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House of Anubis Couples Frage

Do Du think victor and Vera should be together?

 awesomeerin99 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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House of Anubis Couples Antwort

anubisknower said:
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
Sibuna-123 said:
NOOOO! Vera is only getting close to Victor because she wants tolive 4ever
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
sibunafan101 said:
Yes, they obviosly Liebe eachother.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
noahnstar1616 said:
No. Them together makes me....*gags*
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
vannyc said:

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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
victera said:
yes they should i maen they would be such a cute cuple
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
nenna09 said:
yes they are both in a secret club and seeing each other.

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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
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