Cortese: There were two things at play. One, I figured they’re not going to be looking at me anyway; they’re going to be looking at Jared. And two, I was Mehr nervous because he is so big and so tough! [Laughs] Jared’s muscles… I mean, his arm is like the size of my body!"
TVGuide.com: That scene just cued up here on my DVD player… Look at Du two!
Cortese: [Laughs] I know…. That was fun. I’m going to be one hated girl!"

“Tonight she’s at her bridal dusche in Los Angeles with my mother, her mother, my sister, my sister-in-law, my nephew, her sister. It’s tough to go, ‘Hey baby, I Liebe you. I wish I was there, but I’m 1,500 miles away and I’m not gonna talk to Du for a few hours. I miss you.’ Those are the sacrifices, but if I didn’t work so hard and she didn’t work so hard, we wouldn’t be in this position, we wouldn’t have met each other in the first place, so Du just have to be grateful for what you’ve done and how Du got there"

And Padalecki had already scored considerable points with her family Von calling her stepfather and her two brothers to ask for her hand. The two were in New York, her mother said, and Padalecki suggested a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a place they had frequented. There, in front of their Favorit painting, “Joan of Arc,” painted in 1879 Von French realist Jules Bastien-Lepage, he proposed. “We knew it was happening and were just waiting for the call,” Batt recalled.

She came out onstage during the costume contest with someone dressed as Ruby and she was giggling and when he asked for their names she sagte “Mrs. Padalecki!” but it didn’t really sink in that it was Gen until she left.
This is sooo cute and funny...
FRom Tumblr... describing a Genevieve Padalecki sighting at NashCOn2011.
THis picture is tumblr.... Genevieve PAdalecki
Bottom picture:\
Jared and Genevieve holding onto each other as they left the hotel last night. Jared was smiling at me because we were talking as he walked away.