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posted by HuddyBea
Here Du go peeps. Sorry I wanted to post this yesterday but I wasn't in all Tag basically. Don't tear up too much, it's gonna get better in a few chapters, I promise.

PS I am gonna attach just the bit from the convo between Gabriella, Hugh and Robert, cause the chapter has nothing to do with Lisa and Jess, so it's pointelss quoting that bit, I guess. I might quote that in the Weiter one XD Gosh, it's getting complicated this alternate dialogues things LOL!


Previously on December/December:

Gabriella suddenly clapped her hands together “I have a wonderful idea! Why don’t Du come over for abendessen tonight? Before Du leave I mean…It’s been ages since Du have stopped by…” She sagte peering sideways at Robert.
Hugh rubbed his nape “That would be lovely…but…I…ehm…” he looked at Robert once again, no sign of reaction on his behalf. What about Lisa anyway? “I don’t know what time we will…”
“Oh don’t worry about that…” she reassured him patting his arm “Just come and have a decent meal for once…We’ll be waiting for you. Right Robert?” she asked lightly kicking his calf.
He stifled another ouch “Yes, yes of course…” he muttered without looking at Hugh.
Gabriella smiled satisfied “Ok, great”
“Has someone Von any chance thought about making a call to Lisa?” Katie suddenly asked looking at them reproachfully “Do I have to do everything Von myself??” Sometimes her ascetic composure cracked up.
Hugh jumped on his feet, without paying any Mehr attention to Robert.
“I am on it. She is in her trailer…I’ll go and get her” he sagte rushing off before having time to notice the look of astonishment on Robert’s face. He narrowed his eyes, fuming and tapping nervously with his fingers on the counter.
“Nice work. Very subtle…”
Gabriella turned to her husband, smiling “My pleasure dear…I figured Du might need some extra time, before coming up with a decent speech…how’s it going so far?”
He snorted, pushing himself upright nervously and looking at the spot where Hugh had disappeared “I am telling you, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I don’t like it…I don’t like it at all”


December/December - Chapter 12

5 March 2010

Gabriella pointed his eyes at him, smiling “So…what about home? How’re the kids?”
Hugh brought his glass to his lips “They are good, they are good” he answered between sips “You know they’re all scattered around Europe at the moment, so communication is quite hiccupping…but they are great. I am very proud of them…”
“Good…” she nodded drinking from her glass “So things have been sorted out between Du and Jo?” she asked patting Robert’s hand “Rob told me Du were having troubles…I hope Du don’t mind me asking…We are just concerned” she sagte looking lovingly at Robert as she was speaking on his behalf too.
Hugh peered at Robert over his glass. He was wearing an unreadable expression.
“Well…not exactly, but we are working on it. I’ll be okay. Thank you” he cut off.
Robert scoffed.
“What’s the problem Rob?” he asked. He was really starting get on his nerves tonight at this point.
“What problem? I don’t have a problem….” he sagte keeping his eyes obstinately pointed at the tablecloth as he played absentmindedly with some breadcrumbs with his fork.
Gabriella lifted the large pan in front of her, kindly offering another helping of lasagna with a large reassuring smile her face. Did she know what was going on? Her behaviour seemed suspicious.
“No thanks, Gabby …I am gonna burst” he emptied his glass, patting his abdomen “Seriously, it was all delicious…but I won’t be able to lift myself up tomorrow if Du keep stuffing me like this, I’ll most probably end up digging a furrow in my bed…”
He glanced over at Robert: not a flinch. He didn’t look like he was enjoying his company too much tonight.
“Rob, ask Hugh whether he wants some Mehr wine as I carry this to the kitchen…and behave” she admonished, Küssen him on the oben, nach oben of his head.
Robert pushed himself upright, snorting a little “My wife wants me to ask Du whether you’d like some Mehr wine…”
Hugh stared at him. This was the umpteenth time he sound so offish to him, tonight.
“No thanks” he said, glancing furtively at his watch: 10.30. He had hoped he would be Home before 11…at least to call her.
Robert sank deeper in his chair, almost spread-eagled. He looked seriously annoyed. “Do Du have somewhere else you’d like to be?
“Not really, but I’d better be going….” he stood up on his feet “It’s getting late…”
Gabby came back from the küche and Hugh immediately turned to her “Thanks for the lovely abendessen Gab. It has been ages since I’ve eaten so well…”
“Anytime sweetie” she sagte smiling warmly at him “Rob walk Hugh to the door, please. I’ll clear the tabelle and start to do the dishes” She leaned over to KISS him.
“I’ll be right there to help you…” Robert sagte between kisses.
She smiled knowingly, glancing sideways at Hugh “Take your time”
She headed to the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone. There was a brief moment of silence until Robert gestured for him to go ahead. They walked silently along the hallway. They arrived in front of the door and Hugh reached for his coat.
“I supposed I’ll see Du on Monday…” he asked tentatively. He wished he had Mehr time to figure out what was going on, but he was truly torn apart. He didn’t want to leave things between them like that, whatever the reason, but he really wanted to go Home and call Lisa too.
Robert barely looked at him, stuffing his hands in his pants pockets. He leaned sideways against the doorjamb “Probably not…I have just one Mehr scene for this episode and I don’t know when we are gonna shoot it…”
Hugh scratched the side of his jaw with his fingers “I see…”
Gabriella popped out of the küche door “Robert…why don’t Du offer Hugh a glass of Glen Grant. Du can have it in the studio …”
Hugh hesitated “I don’t know Gabby…I told you…”
“Come on, it’s digestive….this way Du two can keep on chit-chatting a little longer” she sagte winking at him and waiting for Robert to say something in agreement.
Chit-chatting? Ok, she definitely knew something. Could somebody please fill him in?
“Ok, fine…” Robert suddenly snapped “….this way” he sagte walking vexed with his shoulders down and a huge scowl on his face. Hugh followed in silence. He should really be going if he wanted to be able to talk to Lisa before she went to bett and he still had to make up a decent excuse to call her at this Stunde of the evening that didn’t sound totally pathetic, but Robert’s attitude was really bugging him Mehr than he was willing to admit to himself. What might have he done to piss him off so much?
They entered the studio and Robert went straight to the liquor cabinet, bending down to get two glasses. Hugh collapsed in one of the armchairs, tossing his legs over the armrest.
“Here Du go” Robert said, sitting down in front of him. He pushed a glass to him and he started making the surface of his drink ripple.
Hugh’s phone vibrated in his back pocket. He got it out. Text message.
Just wanted to say goodbye and good luck with your Canadian mini tour. Do rock the house, don’t get into any trouble with your usual Charlie Sheen-like behaviour, do not smoke and don’t Du dare use this as an excuse to not get back safe, sicher and sound. Du promised. Mamma Mia! On Wednesday. PS Carried out any bloodbaths in the end? Lisa
He brought one hand to his lips, tucking his lower lip in between his fingers, smiling. Lisa was nuts about the genre, whereas he wasn’t really a musical-type, but he couldn’t have cared less what they would watch. As long as he got to see her when he was back.
Robert moved in his sessel “Something important?”
Hugh cleared his throat “Not really…just Lisa wishing me good luck and carrying on in her loving manner Zufällig threats of death against my person” he sagte dismissively unable to prevent a little smirk from appearing on his face.
Robert stared uneasily at him. He almost looked like he was fuming now.
He put the phone down, taking a deep breath. He would call her later, now he needed to address this. “May I ask the reason why Du look and sound so pissed at me today?”
Robert put down his glass, folding his hands. He looked deadly serious.
“Of course Du can…” he answered slightly taunting him “As long as Du tell me what THIS is” he said, apparently pointing his eyes at the table.
Hugh started confusedly at him “Ehm…a table?!”
Robert dropped his shoulders down, looking considerably exasperated. He reached for his phone.
“I mean…this!”
Hugh breathed in deeply, widening his eyes in exasperation. It was almost 11 pm, he was tired, he still have to pack his things, he feared Lisa would fall asleep before he could even text her back and he really didn’t know what Robert was getting at . He tried to loose the tension.
“This is a phone. They invented it in 1817. It was an Italian guy, I think. oder maybe Du was referring to the mobile technology. Would Du like me to download Du the infos?”
Robert looked graver and graver. In his time something like this would have worked. Maybe…
He snapped sounding even Mehr annoyed and fed up with him that he would have ever expected “Are Du pulling my leg? oder are Du just fooling yourself? ‘Cause I am running out of possibilities here!”
Hugh frowned. This is was getting crazy, why was he reacting like that? To what?
He put his legs down, sitting up on the edge.
“What’s Du problem with me today? What have I done? Had Lisa done something to you? ‘Cause Du seem like flying off the handle every time I mention her basically…”
Robert scoffed tossing his head backwards.
“No. Lisa hasn’t done anything”
Easy to read between the lines. “Which I assume is code for you did instead, am I right? So spit it out. Come on. Why are angry at me?”
Robert looked into his eyes, taking a deep breath. It was as if he was at loss for words, struggling to explain a concept he found absolutely obvious.
“BECAAAUSE” he sagte slowly, starting to emphasize each phrase separately “YOU ARE…..DANCING ….AROUND EACH OTHER…AGAIN” he drifted off as if he had already explained himself thoroughly enough.
“What do Du mean Von dancing around each other?? When??”
“Oh for God’s sake Hugh…” Robert snapped, jumping up on his feet and rubbing his face with both hands “DON’T START repeating my sentences…”
Hugh looked up at him in astonishment “Ok fine, but just…sit down…could Du please tell me what’s going on?”
Robert sat down nervously, leaning vorwärts-, nach vorn over the tabelle on Mehr time. He looked like he was about to explode today, but he sighed, working on his breathing.
“NOTHING. Nothing is happening. Du haven’t done ANYTHING. It’s March already and Du have done NOTHING”
Hugh shook his head trying to understand “What do Du want me to do?!”
“Me??? What do I want Du to do??? What do you want to do about your life!!”
“What do Du mean…what do I…Ok ok, fine…I am not going to repeat your question” he cut off noticing the killing stare Robert was giving him already.
“What are your plans…as in life?” Robert asked abruptly.
Hugh looked him with a scowl on his face “Are Du still in character Von any chance…I mean, Du do realize we are off set now…” He was pushing his luck. He did realize that, but Robert was exasperating him today. Why didn’t he just speak his mind clearly? Robert pressed his lips.
“With Lisa Hugh…what are your plans with Lisa…and in general with your whole existence, if Du don’t mind me asking…” he added sarcastically.
Hugh leaned backwards against the back sitz “What about Lisa? We are friends…”
Robert arched his eyebrows. He didn’t look satisfied “What else?”
Hugh laughed nervously “Nothing else Robert. Geez…why are Du putting things like that?! For heaven’s sake…” he sagte scratching the back of his head, lowering his gaze ever so slightly “We are just two people who happen to spend some time together, without…” he paused drawing wide circles in the air with his hand, as he always did when he was trying to make a point “…complications, enjoying each other’s company. Nothing Mehr than friends….” he repeated nodding as if he was trying to convince himself Mehr than Robert. But why was he doing that, again?
“Oh good…” Robert answered half-tauntingly pinching his tone higher “…you talked to Jo then…”
“Jo?! “ he asked puzzled, suddenly realizing where all of this was coming from “No, no…but wait a minute, she keeps avoiding my calls…it’s not my fault”
Robert pursed his lips, teasing him for his late epiphany. “Ah…avoiding calls. Powerful argument…”
Robert put his hands on the table, his palms wide opened as if he was trying to channel his thoughts “Hugh. Listen to me. I am your friend. Du can’t expect things going anywhere with Lisa, as long as Du don’t take care of this”
Hugh leaned over clearly starting to lose his nerve too.
“First of all, things with Lisa are just fine. We are working on it. We are Friends right now and this is ok for me…”
“Is it? Really?! oder Du just talked yourself into believing it is?” Robert sagte pinching his tone even higher and staring directly into his eyes.
Hugh’s face darkened “One takes what life brings” he slowly answered.
“NO that’s your philosophy, one does not get what life brings…one fights to get from life what he deserves and if he fails…DAMN you’ve tried!!!”
“I HAVE tried but…she’s moved on. And I am respecting that”
“Hugh, listen to me. I am worried about you…” he sagte softening his tone a little “I am worried about both of you”
Hugh’s eyes darkened even more. He wasn’t sure he wanted to listen to this.
“First, Du barely talk to each other anymore. You’ve been miserable for months and she….” he averted his gaze from him, abandoning himself against the back, making a wide movement with his right arm “…she’s been completely worn out. For months. All the beautiful things about her were just…gone”
Hugh felt a heart-wrenching pain in his chest.
“And then she was ok again. She was not herself yet but she was back being…” he hesitated “…almost happy…”
It was like someone was stabbing him repeatedly in his chest.
“And now” Robert pressed on, merciless “God knows Von what kind of miracle, you’re back talking and laughing and spending time together and TEXTING between takes and before going to bed!! And don’t get me wrong….I’m happy for you…but…” he stopped midsentence, trying to collect his thoughts. “…you gotta make a choice Hugh…”
He didn’t understand, it wasn’t his choice anymore.
“NO Robert…she made hers! I am not going to force her into…”
“INTO WHAT? What?” Robert inquired pinching his voice higher again “Tell what THIS…THING between the two of Du is or…might be… What’s this endless dance is supposed to mean? What’s Lisa for you, Hugh? A friend?”
Hugh narrowed his eyes, clenching his teeth. “YES she is a friend. What’s the problem with that?”
Robert shook his head, looking at him wide-opened “The problem IS…you’re not her friend…”
“I am” he insisted stubbornly.
“YOU are not” Robert sagte categorically “I am not blind Hugh. Nobody is…”
Hugh sank deeper into his armchair.
Nobody who? Had someone noticed something?
“I see the way Du stare at her over Du script from across the room when Du pretend to be revising your lines and that’s just a lame excuse to keep sticking around when she is on set…”
Hugh crossed his arms over his chest, looking at him with annoyance “I have to stick a around. I am the main character”
Robert ignored him “AND I see the way she thanks Du for every Zufällig something Du do for her, either just opening the door for her oder surprising her Von buying her favourite Schokolade bars…”
And how did he know about these things anyway?
“…she always casts Du a smile that would dazzle a blind person…”
Did she?! Like on purpose oder without thinking?
“So I am asking you…once again what’s Lisa for you, Hugh? A friend? I wouldn’t say so. A stranger? I don’t think so. Just a co-worker? Very unlikely…so tell me what’s left?”
Hugh stood silent.
Robert pressed his lips. Maybe it was time to push his buttons to the breaking point. If there was anything he’d learned about him all these years it was that sometimes he truly needed to trigger his reactions if he wanted to achieve something. He took a deep breath: this would hurt, but it was inevitable “…or maybe…” he locked eyes with him “…you think she is just a potential lover Du can dispose whenever Du don’t feel like having the guts to go for it anymore?”
Hugh dropped his jaw wide open, his face getting red and furious as he sprang up on his feet.
“Don’t Du fucking dare!! I have NEVER, EVER, thought about Lisa that way!! Du know that!!! Du know perfectly well how much I lov…”
Robert watched him freezing, as the last word choked into his mouth. He nodded seriously at him, sighing. “One truly needs to get Du worked up if he wants to drag some honest Antwort out of you, huh?”
Hugh dropped himself down on the armchair, angry, although he didn’t know whether he was Mehr for having avoided the issue for so long oder at Robert for forcing him to face this so out of the blue.
He snorted “Ok fine. Lisa and I….we aren’t exactly on the same page in this relationship...or whatever this is. What do Du want me to do? I made a choice! I left. I went to Lisa. She made hers”
“Hugh…that’s not enough of a choice at this point. They would have been like…two years Vor oder last Jahr maybe, but now…” he paused looking for the right words “…you’re after the time limit”
Hugh rolled his eyes, annoyed. This talk wasn’t getting them anywhere “We are dealing with whatever comes”
“You sure you’re ready to deal with whatever comes?” Robert asked as if he was meaning Mehr than he was telling him.
Hugh ruffled his hair sighing and then something he had tried hard not to think about lately crossed his mind. Something he wasn’t actually ready to deal with. He sat suddenly up.
“Why? Did she say something to you?”
“I am just asking…” he justified himself, his voice Mehr tense than he wanted it to be.
Robert pressed his lips in a tight line before answering, “No she didn’t. Not a word”
He let himself drop backwards again.
“Hugh…” Robert called him with Mehr softness in his voice now “…this dance, this thing between the two of you…someone is gonna get hurt, once again”
He tossed his head down, wrapping both arms around it “What do Du want me to do Robert? I am begging you, tell me what can I do? Stalking my wife ‘till she returns my calls. Talk her into giving me a divorce oder a legal separation Von mail?? And even if I do, Lisa….” he took a deep breath trying to keep his mind from spinning “…she might not be willing to reconsider anymore. So…” he shrugged almost in defeat “what’s the point of pursing it….what’s the point of hassling Jo anyway…”
Robert lay down onto the backrest. Hugh lifted his head up to look at him and saw the most disappointed expression he had ever seen carved on his face.
“So we are back to the story of your life…” Robert sagte bitterly “You won’t take the plunge till someone comes along and takes Du Von your hand, assuring Du it’s gonna be ok…Two birds with one stone, otherwise it isn’t even worth it ?” he snapped even Mehr bitterly. He scoffed, making him feel like crap even more. “Have Du ever done something just for yourself in your whole life?”
Hugh sighed exasperated “What now, I am not selfish enough?”
“I meant….ever made a choice that just screamed this is what I want, this is what I need and I am ready to go for it whatever it takes…
Hugh stayed silent, his head still dangling in between his legs, as he slowly processed his words.
“Nice” Robert pressed on “It’s easy this way: when Du don’t have to choose blindly knowing Du might end up doing it oder die in the attempt…”
He really didn’t know what to say. Seizing the moment on small things…that was something he could do. He was learning. But on such a matter…
Robert stood up in way that clearly stood for a we are done here.
“You know Hugh…I Liebe you, but…maybe Lisa was right all along…”
Hugh snapped his head up looking at him.
“Maybe Du just don’t crave happiness they way normal people do. Maybe….you just don’t want things badly enough. Maybe…you can’t live for yourself”.

I promised you'll get this week sometime this week, and well, I really got down to it, and I'm happy that I can present Du with the prologue today :DDD
So, I really hope that Du like this one guys,
Cause, boy, I am taking a really really HUGE risk out here, and Du won't know what it is till chapter 1. :P
I'm hopeful Du will like it, cause I'm both scared and thrilled about it :D

Comments are love! :D


Hugh sat in his living room, scotch sipped in a glass somewhere in the afternoon placed on the coffee tabelle in front of him, expecting his Chinese take out to arrive any moment. It was a...
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The PCA had ended, Lisa was starving like Hugh.
"Hey, what do Du say if we had abendessen together?" Asked Lisa.
"Your place oder mine?" Hughes said.
"In my own"

Both got into the limousine. Arriving at the Home of Lisa, she kissed Hugh.
"This is great! We started the Jahr great! Du divorced, I Liebe you, Du won 2 awards, mention that I Liebe you? "Said Hugh Lisa and kissed again.
"I Liebe Du too ... and what we'll eat? Because I really am starving! "
"Uhm ... yesterday I made some fettuccine, the one Du like!"
"Really?! So what are we waiting for?! "

Lisa only ate a small plate of fettuccine while...
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posted by tabbyhearts
Note: sucky fanfic alert! Okay, so I'm posting this at 3 in the morning because I realized that I might not have internet in NYC at our friend's apartment.

It's also really short because my baby, a Huddy fic, is taking up most of my time. But I could never forget Huli for the holidays.

Anywho, I shall shut up and let Du read.

Keep sinning! (:C

It was Valentine's Day, and the city was abuzz with excitement; lovers, family, Friends and even the single ones, all celebrating in their own way. Most restaurants were filled now, along with the less classy bars, and some winter bearers able to face...
continue reading...
added by huddyislove
Source: Hilly
posted by huddyislove
Hello guys... If Du have been wondering why I'm so little on FP lately, read this link

Anyway, I get this Lost thing's been too long, and thanks for Lesen :DDD
Here's some Mehr of it :)))))

Hugh pulled over in front of “The elegant child of Beverly Hills” toy store. It was a Shop for children under the age of three. Browsing through the papers left in the car, he stumbled upon several receipts that suggested Lisa and ‘he’ shopped there before.
Waving to the three paparazzi that were amused to see Hugh there, he got inside the store, the flashes still behind him.
Hugh knew why paparazzi...
continue reading...
TO prove I'm nothing like that maniac that is putting us through crap, and we come back for Mehr even though he did so,
I decided to cheer everyone a little bit up :)))))
I APOLOGIZE for being a complete BITCH!
once Du experience it on your skin, Du don't want to yourself doing that to other people :)
enjoy guys,
enjoy while Du can

Their lips joint for the umpteenth time. Each time for a little bit longer.
Lisa trailed kisses down his collarbone.
What an idiot he’d been for pushing her away the Zurück night.
His hands trailed sides of her warm body; hers roamed his lower back.
continue reading...
posted by huddyislove

So... I see Du are all just as Lost as Hugh is XD
This chapter will... let's say... enlighten Du a little bit :D
Everything will start making sense, up to some point... 3;D
So, your reviews are pumping me full of Schreiben material, and as always I find it hard not to post a new chapter every Tag :D
This one I like to call "there's an explanation to almost everything"
If Du want to know why, scroll down!
This one is going to be lo-ong!!! ;D

Staring at the box’s content, Hugh’s jaw slowly dropped. Out of everything, he didn’t expect this. He spread it all over the living room carpet and started...
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posted by huddyislove

Hey guys!!!
As I said, I'm calling it a truce XD
I need to spoil you!
Tnx for your lovely reviews!!!
Oh, and someone asked how Elyon is pronounced, well
I know it's unusual name (and I am a Fan of those XD) but it's pronounced pretty much easily- like
If that made any sense XD
(I know Hugh started too XD)

“Daddy, I’m fine… I can get dressed Von mysewf” Elyon smiled as Hugh struggled to get her out of the bath. Wrapping a towel around her small body, he figured he should have some fun time with her and threw her on her shoulder. Elyon screamed excitedly as Hugh carried her...
continue reading...
Hi sinners! Well this is the chap before the big finale XDDD LOL Mmm not much to tell so…

Stupid, stupid woman. Why does she play a game with me? I mean what the hell was that? The porch discussion I mean. Why does she suddenly blame me only? I am so mad I’m slamming every single door of my house and then I start throwing picture frames to the floor.

Pictures of my wife and me, my children, my friends. They all crash.

There has always been a special blue frame that carried one of my Favorit pictures. It crashes against the floor and as I realize that I bent down to pick it up. It’s you...
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posted by huddysmacked
Yeah I told Du last chap don’t get too excited here’s the why. And yeah it can actually happen. Important note don’t kill me please.Shorter tahn usual

Ouch, my head hurts so much. Oh God! What happened? I open my eyes and see Jo standing there. Did something happen with her? Why isn’t she hurt?

“Hey” Jo says as she stands Weiter to me.

“What happened?” Jo stares at me weirdly. Am I supposed to remember? I don’t remember what has happened today oder yesterday. Oh God! This is bad.

“You crashed in your bike. Du don’t remember?” I shake my head, then Du go outside and call...
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posted by huddyforever
They lay curled up together for a while until it was time to go to that interview. “We still have to go to the interview?” Hugh asked. “Yes…Shit! We need to go! Get ready!” Lisa sagte looking at the time. It was already 10:30am, and it would take them 20 Minuten to get to the place so they rushed around. In 10 Minuten they were both ready to go and all dressed. She was in her dress and her hair was curled and she had on her sunglasses with her new purse. He had his new suit on and they both matched beautifully. They rode in separate cars to the interview and they arrived with 5 minutes...
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Greece was amazing, but Du suffered 2 weeks without an update :D

Oh, and it's so lovely to see so many fanfics here :D
YOu guys make me proud :DDDD

Love Du all! ♥

House wandered around the house trying to find out something to do cause, well, sadly, his girlfriend was a very smart woman. And while most of the times it was a massive turn on, especially when she would beat him in an argument,
now, that wasn't such a perk.
He searched through the house, finding a lot of things that he'd never seen before but was sure that his mind had picked it up somewhere. After all, that was the only explanation...
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posted by douglas80
((Hi Sinners...hope Du enjoy this one like the others.....thanxs for the reviews and Du guys XD!!!))

2 hours later Jo came back. Hugh was in the küche preparing some sandwiches. He laid the dining tabelle with candles, wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.
J: Hi. For me?
H: For us.
J: What happened?
H: We should talk. And I thought we could eat some…..
J: Sandwiches?
H: I tried to cook a menu but……
J: Yes, I see.
H: Wine?
J: Thanks.
H: Charly called. Greatings from London.
L: (nodded) This isn´t a romantic abendessen right?
H: I don´t wanna fight with Du after all these years we...
continue reading...
posted by douglas80
((sorry guys for that long waiting! Hope Du like and enjoy the chap....thanx for all the lovely reviews;)) Liebe ya all!!XD ))

After abendessen Hugh and Lisa sat down on her couch. It was a very fine dining and they had a lot of fun. Lisa didn´t teased him again oder asked any Fragen about his little KISS before. She was afraid and didn´t really know what to say nor she knew where it had been going to oder not. And also she wouldn´t discuss her situation anew, but she didn´t reckon on him. Hugh won´t peg away at it. After a while of talking about work, press, Katzen and dogs, great britain and...
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added by tabbyhearts
Source: me
added by huddycallianfan
Source: @rcerione
added by houseluva8
Source: houseluva8
added by wendus92
Source: ET and me I guess
added by huddyislove
Source: iwatchforcuddy @ LJ
added by huddysmacked
Source: IMinCOMA @twitter