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Your Chinese Zodiac



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yoki96 said:
By this it says that: I'm spontaneous. I enjoy traveling, and taking on any new task just to avoid any sense of monotony. I'm a zestful, spirited and giving individual who is well-liked by others. I don't get along with the Horse and Rabbit. That would explain why my sister and I fight (she is a Rabbit). Since I get along with the Dragon and Monkey, it says here that:

Dragon: "Dragons are usually successful but their enthusiasm can sometimes leave them exhausted."
- I know that writing is your passion, but take a break every once in a while. You'll get more energy and you might get some new ideas

Monkey: "Their favorite pastime is people-watching."
- ...... *looks at Tine* Dafuq?! Are you a stalker or something?! *creates a little distance between the 2*
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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I haven't written anything in awhile.. I've had writer's block for quite some time now.

I'm an Earth Dragon~

It says:

More rooted in the ground, Earth Dragons make better decisions because they act more rationally. Earth Dragons are level headed and able to control their behaviors. They are more supportive of others but, they prefer being admired by others.

I get along with:

Monkey and Rat~

No surprise there~ -smiles-

I disagree with:

Ox and Ram.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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yoki96 said:
It's a good thing this ain't the Greek zodiac, otherwise we would have problems (Aries represented by ram) ^_^;
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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I suppose~ -chuckles- Since you mentioned Aries's representation... Sagittarius is represented by a Centaur~
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Tinekraut said:
lol, looks like this new find is doing bad on my image. XDD
Hey don't accuse me. I'm innocent. I don't even know you. Who is this okappa girl by the way? (joke XD)
Well, actually, it's the least thing that can contribute to my on-the-brink-of getting-banned image. And there, Ren nee-chan suddenly remembered the first time she hit me when I said "I'm keeping an eye on you =_="
It's quite uncanny that they pointed out that the three of us get along very well XD What I know is that the three of us are meant for world domination.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Tinekraut said:
Okay. So it says that I'm quite sensitive and easily gets hurt. And I'm a jokester 'cause I refuse to show it.
The descriptions were true about me but at a different point in time. The first one was true when I was still younger, but at that time I was still quite stick-in-the-mud dead-pan straight guy. But of course people change as the time pass. Afterall the "thrown pie", I've gotten used to unfavorable feedback to the point that I no longer care. Then having humor only came afterwards. But it's more like because it's a necessity for survival when the people around you are fond of ribbing and would sometimes like to annoy you.
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last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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yoki96 said:
But at the end of the day, the 3 of us are gonna rule the world!!! *crazy evil Light laugh* ....... Or at least the Hetalia fan club ^_^;
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Tinekraut said:
That's probably why I see no other members joining any discussion at club whenever the trio is assembled -_-; We're virtually monopolizing the conversations *facepalm* Yep, world domination indeed. Pun intended when we mean the hetalia fc.

What the... I think this Zodiac hero thing has a problem with me. It doesn't give me any good description about myself. gyaa *akuma mode*

It also says, I can easily succeed at anything I do, only if I'm focused. But most often I easily get distracted and easily lose concentration.

Are they trying to pull off a market here? Yep, now I'm tempted to buy stocks of Tiger Balm from China so I can maintain concentration. My liniment here is already running out.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Tinekraut said:
Okay, it says here that Rats are witty and energetic, that's given. They also have good observation skills. hmn... *eyes on Yoki-chan* Looks like the okappa girl here is the real one who has the potential to become stalker.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Tinekraut said:
Dragons: they are dominant and ambitious.... They have quite a temper. *gulp*

They made Ren nee-chan seem like tyrranical.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Tinekraut said:
I'm mischievous? Wow, now I'm hurt. I'm just a harmless, man's-best-friend (or predecessor or something), monkey. Why is it accusing me? Now I'm sure this Habitat Heroes Zodiac has something against me *clenched fist* grrr... It's giving wrong info about me enjoying the city life. Don't ever do the mistake of bringing me to the city or it'll be a big problem. You might need to contact the police or any authority to look for a missing person. You know how poor my sense of direction is.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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yoki96 said:
Hmmm~ Maybe, but only if I'm angry (then I look for revenge). Don't worry, if you get lost at my place, a lot of other people may help you... Ren-chan is nothing like that.

But still, we have quiet a future ahead of us. First Fanpop, then the world!!! *crazy, evil Light laugh again*
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Tinekraut said:
Ah, wow. In that case, getting lost in Belgrade is something I will really enjoy. Now that just gave me an idea >:3kukuku... I think that would be cool if I make Yoki-chan here get angry so she'll take me to their city >XD... I should justify that description of mine being mischievous, right? As I said, this one might guide me on my image building so...
A, yes, Ren nee-chan's not like that. I don't even see any opposition from her on this one.

O yes, world domination. The blue print of our master plan is already at hand, isn't it Boss Yoki? >;D hihi
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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I'm a Fire Rat...

being spontaneous
taking on new tasks to avoid routine

I am:
well-liked by others

Get along with:

Disagree with:

Hehe!!! I think most of it is correct...except for the part about being liked by everyone...No, honestly, I'm not trying to gain sympathy or anything, because I'm really not sure about it at all!!
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.
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Tinekraut said:
Okay, so Tenshi here is also a Rat. Well, just a good thing that it's a fellow rat, a dragon and a monkey who are with you in the same roon.
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr.