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posted by Twilight-girl-x
Chapter 2
Both Draco and Hermione had slept soundly that night in their rooms, they had been decorated in their house colours and they were beautiful. Hermione normally wouldn’t have complained about being head girl, Her Dorm was beautiful, the Common Room was amazing but unfortunately the only bathroom they had was a shared one, down the stairs through a door coming off the Common room. So now as Hermione padded barefoot down the stairs into the Lovely and Peaceful common room she carried a towel, her school uniform and her toiletries, only wearing the shorts and Tee-Shirt she had worn in bed, she was ready to have a shower. It was only six Thirty in the morning, Hermione had always been an early riser, it didn’t help that she was so excited that classes started today, She was also nervous, scared that she would forget everything and come bottom of the class, Some would call it pathetic but she had thought the same thing for her last 6 years of education at the school.

Hermione was tiptoeing, knowing Malfoy probably wouldn’t be up yet and although she may not like the boy she didn’t want to purposely annoy him Von waking him up, so as she hit the last stone step her foot came into contact with the warm, thick, black carpet of the common room, she heard the opening and closing of a door, she looked up, her cheeks flaming instantly, there in front of her stood none other than Draco Malfoy, a towel wrapped around his waist, another he was using to dry his hair, he chest left bare, before she could stop herself Hermione felt her eyes raking over the toned, muscled chest of the boy who had hated her since they were 11, her line of focus moved up, he still had a towel hiding his face so he hadn’t noticed her yet, she was rooted to the spot. He eventually removed the green towel from he was drying his blonde hair with but kept his head down, she could see his hair sticking about in a wild disarray, it was ruffled and flipping in front of his face, it was so different then she was used to seeing it -all slicked back- it made him look incredibly sexy. Wait, let’s go back, yes she did think he looked sexy, ‘No, stop’ she thought to herself. ‘You can’t think Draco Malfoy’s sexy, he’s hated Du for years, and Du hate him!’

During the internal argument she had with herself she had failed to notice that Draco had looked up and seen her, she was also still Staring and the very much still half-naked boy.
“Like what Du see Granger?” Draco’s cocky yet smirk showed no embarrassment, he obviously didn’t care that she was staring at him. He started to walk towards her, his hair still out of order, she went to get passed him to get into the large bathroom but there wasn’t a big enough gap between him and the chair she was trying to get past and she tripped on the wooden leg, falling sideways Draco caught her, but he didn’t let go, she was held tightly against his bare chest, her face could rival a tomate, tomaten now, she felt his lips brush her ear.
“I have to catch Du far too much Granger, Du need to stop falling.” She caught the hidden meaning that was enforced with the tone of his voice as he whispered the words, she shivered and he let her go. Hermione quickly made her way into the bathroom, almost running, breathing heavily, Draco dragged himself up the stairs to his dormitory.

Draco chucked his towels into the washing bin in the far corner of his room where they disappeared so the House Elves could wash them. He threw himself face down on to the green and silver sheets on the king sized bed. ‘What do Du think you’re doing? It’s Granger, for one she’s a Gryffindor and Du hate her and two she’s Potter best friend.’ He groaned loudly into the quilt at his thoughts, deciding to get changed, he pulled on his uniform then slid the warm black robe, gewand over the top, pinning the head boy badge to his chest.

He sat down at the schreibtisch in his room, a large mirror was placed over it and he used this to help him as he got his wand and slicked his hair back, making sure it would stay that way

He sat, head in his hands, elbows resting on the schreibtisch and groaned, looking back up to the mirror, his Grey eyes burning into the glass, he looked at the clock, he had taken about a half Stunde to get ready and now had about an Stunde until lessons, deciding to go to breakfast early as it wouldn’t be too crowded he took a deep breath and heaved himself up from the wooden chair he had been sat on. Just managing to put on foot in front of another he walked slowly from his room and down his stairs, he reached the bottom and caught himself looking towards the girls staircase, he was sure he had seen a swish of a grey rock turning the corner up the winding staircase but shook his head, he must have been imagining things, he walked purposely slowly down to the great hall, it took him only about ten Minuten , he sat down at the Slytherin table, right in the middle, only a few firs Jahr girls sat at the end of the tabelle near the teachers tabelle on the raised platform, a handful of students from other houses were also littered at their own tables. Only one teacher was sat eating breakfast, the new DADA professor was sat, Charlie was sat looking at Draco, watching him intently, when they made eye contact the tall, red headed man merely nodded then looked down, eating the speck that was on his plate.

Draco Sighed stabbing his eggs repeatedly before eating the mutilated food, the great hall was slowly filling up around him, and about twenty Minuten later, Draco felt the wooden bench drop slightly as Blaise elegantly lowered himself onto it, filling his plate with toast, speck and eggs. Draco shook his head, disgusted Von his Friends eating habits, he could eat anything but never gained any weight, it was ridiculous. Blaise just grinned. He swallowed loudly, took a drink from the golden goblet in front of him then turned to face his best friend.
“So then, what happened when Du got back to your rooms with Granger ey?” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively; Draco grimaced, punching his Friends arm, hard.
“Nothing Du git, she’s Granger!” Blaise just rolled his eyes but then Draco smiled, remembering this morning.
“What happened Drake? Du don’t normally smile like that.” Draco leant towards Blaise so no one would be able to listen in on their conversation; he told him what had happened this morning, Blaise chuckled quietly at the end of the little story but the sound of louder laughter had the two Slytherin boys and almost everyone that was now sat in the hall turning towards to open doorway, a Sekunde later, two girls were visible, the first dragging the Sekunde slightly, their arms were linked and it was Ginny Weasley laughing, red in the face, the other girls cheeks were also red, but she was Blushing, Hermione knew she shouldn’t have told Ginny.

Both girls stopped quickly on entering the great hall, Hermione’s cheeks flamed even redder as she noticed everyone staring at them, Ginny continued to laugh, although it was quieter now, Mehr of a snigger.
“Sorry everyone, please, don’t let us interrupt your breakfast.” Hermione started to drag Ginny towards the Gryffindor tabelle where they sat down, Draco had turned back to his breakfast but Blaise watched the two girls until they sat down before turning back to face the table.
“You know, she’s not too bad.” Draco looked up quickly, gapping at his friend.
“Who?” Blaise smirked but answered.
“You know, The Weaslette, Ginny.” Draco just put his head back down, mumbling unintelligibly.

Over on the Gryffindor tabelle the two girls were digging into their breakfast, Ginny still smiling, knowingly. There was a sudden hooting of owls as they flew in, Hermione wasn’t expecting anything so she wasn’t surprised when she got nothing, but she was slightly surprised when she saw Harry’s new owl Freddie (Named In memory of Fred) drop a letter Weiter to Ginny before flying away, not waiting for a treat. Ginny’s eyes lit up as she recognised Harry messy scrawl he called Handwriting. She dropped the piece of toast she was holding and it fell to her plate with a clunk, ripping open the envelope her eyes raked quickly over the short note, her smile soon dropped and tears formed in her eyes. Hermione had only ever seen Ginny cry once, and that was at Fred funeral, she hadn’t even cried when she first found out he was dead but now as one tear slipped down Ginny’s cheek one after another Hermione didn’t know what to do, the note fluttered to the floor as it slipped from Ginny’s gasp, she was sobbing now, attracting the attention of everyone in the room, she stood up and ran, Hermione glanced at the teachers table, Charlie- Professor Weasley- was watching her, anger and worry in his eyes, she snatched up the note, Lesen it quickly yet carefully.

Dear Ginny
I’m Sorry; I just don’t think things are going to work out between us
I’m here at the Auror training and you’re at school and it’s not fair on either of us
Du deserve better than me Gin, I’m sorry if I have hurt Du but we just aren’t right together
I hope we can still be friends

Hermione grabbed a few pieces of toast, hoisted her bag to her shoulder, grabbed Ginny’s as well and ran after her friend, the letter still -now slightly crumpled- in her hand. The great hall was now silent, Students and teachers alike watched their head Girl run after the red head with confused expressions, it only took a Minute but soon everyone was eating again, everyone apart from Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. Charlie Weasley wasn’t noticed as he slipped out of the door behind the teachers tabelle and in a near run travelled to his office.

Hermione ran towards the Gryffindor common room, hoping this would be where Ginny was. She skidded to a halt in front of the portrait of the fat lady before realising she didn’t know the password.
“Urm excuse me, but did Ginny Weasley just come in here?” The woman looked up at Hermione a sad smile on her lips.
“Yes, sobbing her herz out the poor girl.” She shook her head.
“Well, I don’t know the Passwort but I’m head girl and I really need to check on her.” The fat Lady laughed rolling her eyes.
“I know your head girl, and you’ve been a Gryffindor for eight years now, I do know Du Miss Granger, and anyway why wouldn’t I let Gryffindor’s Princess into the Common Room, I hope the Weasley girls okay soon.” Without another word the portrait swung open and Hermione stepped through, she was seething, She hated the stupid name she had been given, Gryffindor’s princess It was ridiculous, Harry and Ron had gotten names to but theirs didn’t really matter as they were no longer at the school. She ran up the girls’ staircase to the 7th Jahr girl’s dorm room and opened the door, Ginny hadn’t even bothered to close the curtains around the bed, and she just lay sprawled in the middle, sobbing, and her eyes red and puffy. Hermione dropped both bags and the letter, but the toast on the side tabelle and sat on the bed, Ginny looked up and threw herself at her best friend, Ginny loved Luna to but Hermione was the closest thing she had to a sister.

Nothing was said, Hermione just held Ginny, rocking her back and forth for a while, Ginny’s sobs subsided but neither girl moved after about ten Minuten Ginny sat up, rubbing her eyes. They only had about fifteen Minuten until class was to start.
“’Mione, we need to go and get our Class Timetables. C-Charlie will have them, Du know, being Head of house.” Hermione hugged Ginny one last time; she knew Ginny would talk eventually but for now she wouldn’t push her, the toast lay cold and forgotten on the floor, Ginny and Hermione picked up their bags, Ginny bent down, seeing the note on the floor, she picked it up, folded it and placed it in her bag. A few people were in the common room when they came down the stairs but Ginny just ignored them as they looked at her quizzically but she just walked past, her head high as if nothing was wrong but her face was a giveaway, her skin blotchy and Eyes just as red and puffed out as before.

When the two girls reached the great hall Charlie wasn’t sat in his place so they walked quickly to his office, through a door in the defence classroom. They knocked on the heavy wooden door, a muffled “come in” was heard. Ginny took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a Minute then pushed the door open, Charlie looked over, he was sat at his schreibtisch going over lesson plans, trying to stop himself getting angry about what had happened to Ginny so when he saw his Baby sister walk through the door Followed Von Hermione he stood up and rushed round to wickeln, wickeln sie her in his arms.
“Ginny, what happened, why were Du crying? Who was it?” Ginny pulled backwards out of his arms, craning her neck to see the face of her brother; although Charlie was so much older they had always been close.
“It’s fine Professor, I can sort it out myself, it’s my problem.” Charlie shook his head. But as Ginny sagte this she sub-consciously moved her hand to the front of her bag, like she was protecting it.
“Gin, as long as no other professors oder students are here Du call me Charlie. Du can to Hermione. But Ginny, right now I’m your brother, not your professor and you’re my baby sister, I know that notes in your bag, now either Zeigen it to me oder I will be Schreiben to mum.” Ginny’s eyes widened.
“You wouldn’t. I’m not a child anymore Charlie, I’m seventeen, I’m an adult!” Ginny’s voice was getting louder and louder Von each word. Charlie just stared, his Blue eyes meeting her Brown, they stood in silence, and Hermione stood near the door awkwardly. Finally Ginny sighed loudly, opening her bag and ripping out the piece of parchment, she handed it over to Charlie who started to read it, she stepped back towards Hermione, squeezing her hand, she rested her head on Hermione’s shoulder, her own shoulders beginning to shake.

Charlie had finished Lesen the note, it was crumpled up in his hand, and he was pacing back and forth in front of his desk.
“I’m going to kill him, bloody Chosen one, Great saviour of the wizarding world oder not, Ron, George, Bill, hell even Percy will probably help me to…” He carried on muttering, Hermione took a shy step forward, She’d faced Death eaters yes, but she knew what a temper the Weasley’s had and she didn’t want to be on the wrong side of it.
“Urm Prof- Charlie, I don’t really think Killing Harry is the best way to go about things and I don’t want to sound insensitive oder anything but Classes start soon and Me and Ginny shouldn’t be late, we left before we could get oder lesson Timetables, h-have Du got them?” Her voice was soft and quiet. Charlie took a few deep breaths before walking back around to the draws at his desk; he took out two pieces of parchment and gave one to each girl.
“There Du go; you’ve got me Sekunde so I’ll see Du soon.” Hermione nodded and thanked him, studying her timetable. Meanwhile, Ginny had put her parchment in her back, already having checked what she had next. Charlie grabbed her into another hug, stroking her long red hair; he then held her back Von her shoulder with one hand and wiped away her tears with the other.
“Gin, if Du ever need me, whatever the time, just come and see me, okay.” She nodded, kissed her brother on the cheek and then grabbed Hermione’s arm, pulling her out of the office, she linked her elbow around Hermione’s and they left, walking toward McGonagall’s classroom where they had Transfiguration first, they had nearly every class together.

Ginny’s eyes were still rather red and everyone they passed was staring at the two girls, they continued towards the classroom without a word, not really phased Von the looks people were giving Ginny, ranging from Curiosity to Pity. A group of people stood outside the door to the Transfiguration classroom, all waiting to get in, and as the door opened and people pushed and shoved to get in, wanting a sitz towards the back were they wouldn’t be as noticed Hermione smiled. She was home.
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