Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil Club
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posted by yoyo98
Kick was extremely mad. He keeps getting waked up Von Gunther, which means he might be slightly cranky, and already he is totally out of it. As much as he wanted to save Gunther that night, he couldn't. It was for both his and Gunther's sake. If he gets caught trying to break Gunther out of jail, he might not have the energy to get away. Nobody can break them out of jail if he gets cuaght. He knew it would be best if he stayed at the hotel and got a lot of sleep that all night and day. Kick planned to break Gunther out of jail at night. Usually it's easier then. Right when his head hit the pillow, he was knocked out.
Gunther had to change into a black and white striped suit. He felt ashamed of himself, and worried that
Kick might never come and break him out of jail.
"WHY DO I HAVE TO BE HERE?" Gunther yelled.
"Because, you're not smart!" A person in another cell replied.
"I want donuts......." Gunther mumbled. He went onto the hard, uncomfortable bed. It was as hard as a rock. The bett hurt Gunther's back.
"Owww. How can these weirdos sleep on this thing?" Gunther mumbled. He was scared of being in jail. It looked creepy to him. There were no windows, not even a small one. He saw nothing but gray stones surrounding him. Even though his back was in a lot of pain, he fell asleep. Gunther was extremely nervous, tired, hungry, thirsty, in a lot of pain, scared, and terrified that he might never see sunlight again.