Kate and Sawyer Club
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added by thatssoromantic
schlittschuh, skate
added by BrightSparkle
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posted by sahour95
Ok don't kill me guys,it's just I wanted to say this.
Now as we atched La Fluer we saw Sawyer very happy with Juliet whiche made me believe that SKate has ended.Before Du kill me lets be reasonable,first Sawyer told Juliet in The little prince,That he didn't talk to Kate oder touch her coze"What's done is done"Which made me think that he can't take back what happened and she's gone he have to get over her.Now on the other hand Kate doesn't care any Mehr about him.She got over him completly,she didn't even bother asking about Lock about him.That made me mad first but when I watched La Fluer and...
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added by BeautifulLover
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added by BeautifulLover
added by Deiona
Source: www.tumblr.com
added by Deiona
added by lost_Skater
added by lost_Skater
added by BeautifulLover
added by BeautifulLover
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added by BeautifulLover
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added by Deiona
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added by BeautifulLover
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added by BeautifulLover
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added by Deiona
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added by Deiona
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added by Deiona
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added by Nibylandija
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added by Nibylandija
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