Hotel California Club
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posted by Lady_Rebel
Hotel California: Recreated
Von Lady_Rebel

A solitary elf woman walked down a narrow trail in a forest. Her black wings dragged on the ground behind her, and she gingerly held her left arm close to her body. As she passed through a clearing, she looked up at the moon. The moonlight revealed a deep scratch on her jaw. A tear glided down her already tear-stained face and the elf lowered her gaze to the track again.
Stara, for that was her name, had had a lousy twenty-four hours. First she got beaten up Von the monster she was sent to destroy, then her boyfriend showed up and broke up with her in the worst way possible-by trying to kill her! She had left him bruised and beaten but not dead. She just couldn’t kill him, not after all they had been through. But she couldn’t face him, oder either of her sisters, oder anyone for that matter. So she fled. And here she was, wandering around in an unknown forest with nowhere to go except away from her past.
Unbeknownst to the self-pitying elf, she was being watched. A dark figure crouched on a baum branch and grinned evilly. He had found another toy.

* * *

Stara scowled at the small feuer she had made. Last time she has sat Von one, Tadashi, her boyfriend, had attacked her effectively broke her heart. The feuer also reminded her of her sister, Lianna, who fought using fire. Stara sighed. Sitting here moping wasn’t going to fill up her growling stomach. She picked up her bow and arrows and went off to hunt, still unaware of the stalker shadowing her.
    Later, with her belly full, she lay back amongst the fallen leaves and tried to forget everything in the oblivion of sleep. Unfortunately, the dream had another agenda.
    “Ahhh!” Stara sat bolt upright, dead leaves and other debris falling off her. She leaned on her hands and panted. Curse that man. Now she was having nightmares about Tadashi torturing Lianna and her baby sister, Adrialiyana.
    Stara groaned and got up. She kicked soil over the feuer to dowse it and continued on her way. She walked with her head down, black hair shielding her face from her surroundings. Her feet had begun to hurt a few miles back, but she kept going.
    Finally, when she raised her eyes to see the way ahead, she was the end of the forest. Little did she know that the forest was actually a different forest than when she had started. She broke into a run.
    Arriving at the forest’s edge, she stopped. A few hundred yards away, a mammoth building crouched. She felt as if someone in the old structure watching her. oder was it the building itself?
    Stara looked down at herself. She was injured from her fight with Tadashi and filthy from her sojourn in the forest. She murmured a healing spell and black-colored magic flowed from her hands and onto her injuries, healing them almost instantly.
    She walked up to the front door. The grandeur of the door did not impress her; she had seen many Mehr impressive works of art in Atlantis, her Home world. And those weren’t beginning to crumble, either. An ornate sign hung on the Wand Weiter to Taj Mahal of an entryway. It read “Hotel California”.
    Stara stared at the sign. She had heard something about the Hotel California, something about it being a lovely place. She agreed that it was once a lovely lace. Once being the keyword. But now it was dreary, dark, and altogether depressing. That suited her, the wielder of the element of darkness, just fine.
    She pounded on the door, but nobody answered. However, a click was heard and the door swung inward, creaking eerily. She stepped inside a vast entry hall, complete with a chandelier hanging above a circular Mosaik on the floor. The low heels on her boots clacked and the echoes bounced around the room, only to be joined Von the front door slamming shut. Stara whirled around, expecting to see someone, but finding no one. A dark chuckle floated down to her from the chandelier.
    Without thinking, a messer sprang to her hand and she reeled back to find the amused person. She found him sitting nonchalantly on the edge of the chandelier. He smiled warmly at her before pitching vorwärts-, nach vorn and landing in a crouch on the mosaic. He straightened up, still with that inviting smile on his face. “Welcome to my humble abode. I hope Du will enjoy your stay.” He spoke these words quietly but they reverberated all around the entrance hall. His voice was deep, the kind Du can listen to for hours, but there was something… malevolent beneath it.
    He had offered his hand in greeting, but Stara looked don her nose at it. She didn’t trust this guy. He was too… alluring. From his black hair to his golden to his lean body, not to mention his voice, he was just too perfect. Besides, there was that bad vibe she was getting. She smiled back curtly and informed him “I’m sure I will enjoy my stay. What world are we in?”
    “Oh, no. We’re not in any world per say. I guess Du could call it a world between worlds oder even all the worlds. There are many ways to get here, but only three to get out. But I’m forgetting my manners. My name is Obsidian and I own and run this hotel.” Stara started to say something snide, but she was interrupted. “Of course, I know all about you, Starayana Amoran.”
     She stiffened. “How-” she started to demand, but she was cut off again.
    “Eldest princess of Atlantis, a city in a different world, wielder of the element of darkness, a fierce warrior, and recently betrayed Von the one Du love. Tsk, tsk. It seems like Du trust the wrong people.” His smile hadn’t faltered since it had appeared and now it grew to a maniacal grin, confirming her suspicion. “How much Mehr can Du take before Du finally break?” Cracks appeared in the Mosaik at her feet and the weakened floor collapsed beneath her weight, sending her down into a dark abyss.
    But she wasn’t to be gotten rid of so easily.
    Her black wings flared open and she shot straight up past Obsidian and she shot straight up past Obsidian. Hovering Weiter to the chandelier, she smirked at him and growled “You were saying?” His golden eyes glinted at her like cursed Gold as he declared, “This doll will be Mehr fun than I’ve had for a long while.”
    “You sagte something about there being ways out of this place!” she called down to him.
    “Ah, Du want the rules of the game? Well, Du can check out of the Hotel one of these ways…”
    She interrupted rudely, “Yes, I got that part, and I suppose one of the ways is death?”
    He laughed again and sneered at Stara “Very perceptive. Yes, death is the first way, substitution the second, and finding the key the third. He caught her arched eye brow and explained. “Substitution is when someone from the outside the world of Hotel California takes your place as a guest. And if Du find the key Du can check out of the Hotel for free. No payment for room oder meals.”
    “What’s the catch?”
    “Catch?” He laughed. “The catch is that it’s very hard to find.”
    He continued laughing and Stara threw the messer that was in her hand at him, but he batted it away with his hand incased in black magic tinged with an evil-looking red. Controlling his laughter, Obsidian looked over his shoulder as if he had heard something. “Alas my dear Starayana, I am called away Von another guest. I shall return to Du soon and we shall have further discussion.” He waved his hand at her and an anvil appeared out of nowhere and attached itself to her ankle Von a chain. “I’m sure Du have a weight on your mind.”
    He chuckled darkly at his own joke as, unable to fly with the extra weight; Stara plummeted through the gaping hole in the floor. Obsidian walked over to the chasm and murmured to himself, “I haven’t had this much fun since Sisceal was loose.” He turned and headed off to torture another “guest.”

* * *

    Wind rushed through her hair, tangling it. Stara desperately tried to stop her fall with magic, but the large anvil still had Obsidian’s charm lingering on it, although she could feel the magic anvil lightening as she got further from the evil host. Unfortunately, the bottom of the pit which she was descending uncontrollably was approaching just as fast.
    Ten feet from the bottom of the pit, the anvil disappeared. Immediately, her wings filled with air, slowing her descent. Alas, it was too late.

* * *

    Sisceal sat slumped against the stone Wand of his cell. He had Lost count of how long he had been imprisoned Von Obsidian. His white hair had long Vor been indistinguishable from all the dirt that had been encrusted in it. Despite the white of his hair, he was young. He also had red eyes, as a result of his albinism.
    His Tag had begun gone the same as every other Tag had gone since his capture. One of Obsidian’s evil little shadow creatures had brought him his meal of brot and water, and now he was munching it contentedly. Sisceal paused in his chewing as he heard cracking coming from the ceiling above the far corner of his cell. “Hmm, interesting,” he thought. Obsidian was at it again, eh? oder was it one of the “guests” causing havoc. Good for them if they were.
    Whatever it was, he would find out what it was oder he wouldn’t. He returned to his meal, only to look back up at a newly forming hole in the ceiling of his cell. He moved aside as rubble piled up on the floor. Voices followed the debris. He frowned, concentrating. One of the two voices was definitely Obsidian. He didn’t recognize the female voice. He couldn’t tell what they were saying; only that Obsidian was laughing. And that other sound, were those… wing beats?
    Half a Minute later, he got his answer as something- oder someone- fell through the cavity.

* * *

    Stara slowly opened her eyes and blinked. A pair of red orbs blinked back at her. She jumped when a hand gently touched her shoulder.
    “Hey, are Du all right?” a male voice with a slight Irish accent reached he ears. He sounded genuinely concerned.
    Stara carefully sat up and sagte crossly, “Yes, I’m fine. Where are we and why are we in a cell?”
    “The charming man Du met above threw me in here after I tried to kill him multiple times.” The speaker sat about a foot from her on a rock. His red eyes held friendly concern if Du just looked at them, but deeper, they held anger and resentment, tinged with sadness.
    Stara crossed her arms and asked belligerently “Who are you?”
    “My name is Sisceal Alebaster. When I’m not languishing in a cell, I’m a priest. And who, may I ask, are you?”
    Stara glared at Sisceal, reluctant to give out her name, but relented and replied to his question, “My name is Starayana Amoran, elven warrior.” She conveniently left out the part about her being a princess oder any past history at all. “I’m a wielder of the shadow element. Please, call me Stara.” She offered her hand to shake.
    Sisceal shook her hand, saying “It’s a pleasure to meet you. How did Du get here?”
    Ignoring the question, Stara got up, groaning, and took a closer look at the cell. The was no way out save for the barred door and the hole through which she had fallen, which was now closing up, thanks to the magic of the Hotel California. She hurried over to the door to see if she could get it open somehow.
    The hinges were on the other side, and the door itself was solid. But she could reach the lock on the other side. Stara smirked and placed her hand on the lock. Shadow magic flowed into the lock and turned it like a key.
    Sisceal’s eyebrows rose as the cell door swung open. “I’ve been in here for I don’t know how long, and haven’t been able to escape. But you, you’ve been in here for five Minuten and you’ve got the door open! What kind of woman are you?” he questioned wonderingly.
    Stara glanced at him, replied, “Elf,” and headed out the door and down the hall.
Sisceal shook his head, still amazed, and followed the elf, who had paused at the end of the corridor, debating which way to go. “Left. Go left.” he informed her and went that way himself. Once he turned the corner and found himself in complete darkness, he was quite willing to let Stara take the lead. As an elf and shadow wielder, she was able to navigate through the oubliette.

* * *

A few passageways over from the elf and the priest, a girl with dyed red hair and an eye patch sat facing a skeleton with a party hat on its head. She held a one-sided conversation with the skeleton as she carefully guarded a flickering candle from the cold draft that was wafting through the dark labyrinth.
    “So you’re Birthday skeleton, eh? My name’s Rae. I was just exploring the Hotel when I found a staircase leading to this place and got lost. What’s your story?” After waiting a beat she started yelling, “What’s your problem? What, am I am not skinny enough for you? Inconsiderate thing!” Rae pointedly looked away from the morbidly grinning remains of a birthday party gone wrong. She also tried to kreuz her arms. Unfortunately, she forgot about the candle and accidentally burned herself. A string of imaginative curses came from her mouth as she dropped the candle. The flame went out, leaving her in complete darkness.
    “Uh-oh.” Rae froze, then began screaming insults at the skeleton.
    Over in the other passage, Stara and Sisceal stopped and the elf looked at Sisceal, who didn’t look at anything because he couldn’t see.
“Should we…?” Stara questioned.
He snorted, “Of course.”
He started to walk forward, but ran into Stara as she turned around. “Whoops, sorry!” He quickly backed up a pace.
“It’s fine. Hold still.” She put her hands on either side of his head and muttered a chain of words he didn’t understand. Suddenly, pain bloomed in his eyes and he shut them. Instantly, the pain stopped and he reopened them to see Stara’s face less a foot away from his own. She released his face and stepped away. ‘There,” She said. “Now Du can see like an elf. Should’ve done that before.” She turned to go.
    He blinked, still astounded that he could see in the dark. He pulled himself together and thanked the elf.
    “No sweat.” Stara stopped and looked at him over her shoulder, and warned him, “If Du go too far away from me, then spell will fade.” Sisceal nodded and they continued on to where Rae stood, still cussing out Birthday Skeleton.
    “You know, I got a really epic present for you, but after ignoring me and making me drop my candle, you’re NOT GOING TO GET IT!” Rae’s voice had risen to a shriek before she quieted and starting asking herself just what the heck she was doing. “Rae, what are Du doing? Screaming obscenities at a dumb old skeleton.”
    “Just what we’d like to know.” Sisceal spoke up as he came around the last corner, Stara following close behind.
    Rae squeaked and whirled around to face the newcomers, but as she couldn’t see, she tripped and landed on her butt. Then again, Rae reflected from her newfound position on the ground, she was always clumsy. “Who are you? Du just appeared-like ghosts!” She looked in their direction nervously and asked “You would happen to be the ghost of Birthday Skeleton, would you?”
    Stara and Sisceal exchanged a look. Who the heck was this chick?
    Stara knelt down in front of Rae to perform the same spell she has used on Sisceal. Rae stiffened as she felt hands on either side of her face. She cursed yet again as her eyes filled with pain. Rae opened her eyes to see a black-haired-black-eyed beauty with pointy ears kneeling in front of her with an albino man standing close behind the woman. “Whoa, Du found the light switch?” Rae asked, pointing just behind them. Sisceal and Stara turned. Sure enough, there was a light switch.
    Rae continued happily, “So, are Du Birthdays ghost? ‘Cause Du look pretty ghostly to me.” She pointed to Sisceal’s naturally pale face. “If Du are then I’m not sorry for cursing Du out!”
    Sisceal gave Rae a confused look and introduced himself and his companion. Rae was awed Von the information that Stara had wings. The human blathered on about the fact as they began searching for the entrance to the maze-like dungeon.
    “I can’t believe Du have wings! Can Du believe it?” She excitedly asked Sisceal, who nodded at her before Rae continues verbalizing her amazement. “I mean, I’ve always dreamed of flying! I wonder what it’s like… Do Du know what flying’s like?” She looked to Stara for an answer, but didn’t wait for it. “Of course Du do. You-”
    “Rae.” Stara’s voice cut the redhead off. “Do Du remember where the stairs to the upper level are?”
    The shorted woman thought, head tilted to the side as she did. “It was… it was… Argh, I don’t remember!” she shouted, clutching her head.
    “Rae, darling? Is that you?” a female voice reached their ears.
    “Huh?” Rae lowered her hands and looked for the voice. “Katsune! Where are you?”
    The mysterious Katsune answered, “At the oben, nach oben of the stairs leading into a dark tunnel thing!” She laughed suddenly. “I bet there are spiders down there!”
    “SPIDERS???!!!” Rae jumped into Stara’s arms-or tried to. Sisceal started laughing at the hum clinging to the highly unamused elf like a monkey. “Nice Spiderman, nice Spiderman.” Rae muttered, eyes shut tight.
    Katsune stopped laughing as soon as she heard Sisceal. She called to Rae again, “Rae? Is someone down there with you?”
    Rae opened her eyes and glared in the direction of the voice. “Yeah! Spiderman and a Swamp Donkey!” She resisted Stara’s efforts to remove Rae from her body. “Wanna come meet them?” She shouted maliciously back.
    When Katsune replied, her voice had a quiver in it, “I’m fine here, thanks. Why don’t Du bring your new Friends up here and introduce us?”
    Rae nodded, “Yeah, why don’t we?” she asked her companions. When she received confirmation of this new plan, she clambered around on Stara so she was riding piggyback. “Onward,” she cried, pointing in the direction of Katsune’s voice.
    Stara gave her a dirty look and snarled, “Offward.” She unceremoniously dumped the girl on the floor of the passage.
    Rae gave the elf puppy-dog eyes and begged, ‘But, but, there’s spiders!”
    Stara ignored the redhead and stalked away. Sisceal looked back and forth between the two women. He wanted to follow the shadow wielder, but the right thing to do would be to help Rae. He sighed and helped Rae up, telling her that the faster she walked, the faster she’d be away from the spiders. Sekunden later, all he could see of her was a wolke of dust. Sisceal coughed and waded through the dust to where Stara was glaring after Rae.
    “Blast that girl! Doesn’t she remember that she can’t be too far away from me in order for the elf-eye spell to work?” Stara raged to herself as she walked.
    Suddenly, the two heard a thunk, as if something had run into a very hard stone wall. They took off running.
    They found Rae lying unconscious at the base of that very hard stone wall. Sisceal picked her up and they continued on to where Katsune was waiting nervously. Upon seeing her friend in Sisceal’s arms, the black haired girl flew into a rage. “What did Du do to my Rae?” she screamed at the priest. She whipped and out a messer and lunged at him, only to be stopped Von Stara’s knife. Katsune glowered at the elf, who stared impassively back above their locked messer hilts.
    “Let’s not jump to conclusions here, Katsune. We didn’t do anything to hurt Rae. In fact we helped her out of that oubliette. She ran into a Wand and knocked herself out. Think, would we have brought her if we had hurt her?” Stara quietly said.
    Katsune thought and slowly replied, “No. My apologies.” She backed off and bowed politely to Sisceal. “I am sorry for overreacting like that.” She smiled charmingly. “I feel at a disadvantage. Du know my name, but I don’t know yours.”
    Stara nodded at her. “Well then, let’s start over. I’m Starayana Amoran. I’m an elf and shadow magic wielder.”
    Sisceal took over and sagte “And my name is Sisceal Alebaster. I’m a priest.”
    Katsune froze. “A p-priest?” she repeated. “Hehe, how about that.” She fidgeted with the knife, as if she regretted not knifing him when she had the chance.
    The tension built until Rae woke up and shouted, “Holy cheese-balls, I’m hungry!” she marched over to the kitchen. The atmosphere broken, they all followed her.
    After eating Obsidian out of hotel and home, they held a council of war. Sisceal wanted to go fight Obsidian, but that was vetoed Von Rae. Katsune thought that they should go Suchen the library, which reminded Sisceal of a hint that Obsidian had told him before throwing him into the dungeon.
    “The key is hidden in the herz of the castle,” Sisceal stated.
    “Huh?” the women sagte in unison.
    “The key is hidden in the herz of the castle! Obsidian gave me that hint when he , ah, captured me.” Sisceal fell quiet, thinking.
    Stara stared at him and questioned, “Do Du know where that is?”
    Sisceal slowly shook his head. “I’m afraid I don’t.”
* * *
    Months passed and the four of them became firm friends. Stara and Sisceal were always wary of Katsune and she them. They had many adventures involving Swamp Donkeys (named Von Katsune) and Sunshine (a giant deer). Other guests came and went, disappearing mysteriously. Obsidian stayed in the middle of it all, like a marionette master putting on a Zeigen for his own sadistic pleasure, waiting to brutally cut the strings and watch his Puppen fall.
* * *
    “Hey, Hey guys!” Katsune flipped on the light of the drawing room, waking her three Friends from where they were sleeping, sprawled on various pieces of furniture.
    Rae was not happy. “I was having a great dream!” she muttered darkly. “We were in the normal world and eating rainbow-flavored ice cream. But then, a Swamp Donkey showed up and said, ‘Hey, Hey guys!’ then I woke up! What’s the big idea, Kat?”
    Katsune sagte excitedly, “Obsidian has a girlfriend!”
    Stara was less than pleased and sagte so. “Katsune, we aren’t in high school. I could care less about who has a girlfriend!” She blushed slightly as she sagte this.
    “But don’t Du get it?” Katsune was almost vibrating with excitement. “’The key is hidden in the herz of the castle!’ Isn’t the Hotel pretty much Obsidian?”
    Shocked, Sisceal stared at her. “Why didn’t I think of that? smaragd does have a key around her neck!” This statement confused Rae and Stara, who hadn’t met the girlfriend of Obsidian. Seeing their bemused expressions, he clarified his thoughts for them. “Obsidian’s love. His heart.”
    Stara’s face formed an “O” of realization and Rae stood up and punched the air, exclaiming “Let’s go get her!”
    The priest blanched. “She’s a vampire, Rae.”
    That didn’t affect the spunky redhead. “So?” she proclaimed. “We have a priest who kicks butt, an elf who uses shadow magic, and whatever the heck Katsune is!” She paused and added “And me! Between the four of us, we can steal it.” She stopped suddenly. “Hey! We don’t need to fight her-we can just steal the key!” Feeling proud of herself, she looked around before asking, “Well? What do Du think?”
    Katsune was shaking her head, obviously against the idea. But Stara was nodding slowly. “That could work. I can sneak in while she’s sleeping without her waking.”
    “Are Du sure?” Sisceal asked worriedly. “What if she wakes up while you’re still in there?”
“Then we’ll find out who’s stronger, and elf oder a vampire,” Katsune sagte maliciously, and then added with a wicked gleam in her eye, “I’m rather curious, myself.”
    Rae and Sisceal stared at the black-haired woman, shocked that Katsune wanted the elf and the vampire to duke it out after being vehemently against it earlier.
    But Stara was smiling grimly. “I would like to test my strength against a vampire. But I promise to try not to wake her. Any objections oder questions?” No one answered. “Good. We’ll put Operation Key into motion tomorrow when it’s light out and smaragd should be sleeping.”
    “Operation Key?” Rae was indignant. “Operation Key? Couldn’t Du have come up with a better name than that? Like ‘Mission Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ oder something? ”
* * *
Twelve o’clock noon found the group standing huddled in an empty room just a hallway from Emerald’s room. The others wished Stara good luck as the elf readied herself for her mission. She wore none of her usual leather armor, instead opting for soft leather an tight fitting linen clothes to reduce the noise she made. She also cast a spell that made her as silent as a shadow. She left her sword, bow, and arrows in Sisceal’s care, but took her knives with her-just in case.
    Katsune leaned against the wall, smirking at the scene before her. Sisceal fussed over Stara like a mother hen, worry clear in his eyes. Rae stood awkwardly to the side, wanting to help but not knowing how.
    Finally Stara told her Friends that she really ought to be going, and she immediate got caught in an immense bär hug Von both Rae and Sisceal. Stara patted them clumsily on the back before backing out of their embrace ad escaping into the hallway.
    She made her way quietly to Emerald’s door. She heard hissing coming from the other side of the door, but shrugged it off as she heard the vampire’s even breathing. Great, she was asleep.
    Stara placed her palm on the lock ad used her magic to unlock the door much as she had done when she had first met Sisceal. The lock soundlessly clicked open.
    Suddenly, Stara had a feeling that she should hide herself better than she already had. A barely audible spell later, she was invisible. She eased the door open and stopped.
    The room had a multitude of glass cage full of snakes. “Crap,” Stara thought. The vampire had about a hundred little pets, probably trained to alert her to any intruders. But one of the snakes seemed suspicious of the invisible elf.
    Treading as lightly as possible, Stara walked over to the sleeping Emerald. The black haired woman slept sprawled on the bed    with her mouth open, revealing her fangs. The key hung on a chain around her neck. Stara reached down and flicked the clasp open, gently pulling the key off its chain and replacing it with a key that didn’t open anything. Sneaking back out, Stara closed and locked the door before lightly running back to where her Friends waited.
    The moment she entered the room and dispelled her charms, she was verbally attacked. “Stara! How did it go? Why were Du running? Why-no, how were Du invisible?” the rapid feuer continued until Stara held up her hand. The key glinted from between her fingers.
    “It went fine. I was running because I wanted to get back quickly. I cast an invisibility spell because there was a boot load of snakes in there.” Stara paused for breath and asked a Frage of her own. “Sisceal, where is the door that this key unlocks?”
    Sisceal shrugged, saying “Who says there is a door?”
    “What?” Stara gaped at the priest. “You mean to tell me that I just stahl, stola a key for no-“
    “No, Du misunderstand. I meant that the key doesn’t unlock simply one door, it unlocks all doors.” Sisceal elucidated.
    Rae grabbed the key and went over to the door. She closed and locked it with the key, the reopened it. They all gasped. There, right before their eyes, was a busy straße in Dublin, Ireland.
    Cautiously, Katsune, Sisceal, and Stara stepped through the door after Rae. The door closed Von itself when Stara passed through it. As one, they turned to see a regular door of a Zufällig store.
    Katsune sighed, “Well, I guess that’s it, then. We’re out.”
* * *
    They gathered in a park to plan what they were doing next. Rae wanted to go back to her Home in America ad Katsune decided to tag alone with her. Sisceal wasn’t sure where to go.
    Stara had an idea for him, “Why don’t Du come with me to my Home world?” she asked. “Magic is common there, and you’ll be able to get a job.”
    Sisceal considered and replied, “You know, I think I’ll take that offer. There’s nothing for me here, anymore. Obsidian took it all.” He fell silent, remembering.
    Choosing this moment, Stara spoke “I haven’t been entirely truthful with Du guys.”
    “Eh?” the other three all exclaimed.
    “I’m Mehr than just an elf from another world. I’m the eldest warrior princess of the world Atlantis. I ran away because my boyfriend tried to kill me. I’m sorry for not telling Du before. It’s just that I don’t trust others well, and I was embarrassed Von y reason for running off. Can Du forgive me?”
    Katsune smiled and nodded, Rae shouted her forgiveness, and Sisceal squeezed Stara’s hand gently. He sagte “Of course we can.”
    Stara smiled back at them. Her trust had been recreated.

oder is it?

    Obsidian knew the moment they left the Hotel. Surrounded Von darkness filled with malice, he opened his eyes and smiled nastily. Did they really think that they had escaped his clutches? Oh no, his Favorit Puppen would be back for another stay at the Hotel California.

Explanation and Credits:
This is based on an online role play using the song “Hotel California” Von the Eagles. I am part of that role play, and I have obtained permission from the owners of the other characters to use their characters.

The idea of Hotel California the role play and the characters of Obsidian and Sisceal are owned Von Axel1313.

The characters of Katsune and the Swamp Donkeys are owned Von UltmateUltima.

The characters of Rae and Birthday Skeleton are owned Von MOARdesu.

The character of smaragd is owned Von YugiohFanatic1.

The characters of Stara, Tadashi, Lianna, and Adrialiyana are owned Von Lady_Rebel (me).

Thanks guys for all of your patience in waiting for me to post this and a huge thanks for letting me use your characters!!! :D
added by Axel1313
Source: The wonderful artist who created it.
added by UltmateUltima
Source: tima doodles
added by UltmateUltima
Source: Lady_Rebel fingers
added by MOARdesu
added by Axel1313
added by Lady_Rebel
Source: Me, using
added by Axel1313
added by UltmateUltima
Source: tumblr
added by Axel1313
Source: The artist who drew this.
added by Axel1313
added by Axel1313
added by Lady_Rebel
Source: Somewhere, just not me :P
added by Axel1313
added by Lady_Rebel
Source: Somewhere, just not me :P
added by Axel1313
Source: Yours truly!
added by Axel1313
added by Axel1313
added by Axel1313
added by Axel1313
added by Axel1313