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posted by bakura1234
It has a PLOT! It has Subplots.It has several characters with depth.JK is not afraid to sacrifice the good guys. The characters aren't one dementional. JK researches her material, has good use of Latin and history within her books. Spells are named after Latin words and do what the Latin words do. Names of soem characters give hints as to what that character is such as Sirius which means Dog star, sterne for Mehr Albus which means White (pure wizard). Du can relate Harry Potter to WWII because of similarities Du could learn some history from the books.
Harry Potter teaches a good deal about prejudice and slavery with the use of different imaginative creatures (Which also required research to create) JK wrote a whole imaginative world that goes further then her 7 books. She thought about Mehr then Schreiben a story but created a whole world with information that never actually made it into the books. Twilight WILL fad out it is a fad and many Fans are on it because of the Bandwagon effect and because Robert Patterson is good looking But Harry Potter will be around forever The Schreiben is just better. Twilight is too predictable and thrown clumsily together. Harry potter is not predictable and JK Rowling ties all knots and Antwort all questions. Harry Potter teaches good values and relationships. There are no controlling abusive relationships and the hero can go one without their partner.
The female characters are strong and intelligent. Hermione doesn't NEED a boyfriend to be a strong good role model for girls everywhere
Harry Potter can be read Von any age group. Twilight is geared Mehr towards angst 15 Jahr olds.The characters in Harry Potter GROW, they grow with Du as Du read. The first Bücher start out fairly tame but mature as Du mature. I had the pleasure of growing with Harry I was 11 when it was released 19 oder 20 when it was finished. 95 reasons why twilight is BAAAD.
1. Bella is a perfect character (“Mary Sue”), which Meyer hides Von calling her clumsy.
2. Being clumsy is not a flaw if Edward always catches her.
3. She can’t do anything without Edward.
4. And when he leaves she attempts to commit suicide.
5. Meyer is living out her own fantasies Von Schreiben about Bella, who is clearly herself.
6. The Bücher aren’t well written, just because every other word is a fancy adjective doesn’t make it good writing.
7. All the rules Meyer sets for being a vampire are broken Von the end of the series.
8. Not only that, she breaks rules set Von Mehr esteemed authors.
9. The world population will come to an end because all girls who read this book will think they are Bella and will wait for their Edward to come until they are old. And he’ll never come.
10. Bella almost dies fifty thousand times, but Edward always saves her. This is boring.
11. Edward is too perfect and has no flaws either. Even Vampire should have flaws besides wanting to suck human blood because it’s natural to them.
12. The reason the Bücher became so beliebt is because Bella has no personality and any loser can put themselves in her shoes.
13. If Bella is so ‘plain’, why do so many guys fall for her within the first two chapters?
14. Bella teaches women to let the man handle everything, which pretty much is a huge step backward for women everywhere, who have fought for equality.
15. Isn’t it convenient that her father always leaves her alone and doesn’t Frage her? Real parents aren’t that way.
16. Lack of character development.
17. Bella is a useless, whining, doll that suddenly has become the idol for girls everywhere.
18. People say that Twilight is better than Harry Potter. Guess what? WRONG.
19. Edward is extremely possessive, border-line abusive, and boring as anything.
20. It’s too cliché.
21. This book contains no real sex, so it’s not really a vampire novel.
22. Read Anne reis - those are vampires, not the girly men that Meyer has created.
23. Du don’t have to describe the character every two pages, we know all about Edward’s ‘perfectly toned chest’ the fourth time she mentions it.
24. Bella reflects upon herself through the entire novel to tell important plot developments. Hey Meyer, ever heard of “Show, don’t tell”?
25. She never uses the word fangs in the entire book series, and it’s supposedly about vampire.
26. Her Vampire sparkle. Enough said.
27. Supposedly Meyer never uses the word ‘said’ in the entire first book, instead using breath.
28. There is too much face touching.
29. It’s predictable, and childish.
30. We read the entire series just to laugh at the stupidity of it.
31. Meyer can’t think of original names. The only original name she used was Rennesme, which is combination of two names and doesn’t count.
32. Vampire can’t get people pregnant. SPOILER!
33. Vampire baseball was just a disgrace.
34. People think Meyer is the best writer ever.
35. The plot drags on forever, when it really could have been completed in two books.
36. Wow, yet another ‘original’ plot of forbidden love.
37. Why is it called the Twilight Series if only one book is titled Twilight?
38. It’s too easy to mock. Go on Youtube, how many mocks on Twilight do Du see?
39. They use a drug reference in a book written for ten-year-olds.
40. Stephanie Meyer creates some interesting characters ie: Jasper and Alice. She then ignores them, and gives them no development.
41. Every Other Facebookbumper sticker is about Twilight/Edward. EVERY OTHER ONE.
42. Fangirls are so blinded Von their Liebe for Edward that they don’t realize the book is terrible.
43. Stephen King agrees that Stephanie Meyer can’t write ‘worth a darn’.
44. It’s stupid.
45. Bella.
46. Bella is Edward’s beard.
47. Meyer wrote four Bücher about nothing, really.
48. Straight men sparkle?
49. It’s teeming with grammatical errors.
50. Bella schwan means beautiful swan, which is horribly cheesy.
51. Edward Cullen is sparkly; crows like sparkly things.
52. Do any guys actually like Twilight?
53. If the first 200 pages of your book rely on the mystery of a character’s identity, don’t slap “First, Edward was a vampire” on the back cover.
54. There’s far too little actual conflict in the story. But this probably stems from having a flawless main character.
55. They fall in Liebe way too quickly and it seems fake because no one falls in Liebe instantly, especially teenagers.
56. They only Liebe each other because she smells good and he’s hot. There’s no other gegeben reason why.
57. It’s just not healthy to teach young girls that True Liebe involves the guy watching Du while Du sleep.
58. Edward is HOT. We get it.
59. She had only been in Forks for a Monat when Edward had been watching her sleep for two months.
60. There’s something disturbing about Carlisle turning only teenagers into vampires.
61. All Twilight Fans are insane, proved Von several responses to criticism such as… “What is your name, address and phone number, just so that i can track Du down ank kill Du with my super awesom vampire powers THAT I AQUIRED FROM Lesen THE SERIES!!!!!!!!!!”
62. And this… “do Du WANT a cult of angry twilight luvers like mysef at your doorstep at night trying to behead you????? Du shouldnt voice an absurd oppinion like this on the internet.”
63. And this… “you must have not read much good litterature in youre life, because if Du cannot appreciate the quality of this art…..YOU ARE MENTALLY UNSOUND!!!!!!!”
64. Isn’t funny how Twilight Fans can’t spell and use proper capitalization? Von the way,61, 62, and 63 are real quotes.
65. The reason Edward can’t read Bella’s mind is because she doesn’t have one.
66. T. Pain would totally win Bella’s herz and beat up Edward because he’s on a boat.
67. Edward hits on the school faculty to get out of classes.
68. We applaud Stephanie Meyer, as she’s got to be a rich woman Von now, having found her forte in the insane cult of teenage girls who go rabid over her writings.
69. Vampire vs. Werwölfe (isn’t that a Facebook application and such a original idea?)
70. There’s nothing worse than a Fan girl going insane over a fictional guy. It’s rather pathetic actually, so, um, yeah, get a life and keep Lesen those books, chickies.
71. This book was not worth the paper on which it was printed.
72. Bella has no goals and no future, her life revolves around Edward.
73. WWJTFD: What Would a Judgmental Twilight Fan Do? Answer: attempt to attack with the ‘cool vampire powers’ they gained from Lesen the series. Awesome!
74. Even if Du like the book, it doesn’t live up to its hype.
75. Edward is a good VILF, that’s it.
76. “And I cried numerous times upon realising there would never be an Edward in this world.” – quoted from Almuvira Anona on Yahoo Answers.
77. A hundred years difference = pedophile.
78. It’s a co-dependent relationship stripped down to the bare essentials. Girl: “I can’t live without you. I want to change myself to be with you.” Boy: “If Du leave me, I will kill myself.”
79. Stephanie Meyer must really be into pedophilia: first Edward and Bella, now Jacob and Renesseme? SPOILER.
80. New hot couple name for Bella and Edward = Bedward
81. Du may think Edward Cullen is smart and fast, but Chuck Norris could take him.
82. Bella’s only deep thoughts are, ‘Edward is so perfect. I Liebe him.’
83. The only reason I kept Lesen was to see if Bella could redeem herself Von getting over him.
84. Jacob, who didn’t abuse Bella and was nice to her, was dumped and she chose Edward. Hmm, masochistic much?
85. Ms. Meyer writes the way I did when I was twelve years old, doodling in my journal.
86. “It would have been much better if Jacob and Edward discovered they were gay: no sequels, no whiny Bella. Amen to that.”
87. Many people have enjoyed the making of this, many have helped with it too…in other words lots of people hate Twilight.
88. Du are allowed to have your own opinion, just like we are allowed to have ours. Get over it. Twilight Fans don’t seem to understand that though and attack at the mention of flaw in the book.
89. Light Yagami doesn’t approve of Twilight so neither should you.
90. “Cause it’s dumb.” – Zufällig Person on the Street
91. “It’s annoying as hell.” – Zufällig Person on the straße #2
92. Martin Luther would not have not have approved if the book was written during his lifetime.
93. Harry Potter could beat Edward any Tag with his magic powers.
94. It’s offensive to the entire human race, both male and female.
95. The book was so bad we wrote 95 reasons why we hate it.
added by bddh
Source: tumblr
added by Italktosnakes
Source: Whatthefawkes.tumblr.com
added by BB2010
Source: Zufällig searches
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added by NymphadoraXD
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added by peppergirl30
Now, look at this Beschreibung PLEEEASEE: I'm NOT trying to bash Twilight fans. I'm going to try and add the HP version too, but if it's already added then PLEASE don't hate me. Remember, I didn't make the video.
ignore the voices
added by BellaCullen96
Not for young eyes...
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
added by TeamSiriusBlack
Just like most of us, Craig is sick of Twilight.
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Source: exeters_tumblr
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added by mr-cullen
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Source: Breaking Dawn part 1 DVD
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Source: Tumblr