be ok doctor?”
“Yes, as long as he increases his strength and size he should be fine. But as a precaution we will need to keep him here on the oxygen longer than his sister.”

“Is Ella ok?” Peyton responded.
“Yes, Ella seems to have responded well to the care we have gegeben her, and she was much Mehr developed than her brother. Sometimes happens with twins, she was the stronger of the two.”

Peyton felt a small smile tug at her mouth thinking about her little girl, but she could not help but be distracted Von her son’s condition. She turned and peered in at him through the nursery door. Dr Sturgis carefully stepped behind Peyton, “Know Ms Sawyer we are doing everything we can to get both your Babys home, and safe, sicher to you.” The doctor nodded politely at Luke as he left them alone.

Lucas carefully gathered Peyton’s head to his chest as she stared off in her own confusion. He could not help but wonder what they were going to do next, he just knew one way oder another they were going to be a family.


“I cannot believe you!” Peyton walks into the house slamming the door in front of Lucas.
“Peyton I didn’t know it was that serious”

“Lucas Scott! I don’t give a crap! Du knew our son wasn’t well and Du didn’t even have the nerve to tell me! What the hell?”
“Peyton!” Luke walks sternly over to Peyton, “I didn’t want Du to worry, Du had just gotten out of surgery, please give me a little credit” Luke presses his eyes firmly on Peyton, as she looks away.

“Lucas, after all we have been through and all the times Du have told me not to hide things from you,” Peyton looks down slowly, her voice getting Mehr engrossed with disdain, “and Du kept something this important from me? How am I supposed to trust you?”

“Peyton, don’t Du dare…for a Minute doubt what my intentions were. I was scared to death I was going to lose you; I didn’t want your first thought after Du woke up to be whether oder not our son was going to live.”
“Well,” Peyton looks at Luke with contempt in her eyes, “Then Du don’t know me at all.”

Peyton slowly walks out of the küche door, leaving Luke with no answer standing alone. Wondering if what he did was right, oder whether oder not he would ever want oder have to make it up to Peyton again.


Peyton pulls up to the outside of Brooke’s house. She could feel every part of herself aching to go back to her house and make everything right with Lucas. She knew in his herz he only did what he thought was right, but at the moment she didn’t care whether it was right oder not, she just wanted him to trust her enough with the truth. After all they had been through he owed her that much courage, to let her decide what she could, oder could not handle in a time of crisis.

As she looked at Brooke’s darkened windows she wondered if she was even home, so they could talk. So Brooke could tell her what she was feeling was silly, and she should just go Home and make things right. She needed her best friend now Mehr than ever; there was never a time in Peyton’s life where she felt she couldn’t come to Brooke to find her way back again.

Peyton walked up to the house and knocked on the door, there was no answer. She wondered if Brooke went out for the night with Sam oder Julian, as she stood there a chilly east breeze came up off the shore. She rubbed her hands together and knocked again.

“Uh uh, just a minute!” Brooke yelled from inside.
Brooke fumbled over to the door, grabbed her robe, gewand from the back of the couch. She briskly opened the door, “Peyton, honey are Du ok?”

Peyton looked carefully at Brooke’s disheveled appearance, she knew that look. She had seen it all too often, Brooke had company.

“Oh Brooke I am sorry, I can leave I just wanted…”
“Hey, wait” Brooke rushed out of the door, in front of Peyton, “No Du don’t Sawyer, what is it?”
“It’s nothing it can wait until tomorrow”
“Peyton!? Come on honey Du can tell me, why does it look like Du have the world on your shoulders?”

“I just wanted to talk to you, but…”
“But nothing, P. Sawyer I almost Lost Du just a few weeks ago. I am not going to let Du leave until Du tell me what is up?”
“Brooke I…”

“Here it’s cold out here come inside” Brooke gestured Peyton into the doorway. Peyton looked around at the darkened living room, only candle light could be seen coming from the inside of Brooke’s room.

“Brooke we can do this tomorrow” Peyton reluctantly tried to push passed Brooke towards the door, “Peyton! Sit, and tell me what is going!” Brooke sternly stared at her best friend.

“I don’t know, one Minute I am in heaven the Weiter I am hell. I have no idea what is up oder down anymore.” Peyton carefully sat at the edge of the couch, Brooke standing near her.
“My…my baby is sick Brooke, he has a lung infection.”
“Oh honey, I am so sorry” Brooke sat Weiter to her on the couch.
Peyton smiled and let out a concerned laugh, “That isn’t the worst part Brooke, Luke knew he was sick and he didn’t tell me.”
“Well, maybe he was just trying to protect you.”

“That is what he said, I don’t know. I want to be mad at him but at the same time I know he is right. I just don’t want him keeping stuff like this from me, I mean how am I supposed to trust him with our kids if he won’t tell me something this big I mean what’s next, oh I Lost Ella at the grocery store but I didn’t want to alarm you. I then I mean…” Peyton paced around the kitchen.

“Hey Hey hey, Peyton Du know that Luke trusts Du Mehr than anyone in the whole world. Just stop it, ok? Here,” Brooke leads Peyton back over to the couch, “don’t do this to yourself ok, Du know he was only looking out for Du because of what happened Peyton. Trust me, I saw him after your attack, he was a mess. There was no way he could have told Du Andrew was sick and been able to cope with that too.”

“I know, I just I can’t believe he didn’t tell me”
“Listen, maybe Du need to tell him that, huh?”
“I already did”

“Well, then um…here think of it this way, what would Du have done if the roles were reversed, if Du were the one who had to tell him?”
“I don’t know I guess I would have tried to be honest, I just never would have put it off for this long, I mean it has been 4 weeks since my attack, Du know?”

“I know, just try to think of the bigger picture. Do Du want this to ruin your relationship, your trust with boyfriend, husband/father of your children, what ever he is?”
“Hahaha,” Peyton laughed at the absurdity of the situation, “you’re right, I guess I just needed to hear it, from you.”

“Hey, that’s what I am here for ok?” Brooke pulls Peyton into a hug, “now go and make up with your man, ok?”
“Ok, sorry if I interrupted…”
“Don’t worry about it, ever.”

Peyton walked towards the door feeling much better than she thought she could, she turned back to look at Brooke, “I Liebe Du B. Davis.”
“Love Du too Sawyer, now get out of here.”

Peyton closed the door behind her, as Brooke made her way towards her room. Brooke carefully opened her bedroom door, and there she saw him lying in her bett fast asleep.
“Oh great,” she mumbled to herself as she walked over removing her robe, gewand and carefully climbing into bed.
“Ha!” Julian jumped out and grabbed her Von the waist, playfully pushing her onto the bed.
“You scared me Du jerk, I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“Oh well, I do like foreplay,” Julian smirked.
“Very funny, Bewegen over.” Brooke pushed her way out of his arms for a Minute and laid her head on his chest.

“So what was that about? Who was at the door?”
“Oh it was Peyton, she had a thing…”
“Ahhh, yes.” Julian carefully stroked Brooke’s hair, “my Brooke Davis, the eternal friend first”
“I am sorry; I just had to make sure she was ok”
“Hey don’t apologize; it’s one of the many things I Liebe about you. It’s your herz that guides you, I Liebe that”

“Oh really, what else do Du love?” Brooke smirked, rubbing his chest.
“Oh no I am not falling for that”
“Oh come on Julian”

Julian pulled his head down to look Brooke in the eye, his voice soft and sincere, “I Liebe …your smile, and your lips and your…hmmmm” Brooke pulled Julian into a luscious kiss, “Enough Liebe for one night, ok?” she replied.
“Oh baby, I was just getting started,” Julian pulls Brooke into him, as she giggles in his ear.


Peyton drives up to the outside of her house. She knew better to drive off half cocked, knowing where it landed her last time. She pulled into the driveway, got out of car and made her way to the back küche door. She noticed that all the lights in the house were turned off, and she wondered if Luke had gone to bett without her.

She felt a knot in her stomach as she realized all the things she had sagte she wouldn’t take for granted she was doing the exact opposite because of her stubbornness and pride. She carefully opened the back door and stepped in, trying not to make too much noise in case, in fact, Luke was sleeping down the hall. She turned on the küche light, and made her way cautiously to her bedroom door, it opened with a slight creak as she pushed her weight on it.

“Luke?” she whispered, “Luke honey, Du in here?” she carefully flicked on the side tabelle lamp, only to see that no one was in the room. Peyton looked around puzzled and then went in to the baby’s room, then the living room. No Luke to be found, she knew there was only one place he would go, but could she have enough nerve to go back there.

Peyton bolstered her courage, and headed for the front door.


Luke’s mind was a tangle of thoughts, he thought he did the right thing Von protecting Peyton, but at what cost? Was she ever going to forgive him? Did he have enough courage to apologize when deep down he knew he did nothing wrong?

Too many times he let pride stand in the way of him and Peyton, as he made his last free throw he decided to not let time waste anymore. He gathered his basketball and his sweat hemd, shirt and headed for his car. Just as he was about to get in, he saw head lights in his side view mirror, “Who could that be at this hour?” he mumbled to himself.

He watched carefully as a figure stepped out of the car, and then shut the door, a shine of silver hit his eye, he knew then it could only be one person. He slowly stepped out of the car to meet her, “Hey sweet heart”

“Hey” she sagte quietly carefully treaded around his mustang.
Luke looked over at the picnic tables, and realized what Peyton was avoiding, his face Frozen in his own fear that he had come to the one place she was trying to avoid.
“Oh Peyton, I am so sorry,” he rushed to her side.
“No I am sorry too, Luke I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I was just upset about the whole thing, and…” Peyton looked at Luke’s confused face, “What?”

“Oh nothing I just thought Du were thinking about something else”
“Like what?” she responded curiously.
“Like I don’t know, never mind.”
“No, what Luke tell me. This is what our fight was about,” Peyton laughed as she pulled him in close fiddling with his shirt, “you have to trust me with things, don’t shut me out”
Luke looked back at the tables, as Peyton’s gaze followed his, “I just wasn’t thinking when I came back here, what it would mean to Du if Du had to come back”

Peyton looked over at the picnic tables, she slowly walked over to them. Her mind wandering around the river, and that night. A night she tried desperately to suppress. She reached out and touched the side of the table, “just like all the rest” quickly her mind flashed back into that demented nightmare, with only her and Dan, with no way out. Peyton stepped back, her eyes wide with fear, she backed up slowly only to bump into Luke’s chest, “Oh!” she cried.

“Shh it’s ok Peyton, I am right here. It’s ok.” Luke pulled her into his chest, he could feel her herz beating quickly against his, he reached down to look into her eyes. “It’s ok Peyton, he can’t hurt Du anymore. I promise. Nothing and no one will ever hurt Du again.”

Peyton could feel her anxiety lifting as she heard Luke soothe her mind. He could always make the worst situation better; he could always save her even from herself, from her own mind. “You’re always saving me” she whispered as her face was pressed into his shirt.

Luke could feel his body go limp, and his mind flashing into a state of regret and remorse. He slowly pushed away from Peyton walking to the other side of the court.

“What’s wrong Luke?” Peyton inquired, not knowing why her words were suddenly making him pull away from her.

Luke swiftly turned to her, “I didn’t Peyton! I couldn’t save you, the one time Du needed me, and I wasn’t here.” Luke began to feel his emotions bursting to the surface, as the weeks of uncertainty and guilt had worn on his soul.

“What are Du talking about?”
“My father almost killed you, Peyton! And I wasn’t even here, I wasn’t even there for you, the babies…I just, I can’t…I just can’t.” Luke turned away from Peyton as he could feel the tears forming in his eyes, unable to face her knowing he had let her down Mehr than she could ever know.

Peyton walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, tenderly rubbing his chest, “Luke, honey don’t do this, ok? There was nothing Du could have done, Du didn’t know. Don’t ever blame yourself for what happened”

Luke turned to face her, “How can I not Peyton, Du almost died and I wasn’t here…”
“Shh, listen to me ok? There was nothing Du could have done.”
“But I…”
“Luke, I Liebe Du so much. And I always will, but I will not let Du beat yourself up over this, after all we are here, I am here. There is nothing and no one that could ever take me away from you, Du hear me?” Peyton reached up and caressed his weary cheek, his eyes slowly closing to her touch. “Now promise Du will forget this nightmare.”

Luke looked into Peyton’s concerned eyes and knew he had to try and let go of the hurt he was carrying around about the past few weeks. He knew she was right, he couldn’t change it, and they were here, together. That is what truly mattered.

“I know, you’re right, Peyton I just…”
“Luke, let’s just go Home ok?”

Lucas lead Peyton to her car, as they both headed towards Home wondering if they could ever Bewegen past the night that could have ruined both their lives, that wicked evening 4 weeks ago.


Luke opened the door for Peyton as he followed her into the kitchen; he hung his keys on the hook as he stared at her, noticing she had a peculiar grin on her face.
“What?” he inquired
“Nothing” she coyly responded.
“What Peyton, Du are Schauspielen silly”
“I know I just was thinking on the way Home how utterly complicated our lives are, and really I mean Luke, it is pretty outrageous, I mean do Du realize the sheer volume we have overcome?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Luke carefully grinned, “I guess it is pretty massive.”
“I know, I mean sometimes Du just have to step back and realize that our life is pretty complicated, ludicrous and amazing, Du know?”
Luke laughed and pulled Peyton into a hug, “You are crazy Du know that? How can Du find this amusing?”

“I don’t know, I think if we take everything that has happened to us too seriously we would go a little nutty, right?”
“Right, Hey Du ready for bed?”
“Yeah, I guess.”

“Peyton, remember the doctor sagte Du need your rest in order to heal properly.”
“I know, I just wasn’t really tired, I still wanted to tell Du I am sorry for blowing up before, I know Du were just trying to protect me and…”
“Hey it’s ok. I promise when it comes to us, our kids, and you. I will always try to be honest and not hide anymore, ok? As long as Du let me know what is going on with Du too, ok beautiful?”
“Agreed” Peyton nodded, “so Du ready for bett too” she playfully smirked.
“Oh no, Du aren’t doing that to me?” he pulled away walking to the opposite side of the room, leaving Peyton dumfounded, “What?” she reiterated.
“You, me, and one bett makes no sense as of yet. I will not risk your health Von being impulsive”

“Luke come on”
“No Peyton, I am sleeping on the couch, just like I have been, until Du are well.”
“Luke, that is silly, come to bett with me. I miss you. I promise I will keep my hands to myself.”

“Come on, Luke. Don’t make me beg” she swaggers over to him placing her hands on his shoulders looking deep into his eyes. “I promise, we’re trusting each other remember?”
“Alright fine,” he reluctantly agrees, “you know I can’t say no to you, but Hey listen, just sleep”
“Yep,” she coyly nods, “just sleep”

“Good” Luke makes his way passed Peyton into the bedroom, and pulls off his hemd, shirt revealing his tanned taught body, his rippling muscles moving in all the right places, his shoulders still a little sunburned from practicing outside on the court. Peyton couldn’t help but gleefully roam her eyes over him from the doorway.
“What?” he turned seeing her eyeing him.
“Nothing” she walks in removing her jeans.
“That wasn’t nothing Peyton, don’t be getting any ideas”
“I’m not. Hey the doctor sagte I couldn’t do anything, he didn’t say I couldn’t look”
“Don’t be all innocent, I know that look. Du were planning on something.”

“I was not Luke! Stop being paranoid.” Peyton slips her hemd, shirt off, and puts one of her night shirts on, Luke slides into the bed, watching her undress. Laying his arm behind his head. Her hair fell in all the right places, her body was silken and vibrant, even though all she had gone through. Her breasts carefully slipping into her hemd, shirt as she pulled it over her head.

Luke could feel his body aching for her, but he carefully pushed it away knowing it was in her best interest to be patient. Peyton could feel his eyes on her, his gaze like feuer prickling her skin, she liked it. She loved that even when she wasn’t trying she had that effect on him. She regained her composure and whipped around seeing his eyes dance around her back, “I saw that!”
“You were doing the same thing! Call me out for making eyes at you, and Du go and do it”

“I was not, Du are delusional. I was just making sure Du were ok”
“Lucas Scott, Du can’t fool me, that was your ‘let’s fool around look’”
“What!” Luke sits up in gleeful astonishment as Peyton slides in Weiter to him, “I do not have a look”
“Get a life; Du have Mehr looks than James Bond”
“Oh whatever! Go to sleep Du goof”

“I will not, not until Du admit Du were checking me out!” Peyton jabs him in the ribs.
“No, I wasn’t now knock it off Peyt and go to sleep”
“Admit it….” She persists.

“No,” he turns and flicks off the night stand lamp, pulling the covers over his shoulder. “The doctor didn’t say anything about not looking” he whispered with a smirk pressed on his face, Peyton turned and smiled back in the dark, “I knew it” she whispered.


*Let me know what Du think, what should I do next? Where should I take the story? I want your input; I suffer from writer’s block. I need help. Comment, help a girl out***
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credit : MsMadHatter17 @ YT
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