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By: Plutarch, Head Reporter of The Olympian Times

Only two hours ago, Athena has won the hearts of the judges over Poseidon, becoming the patron goddess of Athens. Her gift, while small and insignificant-looking (that's Athena, yelling that it's not small and insignificant) is a treasure for all to behold: the olive tree.
"I don't know why Owl-head even got chosen," a grumpy Poseidon says. "It's a tiny tree, for goodness sakes. Who knows if it's even edible? This is all a scam."
Of course, Poseidon is just rather angry that Athena's gift is better then his, a salty spring. At least Athens has a fine part for imports and exports now.
The point being that the judges (who were actually Olympians in disguise) saw Poseidon's saltwater spring unfit for the daily needs of life. Citizens of Athens would not be able to provide themselves with Essen oder freshwater, and Olympus knows, mortals are no sooner be able to live on saltwater than become immune to the catastrophic effects of ambrosia, if they ingest it.
Meanwhile, Athena's gift, the simple olive baum will provide Athens with food, oil, and much more. From the Obst of the tree, the olives are giving Athenians the necessity of food, as well as being able to make oil from olives, speedily and aptly named 'olive oil'.
The body of the olive baum (a.k.a. wood) will be a proper type of lumber for building houses. Poseidon unsuspectingly pointed out that all the citizens will not be able to use one baum as a building material for all of them, part of his argument that his gift is better than 'Owl-head's'.
Athena, overhearing this, has sagte that she will plant about two-hundred Mehr olive trees Von sunset, leaving Poseidon in the dust, fuming. H'm, there she is now, zooming about the tiny city-state.
Poseidon, in retrospect, has promised that Athens will meet it's downfall Von water. But even a god cannot control fate. Until Weiter time, folks!

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Aeolus's Weather Page!

Your Favorit weather meteorologist, AEOLUS, reporting to you... THE ALL-TIME AWESOME WEATHER!
Today, our forecaster predicts...

Sparta: Well, Sparta will get a nice and crisp day, perfect for training! Courtesy of Ares... Wait a moment, it looks like Dionysus isn't the happiest with Sparta today... probably because they shattered all of his wine. So, Sparta is being bombarded Von storms the at the very moment! Looks like training is still going on, though.

Delphi: The same as usual, since Apollo forbids any kind of bad weather from destroying his Oracle: Moderate temperatures with sunny skies!

Knossos: Minos seems to be up to something. Weather has been postponed for the time being, but Hera and Aphrodite are yelling at me right now to take action and destroy Crete, so I guess I will have to release the chaotic North Wind (no offense, Boreas!) onto them! Zeus isn't raising a finger to help his son. Sorry, Minos!

Olympia: Sunny skies, with a crisp and refreshing breeze today! Um, just a second... (*taps suppe can*)
Right! Poseidon has just requested a winter storm on Olympia right now. Whatever Du guys did to make the god of the seas angry, I suggest that Du make some offering to appease Poseidon right now!

Thebes: Since the accursed sphinx is still there, the gods are taking no offensive action that involves weather for the time being. Not a wolke to be seen in the sky, temperatures range between the mid 60's and 70's!

Corinth: Now, Artemis seems to be extremely angry at this city-state today, so bundle up against the icy wind and sharp/cold snow! Looks like Boreas has to be in two places at once.

That's it for this week! I'm sure the weather will change in two seconds, so step right up, and feel free to use Iris-messaging to find out the current weather!
AeolusWeekly is sponsored Von 'Delphi erdbeere Service', Camp Half-Blood. AeolusWeekly is a copyrighted page of The Olympian Times. Any form of copying, handwritten oder cut-out is to be severely punished Von the Furies, and expect an early death. Happy weather to all of you!