Knuckles and Locke Club
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posted by musiclover2015
Lara-Su dancing with Argyle at her Unveiling
Due to his own bad experiences in the position of Guardian, Knuckles refused to allow Lara-Su to begin training to become a Guardian, even though she wanted to follow in his footsteps. This continued until she was sixteen and had her Unveiling, a ceremony in which adolescent female Echidnas are introduced to adult society. Lara continued badgering her father to let her become a Guardian, leaving them both irritable to the point where Lara attacked her cousin Rutan in a school class that they shared. Despite her discontent with her father's wishes,...
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added by musiclover2015
Source: Von me
posted by musiclover2015
Knuckles is a wild and tough echidna. He is stubborn and doesn't adapt easily. Once he and Sonic were rivals, but their differences have been resolved. He is often jealous of Sonic's free spirit (Rouge once stated that Knuckles had an "inferiority complex") He is famous as a treasure hunter and a master of martial arts. His arms are so powerful that he can shatter rocks. Ever since the big Chaos Control, Knuckles has become dedicated to finding the Chaos Emeralds so he can go back to his job of guarding the Master Emerald.

Knuckles hails from an unnamed world in a parallel dimension...
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Born to the Dark Legion Grandmaster Luger and his Sekunde wife Mari-Su, Julie-Su had a troubled life early on. Her half siblings, Kragok and Lien-Da, treated her with disdain from the beginning, having been opposed to their father's remarriage and jealous of the affection she received from her mother and father. Shortly after the "accident" which claimed her mother's life, Julie-Su was placed under the foster care of the Dark Legion couple Simon and Floren-Ca as Luger had no parenting skills whatsoever. When Julie-Su's father disappeared, never to be seen again, her sinister siblings then activated her Memory Neutralizing Chip thus erasing her memory, as neither wanted her to share in their future role as leaders of the Dark Legion. (StH: #205, SSS: #11)
posted by musiclover2015
Knuckles (MxYL) is the Mobius: X Years Later version of Knuckles the Echidna. Following a major power increase of unknown cause, he defeated his time line's version of Dr. Eggman Von becoming Chaos Knuckles, and after wards attempted to recreate Mobius as he thought it should be, similar to the activities of Knuckles Prime as Enerjak. He was thwarted Von Sonic, who used an alien device of unknown origin to nullify his powers. The resulting explosion cost Knuckles his right eye, and may have been the beginning of an antagonism between him and Sonic that continued for several decades afterward. They were able to put aside this feud in the face of two great threats to Mobius: first, a disruption in the Weltraum time continuum that threatened to destroy the planet, and later the tyranny of King Shadow. In his personal life, Knuckles also became the father of Lara-Su through his girlfriend Julie-Su.
Knuckles developed a relationship with Julie-Su, a former Dark Legion member that defected to be with him. The two are linked Von a sixth sense known as the Soultouch, which showed them that they were destined to be together. Because of their similar personalities, the two are very close. (KtE: #4, #25)

At the wedding of Bunnie Rabbot and Antoine D'Coolette, Sonic teased about the possibility of the two making their relationship "official" Von getting married as well. However, Julie-Su pointed out the Dark Legion never had such ceremonies, and neither were interested in 'dressing up' again. Instead,...
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posted by musiclover2015
Knuckles first met Sonic the Hedgehog when the Freedom Fighter and his sidekick Tails stumbled across Angel – Jäger der Finsternis Island and flew up to investigate. Having met-and been fooled by-Dr. Ivo Robotnik, Knuckles thought that the pair were after the Chaos smaragd he and the other Guardians had protected for generations. He thus employed all his knowledge of the island and its boobie traps against the two, eventually taking them captive. Releasing them later, he followed them on the suspicion that they would go after the Emerald, only to have Robotnik take it instead. Acknowledging his mistake, Knuckles...
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posted by musiclover2015
Prior to Knuckles' birth, his father Locke received a vision from the Ancient Walkers that warned him of a threat that would one Tag come upon Mobius and that his son would have to stand against. As a result, Locke performed experiments on himself and later on Knuckles' unhatched egg, all for the purpose of creating the ultimate Guardian. His work appeared rewarded when Knuckles began displaying intelligence beyond his years, and Locke was soon teaching Knuckles at a college level. Locke wanted to begin Knuckles' training as guardian at age three, but Lara-Le didn't want Knuckles to be raised...
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Knuckles first learned of his younger brother's conception from his mother Lara-Le after the Echidnas were brought back from the Twilight Zone thanks to the powers of Chaos Knuckles. Lara revealed it during a heated argument with Knuckles over his support of Dimitri, in which she decried Dimitri as a dangerous threat to her children, which briefly had Knuckles confused as he was an only child at the time. Due to his temporary death and then being cut off from Angel – Jäger der Finsternis Island for a year, Knuckles was absent when Kneecaps was born and never received word of it from his parents.

Kneecaps first met...
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Julie-Su remained loyal to Knuckles despite his feelings of guilt, taking the Chaotix back to Angel – Jäger der Finsternis Island to keep an eye on him. She was happily reunited with him after he received a pep talk from Rouge, but the pair soon found another problem to deal with: the Dark Egg Legion, formed Von the remnants of the Dark Legion swearing allegiance to Dr. Eggman in exchange for technology to replace that which they had Lost because of Enerjak's actions. Knuckles continued to hold himself responsible for his actions, even though it had been the work of Dr. Finitevus' spell that had turned him against...
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After the Iron Dominion was defeated, Knuckles welcomed Espio back into the Chaotix, the Chameleon revealing that the Bride of Constant Vigil had sent him there long Vor to observe Knuckles as other Chameleons had long observed the Brotherhood of Guardians. Knuckles was initially angered to learn that Espio apparently had knowledge of his forebears, but the Chameleon responded Von saying that he had known only about the Brotherhood's existence and Knuckles, with no real details. Knuckles sat patiently as Espio revealed other secrets he had learned about the Chaotix-including Vector's Downunda origins and the continued existence of Mighty's sister-and was present when Mighty arrived to bid goodbye to his companions before setting out to find his missing sibling. (StH: #212)
posted by musiclover2015
The future Tails was first portrayed, in the unaltered future, as wearing a brown scarf, white gloves with brown, fingerless overlays, a brown utility belt, a brown shoulder pouch, and large brown boots. (StH: #138).

In the altered future, his appearance was changed very slightly. He now wore brown aviator's goggles, a brown scarf, an armband device on his right arm (which he used to maintain his place in the timestream after events were changed), the same white gloves, but with only brown wrist straps on them, a brown utility belt, and large brown boots. (StH: #166, #167).

It is still unsure whether the future Tails maintains any of his Chaos powers oder super forms, but he still has his mechanical talents.

Background Information:
Mina and Tails's kids names can be based on their parents' abilities:

* Skye Prower is so named because Tails can fly (flying in the sky).
* Melody Prower is so named because Mina can sing (singing with a melody).
With the Iron Dominion's assault focused on New Mobotropolis, Knuckles took it upon himself to hunt down Dr. Finitevus so as to learn his secrets and bring him to justice. This occurred after General Stryker sent him a summons, leading to a meeting at the Dingo camp. After revealing that his forces had uncovered Finitevus' lab and details on Project Enerjak: Reborn, Stryker dismissed any claims Knuckles had of guilt in the matter. With the General's help, Knuckles set out on his hunt with Julie-Su and Mighty for backup. After being dropped off in Sandopolis Von their old friend Harry, the trio...
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Upon regaining his awareness and learning of his father's death, Knuckles immediately targeted the one responsible: Dr. Finitevus. Despite landing a powerful blow, Knuckles failed to catch his nemesis before Finitevus escaped through a Warp Ring. Blaming himself for his actions as Enerjak despite being brainwashed and blaming the whole incident on his decision to leave Angel – Jäger der Finsternis Island, Knuckles resolved to remain the island permanently. (StH: #184)

The Chaotix respected his decision, but joined him to keep a close eye on him. Escaping them, Knuckles traveled to Albion, peeking in on his mother...
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Maddened Von pain and desperate to find his Lost friends, Knuckles returned to Angel – Jäger der Finsternis Island struggling to get a hold on his newly increased powers. Sensing his great-grandson's peril, Athair brought Tails to the island from Knothole in the hopes that he would be able to reason with Knuckles. Unfortunately, the now green Guardian was beyond reason, and soon knocked his young friend unconscious. Turning to Tails' uncle Merlin, Athair soon had Tails ready to rejoin the battle as Turbo Tails, but the young hero was replaced with a duplicate Von Mammoth Mogul. This duplicate Tails, thought to be the...
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posted by musiclover2015
Julie-Su is very similar to Knuckles in personality, Schauspielen tough most of the time while really being quite caring underneath. She is an advocate of "girl power", serving as the only female member of the Chaotix until Saffron and later Rouge joined the group. Julie-Su is always willing to go into any danger, particularly when it involves saving Knuckles, whom she always attempts to aid despite his assurances that he doesn't need it.

Julie-Su, known to her Friends as Julie, Jules, oder 'Su, prefers to go into battle with her Friends rather than wait on the sidelines. She is also even Mehr of a...
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added by musiclover2015
Source: Sonic the hedgehog comics
added by musiclover2015
Source: Sonic X TV Zeigen
posted by musiclover2015
Knuckles is honest, independent, headstrong and devoted to his duty. He is very serious and usually likes to be Von himself, but can be relied upon to help out whenever the planet needs saving. At times he seems jealous of the freedom that Sonic has, but is always ready to help his Friends when needed. He also maintains close ties to his Friends and family, though at times such relationships are tense. (StH: #39, #125, KtE: #16)

Knuckles also faces a number of problems. From Tag one, Knuckles has lived a life different from that of any normal Mobian. Recently he has been linked to an ancient...
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posted by musiclover2015
Sonic the Hedgehog is the main protagonist of the Anime series Sonic X. Lightning fast on his feet, but super slow to lose his cool, Sonic is always revved up and ready for a run-in with his archenemy, Dr. Eggman. Sonic's fear of water is even Mehr present in the series.

Brave new world
Sonic hails from an unnamed world in a parallel dimension to Earth. His backstory is a mystery but it's known that he befriended Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream and Cheese and many small Tiere as well as battling Eggman. One day, he attempted to rescue his Friends Cream the Rabbit and Cheese the Chao from...
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