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posted by s3ptamber

1- Jareth: I ask for so little. Just fear me, Liebe me, do as I say and I will be your slave.

2- [first lines]
Sarah: Give me the child. Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the schloss beyond the Goblin City to take back the child that Du have stolen. For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great...
[thunder rumbles]
Sarah: For my will is as strong as yours, my kingdom as great... Damn. I can never remember that line.
[Sarah looks up the line from the Labyrinth book]
Sarah: Du have no power over me.

3- The Hat: Eh. Huh? How's that for brainpower, eh?
The Wiseman: Be quiet! So, young woman, the way vorwärts-, nach vorn is sometimes the way back.
The Hat: Ah, nuts.
The Wiseman: So, young woman, the way vorwärts-, nach vorn is sometimes the way back.
The Hat: Heh, will Du listen to this crap!
The Wiseman: Will Du please... be... QUIET! Okay?
The Hat: All right!
The Wiseman: All right?
The Hat: Okay, okay!

4- Left Door Knocker: It's very rude to stare!
Sarah: Oh! I'm sorry, I was just wondering which door to choose.
Left Door Knocker: HUH?
Right Door Knocker: [muffled] It's no good asking him, he's deaf as a post!
Left Door Knocker: Don't talk with your mouth full!
Right Door Knocker: [muffled] I'm not talking with my mouth full, I...
Sarah: Wait, wait, I can't understand you.
[she takes the ring out of his mouth]
Right Door Knocker: Ah! Mm. Oh, oh, it is so good to get that thing out.
Sarah: What were Du saying?
Right Door Knocker: I said, it's no good talking to him, he's deaf as a post.
Left Door Knocker: Mumble mumble mumble! You're a wonderful conversational companion!
Right Door Knocker: Du can talk, all Du do is moan!
Left Door Knocker: No good! Can't hear you!
Sarah: What's behind these doors?
Left Door Knocker: WHAT?
Right Door Knocker: Suchen me. We're just the knockers!
Sarah: Oh.
[she goes to the left door, pushes on it]
Sarah: How do I get through?
Left Door Knocker: HUH?
Right Door Knocker: Knock, and the door will open!
Sarah: Oh.
Ludo: [with the ring in his mouth] Hmmph?
Sarah: [amused] Ludo!
[she takes the ring from Ludo, holds it out to the Right Door Knocker]
Right Door Knocker: Hey! I don't want that thing back in my mouth!
Sarah: C'mon, I want to knock!
Right Door Knocker: MM-MM!

5- Left Door Knocker: Huh. Doesn't want his ring back in his mouth, eh? Can't say I blame him.
[Sarah holds the Right Door Knocker's nose so that he has to open his mouth; she stuffs the ring back in and knocks; the door opens]
Sarah: Sorry.
Right Door Knocker: [muffled] That's all right, I'm used to it.

6- Jareth: And Hoggle, if she ever kisses you, I'll turn Du into a prince.
Hoggle: Y-you will?
Jareth: Prince of the Land of Stench!

7- Hoggle: What did Du have to go and do a thing like that for?
Sarah: Do what? Du mean rescue you?
Hoggle: No! Du kissed me!

8- Fiery 1: Hey! Hey! Her head don't come off!
Sarah: Of course it doesn't!
Fiery 2: Hey, lady! Where are Du going with a head like that?
Fiery 3: Hey, man! I know what we can do! Take off her head! Ha-ha!

9- Sarah: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl whose stepmother always made her stay Home with the baby. And the baby was a spoiled child, and wanted everything to himself, and the young girl was practically a slave. But what no one knew is that the king of the goblins had fallen in Liebe with the the girl, and he had gegeben her certain powers. So one night, when the baby had be particularly cruel to her, she called on the goblins for help!
Goblin: [inside the closet] Listen!
Sarah: "Say the right words," the goblins said, "and we'll take the baby to the castle, and Du will be free!" But the girl knew, that the Goblin King would keep the baby in his schloss for ever and ever and ever, and turn it into a goblin! And so the girl suffered in silence. Until one day, when she was tired from a Tag of housework, and she was hurt Von the harsh words of her stepmother, and she could no longer stand it...

10- Sarah: I can bär it no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever Du may be take this child of mine far away from me!
Goblin: That's not it! Where did she get that rubbish? It doesn't even start with "I wish!"

11- Jareth: Du have thirteen hours in which to solve the labyrinth, before your baby brother becomes one of us... forever.

12- Hoggle: And Du wouldn't be so Merida - Legende der Highlands if you'd ever smelled the Bog of Eternal Stench. It's, it's...
Sarah: Is that all it does, is smell?
Hoggle: Oh, believe me, that's enough! But the worst thing is, if Du so much as set a foot in the Bog of Stench, you'll smell bad for the rest of your life. It'll never wash off.

13- Jareth: Well, what have we here?
Hoggle: Oh, uh, nothin'.
Jareth: [removing his disguise at the last second] Nothing? Nothing? NOTHING? Nothing, tra la la?

14- Sarah: You're horrible!
Hoggle: No, I ain't. I'm Hoggle.

15- Ludo: SMELL BAD!

16-Stepmother: She treats me like a wicked stepmother in a fairy story, no matter what I say.

17Jareth: I've brought Du a gift.
Sarah: What is it?
Jareth: It's a crystal. Nothing more. But if Du turn it this way and look into it, it will Zeigen Du your dreams. But this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming baby.

18- Sarah: Ow! It bit me!
Hoggle: What'd Du expect Elfen to do?
Sarah: I thought they did nice things, like... like granting wishes.
Hoggle: Shows what *you* know, don't it?

19- Sarah: Okay, let's handle this thing logically. What exactly have Du sworn?
Didymus: I have sworn with my life's blood, none shall pass this way without *my* permission!
Sarah: Well... May we have your permission?
Didymus: Well I, uh... I... that is, uh... hm... Yes?

20- Didymus: Sir Ludo, canst thou summon up the very rocks?
Ludo: Sure. Rocks friends.

21- Jareth: Du remind me of the babe.
Goblin: What babe?
Jareth: The babe with the power.
Goblin: What power?
Jareth: The power of voodoo.
Goblin: Who do?
Jareth: Du do.
Goblin: Do what?
Jareth: Remind me of the babe.

22- The Worm: 'Allo.
Sarah: Did Du say... hello?
The Worm: No, I sagte "'allo," but that's close enough.
Sarah: Oh... you're a worm, aren't you?
The Worm: Yeah, that's right.
Sarah: Du don't Von any chance know the way through this labyrinth, do you?
The Worm: Who, me? No, I'm just a worm. Say, come inside, and meet the missus.

23- The Worm: If she'd 'ave kept on goin' down that way she'd 'ave gone straight to that castle.

24- Jareth: Everything I've done, I've done for you. I Bewegen the stars for no one.

25- Jareth: Your eyes can be so cruel, just as I can be so cruel.

26- Jareth: Sarah, go back to your room. Play with your toys and your costumes. Forget about the baby.

27- Hoggle: This is an oubliette, labyrinth's full of 'em.
Sarah: Really. I didn't know that.
Hoggle: Oh don't act so smart. Du don't even know what an oubliette is.
Sarah: Do you?
Hoggle: Yes. It's a place Du put people... to forget about 'em!

28- Sarah: Give me the child.
Jareth: Sarah, beware. I have been generous up 'til now. I can be cruel.
Sarah: Generous? What have Du done that's generous?
Jareth: *Everything*! Everything that Du wanted I have done. Du asked that the child be taken. I took him. Du cowered before me, I was frightening. I have reordered time. I have turned the world upside down, and I have done it all for *you*! I am exhausted from living up to your expectations of me. Isn't that generous?

29- Guard: Well, the only way out of here is to try one of these doors!
Guard: One of them leads to the schloss at the end of the labyrinth, and the other one leads to...
Guard: Ba-baba-BOOM!
Guard: Certain DEATH!
Guard: Ooooooooooooohhhhh!

30- Fiery 1: When your thing gets wild, chilly down, chilly down!

31- Jareth: Higgle...
Hoggle: Hoggle!
Jareth: Yes, If I thought that for one Sekunde that Du would betray me, I would be forced to suspend you, head first, in the Bog of Eternal Stench.
Hoggle: [falls to his knees] Oh no! Your Majesty, not the eternal stench!
Jareth: Oh, yes!

32- Jareth: [to Toby] In 9 hours and 23 minutes... you'll be mine.

33- Jareth: Hello, Hedgewart.
Sarah: Hogwart.
Hoggle: Hog-gle!

34- Hoggle: Du have to understand my position. I'm a coward. And Jareth scares me.
Sarah: What kind of a position is that?
Hoggle: No position! That's my point.

35- Sarah: That's not fair!
Jareth: Du say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is?

36- Sarah: You're him, aren't you? You're the Goblin King! I want my brother back, please, if it's all the same.
Jareth: What's sagte is said.
Sarah: But, I didn't mean it.
Jareth: Oh, Du didn't?

37- Jareth: Tell me Sarah, what do Du think of my labyrinth?

38- The Hat: It's so stimulating being your hat.

39- Jareth: Turn back, Sarah. Turn back before it's too late.
Sarah: I can't. Don't Du understand I can't?
Jareth: What a pity.

40- Jareth: So, the Labyrinth is a piece of cake, is it? Well, let's see how Du deal with this little slice...

41- [Ludo and Didymus are fighting, Didymus climbs up Ludo's back]
Didymus: All right then! I can conquer this mountain!

42- Jareth: How Du turn my world, Du precious thing.

43- Jareth: It's only forever, not long at all.

44- [last lines]
Didymus: I say, does anyone want to play a game of Scrabble?

45- Hoggle: Them's my rightful property. It's not fair.
Sarah: No, it isn't. But that's the way it is.

46- [repeated line]
Sarah: It's not fair!

47- Jareth: Well? Laugh.

48- Sarah: Help! Stop it! Help!
Helping Hand: What do Du mean "help"? We *are* helping.
Different Helping Hand: We're Helping Hands.
Sarah: You're hurting!
Helping Hand: Would Du like us to let go? Heh-heh...
[They loosen their grip, Sarah starts to slide downward]
Sarah: No!
[They catch hold of her again]
Helping Hand: Well then, come on, which way?
Sarah: Which way?
Helping Hand: Up, oder down?
Sarah: Oh...
Helping Hand: Come on, come on.
Different Helping Hand: We haven't got all day.
Different Helping Hand: Well, it's a big decision for her.
Different Helping Hand: Which way do Du want to go, hm?
Sarah: Oh.
Helping Hand: Yes, which way?
Sarah: Well... since I'm pointed that way, I guess I'll go down.
Helping Hand: She chose DOOOOOWN!
Different Helping Hand: She chose *down*? Heh!
[they let go]
Sarah: Was that wrong?
Helping Hand: Too late now!

49- Goblin: Your mother is a fraggin' aardvark!

50- First Statue: Don't go on...
Sekunde Statue: Go back, while Du still can...
Third Statue: This is not the way...
Fourth Statue: Take heed, and go no further...
Fifth Statue: Beware, beware...
Sixth Statue: Soon it will be too late...
Hoggle: Ah, don't pay any attention to them, they're just false alarms. Du get a lot of them in the Labyrinth, especially when you're on the right track.
Seventh Statue: Oh, no you're not!
Hoggle: Oh, shut up.
Seventh Statue: I'm sorry, I'm just doing my job.
Hoggle: Well, Du don't have to do it to us.
Eighth Statue: [deep, booming voice] Beware, for...
Hoggle: Just forget it.
Eighth Statue: [normal voice] Oh, please. I haven't sagte it in such a long time.
Hoggle: Oh, all right. But don't expect a big reaction.
Eighth Statue: No, no, no, of course not.
Eighth Statue: [clears throat, deep, booming voice] For the path Du will take will lead Du to certain destruction!
[normal voice]
Eighth Statue: Thank Du very much.

51- Didymus: [finally entering the castle] Well, come on then!
Sarah: No! I have to face him alone.
Didymus: But why?
Sarah: Because that's the way it's done!
Didymus: Well, if that is the way it is done, then that is the way Du must do it. But, should Du need us...
Hoggle: Yes, should Du need us...
Sarah: I'll call.

52- Goblin Gunner: FIRE!
[He touches a match to the cannon, and a spiked ball fires. The Heroes duck, and it smashes into a wall, sticking there]
Goblin Cannonball: I hit something! Yes? No?

53- Didymus: [facing the entire Goblin army] All right, charge!
[a kanone fires, and Ambrocious does a quick about-turn and flees]
Didymus: Whoa, not that way! You're going the wrong way! THE BATTLE'S BEHIND US!

54- Didymus: Ambrocious, unlock this door!
[a spear point taps him on the shoulder, and someone clears his throat. Didymus turns around, and sees a squad of mounted goblins pointing their spears at his chest]
Didymus: So, had enough, eh? All right then, throw down your weapons, and I'll see that you're well-treated.

55- Didymus: Was that my stomach oder yours, Ambrocious?

56- Goblin: Jump that magic jump on me! Slap that baby, make him free!

57- Ludo: [in the mirror] Goodbye, Sarah.
Didymus: And remember, fair maiden, should Du need us...
Hoggle: Yes, should Du need us, for any reason at all...
Sarah: I need you, Hoggle.
Hoggle: Du do?
Sarah: [nods] I don't know why, but every now and again in my life - for no reason at all - I need you. All of you.
Hoggle: Du do? Well... WHY DIDN'T Du SAY SO?
[she spins around and sees them all in her room, including the goblins. She hugs them all, and a huge party begins]

58- The trödel, schrott, junk-e- Lady: What's the matter, my dear, don't Du like your toys?
Sarah: [comes to her senses] It's all junk!
The trödel, schrott, junk-e- Lady: [picks up a Musik box] Well, what about this? This is not junk, eh?
Sarah: [smashes Musik box] Yes, it is!
[Sarah's room crumbles without her notice]
Sarah: I have to save Toby!

59- Hoggle: [sadly, after Sarah broke free from the crystal] Oh, she'll never forgive me. What have I done? I've Lost my only friend. That's what I've done.

60- Sarah: [after eating the peach] Hoggle, what've Du done?
Hoggle: [leaves in fear] Oh, damn you, Jareth. And damn me, too.

61- [Sarah is running away from the feuer Gang]
Fiery 1: Hey, lady! It's against the rules to throwing other people's heads!
Firey 2: Yo! You're only allowed to throw your own head!
Firey 5: Yeah, that's right!

62- Sarah: [during battle] Ludo, call the rocks!

63- Jareth: I ask so little. Just let me rule you, and Du can have everything that Du want.

added by Nimnya
added by garrywalker
added by fanfly
Source: fanfly
added by Sarah-Williams
added by DoloresFreeman
added by kathiria82
added by DoloresFreeman
Source: made Von me
posted by s3ptamber
No one can blame you
For walking away
Too much rejection
No Liebe injection
Life can be easy
It's not always swell
Don't tell me truth hurts, little girl
'Cause it hurts like hell (echo)
But down in the underground (oh oh oh oh oh)
You'll find someone true (down underground)
Down in the underground (oh oh oh oh oh)
A land serene (oh oh oh oh)
A crystal moon, ah, ah

It's only forever
Not long at all
Lost and lonely
That's underground

Daddy, daddy, get me out of here (heard about a place today)
I, I'm underground (nothing never hurts again)
Heard about a place today (daddy, get me out of here)
Where nothing...
continue reading...
added by Emm_xD
Source: DeviantART
added by judesmommy
posted by ParaBowiefan94
(In a store)

Jareth: How much are these delightful edible crystals?
Cashier: (rolling eyes) they're rock Süßigkeiten sir and a dollar fifty.

(Clothes shopping in the mall)

Jareth: (goes up to employee with pair of leggings) excuse me.

Cashier: (looks up) what can I help Du with today?

Jareth: (holding up leggings) do Du have these in men's?

Cashier: (weirded out)

(At job interview for daycare)

Interviewer: have Du had any experience with kids before?

Jareth: yes indeed, Du see when unwanted children are wished away to the underground. I simply take them to my schloss in the goblin...
continue reading...
posted by s3ptamber
Du remind me of the babe
What babe? the babe with the power
What power? power of voodoo
Who do? Du do
Do what? remind me of the babe

I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry
What could I do?
My baby's Liebe had gone
And left my baby blue
Nobody knew:

What kind of magic spell to use?
Slime and snails
Or welpe dogs' tails
Thunder oder lightning
Then baby said
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Dance magic, dance (dance magic, dance)
Put that baby spell on me
Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Jump magic, jump (jump magic, jump)
Put that magic jump on me
Slap that baby, make him free

I saw my baby, trying...
continue reading...
added by DoloresFreeman
Source: made Von me
added by fanfly
Source: fanfly
added by Nimnya
added by Nimnya
added by Nimnya
added by Nimnya
added by Nimnya
added by Nimnya