Huddy Club
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The gray clouds hovered over Princeton like a blanket. Behind them was the onyx sky, gleaming with speckled bright lights so far away. But tonight, tonight very few were shining. Over Von the houses a car had pulled up in a driveway. An average height male with clean short hair, got out of his car and walked fairly quickly to the door. In the light hanging over the arch of the door, Du could distinguish who he was. Wilson was knocking on House's door waiting for him to answer. He wanted to check up on him, find out what happened, how he was, and how he was feeling about this. After a Minute oder so, he answered. He let him in for a couple glasses of scotch and they began talking.
"Why didn't Du ask her?"
"That, alone--"
"Why, didn't, you."
"It's not what she wants."
"How can Du be so sure?"
"Things would still be the same. I would end up killing people and--"
"How are Du so sure, she wasn't just waiting for Du to? What if all the other problems, weren't real problems. What if they were--excuses? What if, to prove her point, she came up with all those reasons, to hide the fact, that she thought, that Du weren't ready to commit?"
"She knows I'd commit."
"No, she doesn't. She doesn't know that Du would. But she does know what Du can make mistakes. She knows that ninety-five percent of the time you're right. Why should one single patient set her off? It just doesn't make sense to me."
"You knew she was going to break up with me. You've known since she made the decision. Cause apparently, you've gegeben this a lot of thought..And Du know the facts."
"I--She told me. Couple days ago."
"I'm not surprised," he sagte with a smile, just before taking a shot of his scotch.
Cameron walked out the doors of Princeton Plainsbro walking to her car. She opened her phone to check the time, eight, to be exact. She was planning to go home, rest, after she had finished up at the ER. But instead of going Home right away, she called Chase telling him she'd be a little late.
"Where Du going?"
"I--I've got a friend to see. She's not--well. I'll only be a couple hours."
She was referring to Cuddy. Over the years they had gotten closer so technically, it was her place to step in at this point. So she pulled out of the hospital parking lot, and made her way to her place. When she answered the door, she was a little shocked to see Cameron at first, but she let her in. Cameron took off her jacket, laying it on one of her recliners. Then, she sat on the couch as Cuddy went into the kitchen, took out two glasses and poured some scotch. She came out and joined Cameron on the couch. Just as Wilson and House did.
Cameron began to drink hers and so did Cuddy. But halfway through before swallowing she spat it back into the glass, grabbed a napkin and looked away from Cameron. Cameron finished sipping hers and slowly put it down on the table. She put on a shocked, curious face with an entertained smile then asked,
"What was that?"
Cuddy just looked at her and wiped off her mouth, without saying a word. Cameron realized this look and the smile fell off, along with the shocked face. The deep curiosity remained.
"There's only one reason why Du would spit out scotch."
Cuddy tried averting her eyes from her, trying not to meet hers. Cameron, however, strived for them to meet.
"You're pregnant?"
Cuddy got up from the couch and went into the kitchen, dumping her scotch, and laying the glass in the sink as Cameron continued talking. She began projecting her voice from the living room as Cuddy washed her glass. She also got up from the couch.
"How? When? Who? Is it House's? Oh my God. Is that why Du broke it off? Lisa--"
"No. I had other reasons."
"Reasons for which are probably lousy."
"Probably isn't definitely. Oh God," She thought, "now I sound like him. He's finally starting to rub off on me."
The faucet turned off and opening and closing cupboards sounded from the kitchen. Cameron fell back on the couch, waiting for her to return.
"Lisa, he loves you. I've never seen anything like this before. He's become tender, he's just--"
"Changed. I know."
She walked out of the kitchen.
"Is it his?"
Cuddy remained silent. She looked everywhere else but in Cameron's direction, as she dried off her hands. Cameron had a shocked face and asked,
"Does he know?"
Cuddy refused to say anymore and Cameron dropped her jaw. She covered her mouth in total shock as Cuddy began walking back to the couch.
"You have to tell him! Du can't keep him obscured from the truth."
Cuddy fell back on the couch, heaving a great sigh.
"She doesn't want Du to change?"
"For the sake of the many lives I would end up killing."
"It was a one time thing! Once, Du make a minor slip, she goes ballistic." Wilson took a drink from his scotch.
"That's my girl."
Wilson stopped dead while drinking, and put it down on the table. He could feel the guilt in his stomach. First of all, for not telling him about how he already knew it was going to happen..Second of all, for not telling him about the baby. He tried to avoid thinking about it.
"You should've asked her."
"I know."
"Then why didn't you?"
"Bringing out a ring like that," he gestured to Wilson's jacket, assuming he had grabbed it from the trash to give it back to him,
"would only make the situation harder."
"How did Du know I--?"
"You wouldn't leave it in the trash oder anywhere at work for Cuddy to find it. That's just not kosher."
Wilson looked at him for a second, then rolled his eyes and said,
"You still need to bring me to the store. I don't believe Du spent a couple "ten thousands" on it."
"I didn't."
"Oh! So called it."
"My grandfather did."
Wilson looked at House for a moment. Curiously.
"It was my grandmother's engagement ring. She had gegeben it to me near the end of my college years at Michigan. She so desperately wanted to see me married as soon as I got out. But, never used it. Never had a chance to. So it's been stowed away in the back of my closet."
"And throwing it in the garbage was just--a metaphor, one of your strange metaphors that I'm supposed to analyze?"
He gave a nod.
"The ring representing Cuddy--No. Representing your relationship--"
He paused for a few seconds.
"You know she was just thinking about you."
"I know. All for my best interest..."
"Show her the ring."
"Part of the reason why Du guys broke off is because she thought this wasn't going anywhere. Zeigen her Du were ready to commit. Tell her--you still are."
House shot back the last gulps of his scotch. He hesitated before grabbing the keys to his bike, grabbing Wilson's jacket, took out and threw the keys at him which he caught while drinking his scotch as House grabbed the cane hanging from the archway and left.
Then Wilson whispered as he finished off the last few drops,
"Go get her House."
"He's definitely ready to commit! Lisa--everyone knows. We all are just waiting for Du guys to-- get married already! We actually had a bet going. When almost everyone found out Du guys were together, we had bets going how long it would take Du guys to actually go all the way. I bet seven months. And I knew I was right because one day, I had walked into House's office and I fou--"
At that moment, Rachel started crying.
"I'll be back."
Cameron sighed as Cuddy walked to the bedroom. But as she waited gazing out the window, she began to hear a loud engine. The same familiar revved engine she had heard before. She waited and saw that it was House riding through the streets. He parked his bike under the straße light and began walking towards the door. House saw her in the window and he stopped at the door step. He was avoiding any light that appeared around the doorstep, hiding in the shadows, still seen only Von her. They began mouthing things inconspicuously to each other.
"What are Du doing here?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to see if she was okay. She looked pretty bad in your office. What's your excuse?"
He didn't respond. Only because Cuddy had walked back into the room. She was too frustrated and stressed to notice what Cameron had been doing, and that House was lurking right on her doorstep. She sat down, facing away from him and facing Cameron as they continued talking. He leaned on the window looking in on both of them. He favored his right hand, making sure he wouldn't put any pressure on it and aggravate the deep cuts beneath his bandage.
"So Du broke up with him because he changed..For you? And because you're afraid he's not going to commit to it?"
"I am afraid he's not ready to commit. I'm afraid he's forcing himself to do something he doesn't want. Changing, dramatically, and for the wrong reasons. Look it's just--It's not that--"
"Simple. I know," Cameron gave a quick glance at him as she said,
"except it should be."
"Even if he did ask me to marry him, I know he has plans elsewhere. Married life doesn't equal House. So I still would've sagte no."
House began walking away. He made his way all the way to the very start of her pathway before Cameron threw her eyes at him, giving him a glare to tell him to come back. He stood motionless at the gate and she quickly sagte without letting him hear,
"So you're going to let this baby grow up, not knowing his oder her own father?"
"They will know him. But not as their father."
"He doesn't need a burden like that. House doesn't do ultimate sacrifices. If we were together, maybe."
"You don't know what he's thinking. Du don't know his plans. He could be--"
"We don't know for sure."
Cameron sighed, tired of fighting with her, but striving to go on, trying to change her mind. House remained at the gate, staring at them from the shadows. All he could see was them talking, but he couldn't hear what they were exactly saying.
"I want a family. And I Liebe House. But I can't have both."
Cameron just looked at her with sadness in her eyes, exhaled deeply, and leaned vorwärts-, nach vorn giving her a hug. She consoled her as she looked at House from the window. He was staring at them with his signature look before giving her a curt nod, turning his back on them and limped back to his bike.
She too, had tears falling. They fell without Cuddy noticing, because she was in a flood of tears.
They released their hug after Cameron had wiped her eyes dry. Then Cameron got up, grabbed her jacket, finished her scotch and then went for the door, Cuddy escorting her out. They gave one last hug, and Cuddy slowly closed the door, not noticing the figure across the street. Cameron waited for her to turn off the light in the living room and made her way to House. Her arms were folded, embracing herself, trying to block the night chill.
"I cleaned your office for you. Your stuff is back in their proper drawers and your schreibtisch is back to normal. Picture frame thrown away, along with all the glass. I couldn't get the blood out so--"
"Don't change the subject."
"I wasn't. I was waiting for Du to stop me. So I could tell Du what the hell is wrong with her."
"What the hell are Du doing here?"
"Thought we established this earlier.."
"I was planning to propose. I don't know about you."
"I know. She's going to say no."
"You were the one who found my ring."
She didn't respond. She just stood there staring at him.
"You were the one who took it out of the drawer."
She still didn't respond. He grinned at her, almost a proud, and slightly entertained grin.
"I knew I never put it out. Wilson told me he had found it on my desk..You wanted someone to find it. So you'd get your two hundred. And Von someone I mean, Foreman, Chase, Wilson oder even better, Cuddy."
"Cuddy only because I wanted her to know what Du were doing."
"I like it."
Then she gave a smirk and sagte sarcastically,
"But I'm mad now, because Du actually had to propose for me to win the money."
"If I proposed would we split?"
Things had become serious. Even the tone in their voices.
"I can't do anything."
"Tell her."
"She wouldn't believe me."
"Maybe, Du never know."
"I know. Du never know. Not taking chances with this."
She just threw him a pout, saddened Von his retort, before he put his helm on.
"You need a ride?" He asked as he put on his gloves.
"How do Du think I got here?
He revved up the engine and then took off, leaving Cameron alone in the street.
He pulled up into his driveway to find that Wilson had left already. Except he left a note on the door. It said,
Need my jacket. Has my wallet. Bring it to work tomorrow. I expect my money and credit cards to be there. Cleaned up your house, found the heroin and morphine. I suggest Du don't use them, but I take it that Du will omit that. Good luck.
p.s. I stahl, stola some cigars.

He took the note off the door and gave a snicker as he walked in the house.
He limped all the way to his bett after turning off all the lights. As he sat down on his bed, he put down a needle. It was the heroin needle Wilson had referred to before. He stared at it under his beside light, wondering whether oder not he should. He stared for about five Minuten before shutting off the light, slipping into bett to face the other side.
He just stared at the empty Weltraum before him, realizing that she was there before. So many times before. And with this thought, he grieved, which had brought him into a hard nights sleep.
Before Cameron had gone home, she dropped Von Wilson's place. She knocked on the door and called out for him. But he didn't answer. Just as she was about to walk away, he opened the door. His hair a mess while he was dressed in his sweats.
"Oh, I thought Du were House."
"What gave me away? My voice? oder when Du opened the door?"
"Come in."
"I'm not staying for long. Um, House."
"Didn't propose."
"Wh-what? Why?"
"I don't know. I talked to both of them. One thinks one thing and the other thinks that."
"Misunderstood. Yeah. I got that."
"I just came over--You do know what's Weiter right?"
"I know. We'll talk about it. Lunch. Tomorrow."
And they gave each other nods before Wilson returned to the comfort of his bett and Cameron finally traveled home, attempting for a good nights rest.
OMG! Its taken me three & a half years to get a medal at all, but my first is the Huddy Spot. :D I'm extremely excited about my newly founded medal. I actually have to admit that I was surprised when I logged onto the site & saw this(:

It's a reward that I've long awaited for. (: & I'll definitely keep up now that I've got the chance to have a reward.

I've never really been that dedicated to Fanpop itself - oder anything related upon it, but I've always been faithful at coming back to review fanfiction, check pictures, watch videos, & look at the new promo pictures. Never had...
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He lay there staring at her as she slept. He didn’t have to stare at her because he had a mental picture of every detail about her. She had been angry for 2 weeks and he had missed her so much. We had been in a standoff about a lie I had told her. She wanted an apology, and although i finally succombed and gave the speech of a life time I am not really sure that I believe I was wrong. I just missed her and I had hurt her so many times that maybe it was just a good idea to say I am sorry.
It had been almost 4 months since the night she had walked into my bathroom. On the floor with vicodin...
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Hey guys! So since I Liebe all those "signs that you're obsessed with..." I thought I'd start this! Please Kommentar with your own signs of obsession! I guess I'll start...

Sign #1
You've seen and remember all the "big" Huddy scenes at least once, including: the Cuddy striptease scene, the season 4 CPR moment (very beliebt in Huddy Musik videos), THE kiss, the long, heartbreaking stare through Cuddy's window as she sits and drinks something, the "everybody knows this is going somewhere" and subsequent boob-grope scene, the Cuddy-going-to-thank-House-for-old-med-school-desk-and-seeing-him-with-the-hired-actress-lady...
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posted by mchuddymerderek
Hello everybody! It's been a long time since i updated this fic. Well my co-writer couldn't keep on writing, so i'll continue it myself! Please be kind :P
Well.. Previously on “what hurts the most”: Lucas had kidnapped Rachel and was threatening cuddy from the phone. When he accepted to get her back something happened that sounded like a building crash and cuddy hear her child screaming. Now they were in her car with House driving to find Lucas and get her daughter back!

ps: Don't worry, Lucas won't be around for a lot time now.

Enjoy and let me know what Du think!

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posted by livethislifeup
[Previously known as With Love, House
part one]
The only sound resounding from the condo was the sound of the TV and mild snores coming from the living room. Wilson was asleep awkwardly on the couch making room for baby Rachel as they both lay there appearing lifeless, dreaming the night away. It was dark with the exception of the TV and the moon outside. It was brightly lit, and casted vast shadows along the wooden floor and the wall. They were so vast they were abstract and could not be defined as a single object.
The stars glimmered in the night like a spitze of silk wrapped around the moon...
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posted by sarahuddy
I'd give anything to see Cuddy and House make Liebe and she end up pregnant ...

in the Weiter season would be a fun season due to her being pregnant for House ...

What do Du think?

give your opinion about the ending that Du would like to see more?

Blue eye kid hehehehehe

dark hair
beautiful smile :D

like his dad and mom

I live in Portugal, and the season is spot now, but the good Friends from USA are awsome and give this info to us... THANKS GUYS... KISS
posted by Irene3691
Weiter morning when Cuddy wakes up, House is looking at her.
‘Hi there...’
‘Hello...’ She touches her belly.
‘Hi to Du too, buddy!!’
Lisa chuckles. ‘It was a bit weird before... It felt strange...’ She looks at him. ‘But I liked it.’
‘Of course it was strange... there was someone else in bett with us!!’
‘You’d better get used to it!’
‘Oh God...’
‘What?’ Lisa asks.
‘I'll have to get used to having a "menage a trois" every time we're gonna make out...’
‘You have a wish to kreuz off your Liste then.’ Jokes Cuddy.
‘My Fantasy didn't include a child taking part...
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posted by Irene3691
Some days later, after their little almost meeting in her car, they haven’t talked, just for strictly necessary medical stuff, but they haven’t even looked into each other’s eyes.
House is in his office doing some paper work when Cuddy goes there. ‘New case.’ Says without looking at him. ‘You know what Du have to do.’
‘Yeah... I know...’ He looks at the file and then at her.
‘Well... "have fun"’ She walks to the door.
She turns around and finally looks at him, but then she looks at the floor again. ‘Yes?’
‘Uhh... are you... is... your car already working...
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posted by Irene3691
Some days pass and his leg hurts Mehr and Mehr gradually. One morning, they wake up and go to the hospital. Once there they go to their offices. Cuddy has noticed that he’s behaving a little different these days, but she tries to conceal it.
‘I’ll see Du later.’ She gives him a quick KISS before the elevator door opens and goes.

House goes to his office and gets some files. He needs to find a book to solve the new case and sends his team to run some test while he look for it. He turns his office upside down and feels angry because the pain is increasing. ‘Oh come on...’ He rubs his...
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posted by Irene3691
House can’t Bewegen very well, when he opens his eyes the light blinds him for a moment and then he sees Lisa sleepling Weiter to him. He starts breathing deeply in order to talk but he can’t, then he tries again and whispers her name. ‘Lisa...’
When she hears him, she starts opening her eyes and sees him staring at her, she can barely talk. ‘Greg... Greg! You’re awake. Oh God, thanks!’ She sits up and caresses his face.
‘I'm... how long have I been here...?’
‘You’ve been in a coma for almost two months... God, you’re back!’ She kisses him softly on his forehead. ‘I was...
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posted by Irene3691
In the morning, Lisa can barely sleep and wakes up early. She gets dressed and stays there lying on bett the whole morning until House knocks at her door. ‘Hi...’ Says she opening it.
‘You think it would be very dangerous if we went to have breakfast together? Is my life at risk?’
‘I don’t think so... I’m not very hungry, but I guess we won’t find William at the cafeteria at this time.’
They go together and take a seat. Unfortunately, Will is there with his friends, and when he sees both coming in, he thinks: “Great, finally Du fucked him...” He finishes his breakfast,...
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Days later.
Wilson was with Mel at a restaurant.
"And, since when Du know House?" Asked Wilson.
"Why ask me that now, is not bad, but why until now, after so long ..." sagte Mel.
"Just curious"
"I know him since we were kids, since we were in kindergarten"
"Wow, how was he then?"
At the time House and Cuddy came to meet them at the restaurant.
"Hey!" sagte House and Mel got up and hugged him.
Cuddy did not like much that Mel and House did that, Mel was a good friend but Cuddy still had a bit of jealousy for her.
"And then? How was House in kindergarten? "Said Wilson.
"You were saying that?!"...
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posted by Irene3691
They arrive to the hotel soaked and holding hands. The reception guy looks at them and House talks. ‘Buongiorno!’ They get into the elevator. ‘My Italian is going better and better... I'm so proud of me!’
‘Yeah, it's true, now Du can flirt with Italian guys.’
‘Ha ha... In fact I rather flirt with American women... specially with those who run a hospital.’ He approaches to her and kisses her passionately.
Cuddy opens her eyes surprised. ‘House this is the elevator, not our bedroom.’
House presses the STOP button and kisses her again. ‘I’ve noticed.’
She separates a bit...
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House's house.
House was in front of the TV abendessen plasma was Wednesday and spent their Favorit series. He recalled that Cuddy wanted to talk to 'Sir H'. He took the phone and called his assistant. His assistant was pretty, young, had er straight hair and green eyes, was thin, looked like someone pacifist, and she was, but it was very direct, she loved her job, but she liked to do well and quickly, was very formal and almost did not smile for nothing, rarely House could make her smile.
"Emily, call Dr. Cuddy's PPTH, but call it home, because this time it is no longer in the hospital, tell...
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posted by Belle0308
Ok, here is part two. I am trying to decide if I am going to end it here oder go on one Mehr chapter.

“Yes Cuddy, something I can help Du with that is Mehr important than a dying 45 Jahr old Marine?” House asked with a smirk on his face, glancing down to the area right below her neck as he spoke.

She thought she could speak; she wanted to prove that she could have a conversation with him that didn’t make her feel like a school girl. She really believed that if she could look into his eyes again, just stand her ground, she could shake this feeling. It just had to be a fluke.
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First of all, can I say this isn't for the majority, this is for the minority. And please read it all before Du berate me.

Can I just start Von saying that I am deeply saddened to see some of the reactions to the newest spoilers.

I'm not saying Du can't feel how Du feel, I'm not telling Du that Du can't be upset oder mad, oder use webposts as an outlet.

What I'm saying is, I'm deeply saddened Von the few people who think it's okay to berate the show-runners, cast, crew, writers, etc. just because they're unhappy with the show. That is so sad to me. These people are doing their jobs! They don't...
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posted by made_of_awesome
Finally, the 18 Stunde flight was over. As Cuddy stepped out of the plane,right beside House, who had gotten out of his wheelchair and gotten his cane back, they both saw Wilson, smiling and waving, ready to pick them up.

"Hey, Wilson!" sagte Cuddy as she gave him a little hug.

"Hi," Wislon sagte back, "how was Singapore?"

"Long story," sagte House, "we'll tell Du in the car."

"Okay then. Let's get to the baggage claim."

The walk there seemed longer than it should. House and Cuddy were looking for the right words to describe the flight back. Cuddy didn't want Wilson to worry, but House wanted to...
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posted by nothin_ooses
Hey everybody. I hope Du enjoy this chapter, it’s really scary, but I liked. Thanks very much for the reviews and have fun. Don’t curse me when Du finished reading, ok! There’s gonna be Mehr chapters cause this story is really enjoying me.

A hazy light was coming from the lonely post that was vanished between the cold mist. Oh God the cold was terrible this time, mainly because of the wind that was blowing miles per hour. But the sound whispered Von the wind was the only thing Du could concentrate to try to sleep, it was like some magic, some magic that made the messy sound of the big...
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ok, sorry for my lack in Updates but im trying to keep the fp on updated with the FF one…so sorry fp-ers…anyways, thanks to my beta – Iane Casey – for all the editing done to my fics…

Two's Company - Three's a Crowd

-Chapter 3-

3 Weeks Later

Cuddy had allowed Kirstin to stay with her permanently now that House knew about her. She had recently taken a week off to renovate the spare room with her daughter. Kirstin had opted for an off white with a limette, lime green feature wall. House had gegeben her a bunch of band posters to stick up around her room; much to Cuddy’s disapproval.
On the subject...
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A 10 Jahr old kid called julio entered the hospital because of an anaphilactic shock caused Von Karly (House's niece) and Fer (Karly's BFF).
In the ER House asked Karly "Did Du give this kid something ?","I just gave him a erdnuss butter sandwich,what's wrong?",Karly said,"This kid is allergic Karly Du could kill him",House said,Karly didn't answer,a nurse sagte Dr.House he has something wrong,Julio was Wird angezeigt swine flu syptoms,13 asked Karly and Fer "Did anyone give him CPR oder something?",Karly sagte "Yeah that girl Naomi who has a crush on him",Foreman went to meet Naomi a regular 10 Jahr older...
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