L,Beyond Birthday,Buck,and Fan characters Club
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We reached the hotel in less than 15 minutes. Whammy got out and walked over to my door. He opened it before I got the chance and me and L stepped out. We walked inside and headed to our room. When we got to it we walked in and I collapsed onto the couch. L fell to and hugged around me when he did. I smiled and kissed his sweet tasting lips. I gasped when I felt something wet and plump enter my mouth. L's tongue started exploring,not leaving one corner untouched. When he finished he pulled away and was smiling. I stared,a shocked look on my face. He pulled me close and set his head on mine. I closed my eyes and cuddled up to him. He then reached under my legs and picked me up. I held on around his neck as he took me into our bedroom. He laid me on the bett and then went to the other side and laid down. I cuddled up to him and we laid there, feeling like we were the only two in the world. We then started kissing. Then other things I would say but I just want to leave it as it was the happiest time of my life.