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posted by BeforeItWasCool
Disclaimer: I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as satisfying as the last scene of season six when House finally got not only what he needed but what he wanted! Oh, sorry that’s a PROclaimer. Okay, I own nothing in the House universe except a deep, undying Liebe for Dr. House and no court on earth can take that away!!

It’s About Time…Chapter One

Her Kommentare had washed away years of his doubt and sadness. Their dusche had washed away the layers of grime and blood on their bodies. And now he was going to wash away the longing that had plagued him since that night after the campus party. Lowering each other onto the bett as the early morning light brightened the corners of his bedroom, House and Cuddy took the time to look at each other. Both of their faces Wird angezeigt amazement, Liebe and an emotion neither of them ever thought they’d feel again: trust. House pushed a strand of Cuddy’s dark hair behind her ear and smile.
    “Wow,” he whispered as he brushed his lips along her cheek.
    “Wow,” Cuddy quietly replied. Reaching her hand to his neck, she pulled his lips to hers. The happiness and joy of the moment could barely be contained.
    House opened his eyes as he kissed Cuddy. Cuddy pulled back and looked up at him.
    “Damn,” House muttered.
    “HOUSE!” came the call again.
    “Do we answer him?” Cuddy asked.
    “Well, he’ll find out sooner oder later,” House grumbled. He looked at Cuddy. Concern tinged his voice as he asked, “Is sooner okay oder should I hide you?” His eyes glinted mischievously but he was sincere in his protection of her and Cuddy was touched. She nodded and kissed him. “Guess it’s gonna be sooner.”
    Just then the door burst open revealing Wilson, looking frantic. “House! Are Du okay?!” His eyes were wild and he was holding the bottle of vicodin House had left on his bathroom floor. “Foreman called. He sagte Du were despondent and I found this…” he stopped in midsentence. Wilson could see House lying in bett with a woman. The woman’s face was obscured and House was quickly pulling a sheet over the two of them. House stayed propped up on his elbow, blocking Wilson’s view of the woman’s face.
    “He used that word?” House called over his shoulder. “Despondent?”
    Wilson shook his head. “No, that was my interpretation of how he described Du and your actions. He was clearly worried, however. I raced over when I couldn’t reach Du on your phone.”
    “Appreciate that,” House said. He looked down at Cuddy. She smiled up at him, sharing in the delight of the secret that would soon not be their own. “But as Du can I’m doing pretty well and I’ll be doing even better here in a bit. So see ya!”
    Wilson watched as House leaned over and began nuzzling the woman in bett with him. Wilson was appalled. “Seriously, House!” He stood in the doorway, his hands on his hips in disgust. “You think that getting drunk isn’t enough of a slide down the slippery slope? Now you’ve gone back to cheap prostitutes to forget your pain and loneliness?” Wilson heard both House and the woman snicker.
    House stopped nuzzling and turned his head towards Wilson, continuing to block out his companion’s face. “Watch it, Jimmy,” he said, grinning. “The word ‘prostitute’ is politically incorrect now. They prefer to be called ‘love brokers’ now and this one is gonna cost me a fortune!”
    A hand lashed out from under the sheet and slapped House’s bare shoulder. “Hey!”
    Wilson’s eyes widened as he immediately recognized the throaty voice, but he nearly toppled over in disbelief when Lisa Cuddy peered out from behind House’s shoulder and smiled at him.
    “Morning, Wilson,” she sagte softly.
    Wilson did two full face wipes with his hand as he processed what he saw.
    “Am I hallucinating?” Wilson stammered.
    “Yes,” both Cuddy and House sagte quickly. They smiled at the thought that their brains came up with the same response.
    “How? When?” Wilson asked.
    “Can we fill Du in later, Wilson?” House asked. He motioned to Cuddy lying naked in his bed. “Unrequited Liebe to requite and all.”
    “Love?!” Wilson blurted. The Tag was just getting Mehr surreal.
    House looked at Cuddy. “Absolutely,” he said. Cuddy simply nodded. Time stopped as they stared at each other, Wilson’s presence long forgotten.
    “Well, it’s about damn time,” Wilson proclaimed. “I’ll just leave Du two to ravish each other.” He smiled. “I’ll make excuses for Du both at work.” He paused. “Separate excuses?”
    House turned to Wilson and smiled sincerely. “Yeah, for now,” he said. “We’ll figure out details later….much later.” His voice trailed off as he turned back to Cuddy and wrapped his arms around him.
    Wilson watched his two Friends as he backed quietly out the door. He saw Cuddy reach for House and cover his mouth with hers just as the door clicked shut.
    “It’s about damn time,” he muttered again as he left the apartment, locking the door behind him.

This was going to be a one-shot, but I have ideas for it to continue. Your reviews will decide….

It’s About Time…
Chapter Two

    “So is this a good thing?”
    “Yeah. I really think it is.”
    Wilson walked through the front doors of the hospital. It was late morning, but nobody would Kommentar on his arrival time. He had been in the emergency room until past midnight. And then just as he was settling in REM sleep Foreman had called him, concerned about House’s behavior. Foreman was upset enough to make Wilson’s Concern-o-Meter go straight to high and he had raced over to check on him. He was still amazed at what he had found. The only reason he was even in the hospital now was that he had a 10 am appointment with a patient. As soon as it was over he was heading back home. He knew he didn’t need to worry about getting flak from his boss either. He now had some serious blackmail material on her. He was approaching the front reception area when Foreman stepped out of the elevator.
    “I told them it was about damn time,” Wilson sagte into his cell phone as he nodded to Foreman. Sam laughed on the other end. Wilson wasn’t very good at keeping secrets between close friends, but no one outside of his close kreis would find out the big secret from him.
    “I’m thrilled for them,” sagte Sam, sincerely. “From what you’ve told me they’ve been circling each other for years.”
    Foreman walked up to Wilson but stood a discreet distance away from him so Wilson could finish his phone call. He was clearly anxious to hear if House was okay….or if he was even alive.
    “That’s an understatement,” Wilson laughed. “Okay, gotta go. I’ll see Du after lunch.”
He paused as he listened to Sam’s response. Smiling and slightly blushing he sagte goodbye.
    “Did Du find House?” Foreman asked. He still wore the Scrubs he had put on for working in the ER. He looked beat. Obviously, he had not gone Home yet.
    Wilson ducked his head. “Yeah,” he sagte quietly.
    “Is he alive?” Foreman was actually concerned. “I mean. I’d never seen him like that before. He was at the bottom.”
    “Yeah,” Wilson responded. “He was. I found him at his apartment this morning. He was in bed.” He paused. “There was a bottle of vicodin but it was still full so I don’t know.” Wilson knew full well, but he knew he had to throw Foreman off the scent. House had trained Foreman well. If anyone could pick up the smell it would be him. Wilson’s cell phone began to ring. He looked down at the caller ID and nearly choked. Schauspielen cool he continued, “I left him there. He’ll be okay.” Foreman shook his head and began to speak. “Hang on let me get this,” he said, stepping away.
    “Did Du miss me?” House cooed into Wilson’s ear from the phone.
    “What are Du doing?” Wilson hissed.
    “Just checking to make sure ‘Operation:They Didn’t Hit That’ is still a go,” House replied. “Foreman is not on a need to know basis.” Wilson looked around the lobby. Once again his theory that House had hidden cameras all over the hospital deepened.
    Wilson looked over at Foreman. He tried to mask any emotion but obviously failed.
    “Is that House?” Foreman asked. “Is he okay?”
    “Yes, he’s fine,” Wilson quickly responded.
    “Oh, is Foreman worried about me? How flattering?” House said.
    “House, shouldn’t Du ….be in bed?” Wilson asked. “You had a rough night.” Foreman continued to look on.
    “I’m just making sure the beans are not being spilt.”
    Just then the nurse at the front schreibtisch held out the hospital phone to Wilson. “Dr. Wilson?” she said. “There’s a call for Du on line 2. They say it’s an emergency.”
    Wilson stepped over and took the phone receiver from the nurse. Keeping his cell phone to his left ear he put the other phone up to his right ear. “Hello, this is Dr. Wilson,” he sagte hesitantly.
    “Don’t say anything! Be careful. Foreman’s sneaky.” Wilson blinked at the sound of his boss’ voice. He could hear Cuddy telling House she had him on the other line. House laughed good and loud.
    “Hello?” Wilson sagte again to both phones. He looked over at Foreman, whose own confusion was apparent. Wilson had to recover. If his Friends wanted to gang up on him he was all for it as long as they were prepared to endure the payback.
    “House,” Wilson sagte firmly. “You need to get back to bed. Foreman has everything covered here. I’ve got a patient, so if Du need anything I’ll send Foreman oder Chase oder Taub over.” He paused for effect. “Understood?”
    “As for Du ma’am,” Wilson sagte sweetly into the hospital phone, “I don’t really think symptoms from a STD present themselves so soon after an encounter. If Du are that concerned, Du should have a doctor thoroughly exam the affected areas.” Wilson’s left ear was blasted Von a loud “HOORAY!” from his cell phone. “Goodbye.” He hung up the hospital phone and his cell phone in one schnell, swift motion.
    “You should go home, Foreman,” Wilson sagte sincerely. “Trust me, House will be okay.”

It’s About Time…
Chapter Three

    Foreman told Wilson that he intended to go Home as soon as he had passed on the news to the Chase and Taub. Wilson shrugged and the two of them rode up in the elevator in silence. They parted ways on the fourth floor as Wilson headed to Oncology and Foreman continued on to the Diagnostics Department. Chase and Taub had been waiting to hear back from Foreman oder Wilson and they were now gathered around the conference table. Chase and Taub looked up when Foreman entered. All three had been, for lack of a better word, worried about their boss. Normally, his ass-like behavior warranted nothing Mehr than a dismissive shrug and a “When will I ever learn?” but they had never seen House so rattled. Foreman could still picture that look of utter despair and devastation he had seen on House’s face when he had opened the krankenwagen doors earlier that morning. Both Taub and Chase had been standing back around the corner when House had exploded in the lobby. All three had argued about whether oder not to go after House, but they quickly and correctly concluded that there were only two people in the world that even had a chance at holding House back from the edge: Wilson and Cuddy. They assumed Cuddy was still at the accident site. They had also heard stories of Cuddy telling House off earlier that night over the care of the patient. Word had it she had been brutally honest with House. They had quickly called Wilson.
    Wilson was at first upset that he was being asked to ride to House’s rescue…again, but after he spoke with Foreman he too grew worried. After Wilson’s assurance that he would tell him what he found out about House, Foreman hung up the phone and the three sat. They were all reliving the events of the Jahr before. No one still had all the pieces to the puzzle but enough had been pieced together to know that House had broken down, hallucinated and been taken away. They had all received some time off but the whole summer had been like having the last chapter of a book ripped out before Du had a chance to read it. They hadn’t liked that feeling. Seeing House behaving like he did worried them all. Not only could another breakdown be devastating for House, their lives would be upended again, perhaps even permanently. They all knew they’d never find a job as amazing as this one again.
    “What did Wilson say?” Chase was the first to ask. He looked the most concerned of the two. He had always placed House in the substitute daddy category either consciously oder subconsciously and the fear of losing House unexpectedly took his psyche to places it didn’t want to visit.
    Foreman shrugged. “He sagte he’s fine.”
    “Just like that?” Taub asked. “Seriously?”
    A look of relief washed over Chase, but Taub’s forehead was still furrowed in confusion.
    “Yeah,” Foreman said.
    “But Du saw him,” Taub sagte incredulously. “I heard him. He was not okay.”
    “Wilson sagte that he was. “ Foreman paused. “He sagte that House was at his apartment. In bed.” Again Foreman paused. Chase caught the hesitation.
    “What else did he say? There’s something else,” Chase stated.
    “Well, Wilson sagte he found a bottle of Vicodin on the floor but that all the pills were accounted for.”
    “He went Home and got stoned,” Taub said, shaking his head disgustedly. “No wonder House is fine. He’s back on drugs.”
    Foreman shook his head. “I don’t think so. And, Mehr importantly, I don’t think Wilson thinks so. He honestly didn’t seem too concerned about finding the pills.”
    “Did Wilson take the pills away?” asked Chase.
    “Don’t know,” replied Foreman. “I would think so.”
    Taub stood up. “Well, he’s fine. We’re gonna be fine. I’m going home.”
    Both Foreman and Chase stared at him.
    “That’s it?” Chase asked.
    “Wilson, who I trust much Mehr than Du two on all things House, sagte that House was okay,” Taub shrugged. “I’m going with that. Good bye.”
    He grabbed his bag and nodded at both before walking out the door and to the elevator. Chase and Foreman stood there for a moment before Chase spoke.
    “You think House got high?”
    “It would be his pattern,” sagte Foreman without conviction. “But he’s been messing with his pattern recently.” Chase nodded in agreement. “It’s been much harder to read him these days.”
    “So what do Du want to do?” Chase said, already grabbing his coat.
    “I want to go check on him myself,” Foreman said.
    “I’ll drive,” Chase said, reaching for his keys in his pocket. Foreman followed him out the door.


    “Ouch, dammit woman, when was the last time Du took a patient care class?”
    “Shut up, Du baby. I’m almost done.”
    “Hope so,” House said, unphased. “The food’ll be here any Minute and I’m famished.” He smiled remembering the events of the past few hours. “I worked up an appetite.”
    House sat on the edge of his bett stripped to the waist. And even then he only had on a set of boxer briefs. Cuddy had insisted that before any Mehr fun happened she had to clean his wound. House only let her because she was now standing dangerously close to him as she wiped off the wound.
    “You must have nine lives, House,” Cuddy sagte as she tenderly probed the wound. “I think I screamed out loud when the garage began to collapse. It was awful. The whole thing just shifted and crumbled so quickly.” She ran a hand over House’s other shoulder, almost absentmindedly. “I thought for sure we’d be pulling out a House Pancake.”
    “You nearly did,” House said, his mind reliving that moment. “I woke up with the ceiling only three inches from my face. I’m telling you, I didn’t have clausterphobia before that whole experience but I wouldn’t be surprised if I do now.”
    Cuddy just nodded. She looked at him for a Sekunde then continued to examine his shoulder. House knew she wanted to say Mehr but let it go. There was time for everything now.
    “The stitches are still intact,” she said. “Which is pretty amazing….all things considered.” Cuddy smiled down at House who leered back at her. He began to run his hand up her bare leg. She had found a Journey t-shirt in his dresser and put it on that morning. House had laughed and sagte that normally he wouldn’t allow her to wear it but since Perry had left the band anyway it didn’t matter if they broke up. Cuddy had looked confused but the sight of her in his t-shirt had distracted him and stopped his explanation. She had used the distraction to finally clean and bandage his wound. Cuddy didn’t even react to House’s hand creeping up and under the t-shirt. She merely took a Sekunde to squeeze extra antiseptic into his open wound. He yelped in pain and withdrew his hand. She dabbed the wound again and then rebandaged it. “It should heal well. The edges are already closing together.”
    House still winced at the sting from the antiseptic. “Not all of the edges. Obviously.”
    “Don’t worry. The scar should be minimal,” Cuddy commented.
    “Dang. Chicks dig scars,” House said. This time his hand found her hip and rested there. No groping. No leering. It felt very comfortable.
    Cuddy got a new gauze pad and put some antiseptic on it for House’s face wounds. Bending over, she softly wiped off his cheek and then gently cleaned off his nose. She looked into his clear blue eyes, which had been watching her grey eyes since she began cleaning his face cuts. Nothing was said. They just both stared. The fact that they could do this without either wanting to oder needing to look away amazed and thrilled them both. Cuddy leaned in and kissed House on his nose and then his cheek. House took his free hand and put it on Cuddy’s other hip, pulling her down onto his lap. His arms went around her waist as she trailed kisses down his cheek, along his neck to his bandaged shoulder. She placed gentle kisses around it before working her mouth back up to his cheek. She pulled back and then covered his mouth with her own. His grip tightened around her waist and their KISS deepened. House began to maneuver Cuddy around in order to lean her back on the bett when she pulled back. House sat back up, but Cuddy remained on his lap.
    “I’m sorry about what happened at the accident site,” Cuddy said. She tried to look him in his eyes, but they were so penetrating she had to look away. “I’m sorry for what I sagte to you.”
    The memory of Cuddy’s harsh words caused a flash of pain in House’s eyes, which made Cuddy feel worse than any words could have. House’s eyes darkened. He didn’t want to deal with that right now. “I think I’ve already forgiven you,” he sagte lightly, trying to KISS her. She put a hand on his chest.
    “I need to explain,” she said. She wasn’t going to let him deflect this. If they were going to make this work he needed to learn to address problems and talk about them. She shook her head. “Look, when the Sekunde collapse happened I seriously thought Du were dead. The way the whole building just caved in….” her voice trailed off. She looked away. “When Du walked out I felt such a wave of relief it almost toppled me over. I had been so scared, terrified that Du were dead, and then Du were so flippant about it all. I tried not to be angry, but when we argued about Hannah’s care I Lost it.” House turned away but Cuddy grabbed his chin with her hand and pulled his face back to look at her. “I couldn’t tell Du how scared I was.”
    “So instead Du screamed at me and stripped me of any hope that Du had feelings for me,” House sagte coolly.
    Cuddy didn’t let his tone deter her. “Yes.”
    “You did a really good job,” House softly responded. “As usual.” They sat in silence for a minute, neither knowing exactly what to do but both knowing they didn’t want to ruin what was happening. House spoke first. “Was it true?”
    Cuddy hesitated. “Well, except for the ‘I don’t Liebe you’ thing it basically was, but not really because of anything Du did.” She shook her head as she tried to figure out how to explain. “I was done. I was tired of tiptoeing around you. I was tired of the tension. But all of that tension was only there because I kept refusing to admit my feelings for Du and just be with you.”
    House nodded. He swallowed and Cuddy could literally see him building up the courage to express his feelings. “I’ve tried for a long time to be what Du needed. When I found out about Du and Lucas I almost decided it was too hard,” he paused. “But I realized it was worth it. So I kept trying.”
    “I know.”
    “But when I heard Du two were buying a house and moving in together I decided to let it all go. Du had gegeben me too many chances already and I didn’t deserve another one. I just then tried to be a grown-up. With you. With Wilson and Sam. Sorta.” House’s voice shook as he continued. “And then that didn’t work either.” This was hard from him, but he knew he needed to do this; to make this connection and be open if he wanted this to work. And he wanted, he needed it to work. “So I concluded I just wasn’t any good at personal relationships so I quit therapy, called my buddy Jack Daniels up and started back down the path toward Jerkdom. Now that’s what I know how to do really well.” He smiled sheepishly.
    “I saw Du giving up oder maybe giving in,” Cuddy responded. “I don’t know. That admission to Hannah both opened my eyes and scared the hell out of me.”
    “Me too,” House chuckled self-consciously.
    “Seeing your eyes as Du closed the krankenwagen doors,” Cuddy’s voice hitched. “Seeing your sadness; your hopelessness.” She put his arms around his neck as a physical evidence of support. “I was miserable. I went Home and talked with Lucas. Told him everything.”
    House smiled at the thought; a real smile that reached his eyes. He wished he could rub this all in Lucas’ face but if he never saw Lucas ever again that would be fine, too.
    “Well, I gotta say Du Wird angezeigt up this morning actually saved me this time,” House said, quietly. “I was done. In Mehr ways than one.” Cuddy saw the sadness flicker in his eyes then dissipate. It was Mehr sadness than what Cuddy ever wanted to see again. She closed the distance between the two of them and kissed House passionately. It deepened and House turned Cuddy around and laid them down on the bed. This time she didn’t protest. He kissed her before pulling back to look deeply into her eyes. “Thanks for giving me another chance,” he whispered, his lips brushing hers.
    “Thanks for giving me another chance, too,” she responded. Their lips crushed each other again. House ran his hand along her bare back and skillfully pulled the old t-shirt off of Cuddy. He pulled her closer to him until her bare chest was pressing against his.
    He laughed. “You keep dressing like this and Küssen me like this and I’ll give Du all the chances Du want, lady.” House captured her laughter with his mouth as he kissed her deeply again. Everything else was long forgotten. Then the doorbell rang.

I was Lesen up on opiate withdrawal and apparently Du can go through withdrawal not just to stop taking the drug, Vicodin in House’s case, but to reduce the amount you’re taking.

So in House’s case, like Wilson said; his Vicodin levels where way to high and so the only option was to let his body recover and reduce it’s need for that amount it got everyday.

Therefore, the Weiter morning when he was seemingly better; it was because of the extreme cold-turkeyness that House used to reduce his levels of Vicodin in order for his hallucination of Amber to go away. So I don’t think it was a hallucination, because he hasn’t quit Vicodin, he has only reduced the amount he takes within the Weltraum of a horrible 24 Stunde detox. His body no longer craves the Vicodin every Stunde oder so like before.

Short and simple :)
 "Unless Du Liebe her"
"Unless you love her"
First off, I refuse to call it BB. It confuses me to the limit. It’s like when people call Booth and Bones BB, I almost turn around and say what??!?! As I said, I feel ridiculous because I feel like I’m typing in the third person. I have no right to say anything about people’s nicknames for B&B, but I am sure I have been around long before the name Big Baby was ever thought of, so I refuse to use that name. Also, on a Mehr important (or less, depending on who Du are) I. LOVED. THAT. EPISODE!!!!!!!!!! Sooooooo much better than Painless! I was so looking vorwärts-, nach vorn to Schreiben this article...
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 Thats a good angle to make out *points out*
Thats a good angle to make out *points out*
Great. Episode. Really amazing. All the skills and twists on interesting patients and clinic as in “old house” with the games and cheeriness, but with excellent Huddy and personal attributes. I am feeling slightly mislead Von spoilers though (over Weihnachten i might write a “spoilers that were misleading” article), but i am throughly happy for Cuddy and expectant for both her and Huddy’s futures.
As i did last week i will not write this Artikel as it played out in the episode (actually i will, but at the end i will put foreteen KISS before the last scene) because i like to have a...
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added by babybell
Hugh Laurie
lisa edelstein
added by mrshouse62689
added by jatehuddy
Just a bittersweet video of House and Cuddy's relationship. As we all know, season 6 hasn't been so great so far. Just a reflection of their moments. Hope you'll like made Von me
house md
Hugh Laurie
Fan video
added by xxiwuuxx
Source: dansedesuburbia on LJ
added by lovehousemd_frv
I am so sorry it has taken a life time to get this to Du guys! I Liebe all of your comments! They are just great! They make my day! The Fan art is all mine!! Finally! Haha dont own anything! Sorry I know its VERY OOC sorry. I am trying to cut out the long authors notes! LOL not working very well! Any way Comment, Rate and of course enjoy!! Kommentar even if Du dont like it! I can take it! Enjoy!!
Last Time
"Mmmmm..."I moaned as he kissed my neck and unbuttoned my shirt. We stopped Küssen long enought to take off his shirt. We backed up until we fell on the couch. I thrust my...
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Title: Pilot Redux
Rating: T (I guess – for innuendo)
Summary: I’m working on Schreiben a Huddy ending on add-in scene for each episode. This is a continuation of “Pilot”. My first huddy fic so be nice :-)

“5PM…Doctor House checking out…make sure Du write that down.” House tosses the last chart onto the desk. He smirks and makes his way to Cuddy’s office, bursting through the doors.

A soft groan of exasperation escapes her lips. “Do Du even know how to knock?”

“Of course I do.”

“What do Du want, House?”

“I just came Von to see if Du had any other eloquent pearls...
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posted by Fabouluz
Huddy Adventure #2

Summer Solstice

Wilson: So what are your plans for tonight? (Wilson picked up a bagel from the counter, whilst House looked at the selection of Essen with a look of disgust on his face.)

House: I don’t have any. Drinking will play a major part though.

Wilson: (Wilson gave House a typical look of discontent before they sat down at a table.) I was thinking about inviting Du over for a little game of poker.

House: (House looked inquisitively at Wilson, as he was taking a bite of his bagel.) Why?

Wilson: Well, I like poker. Du like poker. It seemed a logical reason to invite you....
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added by cicino1
added by zubeerfaan
added by mchuddymerderek
Von ElizannSH
added by char_mar
Source: xo-charmar @ lj
added by busanbusan
Source: NOT mine
posted by BeforeItWasCool
Disclaimer: I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as satisfying as the last scene of season six when House finally got not only what he needed but what he wanted! Oh, sorry that’s a PROclaimer. Okay, I own nothing in the House universe except a deep, undying Liebe for Dr. House and no court on earth can take that away!!

It’s About Time….

Her Kommentare had washed away years of his doubt and sadness. Their dusche had washed away the layers of grime and blood on their bodies. And now he was going to wash away the longing that had plagued him since that night after...
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posted by Hughlaurie4ever
House and Cuddy have been dating for about a Monat now and they wanted to celebrate there Monat anniversary. And as they waited for their Essen none of them sagte anything and the silence was broken Von the waiter.

“Grilled steak with Béarnaise Sauce and French fries.” The waiter said, startling them a little.

“Gee! What are Du a zombie?” House paused, putting a hand to his heart, “I almost had a herz attack for Pete’s sake!”

The waiter sagte nothing and kept his stern, composed face to the task of serving them as properly as one could in this situation. He put down their plates...
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I don't think the butt klatschen, smack was there!
Hugh Laurie
house md
lisa edelstein
lisa cuddy
added by HuddyBrave
Source: Photobucket