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posted by MarineHolocaust
As always, if you're not on the Zufällig rp, don't read this.
I can't wait until we get to the exciting parts. Wow anyways from where we left off, yes? Same scene? Oh also, Sav, don't know if Du realize it but in the Titel "Captivated" is used entirely wrong mind if I change that it bothers me, it's misleading. The Updates will probably take long blah blah blah....

Ah, did the kid seem to be taken aback at the abrupt response to the innocent questioning~. Upon hearing my reply Finland did seem.... befuddled, da. Truly his confusion slightly confused me as well. How dare he act like we're such good old buddies, the best of friends, yet so blatantly hit on my girlfriend right in front of my face, as if I'd be perfectly fine with it?!? Maybe "hit on" wasn't a very accurate term for the current moment, oder any moment in all honestly. No matter the most proper terminology for describing such, he still seemed to Zeigen signs of interests in Tally, unfortunately not the platonic kind. Only small ones, usually, that could slip under the radar of most people. Considering I have, even if not too descriptively, named a few of them before, I shan't do so again. A large portion of the time I tried not to come off as the jealous type in order to not seem an overly-possessive man, but Finland easily slipped up trying to hide his apparent sexual attraction towards Washington, so why should I not to be allowed to on occasion "forget" not to act jealous? Somehow I'd have to make it clear that Talullah was mine, yes? Each day, as Du can easily conclude, doing so got, not Mehr difficult, but much Mehr stress-inducing, I suppose Du could say. Trying to make it clear she was mine but not act like some alarmingly obsessed buffoon was harder than it sounded, Du have to be very careful with what Du do and say. 'Tis common knowledge that enough alcohol, however, wipes away any care.

Having been that the case, when Finland responded to my snap with a "...Shut up?", instead of recognizing the unnecessary rudeness of my Kommentar and asking politely for forgiveness, my grin only widened. Remembering all the things I just mentioned and possibly a little more, to my drunk mind the harshness was justifiable, if not needed. Claiming right now that I disagree with such would be a lie, even as I soberly reminisce I can't help but feel like it really WAS my duty to act so cruelly to him.... Unsurprisingly, I continued to do so, pulling myself so I was standing at full height, wodka bottle clutched in hand. "I sagte shut the fuck up." Proclaimed I, beginning to take slow, long strides around the counter and into the living room. Despite his looks and general, childish way he comes off, Finland could occasionally be tough if he wanted to, this I've seen before for myself. Oh, but you'd be a fool to think that'd stop me in the slightest. If I recall correctly, before either of us had even met Tally, the kid used to be frightened of me largely. ((Recall the anime, ladies.)) Others being frightened of me was, although nowadays incredibly expected, typically very insulting, for they had no good reason to be. Usually I would, even if to myself, become confused and a little upset just at the thought. Today, however, was an exception, for I decided I would use this as an advantage to make Finland -and the rest of the world, for that matter- remember who Washington belonged to, Von once arriving at his beanbag, towering over Fin, a shit-eating grin plastered on my own face, just waiting for his response.

"..W-what's gotten into you..?!" Stammered he, appearing to become Mehr unnerved Von the second. How excellent. Back he shrunk into the beanbag, although he appeared to be trying to mask any fear he held somehow. That wouldn't do him any good. Hee, hee. ((//shot a million times//)) Now, of course, I felt no remorse for scaring Finland nor hurting him like I had been planning to. On a normal occasion I would, however, feel terrible once Tally got a hold of me for doing so, the woman knew exactly how to mess with my emotions [which I've never minded at all, truly]. Though even at times I WASN'T intoxicated these "consequences" per se didn't phase me; never crossed my mind until I was truly facing them. As Du can easily imagine alcohol only made it worse, though saying I didn't potentially enjoy it was a lie~. Continued I did to tower over the beanbag as well as the man sitting in it, speaking in reply to his frantic-sounding Frage "Do Du really not know? I knew Du were somewhat ignorant but wow~ Answer this: Du do Du know that Talullah is mine, yes? Mine to Liebe and hold and do all kind of things with." Mehr confusion from the kid! Sometimes I couldn't help but hate people who I found overwhelmingly stupid, frequenting thoughts of torturing the idiotic tendencies out of them~ Trust me, Finland in most any other case didn't fit the bill, ah but with this he wasn't excluded from the bouts of those gloriously violent thoughts~.

Preoccupied within my imagination, I didn't quite catch Finland's response nor honestly did I care. Without really meaning to, my eyes just simply fluttered shut, brain too Lost in a fuzzy, bloody haze to focus on anything. T'was strangely peaceful, comforting. Whilst they progressed I didn't even notice Talullah re-entering the room, despite it being not even half a Minute of my little daze before she did. What awoke me from the spell was, in fact, her roughly shouting "RUSSIA!" in a voice Mehr stern than I'd ever heard her speak to me in. My eyes flew open at the sound of her yelling, only to focus in sweet Washington hugging Finland tightly, him looking somewhat shaken up. This gesture between the two of them was not uncommon, yet it induced anger within me considering all the others thoughts in my mind, not to mention how she was Wird angezeigt him affection and to me, who loved her so much, nothing but madness. Indeed the irritation of hers was very justifiable, she had much of the right to do so. Thinking rationally was, however, as Du can guess, hard at the time for me to do. Before I could respond, she started again. "I saw the whole ordeal. What the fuck, baby?!" Baby. She called me baby. Hearing so calmed me. "Stop being so jealous, Du have no reason to be!"

No reason to be. No reason to be. Simply hearing the words together drew laughter from within me; laughter so hard I found myself unable to breathe after a while. Da I have no reason to be jealous of oder irritated at the moves everyone would make on MY Tally nor the eagerly accepting way in which she would retaliate! Strange she would note the fact that I WAS jealous yet barely get why. Most certainly she knew the reasons behind my jealousy, but just found them ridiculous. "Silly, silly Tally." Managed I to choke out between laughs. "You have to think from my perspective~". Taking a deep breath in order to suppress my raucous laughter, I stalked over to Washington, roughly stroking her hair once over there. I can't say it didn't surprise me when in response, she lifted up her head and kissed me. Passionately. Nothing but the simple touch of Talullah's soft, sweet lips to mine made my insides feel as if they were fluttering wildly, just like most of our embraces normally did to me. Enough it was to make me want much more, probably due to the amount of alcohol in my blood stream. My hands found their way to her hips, grasping tightly; pulling beloved Tally closer to me. Entirely forgetting about Finland standing right beside us, I would have gone further if she hadn't pulled away after what was less than a Minute to stare me in the eyes and speak in an almost menacing tone "As do Du with mine."

Even in such a state, there was no denying she had a point. Before, I had tried to do so, as I've non-explicitly stated before. Rarely were the results too conclusive when they came to being suitable enough for me, but usually I just brushed it off. Forgiving Talullah was easy, for she showed me Liebe and compassion so gratuitously to the point where it was unfathomable as to why she would do so. Her motives are strange when it comes to everything, I suppose. Not that it makes her any less glorious. What with these truths and the way suddenly I right now felt the longing to be inside of her -or simply just to hold her!-, my response to her talking was a gentle "I'm sorry, baby.", albeit a slight pause in-between our statements. Deep down I knew this to be a lie, but it would have only caused Mehr trouble to tell the truth, da? Little harm in a small white lie~. With my words I kissed her again, so lightly, but ah was the touch heavenly. Possibly being so hellbent on not allowing anyone else to experience such beautiful feelings with her was somewhat selfish, but what did I care? If all the sweet things Tally spoke about me were true, that would be just how she'd want it~. The KISS I allowed to be very short, though only so I could properly ask her "Do Du forgive me?", to which the reply was "Yes, I suppose~."

Tightly gripping onto the fabric of her plain black tanktop that hugged her figure so, I listened to only my urges, pressing my lips to the side of Washington's warm, smooth neck. Downwards on her neck I began to trail, getting Mehr passionate with each kiss. This I knew to at most times make her moan of pleasure, such Musik to my ears when it would escape her lips~. Easily I could tell when she threw her head back, the slight strain felt under the pressure of my lips. Her doing this made it easier to kiss; my herz starting to beat faster and faster whenever my lips would even brush her skin, for the feeling of her pulse right underneath was delightful~. Anyone in my place would have wanted to continue such, if only Finland -who I had let escape my mind temporarily- hadn't questioned quickly "....A-are we gonna go now?", sounding just a little bit fed up. Considering he had any right to be fed up with me. Probably just jealous he didn't get to be the one Küssen Tally's neck, the idea of which simply wanted to make me KISS more. There's no questioning that I would have if she didn't decide to pull away -reluctantly, from the looks of it- and respond to Fin "Y-yeah, of course...". Instead of being irritated at either of them oder in general at the predicament, I was Mehr let down than anything. We stopped before I could even get Tally to moan.....

Out the door they started to go, me trailing behind slowly, deep in thought. Why did this always happen? Many of the times I got Tally to myself, away from the rest of the world, very close to being allowed to sexually please her, Finland showed up out of the blue to ruin it all. Most of the time, Fin wasn't even near us before, he just would suddenly pop up! Surely he'd have no way of knowing of our intentions as far as I knew, yet appeared at the most awkward times. Odd. In the long run of things, it was only really a minor annoyance, but it happened so frequently I couldn't help but worry. Whether it be accidental oder not that he blocked our intentions so much, it was bound to happen again. And again. And again. Silly as it was, I began to feel very worried that this might somehow drift my precious Tally and I apart, even if very slightly. Intimate moments are not NEEDED for a healthy relationship, saying so would be stupid. They're nothing but a small part of it. However usually, whenever things like this would happen, the two of us would end up spending the rest of the Tag with Finland, permission not asked to me. Talullah was, from what I've seen, irritated Von the unforeseen prevention of intercourse, but still would treat "Finny" as if he did nothing wrong! Perhaps I was overreacting, but oh soon Fin would learn to be Mehr careful with his timing. Him as well as the rest of the world would learn to let me do as I allow with Washington as long as it's with her consent. Though in history, to make the biggest points, I've found out consent isn't needed.
at Beacon high, the time was 1:00 A.M. the boys and girls stayed up all night, ''okay, this is the story of the "Holy ghost" ready?" says Germany, "no, it will make me get bad nightmares," says Nepal "okay let's just forget the stories and go to bed," Germany said, "the hall is super dark! and i might get hurt" sagte Myanmar, when Myanmar went into the hallway and got super scared, "hello" says Myanmar very loud, "yes" says a voice, "who was that" says Myanmar, "Myanmar its me," says Italy, "Italy, can Du take me to my room?" says Myanmar, "yeah! im needing someone" says Italy, "oooooohhhh"...
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posted by mikla23
now we start back, "their is a school dance today?" i hope that spammer is not here to spam the whole world" says Vietnam, "yeah, that spammer sure better not be here, i really hope so" says Switzerland, "so who is the spammer?" says Syria, ''Tracy, Lacy and, B-L-A-C-Y" says Vietnam, "oh, okay, but dude, i really need Du both" says Malta, when they was in their rooms in beacon high [they got rooms in the school] "im board'' says Malta when Malta opened the computer, their was mean words on their {(it says: Du Wikia troll, Du really don't have good Grammar, please use super good Grammar,...
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added by outsider57

    Raining. Again. I guess I'm used to it, though. Sighing loudly, I turned to my brother.
    "Arthur, when is he getting here?" I asked.
    "He should be here Von now. Don't worry, Scottie, I'm sure you'll like him"
    It was a dreary afternoon at my bro's house, which was technically my house too, but I don't really stay there often. Arthur had invited his girlfriend, Tallulah, to a romantic candle-lit abendessen at the house. Well, I threw a fit. No one was going to be at the main house, so...
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posted by kaboomgirl
This is just a little Artikel I decided to write in order to explain my characters and their minds a bit better...

Dennis - Dennis, Dennis... where do I start? He's a bit.... eh.... strange, in a way. He's usually calm, cool, and collected, but sometimes.... he snaps. A little. Just don't mess with him, okay? There's about a 50/50 chance he'll laugh it off oder rip your throat out.

Daisy - Let's just say she doesn't think much. She acts on impulse like Du wold not believe. She's always trying to stick her nose in other people's business and help them, but she doesn't really. On a heavier note,...
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