Jinx Club
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added by Shadow5772
Source: DeviantART
added by funkyrach01
Source: titansgo
added by Chibi-Chipette
Source: wasabeejam@instagram
added by hideandseek527
Source: Who Is Jinx Worried for
added by hideandseek527
Source: What Is Jinx Dancing To
added by hideandseek527
Source: Who Is Jinx Sad For
added by hideandseek527
Source: Who is Scaring Jink
added by hfkklg
added by TDIlover226
Source: Photobucket
added by funkyrach01
Source: deviantART
added by Starfire889
added by funkyrach01
Source: DC Database
added by Chibi-Chipette
Source: wasabeejam@instagram
posted by iceblaze123
I think that jinx should be part of titans east
I mean teen titans have raven
why not jinx be part the titans east I mean teen
titans have two girls titans east have one girl
it can be equal
a mage on both teams
she stong enough so yeah it wouldn't hurt
to have her as a hero to be honst for real
her powers can be used for good maybe she can be in young justice that might be too soon but still she can be good for a lot of things
added by Starfire889
added by TDIlover226
Source: Photobucket
added by 88che88
added by Chibi-Chipette
added by Chibi-Chipette
Source: Umi
added by KayakoFanatic
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