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Harry Potter oder Twilight Frage

Assistance is needed. Requisiten will be rewarded.

My English teacher is making my class write essays which are due Von Friday. The essay can be on anything. And it only has to be 2 pages long, in MLA format - skipping lines.
Anywho, I decided to choose a topic that would be easy for me to write about: Harry Potter Vs. Twilight. In exactly two pages, I'm going to write about why I think Harry Potter is a better read then Twilight.
Also, I fail (FAIL) at Schreiben essays (not my strength), so this is going to be a challenge. And when I write an essay, I always think I wrote something really good, but then my teacher gives me an F on it and I never fully know why. Maybe I'm just not meant to be a writer.
So, what I'm trying to say is, I need some pointers. What should I compare in the two series? In what order should I compare them (like, what should be in the first paragraph, then the second, third, so on)? I'm not trying to have Du guys write for me, I just need some ideas I can work off of. Know what I mean?
Thank Du for your time and effort! I'll give Requisiten if your helpful oder try to be a help! =)
I'll give Du guys Requisiten after I look over all of your ideas and finish Schreiben the essay
ThatDarnHippo posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
The hardest part of an essay is the starting and ending. Du need a strong starting sentence, and an equally robust ending.
GemonkDruid posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
 ThatDarnHippo posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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Harry Potter oder Twilight Antwort

tymple said:
ask how other people feel about get the magority. then put what Du trully think. maybe put a pic to get some actual numbers teachers like numbers. and make sure to Zeigen both sides.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
ThatDarnHippo posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
venvargie said:
Hmm. Well, why not take the most common arguemnets about the two and gor from there?

Like how silly twilight Fans think it has Mehr Liebe then Harry Potter. *shakes head and sighs* Why not start on proving that wrong and go from there? Sorry if I'm not much help. xD;
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
no, what Du sagte was useful. maybe when i'm done with the essay, I should post it on here. =]
ThatDarnHippo posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Please do! I would Liebe to read it. :3
venvargie posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Me too! :)
LadyLilith posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
LilRavenclaw95 said:
Well, I would maybe start with the most beliebt arguments. Characters, plot holes, and realism. And try and be as unbiased as possible; point out the positives of Twilight (though there are few XD) and not just all the bad things. Also, (if Du can find any, which I highly doubt), maybe add in some negative things about Harry Potter. That way, you'll seem Mehr fair!
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
Hmmm...it depends on what type of essay it is. If she's just stating something that is in her opinion and try and back it up, she can be biased. It's her opinion. =) If she can argue her opinion well then the teacher should like the essay.
LadyLilith posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Persephone713 said:
compare the plot lines, how the strength and depth of the characters impact society, what messages each series sends, ( this is a pointer- besides Harry Potter making kids read Mehr it has influenced and expanded their vocabulary and made those with glasses feel better about themselves.) Um..impact on culture is one destined to be a classic while the other is maybe a fad ( sorry, I had to say that). Um names of the characters- Like many of the names in Harry Potter come from flowers, Latin and the Stars. While Twilight I have no idea.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
The awesome thing about J.K. Rowling's characters and spells and other things is that they have roots. Another fault that I find with Twilight is that there seems to be no meaning behind the names oder anything.
LadyLilith posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
MadamOcta13 said:
What to write about: the origin of each series (the authors, how long it took for each to become a bestseller, ect.), the conflict between the two series (cover this lightly. Make it simple. Just say something like "Then the Debatte arose between the two books." Don't make it sound insulting to anyone). I'd make this your first paragraph.

Then give your opinion! Say your thoughts on: characters, plot, plot twists, villans, heroes, minor characters, ect. I know those are basically all tied into either plot oder characters, but there's so much Du can say about each!

What NOT to write: don't talk about the fans, the sparkley-vampire theory, and don't say something like "HP is so far out of Twilight's league. Why do those Twihards even try?" oder anything like that.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
"What NOT to write: don't talk about the fans, the sparkley-vampire theory, and don't say something like "HP is so far out of Twilight's league. Why do those Twihards even try?" oder anything like that." XD Damn professionalism.
LadyLilith posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
ryomaidol said:
In comparing the two series, why not make a timeline of how these Bücher and their authors progressed over the years (like J.K and Smeyer's movies, Harry Potter spin-offs like the Quiditch Trough the Ages, criticism, "Twilight the New Harry Potter," etc.)?
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
GemonkDruid said:
How about this, in order:

Comparing the characters

Comparing the plot

Comparing the ideas that the authors were trying to get across

... it doesn't necessarily have to go in that order, and Du can add Mehr stuff. Also, be impartial, not biased. Find good and bad stuff on both series, and express it.
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
LadyLilith said:
Excellent! :D I'm an English major at Miami University, so I would gladly help you. I actually Liebe helping people with their writing. XD

Anyway, Du could write about why Harry Potter is better than Twilight. The problem with that is (in my opinion), there are way too many reasons to Liste that Du couldn't really go in depth with. My suggestion is narrow down the topic of your paper more, oder choose a different topic regarding Harry Potter and Twilight. Some examples would be: how Du believe that J.K. Rowling is a better writer than Stephenie Meyer, how one of the characters from HP is a better role model than a character from Twilight (my suggestion), oder how HP teaches better lessons/morals than Twilight does. A good paper is taking a topic that Du can get into and analyze and discuss, but isn't too broad, and stays on task. Du can do the "Why HP is better than Twilight" one, but I don't recommend it. It would be WAY too broad a topic. Just look for something that interests Du that's a little Mehr specific and Du should be fine.

Also, textual examples are good. :D I know, I HATED using textual examples in high school, but they really can be your best friend. They help Du argue your point, and focus on what you're Schreiben about. Just figure out which HP book(s) and which Twilight book(s) Du will be using that should contain good textual examples for your topic, and then just skim through them, and write promising ones down as Du go. Du have to work them into your paper a certain way, and then talk about them after you've inserted them (in other words, Du can't put in a quote and then end the paragraph, Du have to talk about it and make your point). If Du need help with that, message me. :) Also, if Du include textual examples (which I suggest), Du should include a separate sheet of paper at the end of your essay that has your works cited (just to avoid accusations of plagiarism, giving credit to the authors blah blah blah).

And judging from how your wrote your question, your spelling and grammar isn't bad, so that shouldn't be your problem with writing. Your thoughts may just be too scattered oder something.

ANYWAY, if Du have the time, Du can write out your rough draft with the help that everyone here has gegeben Du and Du can send it to me and I can read it and Bearbeiten it. I have no desire to plagiarize it, I promise; I just Liebe helping people with their papers. When I'm done editing, I'll send it back to you, and Du can use whatever is suggested to help write your final draft. If Du don't wanna do that, Du can still contact me with any Fragen Du have. My E-Mail is ladyvampresslilith@yahoo.com.

Anyway, I know that was a lot. XD I hope I helped!
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
Oh yes, and I forgot! In your first paragraph, be sure to state what you're going to be Schreiben about (aka your topic sentence). That should help start Du off. And try ending your essay with it somehow.
LadyLilith posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
ravynflyte said:
:O Good luck on the essay!
Maybe Du could go to the "1000 Reasons Why Harry Potter is Better than Twilight" Board. There are a LOT of repeated reasons, but if Du start somewhere in the middle, Du can definitely find some great points. :D

Comparing the theme would be a very obvious, easy choice. A lot of Harry Potter themes can be found in Dumbledore's parts, so Du could look there. Especially in the "King's Cross" chapter of Deathly Hallows. Twilight's main theme is "Love conquers all" oder something like that.

DETAILS. Its a strong point that Harry Potter is full of small, but important details. For example, 64224 is dialed somewhere in the book, and that spells out MAGIC on a texting keyboard.

A huge reason that always comes up is that Harry Potter is Mehr realistic. Even though there are wizards and Werwölfe and all that good stuff, the events are still very believable. JKR has the guts to kill off many beloved characters: Dumbledore, Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Sirius... So many characters who we never expected would die. But death IS unexpected, so this is realistic. The only character that I can remember dying in Twilight is Iris, who died in a "dance" (NOT EPIC ENOUGH O__O). I think that it would have been a lot Mehr awesome if SMeyers killed someone like... Jasper oder Emmett oder someone.

Role models. This one kind of goes with the theme one, but its a little different. Harry Potter is a very, very, very, very good role model. Even though he acts hormonal sometimes, he is a "good" character. He has flaws, too. He doesn't live in a dream world. For example, Harry is not "hot" oder "beautiful", but his personality makes us all Liebe him. He wears glasses, can be foolish, arrogant, clumsy, stupid, temperamental, pms-y, and annoying sometimes, but these flaws make him real. Bella, on the other hand is FAR from it. THe sad thing is, Bella is supposed to be the perfect girl. I could take Twilight if everything was supposed to be happy and perfect. However, Bella is FAR from perfect. Even though she is described as being perfect, beautiful, powerful, calm, and responsible, her actions are the opposite. When Edward leaves her, she jumps off a cliff so she can hear his voice. When Harry leaves Ginny (She's a bit too Mary-Sue for me, but this is the best example I can come up with), she stays strong and understands why he needs to leave. Which is the best example here?

Okay. Sorry if this is a bit long. XD I need to go now cuz my hands are hurting really bad. Hope I helped! :D
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
No need to worry about it being long! Mine's right above yours, and I feel like I wrote a novel. XD
LadyLilith posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
"Twilight's main theme is "Love conquers all" oder something like that." I agree, but in a way HP kind of has the same thing. HP seems to mean the very essence of the power of love, however, whilst Twilight is really only about Liebe between a man and a woman (powerful, yes, but it can be superficial. And no one ever writes about the powerful Liebe between a mother and her child oder the Liebe between Friends until Rowling).
LadyLilith posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
And Ginny's very Mary Sue for me as well. Du could use Hermione as an example instead, who is a Mehr individual woman, and talk about the things she's had to go through with Ron (I Liebe him, but he was a total dick in the series to her sometimes). She was upset and hurt, of course, but she stayed strong and independent. She didn't pine after him and mope and jump off cliffs; she was pissed off and even sicced birds on him! I Liebe that about her. And then Ron left her and Harry in the Deathly Hallows, but they still had their happily ever after in the end. Their relationship was far from perfect, but that's what made it awesome.
LadyLilith posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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